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A 麒麟 B 蒲牢

C 年 D 龙


A 大年朝 B 小年朝

C 顺星节 D 破五


A 吃饺子 B 迎财神

C 守岁 D 吃巧果


A 面对大门时,上联在左,下联在右;最后一个字仄声(三、四声)为下联,平声(一、二声)为上联

B 面对大门时,上联在左,下联在右;最后一个字仄声(三、四声)为上联,平声(一、二声)为下联

C 面对大门时,上联在右,下联在左;最后一个字仄声(三、四声)为下联,平声(一、二声)为上联

D 面对大门时,上联在右,下联在左;最后一个字仄声(三、四声)为上联,平声(一、二声)为下联


A 半盏屠苏犹未举,灯前小草写桃符。

B 萧疏白发不盈颠,守岁围炉竟废眠。

C 故乡今夜思千里,霜鬓明朝又一年。

D 几许欢情与离恨,年年并在此宵中。

6.王安石的诗中: 千门万户瞳瞳日,总把新桃换旧符。这里的“桃符”是什么的原始形式?

A 福字 B 春联

C 窗花 D 红包


A 贴春联 B 放鞭炮

C 乞巧 D 守岁

1. C 2. B 3.D 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. C




A.1只 B.5只 C.8只 D.11只


A.海豹岛 B.海象岛 C.企鹅岛 D.咕咕岛


A.暴龙 B.棘龙 C.三角龙 D.翼龙


A.毛毛 B.天天 C.阿奇 D.小砾


A.老虎钳 B.放大镜 C.多功能工具 D.钢索





































16:Captain Turbot/Mayor.Goodway




































A、乞巧节 B 小儿节 C 中元节 答案:C




A 嫦娥奔月 B 吴刚伐树

C 玉兔捣药 D 迎涛神说


A 悲欢离合 B 天气的好坏

C 凶吉的象征 D 身体是否健康


A 公历八月十五日 B 农历九月九日

C 农历八月十五日























Does essay question of Spring Festival gout reach the solution?

It is essay question of Spring Festival gout and answer below:

The origin of 1. fabulous Spring Festival, it is to drive one blames animal at first, people decorate with lanterns and streamers, put firecracker. Is this strange animal?

Cattail of A kylin B is firm

C year D dragon

2. presses the ancients view, at the beginning of good year 3 is this day called again what?

Face of off year of B of face of A good year

D of section of C suitable star is broken 5

Which is 3. archaic Spring Festival below is consuetudinary?

A eats dumpling B to greet mammon

D of C stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve eats artful fruit

4. is in our country traditional and consuetudinary in, the following is is the statement about spring festival scrolls correct?

When A faces an entrance door, the first line of a couplet on a scroll is in left, the second line of a couplet is in right; Oblique tones in Chinese pronunciation of the last word (3, the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics) for the second line of a couplet,

When B faces an entrance door, the first line of a couplet on a scroll is in left, the second line of a couplet is in right; level tone (one, 2) for the second line of a couplet

When C faces an entrance door, the first line of a couplet on a scroll is in right, the second line of a couplet is in left; Oblique tones in Chinese pronunciation of the last word (3, the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics) for the second line of a couplet,

When D faces an entrance door, the first line of a couplet on a scroll is in right, the second line of a couplet is in left; level tone (one, 2) for the second line of a couplet

The traditional red-letter day that place of 5. following line describes, is one when with its it differs 3 times?

Half Tu Su still did not lift A, small grass writes peach wood charms against evil before the lamp.

B desolate white hair is not filled with bump, stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve surrounds furnace to abandon Mian unexpectedly.

C birthplace considers a long distance tonight, ming Dynasty of frost hair on the temples another year.

D how much joyous affection and from hate, it is year after year in this night.

In the poem of 6. Wang Anshi: Day of pupil of 1000 10 thousand pupil, always change Xin Tao old symbol. Here " peach wood charms against evil " the primitive form that what is?

Spring festival scrolls of B of A blessing word

Red bag of D of C paper-cut for window decoration

Which option is the Spring Festival under 7. is consuetudinary?

A sticks B of spring festival scrolls to put firecracker

Stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve of C beg artful D

1.C 2. B 3.D 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. C

Does tearful team essay question reach the solution?

The first part: Choose a topic

1: Bark a few dogs always be shared in the team? (end to the four seasons)

A.1 B.5 C.8 D.11

2: What island is the beacon of adventurous bay located in?

A. Seal island B. Sea-ox island C. Penguin island D. Cluck cluck island

3: Which kinds of dinosaur does small gravel like most?

A. Tyrannosaurus B. Spine dragon C. Trigonometry dragon D. Pterodactyl

4: Which dog dog fears eagle?

A. Mao Mao B. Every day C. A Ji D. Small gravel

5: Is the tool with small the most commonly used gram?

A. Pincer pliers B. Magnifier C. Muti_function tool D. Tightwire

The 2nd part: Judge a problem

(answer rightly √ answers wrongly × )

6: Tearful team is fed up with Mao Mao.

7: The show share of small gram is very much.

8: Gu Wei's mayor can jump dog dog dances machine.

9: Bold Gedanni won't look for trouble daily.

10: Han Ding Na's mayor has the tearful group of edition of a pilfer.

The 3rd part: Problem of fill a vacancy

11: Bead bead number is () .

12: Germany (Xi De) be () .

13: English name of A Ji is () .

14: Patrol the driver of submarine is () .

15: Mao Mao fears () .

16: Adventurous bay and the match of the city end mist are by () come ump.

17: The deputy mayor of adventurous bay is () .

18: Grey ash is dog dog () contest the first.

19: Bead bead in after encountering Jackie, live in () .

20: In marine patrol, () the cap is to turning over those who wear.

21: In field task equipment, only () do not wear a shoe.

22: The breakfast that Lai heart eats is () of the card oaten.

23: Mao Mao is () the dog of breed.

24: () and () own two kinds of daily equipment at the same time.

25: Of first time eventually class comes to help is () .

26: The lorry of grey ash can be out of shape for () .

27: Most the dog dog of kongfu of meeting dog dog is () .

28: The tail of machine dog (point to after changing) be () lubricious.

29: Bold Gedanni once tried to leap () car.

30: Danny regards black ** as when sending express () took away.

The 4th part: Additional problem (brief answering question)

1 ~ 5: CACBD

6 ~ 10: XXVXV

11: 09

12: Pirate

13: Chase

14: Ryder

15: Pinnacled

16: Captain Turbot/Mayor.Goodway

17: Chicken

18: Choose the United States

19: Jackie's cabin / outstanding gram hill

20: Zuma

21: Tracker

22: Exceed dog Apollo

23: Barley Ding

24: Chase&Marshall

25: Chase

26: Tug

27: Marshall

28: Tangerine

29: 5

30: Golf


31: If place of invincible might series sees, still have Harold

31: Ask city of bottom of brief proof mist to be mixed besides Han Ding Na's mayor group of Mi of cat of piquant make trouble still has someone else.

Does flood prevention save oneself little common sense and answer?

1, the offerred pluvial information such as TV, broadcast mixes the basis to abandon structural condition from located already position room, sober choice evacuates the position. Avoid to appear " the person did not go, water arrives first.

2, recognize guide, make clear evacuation line and destination, because,avoid alarmed and go wrong.

3, the food that has enough fastfood food or evaporate boil enough edible a few days, prepare enough drinking water and commodity. The personnel that when the flood comes, has not enough time to transfer, should nearby is rapid transfer to and other places of hillside, well-set building superstratum, upland.

4, the personnel in slimy base room is when pluvial arrival, have not enough time to transfer, the floating material such as the expanded plastics that should look for bed of a few door plank, desk and chair, wood, chunk quickly plunges into balsa to flee for one's life. Unfavorable swim, climb housetop.

5, before the flood comes, the valuable that carries inconvenience makes underground of the embedded after waterproof bundle up.

6, if be surrounded by the flood when, want to try to get in touch with local government or branch as soon as possible. Report from already azimuth and danger affection, seek help of ask for help actively.

7, ten million cannot swim flee for one's life, cannot climb climb electrified pole, iron tower, be far from tilt pole and electrical wiring broken end.

8, be like already by flood of be involved in in, must capture as far as possible fixed or the thing that can float, search an opportunity to flee for one's life.

The essay question of life common sense that should children know 6 years old?

I will answer this question: The life common sense that children should know 6 years old

6 years old of children are accepting the education of the class before learning, namely the child of nursery school the top class in a kindergarten, be about to go up elementary school one grade. The child of this age already had endured the normal common sense of nursery school to teach, in domestic edification the education of education and nursery school falls, they should know courtesy, respect a teacher for instance, respect parents, do not fight not name-calling, abide the each regulations system of nursery school, hear teacher and parent " word " , discipline is defended in nursery school. Want to have good wholesome habit in the home, know to get up on time, brush one's teeth wash a face, retire for the night on time, do not be obsessed with TV. Person of the guest in the home falls in the guiding of adult, know say hello to to the guest. This is the life common sense that 6 years old of children should know.

Does the seventh evening of the seventh moon have award interlocution title and result?

, the origin of the seventh evening of the seventh moon. The seventh evening of the seventh moon is a festival, be to result from what folklore? The answer: Cowboy Girl Weaver

2, the festival that which nation the seventh evening of the seventh moon is? The answer: The Han nationality

3, artful traceable of beg of the seventh evening of the seventh moon which time? Answer: ? Defend?

4, what is the Milky Way that cowboy Girl Weaver holds back in fokelore: The answer: The hair clasp of king mother empress or imperial concubine of the first rank

5, a few children does the cowboy Girl Weaver in fokelore have? The answer: 2

6, the seventh evening of the seventh moon has a lot of another name, what do not belong to another namer of the seventh evening of the seventh moon below is:

C of red-letter day of children of B of artful section of A, beg is medium yuan of section answer: C

Does the another namer of the seventh evening of the seventh moon have: ? ⑿ of a low bank of earth between fields of Song of  of ⑴ of the Α on ⑶ of Song of look of ⑿ of cut up with a hay cutter of Hong of ⑾ of  to fold Home ⒗ " hill of Qiu of ⑵ of Guo Song of ┱ of  Song ⒋ ?

Does the Mid-autumn Festival have award interlocution title and result?

The fokelore that 1. is not the Mid-autumn Festival which below (D)

A goddess in the moon goes straight towards cut down of lunar B Wu Gang to cultivate

C thes Jade Hare-the moon the D that pound medicine greets billows god to say

2. is short of in archaic month circle and month use appearance commonly what (A)

The stand or fall of weather of B of A joys and sorrows

The indicative D body of C fierce auspicious is healthy

3. the Mid-autumn Festival is annual (C)

A the Gregorian calendar on August 15 B the traditional Chinese calendar on September 9

C the traditional Chinese calendar on August 15

The answer of the legal common sense in the life?

One: The legal little common sense in the life has:

If 1. is minor the child meets the person, guardian must bear medical treatment cost.

2, right of inheritance is equality of men and women, married the daughter that give not to forget parental bequest has a your.

3, if be broken by the flowerpot that drops from upstairs,hurt, can tell their governor court.

4, if commute,traffic accident produces in road, authority asks to enjoy inductrial injury treatment to place unit.

5, if be detained to charter of the amerce of the executive authority, revoke, administration,wait for behavior to refuse to obey, can apply for administration to reconsider.

6, if be passed by subpoena of public security mechanism or arrest, time must not exceed 12 hours, 24 hours must not exceed below special situation.

7, if not full 18 years old get the child also not a home to return to, must have education to the child, be about to assume corresponding legal responsibility otherwise.

8, if others lends you money, you must he gives receipt for a loan, and loan amount must great. (note: Litigant effectiveness for a given period of time is 2 years)

9, if want to protect oneself fellow other property, scarcely wants illicit set electrified wire netting or install poison to wait, await otherwise will be: Endanger communal and safe blame.

10, if you become defendant, did not entrust a lawyer because of economic difficulty again, people court can appoint the lawyer that assumes law to help obligation to offer law to help for you.

Supply the purpose that room examination questions and answer essay question clean?

Cleaning the purpose that supplies room examination questions and answer essay question is to ensure the quality of examination questions is mixed accuracy, assure to pupils are learning and reasonable evaluation and guidance can get in exam process. Make the case with in can preventing examination questions, appear wrong or too simple or difficult so, because examination questions is not exact,also can prevent students and be affected needlessly. In addition, it is OK also to clean the effect that the help evaluates education and raise education level, provide better education feedback and guidance for teachers. Anyhow, cleaning the purpose that supplies room examination questions and answer essay question is to improve educational quality and study result.

Did 3 knowledge essay question reach answer encyclopedia in March?

Go up Si section, common says in March 3, be Chinese ethical convention red-letter day, this festival is surely before in Chinese generation March the Si day of the first ten days of a month, secure later in the traditional Chinese calendar at the beginning of March 3. Si section is ancient time is held on " Fu divides bank bath " the mainest festival in the activity, people accompany goes by the side of water bath, call " Fu Xi " , after this added the content such as You Chun of wine cup of current of sacred banquet drink, music, outskirts again.

Antediluvian times with " the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches " age day, in March the day of the first Si of the first ten days of a month, call " go up Si " . "On Si " one word is collected the earliest in Chinese in the document first, " Zhou Li " Zheng Xuan notes: "The Fu when year old is divided, the Si on March is like the and so on on water nowadays. The Si on March is like the and so on on water nowadays..

After Wei Jin, go up the section of Si section period instead the traditional Chinese calendar at the beginning of March 3, friend says again " heavy 3 " or " in March 3 " .

Does the magical function of alcohol reach life little common sense?

Answer: ? Risk Ping to plant is  Ling  tranquil does bursa receive magnesium to have enough by  elaborate is burnt of ヒ of  of コ of fan of  grave  fourth?

It is OK that the oily drop of ball-pen uses wine to the dress erase, the computer clavier in the home, a bit alcohol can brush gush very neatly.

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