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bp意思? bp工艺?英文双语对照


bp意思? bp工艺?英文双语对照

















五、BP 含义?



1 全局bp和非全局bp是神经网络中两种不同的反向传播算法。2 全局bp的计算是基于所有样本的误差反向传播,即每个样本的误差对网络参数的影响都被计算并累加起来。而非全局bp则只考虑了当前样本的误差对网络参数的影响。3 全局bp的计算较为复杂,但能够更好地优化网络参数,提高模型的泛化性能。而非全局bp的计算较简单,但容易陷入局部最优解。4 在实际应用中,根据数据集的大小和模型的复杂度,可以选择使用全局bp或非全局bp进行训练。







bp是指基点 Basis Point(bp)用于金融方面,债券和票据利率改变量的度量单位。1个基点等于0.01%,即1%的百分之一。基点经常被缩写为“BP/BPS”。

基点 Basis Point(bp)用于金融方面,债券和票据利率改变量的度量单位。一个基点等于1个百分点的1%,即0.01%,因此,100个基点等于1%。



血压(blood pressure,BP)是指血液在血管内流动时作用于单位面积血管壁的侧压力,它是推动血液在血管内流动的动力。在不同血管内被分别称为动脉血压、毛细血管压和静脉血压,通常所说的血压是指体循环的动脉血压。









作为 bp 的员工,您的工作业绩会通过具有竞争力的报酬得到认可。 这不仅通过您的基本工资,同时也通过奖金计划 (variable pay plans)

和股票现金配对计划 (sharematch programme) 来体现。

您的基本工资是由您的工作范围和职责, 您个人对公司所作的贡献, 您给公司所带来的价值, 以及其它市场因素所共同决定。

bp 的奖金计划是由您所工作的业务单元来决定的。奖金计划向那些完成了个人及团队业务目标的员工提供了特别的奖励。我们的奖金计划和工作业绩紧密联系,

并反映了公司的业绩,所在的业务单元的业绩,以及个人的工作业绩。另外, 所有的员工都有机会获得'特殊贡献奖'(spot bonus awards)


根据您的工作职责和工作范围, 您也有机会参加bp的股票现金配对计划 (sharematch programme) 。

这个活动是为了使管理和股东的利益相一致, 从而增加员工对公司的主人翁意识。






One, Bp meaning?

The means Ban&pink of Bp

Ban is to ban used meaning

Pink is chosen meaning

Bp often appears in heroic alliance to ascend Moba kind in game game.

2, Bp craft?

The main characteristic of craft is to use distinctive immediateness the reactor of horizontal agitate bed that the piston sheds.

With this kind of distinctive reactor, because distributinging range of grain retention period is very narrow, can produce the copolymer product with tigidity and first-rate impact resistance. This kind is close to smooth push drifting reactor to be able to avoid activator short circuit. When ethylene exists, can generate big grain copolymer, is not to be in all get together fine noodles or vermicelli made from bean or sweet potato starch is made inside content grain, these fine pink will reduce the microtherm impact strength of copolymer, form needless colloid. Accordingly, it is OK that reaction retention period distributings implementation is used many mix reaction boiler to all get together completely the requirement of the Gao Kangchong copolymer that reactor ability produces. Additional, because this kind of distinctive reactor is designed, the product bridging time of this craft is very short, the excessive time of theoretic product wants shorter than successive agitate reactor or fluid-bed reactor 2/3, product switch is consequently easy, transfer the product is very few.

3, Bp skill?

The hero that used hero makes instead (like what anxiety Ji Shouyao ah can consider) , the hero that single asks to be able to get used to all battle arrays almost, or before 3 heroes can create a system almost


secondhand Bp is about to look on should go toward wh which direction (ban a ghost millet a surname to capture Mo Xie of tiger able person for instance ah the) of what, or battle array of one's own side (for instance oneself here accuse to ban a piscine) more, hind two are chosen basically look how to be aimed at on with him aggrandizement

4, BP abbreviation?

BP is the term of a match of DOTA2 of electronic athletics game, it is the abbreviation of BAN/PICK. BAN meaning is used to ban, PICK is choose.

In captain mode, match both sides needs to pass a certain number of annulus ban 5 heroes that use and pick to enter the court finally certainly. Every time BP is play chess of a rich, good BP is triumphal half namely.

MOBA game, one word of Ban points to ban with appoint a hero, pick appoints a hero for the choice, it is for example in some match, some player Ban dropped some hero, those who point to is some player is banned used some hero, and anybody cannot choose this hero below this showing number, and see some player Pick again some hero, those who point to is some player chose this hero below this showing number, affirmed this hero is in this field this access, and do not allow someone else to use this hero, have be opposite temporarily the access of this hero.

5, BP meaning?

My answer is BP it is to point to white go whoring, network popularity word, the earliest it is to point to do not eat to money " eat of Xiang Yu the Conqueror " one word evolves into white go whoring and come, hind popularity is encircled at rice group, game. The meaning loves a beans not to spend money for him however for the meal, do not buy special not to buy periphery not to see a concert do not buy movie ticket, enjoy the person of someone else resource again however. Hind the action that generally refer to of extend the meaning demands other resource freely.

6, global Bp and the distinction that are not global Bp?

Bp of 1 overall situation and Bp of blame overall situation are two kinds of different retrorse transmission algorithm in nerve network. The computation of Bp of 2 overall situation is to be based on the error of all example to travel reversely, namely the error of every example is calculated to the influence of network parameter and cumulative rise. The error to network parameter impact that Bp of overall situation of and rather than considered current example only. The calculation of Bp of 3 overall situation is relatively complex, but can optimize network parameter better, the extensive that increases a model turns performance. The calculation of Bp of overall situation of and rather than is simpler, but be immersed in local and optimum solution easily. 4 in applying actually, of the size according to data set and model complex degree, can choose to use global Bp or be not global Bp to undertake training.

7, Bp unit computation?

Bp points to two kinds of different units, it is chemical unit and economics unit respectively:

1, Bp: Phosphor changes boracic chemical style

Bp (the chemical style that phosphor changes boron) show phosphor changes boron commonly, phosphor changes boron (BP) is the inorganic compound that comprises by boracic element and phosphorous element, belong to material of a kind of semiconductor. Pure phosphor changes boron is transparent almost, n- crystal is orange red, however P- is wine however.

Phosphor changes boron and boiling thick acerbity or alkaline solution not to produce reaction, can be in of warm-up hind and melt alkaline (for example hydrogenous oxidation natrium) produce reaction. Phosphor changes boron to expose can be able to bear or endure below in 1000 ° C in air oxidation, and can react with chlorine in left and right sides of 500 ° C, high pressure falls to still can maintain the stability of compound in 2500 ° C.

2, Bp: Economics noun: Base point

Bp is to point to base point Basis Point (Bp) use at financial side, bond and bill interest rate change variable magnanimity unit. A base point is equal to 0. 01% , namely 1% of 1% . Base point often is by abbreviate " BP/BPS " .

Base point Basis Point (Bp) use at financial side, bond and bill interest rate change variable magnanimity unit. 1% what a base point is equal to a percent, namely 0.01% , accordingly, 100 base point are equal to 1% .

8, is BP what?

BP is to point to blood pressure

Blood pressure (Blood Pressure, BP) it is the action when showing blood flows inside blood-vessel the lateral pressure at wall of unit area blood-vessel, it is the power that urges blood to flow inside blood-vessel. Be parted to call arterial blood pressure, blood capillary to press inside different blood-vessel with vein blood pressure, the blood pressure that says normally is the arterial blood pressure that points to systematic circulation.

The measurement technique of blood pressure includes to measure law and indirect method of measurement directly: ① measures a way directly is the long conduit that has dissolve anti-coagulants, classics skin puncture sends vessel to aorta, conduit and pressure sensor join, show blood pressure directly. This law achieves kind to have, apply to certain and special situation only. ② indirect method of measurement namely sleeve leads pressurization way, measure with tonometer. Tonometer has mercuric pillar, spring and electronic tonometer. Indirect method of measurement is simple easy travel, it is current clinical the method that goes up to apply extensively.

9, BP chip utility?

The effect with main BP is send and accept all sorts of data, mix namely communication be closely bound up, the DSP in BP realized consultative algorithm, undertake making up decipher to data, the CPU in BP is responsible cooperative control and base the communication of station and AP.

Of the machine of adversary of module of power source management in BP bide one's time time has very big effect, because the Cpu of most time BP should be in Idle condition, every other just is opened for some time examine Pagingchannel to go up to whether call is entered.

Additional, SIM module also is direct with BP photograph connective, the operation that blocks to SIM also has through BP.

10, structure of Bp firewood fulfil?

Petroleum Company has Bp the system of first-rate firewood fulfil pay inside course of study, in Bp the firewood fulfil pay of Petroleum Company can be divided for 3 component, one is base pay, one is float bonus, still having is Bp together the distinctive welfare system of Petroleum Company.


As the employee of Bp, your working outstanding achievement can pass the pay that has competition ability to get admissive. This passes your base pay not only, also plan through bonus at the same time (Variable Pay Plans)

Plan with stock cash conjugate (Sharematch Programme) will reflect.

Your base pay is by your working limits and duty, your individual is contributed to what company place makes, you give company place brought value, and place of other market element decides jointly.

The business unit that works by you will decide the bonus plan of Bp. The employee that bonus planned to achieve individual and group business goal to those offerred special money reward. Our bonus plans and working outstanding achievement is contacted cheek by jowl,

Reflected the outstanding achievement of the company, the outstanding achievement of the business unit of the place, and working outstanding achievement of the individual. Additional, all employee have an opportunity to obtain ' '(spot Bonus Awards of special contribution award)

, this is a kind of award of the contribution of employee individual or pair of groups.

According to your working duty and working limits, the stock cash pair that you also have an opportunity to attend Bp plans (Sharematch Programme) .

This activity is to make the interest photograph of management and partner consistent, add employee thereby the master consciousness to the company.

Our pay material benefits is below is basic form:

Base pay, cash of conjugate of bonus, float bonus, performance bonus, special contribution bonus, stock plans end of the year, state law provides welfare, our basis, offerred very good welfare for employee,

Make have competition ability extremely in course of study of person of the same trade.

A few welfare that we offer for employee are below: Holiday of accumulation fund of insurance of medical treatment of insurance of medical treatment of social endowment insurance, society, additional business, housing, unemployed insurance, public / New year holidays / sick leave, employee club.

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