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1. **栖息空间**:为壁虎提供适宜的栖息空间,如玻璃缸、塑料箱或特制壁虎箱。确保栖息空间有足够的通风和遮荫,以及适宜的温度和湿度。

2. **温度和湿度**:壁虎是爬行动物,需要适宜的温度和湿度来维持身体功能。一般而言,壁虎适宜的温度在摄氏25-30度之间,湿度保持在50%-70%之间。

3. **饲料**:壁虎主要以昆虫为食,可以喂食蝉、蛆、小蟑螂等活体昆虫。确保昆虫是无毒且来源可靠的。壁虎通常每隔1-2天喂食一次。

4. **水源**:在壁虎的栖息空间内放置一个浅碟盛水,确保水源清洁并定期更换。壁虎需要喝水来保持身体水分平衡。

5. **观察健康**:定期观察壁虎的行为和外观,注意是否有异常迹象如食欲减退、体重下降、皮肤问题等。如发现异常,及时咨询兽医。

6. **清洁卫生**:定期清理壁虎的栖息空间,更换底材,清洗水碟和饲料容器,保持环境清洁卫生。

7. **注意安全**:避免使用化学药物、杀虫剂等对壁虎造成伤害,确保周围环境安全,防止壁虎逃脱或受到其他宠物的伤害。






















One, is green crab raised when pet raise live?

Green crab suits to be raised as pet not quite in the home. Green crab needs water area a future life to live normally, so if raise its the aquarium in the home or in cistern, need offers enough water system space and proper water quality to safeguard.

In addition, green crab still needs rich food source, include mixed feed, fish and shellfish to wait. Breed green crab to need certain professional knowledge and skill, raise a condition in order to ensure the surroundings of green crab is mixed to be able to get satisfaction. To the person without relevant experience, breed green crab to may compare difficulty. Accordingly, if serve as common pet to raise, green crab may not suit.

2, does pet App draw a sentence?

Accompany pet love reason, enjoy romantic life.

3, does pet come feed App?

Discovery belongs to the treasure App of the official that shovel excrement recently, bestow favor on fat fat App? I discover this accidentally when brushing nearsightedness frequency, did not think of download comes down to discover those who use it is good to still be held out really

The content inside is very rich, can communicate together with official of other shovel excrement and share the experience that raises pet, suit me quite Xiaobai of this kind of novice, can you learn the dried food that raises pet?

Vended several hours, return the pet translator that there is one each area inside discovery, also do not know to be used forbid definitely truly,

Be still quite amused anyway?

I discover it still has a very convenient function, it is OK online connection is bestowed favor on hold division in the palm to come him feed the pet in the home, suit the official shovelling excrement that I often am away on official business this kind to not be in the home particularly,

Need not also beg what the grandfather accuses a grandma to let friend take sb in again my home dog child?

Conformity is returned above it the businessman of a few pet of this locality, the opinion of a few consumer can see above, those who feel the businessman above this can search than oneself more rely on chart, and buy the favourable formula above to be able to save many money really

4, the App that buys pet?

Buying a pet App is Shanghai a limited company of science and technology of dwell phoenix network is subordinate online pet trades platform, company headquarters is located in Shanghai, held water 2018. Whole nation of online choose and buy deserves to send, let you never leave home can online choose and buy trades water flea of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of dog of feline Mi dog, bud of lovely dog cat bestows favor on cat of the grandma that suckle a dog to send excellent, open happiness is raised bestow favor on the life, buy a pet App to trade as an online pet platform, countrywide numerous cat abandons the assemble the dog abandons shop of pet of market of pet shop painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style to just be entered halt, cover the hundreds pet variety such as dog of dog of pet of pet cat Mi.

5, how is gecko raised raise gecko?

Raise gecko to need to notice the following:

1.** of ** perch space: Provide suitable perch space for gecko, be like aquarium, plastic box or tailor-made gecko box. Ensure perch space has enough ventilated with block shade, and appropriate temperature and humidity.

2.** temperature and humidity ** : Gecko is reptile, need appropriate temperature and humidity to maintain body function. Generally speaking, the temperature with appropriate gecko is spent in centigrade 25-30 between, humidity maintains between 50%-70% .

3.** feed ** : Gecko basically is with the insect feed, can feed feed the live body insect such as cicada, maggot, small cockroach. Ensure the insect is avirulent and origin is reliable. Normally day of every other 1-2 feeds gecko feed.

4.** fountainhead ** : A shallow dish is placed to contain water inside the perch space of gecko, ensure source of water is clean and change regularly. Gecko needs to drink water to maintain body moisture equilibrium.

5.** observes healthy ** : Observe the behavior of gecko and exterior regularly, whether does if anorexia, weight drops,the attention have unusual sign, skin problem. If discovery is unusual, seek advice from vet in time.

6.** of ** clean sanitation: Clear regularly the perch space of gecko, change bottom material, clean water dish and feed container, maintain environmental cleanness sanitation.

7.** notices safe ** : Avoid to use chemical medicaments, insecticide to wait to cause harm to gecko, ensure surroundings is safe, prevent gecko to escape or get the harm of other pet.

Raise gecko to need to be mixed patiently attentive, ensure offer good surroundings and raise a requirement aptly, in order to ensure the health of gecko and happiness. If have any inaccuracy,be decided or doubt, the proposal seeks a help to vet or the gecko culturist that have experience.

6, pet hairdressing APP which good?

Love bestows favor on a doctor, love bestows favor on a doctor is doctor of a pet online interrogation App, the pet doctor that has pet hospital is online seek advice, as the free and private doctor of pet, our aspire installs good doctor at making the peace of doctor of rain during springtime of pet bound.

7, have APP of pet medical treatment?

Have, "Love it is happy " there is pet medical treatment inside APP this one option, not only OK and online advisory doctor, still can tell you where recent hospital is. More a lot of love those who bestow favor on a personage to share boss to fall ill reach settle a case.

8, buy pet to go up which App?

App is very much ah, I love what it buys on happy App in that last time, and this software, it still has those who evaluate what, the commendation that can see others undertakes choosing the best little pet that gives his, what also can send a few pet is daily, record oneself little pet.

9, buy pet to go which App?

Love it happy App, pet market App, app of wave strange pet

10, does pet trade App seniority?

Pet trades the seniority of App

Bestow favor on brood of App is in the home,

App of small admire pet,

Pet market App,

Bestow favor on fat fat App,

App of wave strange pet,

Have bestow favor on App,

Pet treasure App,

Small App of its pet community,

App of adopt of be in sb's good graces

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