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简介: 启翔大自然国际旅行社(重庆)有限公司成立于2011年4月20日,注册地位于重庆市江北区大石坝街道盘溪路21号附4号。

法定代表人为陈兴全,经营范围包括许可项目:旅游业务。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以相关部门批准文件或许可证件为准) 一般项目:旅行社服务网点旅游招徕、咨询服务;旅游开发项目策划咨询;信息咨询服务(不含许可类信息咨询服务);会议服务;展览展示服务;承办经批准的文化交流活动;汽车租赁(不得从事出租客运,道路客货运输经营)。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)展开



1. 张家口市青龙旅游服务中心:成立于1987年,是张家口市旅游局直属的国营旅行社,主要经营线路覆盖北京、天津、河北等地,并且拥有一支专业的导游队伍。

2. 张家口市雅兴旅游有限责任公司:成立于1996年,是一家专业从事旅游包车、景区门票、酒店预订、机票预订等各类旅游业务的旅行社。

3. 张家口富华旅行社有限公司:成立于2004年,是一家多元化旅游企业,业务涉及旅游线路策划、出境自由行、国内自由行、商务考察、会议接待等,同时还拥有自己的旅游客车。






































One, how is dumpling of nature of Zhang Jia mouth resided?

His home dish is savoured so that say gigantic without bully delicious, that food volume arrives greatly simply hyperbole, basin of wool blood flourishing is bigger than two my faces, full is to expect

Price is very likely, weight is full, 3 people nod enough, and flavour is very good, a lot of free snacks, when can waiting for dish, oneself are being taken eat, very marvellous

2, travel agent of international of nature of Xinjiang Kang Hui how?

Very good, above all Kang Hui travel agent is the whole nation's well-known travel company, every place has company of Kang Hui travel, spread all over countrywide size city, there are a lot of travel product lines inside APP tiring-room, diversity of line of the products, can let plan attune give client introduction very well, next Kang Hui travel agent has fixed administrative pattern, so subsidiary, branch, ask strictly according to the company, sale him travel agent is in-house product.

3, address of firm of nature travel agent?

Road of street Pan Xi adds dam of big stone of area of north of Chongqing city river 21 numbers 4

Brief introduction: Open circle in the air nature international travel agent (Chongqing) limited company held water on April 20, 2011, register the ground to be located in dam of big stone of area of north of Chongqing city river road of street Pan Xi adds 4 21 numbers.

The legal representative is Chen Xingquan, scope of operations includes to allow a project: Tourism Wu. (the item that needs classics approval lawfully, sectional approval is rear related classics can develop management activity, specific management project allows with relevant section approves a document or permitting certificate to be) average project: Site of travel agent service travels catchpenny, advisory service; Travel develops project plan to seek advice; Information seeks advice from a service (do not contain permit kind of information to seek advice from a service) ; The conference serves; The exhibition shows a service; Undertake to communicate an activity via the culture of approval; The car is rented (must not be engaged in rental passenger transport, road guest freight is defeated manage) . (outside removing the item that needs classics approval lawfully, develop management activity independently lawfully by business charter) spread out

4, Zhang Jia mouth which travel agent is best ~ ?

It is Zhang Jia below buccal city has relatively famous a few spent travel agent:

1.Service center of travel of green dragon of city of Zhang Jia mouth: Held water 1987, it is the state-operated travel agent of directly under of piece of bureau of tourism of city of members of a family, main management line enclothes and other places of Beijing, Tianjin, Heibei, and have a professional tourist guide team.

2.Travel of asthetic mood of city of Zhang Jia mouth is finite liability company: Held water 1996, it is a major is engaged in travel renting a car, scene area entrance ticket, hotel is booked, airline ticket books the travel agent that waits for business of of all kinds travel.

3.Limited company of travel agent of Fu Hua of Zhang Jia mouth: Held water 2004, it is company of travel of a diversity, business involves travel line plan, leave the country free travel, domestic freedom travel, business affairs makes an on-the-spot investigation, the conference is recieved etc, still have oneself sightseeing bus at the same time.

5, Zhang Jia mouth is that travel agent best?

Travel agent of international of Zhang Jia mouth is better.

It is current the professional travel agent with the largest area of piece of members of a family, black force of mouth of Zhang Jia of abbreviation of travel agent of international of youth of mouth of renown Zhang Jia, classics Heibei saved tourism bureau approval to establish 2011,

Existing: Plan attune ministry, sale ministry, ticket Wu ministry, country ministry, abroad ministry and door of financial department the six ministries in feudal China, bail of quality of travel of pay of full already specified amount. Via much home international whole world of representative of travel orgnaization accredit leaves the country tourism Wu, manage at the same time enter a country travel, home travel, car is rented, hotel and traffic bill Wu are booked, make an on-the-spot investigation for academic communication, conference and business affairs wait for an activity to provide a service.

6, is nature travel agent in Chongqing where?

The address of nature travel agent is area of Chongqing change north presses down Chinese change road twice 8.

Chongqing nature travel agent is approval of bureau of tourism of classics Chongqing city, the professional travel company that has independent corporate organization, pay of full specified amount travel quality bail, be judged to be class A credit in grade of credit of bureau of Chongqing city tourism, it is to abide by contract, keep good faith, stress the beauty praise first-class travel company.

7, Zhang Jia mouth which a few travel agent are good?

Auspicious land travel agent () of inn of cloud top ski.

Be filled with family travel announce to spend capital on the west Changjiang Delta travel agent.

Day horse travel agent.

Travel agent of landscape of Zhang Jia mouth.

Announce spends capital on the west Changjiang Delta travel agent.

Traffic travel agent.

Travel space travel agent.

Landscape travel agent.

Marine international travel agent.

These a few are pretty good

8, what does the travel agent with Zhang Jia better mouth have?

Limited company of travel agent of international of east of Zhang Jia mouth,

Travel agent of the snow at the beginning of north,

Travel agent of international of youth of city of Zhang Jia mouth,

Zhang Jia mouth is auspicious limited company of land international travel agent,

Beauty of Zhang Jia mouth amounts to international travel agent,

Limited company of travel agent of international of Tiankang of Zhang Jia mouth,

Blue sky travel agent,

Day horse travel agent...

9, nature aluminous gusset plate how?

Nature is old brand, quality is good still, not rusty, smooth side is good

10, nature mattess how?

Mattess is good, slept to just know, I had felt, sleep nature mattess 8 years! Can from the following 3 respects look:

1, stretch moderate nature is good -- plant fiber mattess the first brand " nature " mattess, use entire plant raw material: Natural Shanzong and natural balata breed, core does not contain bedspring sponge inside, it is easy that this overcame traditional mattess too cave in, soft wait for defect, can bring comfortable Morpheus to experience!

2, wholesome, aerate perspire all over performance is good -- mattess serves as close-fitting content, aerate water penetration can be good just can make sweat excretes unobstructed, as a result opens system comfortable. Nature mattess fabrics uses complete cotton material entirely, have breathe freely goodly moistureproof wait for a characteristic; Nowadays, some mattess use thick sponge or layer of wool felt pan, although this improved the flexibility of mattess and outward appearance, but reduced permeability greatly however!

3, market report is good -- nature mattess puts in the market 23 years, its favorable use result already got countrywide consumer is approbated, close right increase to guarantee customer, the company is earnest and affirmatory: Buy a month to use the effect dissatisfactory termless return money.

Nature mattess, found oneself up to now, come more than 20 years dedicated all the time the innovation at Morpheus technology, established institute of mattess of fiber of plant of domestic head home, own patent 71, dominant was drafted " mattess of palm fiber flexibility " national level, professional technology can says home is top-ranking.

Nature " natural, healthy, safe, environmental protection " character, the user that conquered countless pairs of mattess nag, established good brand image and market public praise. Good, know with you! Nature is earnest and affirmatory: "The effect is used inside a month dissatisfactory, cost price returns money " !

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