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新疆喀什美食街介绍? 新疆美食有哪些新疆美食的做法?英文双语对照


新疆喀什美食街介绍? 新疆美食有哪些新疆美食的做法?英文双语对照




新疆菜大盘鸡一个 主料三黄鸡一只(约2斤) 辅料大土豆1个(量随自己喜好) 红椒一个 葱少许少许 姜少许 郫县豆瓣酱2勺 干辣椒1小把 花椒 八角 桂皮 酱油 啤酒 盐 糖 油 大盘鸡的做法步骤1. 鸡清理干净后斩成小块(某新疆孩子说俺剁的块太小了),用开水焯烫一下去除血水和脏东西2. 干辣椒切段,葱姜切片3. 锅里放两大勺油,油温热后放入花椒,小火炸出香味后捞出4. 放1大勺糖进去,快速搅拌使糖融化5. 当糖慢慢成焦黄色后,将鸡块倒入迅速翻炒6. 加入豆瓣酱、干辣椒和葱姜翻炒,并加入1小勺的酱油翻炒均匀7. 往锅里倒入啤酒没过鸡肉(啤酒挥发快要多倒一些)8. 加入两个八角和一块桂皮,大火烧开转中小火焖炖鸡肉20分钟(其间要开锅看下,俺是新手怕烧干锅,锅如果要烧干了就再加点啤酒)9. 土豆去皮切块,鸡肉炖至八成熟,加入适量盐调味,将土豆块倒入锅中翻炒均匀10. 继续炖15分钟左右,等土豆也炖熟了,加入切块的青红椒翻炒均匀即可出锅











大盘鸡 揪片子



炮仗子 拨鱼子



羊腰子 烤肠子


米肠子 面肺子


























One, does street of cate of assorted of Xinjiang noise made in coughing or vomiting introduce?

Because this cate circle is proximate railway station, also can call railway station cate the circle. This cate encircles the crossroad with road and across of 51 road of the Yangtse River (Yi plows big public house) for the center, to highway of road of river of pond of circumjacent join money, Yellow River road, Heilongjiang road, pass through the territory of a country, in this circle highway of pass through the territory of a country has not form cate market, the others is mixed 3 times the strange stand way inside it, classics all the way, waiting via 2 is cate street, road of outward and outspread warehouse channel north, with Tian Yi, 2 streets also be cate street.

2, the way that what Xinjiang cate Xinjiang cate has?

Chicken of Xinjiang dish grail advocate makings 3 yellow chicken (about 2 jins) complementary makings big potato 1 (the quantity follows him be fond of) red any of several hot spice plants 2 spoon do thick broad-bean sauce of county of Pi of a few of ginger of a few of a few of a green chili soy of cassia bark of anise of 1 small Chinese prickly ash. The behead after chicken clears clean becomes small (some Xinjiang child says my cut piece too small) , iron purify blood water and dirty stuff with boiled water scald 2. Dry chili is cut paragraph, green ginger section 3. Oil of two big spoon is put in boiler, chinese prickly ash is put after oil is tepid, the fish out after small fire fly into rage gives sweet smell 4. Put in sugar of 1 big spoon, fast agitate makes candy melts 5. Become brown color slowly when candy hind, will gallinaceous piece falls to break up quickly fry 6. Join thick broad-bean sauce, dry chili and green ginger to break up fry, the soy that joins 1 small spoon breaks up fry even 7. Chicken has been done not have into beer in past boiler (beer volatilizes be about to fall more a few) 8. Join two anise and a cassia bark, big baked wheaten cake leaves in turning, small fire stew stews chicken 20 minutes (meantime wants boil to look, I am the novice is afraid of burn dry boiler, if boiler wants to burn worked to add bit of beer again) 9. Potato flay stripping and slicing, chicken is stewed to eight maturity, join right amount salt to flavor, will potato piece breaks up into boiler fry even 10. Continue to stew 15 minutes or so, wait for potato to also be stewed ripe, the Qing Gongjiao that joins stripping and slicing breaks up fry can give boiler equably

3, table of Xinjiang cate article?

Xinjiang cate has characteristic cram food into one's mouth, catch a meal, the steamed stuffed bun that bake, play a brief informal note, grail chicken is waited a moment

4, does Xinjiang cate join in?

The grail chicken, steamed stuffed bun that bake, catch meal, oily tower child, the hotpot that bake, take an examination of complete flesh,

5, the cate of Xinjiang belt?

The barbecue that catch a meal plays a brief informal note, rice intestines, face lung child, san of chicken of hemp of any of several hot spice plants child, cool leather, rice leather, flag of hyacinth bean face, the steamed stuffed bun that bake, thin-skinned steamed stuffed bun, bursa pancake, cassock a round mass of food, the reins that bake, film of grail chicken hold tight, powdery soup oily tower child, pi Ya child, rice intestines, acerbity milk, ovine hoof, gallinaceous claw, powdery a brief informal note, hot leather, hot reputation, 2 child, intestines of horse of airing flesh Na Ren, dial roe, 9 bowls 3 child,

6, praise the cate sentence of Xinjiang?

Hotpot is strung together, make a person greedy get dribble, two lean lean are placing two fat, the flesh is qualitative delicious, fat and not be bored with; The hand catchs hotpot meal, there is gules carrot in the meal of golden color, color is bright, taste a mouth immediately the flavour blow on the face of hotpot and come.

7, praise is the cate of Xinjiang short sentence?

The barbecue that catch a meal plays a brief informal note

Film of grail chicken hold tight

Thin-skinned steamed stuffed bun toasts steamed stuffed bun

Intestines of horse of airing flesh Na Ren

Firecracker child dial roe

Chow mien of dry stir-fry before stewing 2 child

Hoof of sheep of Yang Xinyang liver

Ovine reins bakes intestines

Child of skin of tomato hot pepper child

Lung of rice intestines face child

San of chicken of hemp of any of several hot spice plants child cool leather

Powdery soup and 9 bowls of 3 alley child

Flag of face of bean jelly hyacinth bean

Card gas deserves to go up acerbity milk

Oily tower of oily balm crusty pancake child

Do not have the sheep that has married to slave

Little alcoholic drink drinks a few cups again

Absolutely and comfortable to heart nest child

The cate of Xinjiang belt

Do not eat you to must regret all one's life!

8, what does Xinjiang characteristic cate have?

Xinjiang grail chicken

Speak of grail chicken is a lot of more likely the friend knows Xinjiang grail chicken, this is a renown dish of Xinjiang, also be loved by most tourist place, a lot of go the friend of Xinjiang also is to take this course surely. Almost the presence that every city has grail chicken, the delicious degree of visible grail chicken.

Xinjiang bakes hotpot to string together

Barbecue strings together the impression in everybody in, often won't be become to do staple food to eat by us. But be being strung together in Xinjiang barbecue is daily staple food. This barbecue is strung together and our barbecue is strung together, different place is colluded with with respect to the barbecue that is us often is give priority to with lean lean, but the barbecue of Xinjiang is strung together often is a fat strings together a lean lean alternately so. Be baked normally with coal, can also now and then a few make a fire with wood bake make. Baking when making, can scatter on of all kinds flavor and flavoring.

Xinjiang noodles served with soy sauce

Pull a brief informal note to be become with drag of superior handiwork of flour knead dough. Deserve to go up again hotpot, tomato, chili, still have all sorts of vegetable collocation, taste feel happily dye-in-the-wood simply. Noodles served with soy sauce of too oily meat is the king that noodles served with soy sauce does not have crown

9, what does Xinjiang cate bursa call again?

The cate bursa of Xinjiang can be called Xinjiang to bake a crusty pancake again, this is a kind of particularly delicious cake.

10, does the cate of Xinjiang write a composition 300 words?

Which if ask I want to go most in home,travel? I reply none can hesitantly certainly: "I should go Xinjiang! " yes, I want to go as a child Xinjiang, often get online consult the data about Xinjiang. But, the view that you should ask me Xinjiang where to has beauty this kind of problem, I can not know. Because, I do not care what scenery, care the traditional cate of Xinjiang only. Respecting cate, I can have research greatly.

Now, I introduce the cate of Xinjiang to you! I am checked from the net, the food with the famousest Xinjiang is a grape. The grape of Xinjiang big glittering and translucent, in greenery foil below more appear of spirit of fresh and juicy. Pick to come down to be put in the mouth, the juice of a relaxed, Gan Tian fill oral cavity. I look at picture and data, saliva flows quickly. Actually, the currant that does with the grape also is very delicate. The earthy step that Xinjiang person puts fresh grape into a 4 walls to have small window is small in low room, ren Taiyang insolates, let the juice in the grape be inside short time by blot, currant with respect to make it. Besides the grape, the watermelon of Xinjiang also is one class club, every watermelon is emerald green verdure, be just as ablaze beryl. Incision watermelon, melon soil is red, let a person cannot help wanting to be bitten readily below.

Actually the fruit of Xinjiang is big delicious, besides laborious Xinjiang person and they leave to give fecund land n cultivated land, still that is full of " natural nutrition " sunshine, fruit people every day devouringly is being enjoyed " natural nourishment " , can you grow well? Should say cooked food, if you go Xinjiang, what cooked food can you think of at a draught? Right, that bakes hotpot to string together namely. Because Xinjiang has fecund green grass, make sheep people grow very haly, hotpot is very delicate also of course. When the hotpot that bake is strung together, xinjiang person is direct string together hotpot put on charcoal to bake, plus all sorts of condiment. This hotpot strings together me to had eaten, the person of Wei Wu Er that is Xinjiang does to Zhangzhou, absolutely and authentic. Baking ripe hotpot to string together is nigger-brown, pink resembles petty condiment the fine sand that is scattered on its body, and, be being strung together because of hotpot is put on charcoal to bake, when I sample, in the mouth besides have sweet sweet hotpot, still have game of a kind of inarticulate.

The cate of Xinjiang still has a lot of. For instance cantaloup, flat bread (the library is his) of what very delicate also. But, anyway, this also must be attributed to laborious Xinjiang person. Come, do you also like to go up the cate of Xinjiang?

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