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藏在胡同里的美食? 北京牛街输入胡同美食攻略?英文双语对照


藏在胡同里的美食? 北京牛街输入胡同美食攻略?英文双语对照








地址:牛街输入胡同27号预估人均:23元营业时间:周一至周日 06:00 ~ 19:00




地址:牛街输入胡同19号预估人均:77元营业时间:周一至周日 07:00 ~ 20:00

三、北京的胡同里 歌词?

北京胡同 歌词:弯弯曲曲的小胡同,有很多有很多弯弯曲曲的故事;弯弯曲曲的小故事告诉告诉我和你,……













四合院,老北京四合院:出现时间约400多年前,组合格局四面建屋,中心为院。是华北地区民用住宅中的一种组合建筑形式,是一种四四方方或者是长方形的院落。 一家一户,住在一个封闭式的院子里。 四合院建筑,是我国古老、传统的文化象征。“四”是东西南北四面,“合”是合在一起,形成一个口字形,这就是四合院的基本特征。四合院建筑之雅致,结构之巧,数量之众多,当推北京为最。



1. 平安里大街

2. 永定门内大街

3. 永定门外大街

4. 永康胡同

5. 三义庙街

6. 景山西街

7. 月坛北街

8. 景山东街

9. 太平桥大街

10. 月坛南街

11. 景泰街

12. 大观园胡同

13. 西华门大街

14. 珠市口东大街

15. 安定门内大街

16. 虎坊桥胡同

17. 新街口外大街

18. 西直门北小街

19. 三里河北街

20. 阜成门内大街




秀水河胡同,位于朝外街道办事处辖域西南部。南北走向,北起三丰胡同与盛管胡同相接,南至雅宝路,东侧与朝外二条平行,西侧与朝外头条平行。长550米,宽4~6米。原为土路,20世纪70年代筑沥青路面,为机动车、非机动车混行道。成路于清代。清代至民国期间,该地原有一条水沟,每到雨季排水不及,两侧民房被淹,故曾名臭水河。20世纪60年代初治理为暗河道,并将原地名雅化。居民以回族居多。路旁行道树为柳树,株距间种花灌木,两侧建有花坛,路容整洁。1998年拆除南段两边民宅,扩宽道路,建起高楼(京华豪园等)。2002年拆除北段西边民宅,现为空场。 [1]


One, the cate that hides in alley?

: Should say to hide hold office at court to be the same as li of cate to have to child barbecue: Still peach writes down pocket cake, still have king mother-in-law prawn, still have side of old Beijing fried bean sauce: Still have Beijing roast duck: The grilled fish of market day, universal the official of the day explodes chicken is fourth: Have distinguishing feature very much, still have the scamper gluten here, we here beef plays a side also is welcome one big characteristic: Her home hotpot is strung together, grilled fish bean curd, fry piece let a person eat to still think the 2nd bowl: Have you also come over to taste between .

2, strategy of cate of alley of input of Beijing cattle market?

1. treasure remembers store of a fermented drink made from ground beans

Old Beijing a fermented drink made from ground beans, already had 300 years of histories, have the effect that raises stomach, alexipharmic, clear temper, mark matchs Jiao Juan, pure Beijing flavour, not be everybody is drunk nevertheless get be used to! Unripe a fermented drink made from ground beans can be bought drink directly, a fermented drink made from ground beans that just had fermented can be answered a bit sweet, and flavour what also did not boil good is heavy, suit to just contacted the friend of a fermented drink made from ground beans.

A fermented drink made from ground beans that treasure remembers store of a fermented drink made from ground beans OK and direct drinkable, also can heat to be drunk again. The past that thick consistency compares drops somewhat, belong to the limits that can accept in.

Fastfood sort is very much also in inn, fork of bean curd of soft flesh of creak box, blast, a form of usury in the old society, pea flour cake, hemp, platoon, haw jelly, fry strawberry have everything that one expects to find, gram vermicelli made from bean starch is long boil not sodden. Sauce goods sort is very all ready also ~

Address: Niu Jie inputs alley 27 beforehand appraise average per capita: 23 yuan of business hours: Zhou Yi comes weekday 06:00 ~ 19:00

2. Niu Jie year remember Islamic cooked food

The sauce beef of his home, the flesh does a pine character, hydrous little, the practice is not scurvy, the flavour of old Beijing does not have a change, held old convention! The most important is, the food here is clean, eating to be at ease, the price special material benefit.

Sauce beef stews very tasty, taste soft sodden chew very easily, the flesh that flavor does not mask beef itself is sweet, beef quality is very great; Tasty of sauce ox muscle muscle path, taste what creak creaks is especially cool; Flesh of head of sheep of the five spices, taste salty weak moderate, connecting muscle peculiar chew interest, chew sweeter ~ more

Address: Niu Jie inputs alley 19 beforehand appraise average per capita: 77 yuan of business hours: Zhou Yi comes weekday 07:00 ~ 20:00

3, the libretto in the alley of Beijing?

Boreal jinghu is the same as libretto: Sinuate Xiaohu is the same as, a lot of have a lot of sinuate stories; Sinuate conte tells to tell I and you, ...

4, the libretto in the alley of Beijing?

Sinuate Xiaohu is the same as, a lot of have a lot of sinuate stories; Sinuate conte tells to tell I and you, each siheyun has to see insufficient picture; Each gate is closing to closing not to guess the mystery that go out, closing not to guess the mystery that go out. Walk out of high buildings and large mansions to go to small alley, in the story that walks into grandfather grandma, hear the recollection of old Beijing, deep and remote long memory.

The Xiaohu with deep shallow depth is the same as, a lot of have the topic with a lot of deep shallow depth; The small topic with deep shallow depth is recounted recount wind and rain, each big family has the song of harships of a classics; Each child is acting to performing a play like fairy tale, performing a play like fairy tale. Wear a flower Neon red go to small alley, walk out of sinuate old story, have a look at the beauty of new Beijing, glamour beautiful.

5, the cate of alley of Harbin Ga La?

Arenaceous boiler of Lou Zixin Xin resides water, spring pancake is fastfood, always auspicious is fastfood, flourish China fried chicken, glow wonton house, wu Gang gathers up the flesh, yin writes down cafeteria, golden Xin arenaceous boiler, bright bright arenaceous boiler, hot side of hemp of 2 elder sister, beef of former juice of bearing plant clear juice

6, is the person in Beijing alley nice?

The person is good person, the most in alley is Xiaonian light or old person, it doesn't matter is so bad

7, what does the door in Beijing alley call?

Flexibly the door

 The commonnest in Beijing alley door is " flexibly the door " . This kind of door is wall of the build by laying bricks or stones between advanced brim column, hole of mid leave a door unlocked or unbolted is resided on the wall. Doorcase of the installation inside door hole, doorsill, door leaf and adopt the component part such as bosomy stone. About the antecedents of the name, a kind of view is this kind of door often write on two doors hairpin " flexibly " 2 words and get a name, but also have keep other of lucky word, also have what do not write.

Because of,another view is content of its brick carve good fortune as one wishes of constant implied meaning, say so flexibly the door, but many flexibly the door does not have bricky carve. Because these two kinds of views are put in particular controversy. But this nevers mind, as long as no matter its have character of hairpin of the carve that do not have a brick, door,be the door that this kind of form makes how, be called flexibly the door.

8, what does the house in Beijing alley call?

Siheyun, old Beijing siheyun: Occurrence time is made an appointment with 400 old before, assorted pattern all sides builds house, the center is a courtyard. It is China north area a kind of combination in civil residence builds a form, be a kind 44 square or rectangular compound. , live in in enclosed courtyard. Siheyun building, it is our country's old, traditional culture symbolizes. "4 " it is all sides of thing north and south, "Close " it is to close together, form a buccal glyph, this is the main feature of siheyun. What siheyun builds is refined, of the structure artful, of the amount numerous, should push Beijing to be most.

9, is Beijing restful in what alley is there?

Beijing is restful in the area has a lot of alley. It is below a few among them:

1.Restful li of ave

2.Always decide the ave inside the door

3.Always decide door Wai Street

4.Always health alley

5.Street of 3 justice temple

6.Scene Shanxi street

7.Street of lunar world north

8.Scene Shandong street

9.Ave of bridge of peace and tranquility

10.The street austral lunar world

11.Scene peaceful street

12.Alley of grand sight garden

13.Ave of Xi Hua door

14.Bead city mouth east ave

15.The ave inside stable door

16.Alley of tiger lane bridge

17.Wai Street of new market opening

18.Xizhimen north small market

19.Street of 3 lis of Heibei

20.Mound the ave inside the door

Those who need a specification is, above is partial alley only, restful li of area alley is concentrated, a lot of have not list adduce to come.

10, a few annulus is alley of river of Beijing beautiful water in?

Alley of river of Beijing beautiful water is located in outside 2 annulus in 4 annulus, found a state apartment of the diplomacy outside the door, address: Beautiful water market 1. Alley of beautiful water river is a length is 550 meters, width is 4~6 rice, be located in outside be located in face street agency the alley of ministry of administer region southwest.

Alley of beautiful water river, outside be located in face street agency ministry of administer region southwest. Trend of north and south, alley of the 3 abundant since north and photograph of alley flourishing a canal receive, elegant treasure road reachs south, east 2 parallel outside side and face, on the west side and face out parallel. 550 meters long, wide 4 ~ 6 meters. It is earthy road formerly, 70 time build 20 centuries bitumen road surface, mix trade for motor vehicle, blame motor vehicle. Take the place of into Lu Yuqing. Clear Dai Zhimin during the country, this ground is original a ditch, every arrive monsoon catchment not as good as, two side a house owned by a citizen is wided, river of smelly water of reason Ceng Ming. 20 centuries are administered at the beginning of 60 time for dark wadi, and will original place name is elegant change. The dweller is in the majority with the Hui nationality. Wayside trade tree is willow, the flower is planted between spacing in the rows bush, two side are built have flower bed, road look is neat. Demolished 1998 south paragraph two people living on the frontiers curtilage, enlarge wide path, build a tower (garden of capital a person of extraordinary powers) . Demolished people living on the frontiers of boreal Duan Xi 2002 curtilage, it is empty field now. [1]

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