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1. 飞机:从长治机场乘坐飞机到合肥新桥国际机场,再转乘飞机到黄山屯溪机场。然后从机场出发可以选择打车或者乘坐公共交通工具到达黄山风景区。

2. 高铁:从长治乘坐高铁到合肥南站,再转乘高铁到黄山北站。然后从黄山北站可以选择打车或者乘坐公共交通工具到达黄山风景区。

3. 长途汽车:从长治汽车站乘坐长途汽车到黄山市汽车站。然后从汽车站可以选择打车或者乘坐公共交通工具到达黄山风景区。


1. 长治市区出发,乘坐火车或长途客车前往合肥。大约需要7-8小时的车程。

2. 抵达合肥后,可以选择在合肥市区休息一晚,探索合肥的名胜古迹,如合肥包公祠、合肥老街等。

3. 第二天早上,从合肥乘坐火车或长途客车前往黄山。从合肥到黄山的车程大约需要2-3小时。

4. 抵达黄山后,可以选择住在山脚下的杭州或者黄山市区附近的酒店。然后可以乘坐公共汽车或出租车前往黄山风景区。

5. 在黄山风景区,可以选择步行或乘坐缆车上山。在山上可以欣赏到壮丽的山景,参观云谷寺、大观云台、莲花峰等著名景点。

6. 建议在山上住宿一晚,可以欣赏到黄山的美丽日出景观。山上有多家宾馆可供选择。

7. 第二天,可以继续游览黄山其他景点,如光明顶、天海、仙人桥等。

8. 游览完黄山后,可以乘坐火车或长途客车返回合肥或者其他目的地。



Long treat too strategy of travel of travel hill big gorge?

The answer is as follows, long treat city to arrive too travel hill big gorge, can choose to swim with the group or drive oneself swim, perhaps go freely, if yourself goes Lt, can sit in passenger transport west station 201 crock close prefectural → to grow the bus that orders city to arrive at crock to close prefectural station, the bus car that takes to big gorge again arrives namely, drive oneself swim change, town of navigation big gorge can reach big gorge town, seek advice from common people again, 3 kilometers reach the scene area of 8 springs gorge.

Long treat too strategy of transportation of travel hill big gorge?

The answer is as follows, long treat passenger transport center can sit on the west public transportation 2 arrive bridge north, the bus takes across after getting off 10 cars arrive too travel guesthouse, take 201 to crock to close prefectural station again, in crock station closing a county takes the car of big gorge to be able to arrive to go up greatly. Perhaps be in passenger transport center takes 201 to crock to close prefectural station directly on the west, the car that involves prefectural station to sit to big gorge from crock can.

Strategy of travel of bamboo hill big gorge?

Hair of the brook after Qing Zhushan results from provincial scenery scenic spot pointed southwest of hall of Ou Shuangmiao pointed horn thes foot of a hill or mountain, via village of wooden either end of a bridge, cross hinterland of green bamboo village to enter Zun Xi, the Jiang Shui that belong to Ou is. Gorge two side hill is tall abrupt, forest is rising and falling, group hill is continuous lofty is grand, with brook bottom opposite fall is amounted to 400, 500 meters, gradient is in 78, 80 ° , make an appointment with 10 kilometers endlong. There is place already inside gorge, have pebble again flood land fine water floods drifting scene, still have a place difficult of access that lofty of odd form megalith stands tall and upright. Deep and serene gorge and vast tall difference brought up the rich landscape folding water inside scene area, the chute with the different on any account inside gorge reachs 10 much point, provide most have the tourist attraction such as 3 hole of big pool door, screw, representatively.

Zhejiang saves Hong Lin of agronomist of farming division courtyard to teach explore to come when gorge of the brook after hill, weigh its " the Shi Zhijun of wonderful, cliff of the waterfall of abstruse, pool of gorge the Xu Li of the spruce appearance of strange, forest, scene, can but the Ling Feng that with Zhang Jia li of gallery of the bound, wild goose swings hill is rivalled " .

Long treat too travel hill big gorge?

Long treat the urban district to arrive too the course that I recommend the sentence of travel hill big gorge is, arrive first boreal stone chamfer, grow the swift passage that treats crock to close a county from boreal stone chamfer next, arrive at crock to close a county to walk out of a county southward all the way later, what go long to manage Henan forest administrative division next is long forest highway, have all the time all the way guide show a card to indicate you how to arrive too beauty spot of travel hill big gorge.

How to go does big gorge of Monarch Yao hill drift scene area travels?

Go big gorge of Monarch Yao hill drifts scene area can take following and public transportation line:

Liu San general merchandise 3 precious seed (public transportation station) 3 kilometers

Luo river - Luan Chuan

The crossing that welcome guest (public transportation station) 3 kilometers

Fleabane county - Nanyang

Temple closing the Supreme Being (public transportation station) 3.3 kilometers

Fleabane county - Nanyang

Yao Shan is pressed down (public transportation station) 3.4 kilometers

Fleabane county - Nanyang

Beautiful and manorial (public transportation station) 3.4 kilometers

Fleabane county - Nanyang

Entrance ticket of big gorge of Monarch Yao hill?

Price of entrance ticket of float of big gorge of Monarch Yao hill: Adult ticket is 140 yuan, open time: 12:00-16:00, seaborne reach is full-length 9 kilometers, fall 150 meters, river water is rapid, alarmingly dangerous is exciting, seaborne time about 4 hours. Yaoshandi bleachs entrance ticket price: Adult ticket is 98 yuan, open time: 12:00-15:00, yaoshandi floats to make an appointment with 8 kilometers endlong, fall 209 meters, the widest place 50 meters, the narrowest place only 2 meters, seaborne time makes an appointment with 3 hours.

Area of big gorge scene is located in Yao Shan Henan is provincial near 311 nations line, big gorge of hill of person of original name stone is seaborne, in April 2009 more the name is Yao Shan big gorge to drift, be located in Henan to save Yao Shan of rash hill county to press down Yao Shan national emphasis beauty spot. Seaborne river end length makes an appointment with 9 kilometers, light green of coastal Shan Qing, shed paragraph difference to amount to 150 meters, flow is rapid, seaborne time about 4 hours.

Area of big gorge scene is located in Yao Shan Henan is provincial near 311 nations line, big gorge of hill of person of original name stone is seaborne, in April 2009 more the name is Yao Shan big gorge to drift, be located in Henan to save Yao Shan of rash hill county to press down Yao Shan national emphasis beauty spot. Seaborne river end length makes an appointment with 9 kilometers, light green of coastal Shan Qing, shed paragraph difference to amount to 150 meters, flow is rapid, seaborne time about 4 hours.

Does Jincheng arrive too does travel hill big gorge drive travel strategy oneself?

     Jincheng: Start, freeway length advance, hill awaits a freeway, enter hill ooze line, enter S225, enter ignore east line, enter Shi Fu line, terminal () .

     Crock big gorge of Guan Taihang hill: Collect hero, strange, high, beautiful at an organic whole too crock of travel hill big gorge closes paragraph, be located in the long crock that order city to close prefectural churchyard. Scene area is main with gorge of the five fingers, dragon spring gorge, Wang Mang gorge 3 big gorge are comprised, series connection is black dragon pool, violet round hole, true gorge of slope of bowel of lustre palace, sheep, ormosia, 8 springs gorge, Qing Longxia, crossover, 10 thousand Fosan, 18 dishes wait many tourist attractions were formed vigorous and firm and gallant too travel hill.

Change strategy of travel of plum hill big gorge newly?

Plum hill big gorge is apart from change a county newly to make an appointment with 60 kilometers, set out from the county roughly distance of 1 many hours. Whole journey communication is easy, arrived after lukewarm pond town, walk along the country line that arranges 8-9 kilometer to arrive namely toward northeast direction again. Place of navigation of past of proposal open navigation is " lukewarm pond town founds an army village " , remember must not navigation is become " area of travel of Mei Shan big gorge " , went up to hill to navigation directly likely otherwise. The proposal tours a line: Go down brook of country way edge, see gorge cliff, visit gorge of oily brook river by boat, reach Yang Hongyan power station, be arranged and fall, visit sit bridge of harships of stone countryside Yang Hongyan, bridge of pool of hundred years dragon is visited again when return.

Does Shang Qiu drift to big gorge of Monarch Yao hill how many kilometer?

It is 300 kilometers left and right sides about. You can choose to multiply take the bus or go to before the train. If choose to take a car, can pass a freeway before the country, perhaps go to, need the car Cheng of 4-5 hour about.

If choose to take the train, can take the train to reach mesa city first, turn to head for area of scene of float of big gorge of Monarch Yao hill by public traffic tool again next. Specific traffic line and time can be mixed according to your ground setting out the choice of vehicle undertakes adjustment.

Long control route of strategy of yellow hill travel?

Long ordering city is to be located in Shanxi to visit a mid town, and Huang Shan is a when be located in city of yellow hill of the Anhui province famous beauty spot. From grow the travel route that controls Huang Shan to be able to choose way of the following kinds of traffic:

1.Plane: From long treat the airport to take a plane to arrive Hefei new bridge International Airport, turn to reach airport of brook of yellow mountain village by plane again. Set out from the airport next the choice takes a taxi or can take public traffic tool to reach yellow hill beauty spot.

2.Gao Tie: From long treat take Gao Tie to arrive south Hefei station, turn to stand to yellow hill north by Gao Tie again. Can choose take a taxi or take public traffic tool to reach yellow hill beauty spot from station of yellow hill north next.

3.Long-distance car: From long treat a station to take long-distance car to reach Huang Shan city station. The choice takes a taxi or can take public traffic tool to reach yellow hill beauty spot from the station next.

During Huang Shan travels, can see the famous tourist attraction of area of yellow mountain the highest peak in a mountain range, peak of peak of the Dou Feng that be like a day, lotus, fish of a huge legendary turtle. Still can take telpher head for the tourist attraction such as Yun Gu temple, Ci Guangge. Additional, still can grow in order to head for treat the travel course between Huang Shan to be as follows:

1.Long treat the urban district to set out, take the train or intercity bus to head for Hefei. Need the car Cheng of 7-8 hour about.

2.After arriving at Hefei, can choose to rest in Hefei urban district one evening, explore the famous places and historical sites of Hefei, if Hefei includes old market of fair ancestral temple, Hefei,wait.

3.The following day in the morning, take the train or intercity bus to head for Huang Shan from Hefei. Need 2-3 hour about to car Cheng of Huang Shan from Hefei.

4.After arriving at Huang Shan, can choose the hotel near urban district of yellow perhaps hill. Can take bus or taxi to head for yellow hill beauty spot next.

5.In yellow hill beauty spot, can choose to walk or take telpher on hill. Gallant hill respect can be enjoyed on hill, the famous tourist attraction such as peak of stage of cloud of temple of visiting cloud cereal, grand sight, lotus.

6.The proposal lodges on hill one evening, can admire beautiful sunrise landscape of Huang Shan. There is much home guesthouse to be able to offer an alternative on hill.

7.The following day, can continue to visit Huang Shan other tourist attraction, wait like bridge of sea of bright top, day, celestial being.

8.After visitting Huang Shan, can take the train or intercity bus to return Hefei other perhaps destination.

Sweet clew: Before heading for Huang Shan, had better examine weather forecast ahead of schedule, reasonable arrangement journey, carry appropriate baggage and equipment, ensure the safety of journey is mixed successful.

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