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计谋无双诗句? 计谋书籍推荐?英文双语对照


计谋无双诗句? 计谋书籍推荐?英文双语对照

































1. 攻人以谋不以力,用兵斗智不斗多。


2. 善为兵者阴谋。阴谋之守坚于城,阴谋之攻惨于兵。


3. 以计待战,一当万。


4. 用国者,义立而王,信立而霸,权谋立而亡。


5. 成于事合于计谋,与之为主。


6. 心安静,则神策生;虑深远,则计谋成。



兵多将广 兵贵神速 兵荒马乱 兵不厌诈 兵凶战危 兵家必争之地 置之死地而后生 天昏地暗 偃旗息鼓 擂鼓助威 箭如雨下 敌忾同仇 敌众我寡 全军覆没 反败为胜 倾国之兵 倾巢而出 棋逢敌手 将遇良才 高沟深垒 人强马壮 阵容鼎盛 坚壁清野 投鞭断流 草船借箭 军令如山 风声鹤唳 草木皆兵 退避三舍 步步为营 运畴帷幄 围魏救赵 四面楚歌 暗渡陈仓 一鼓作气 一夫当关 背水一战 背城借一 破釜沈舟 打草惊蛇 声东击西 攻其不备 坚壁清野 围魏救赵、四面楚歌、作壁上观、暗渡陈仓、城下之盟、五十步笑百步、杀身成仁、纸上谈兵、风声鹤唳,草木皆兵、步步为营。



笑里藏刀:形容对人外表和气,内心却阴险毒辣。比喻外表和气而内心阴险 。

杀人不见血:杀人不露一点血迹。 形容害人的手段非常阴险毒辣。






Is scheme incomparable line?

The Tang Dynasty · Han Yu " Liu Zihou epitaph " : "Place of surname of exterminate of this appropriate birds and beasts cannot bear for, and its person consider oneself thinks succeed in one's scheme, wen Zihou's wind, yi Ke with little ashamed. Yi Ke with little ashamed..

Bright · anonymous person " face Tong to fight treasure " the head folds: "Sealed that young general army, embattle of arms of how unripe platoon, carry wisdom shop is sought, have why stratagem, bao Mou is gone to can go also. Bao Mou is gone to can go also..

Yuan · Zheng Tingyu " backyard is beautiful " the 2nd fold: "Elder brother also, you are pitiful see with Ya in all government office, you rest should carry plan shop is sought. You rest should carry plan shop is sought..

The Tang Dynasty · land gifts presented to a senior at his first visit as a mark of esteem " reach the Huaihe River by two rivers on the west terrible shape " : "(king) Wu Junbo is planted, foolhardy. Foolhardy..

· of a high official in ancient China 5 child song " : "Obviously my ancestor, the gentleman of 10 thousand state, have allusion criterion, descendants of leave behind faint. " " king of article of · of elegance of · of The Book of Songs is phonic " : "Yi faint grandson is sought, with Yan Yi child. With Yan Yi child..

" Pang Tongchuan of · of annals of Sichuan of · of annals of the Three Kingdoms " " wait for in person inferior at Zhu Geliang " a surname notes loosely bring " river watch passes " : "This sincere stem from danger besmear, be not perfect plan also. Be not perfect plan also..

" Wang Huanchuan of · of book of the later Han dynasty " : "Can count bend over of the evil that send in order to cheat again, beijing division says to sigh, think melt have wonderful foresight.

Chinese · Zhang Heng " south endow with " : "Its have Er seek official connecting with the boxing skill will, all can seize crime hold fierce, cut firm break firm. Cut firm break firm..

Yuan · Ma Zhiyuan " Han Gongqiu " the first fold: "Do not pour him good, brows one vertical, plan on the heart comes. Plan on the heart comes..

Bright · Feng Menglong " annals of the various states of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty " : "You are depended on violate wait-and-see meantime, disappear to draw plan exceptionally, rely on others for success in work of no more than. Rely on others for success in work of no more than..

Zhu Xi of · of the Song Dynasty " straight book of · of part of document of characters on a seal carved in relief and Yang Zi " : "And in recent years a kind of comment, therefore desire deal with between both, ask each other winding, rack one's brains in scheming.

Is scheme book recommended?

Recommend to you.

" government-owned god "

" the official is magical " it is in serial of start Chinese net one officialdoms kind of novel, the author is He Chang is in. Now incognito for " ask a vessel " build up publish. Basically told about much the crossing that the summer of advantage of sex of the look up 12 years ago thinks to new station graduates in the university, recall the life that miss, cherish the opportunity before, the life that he wants him him program, then, start from secretary of secretary of county Party committee, with the pose of a kind of strange takeoff, ran entered official circles... after 10 years, all people that know him call him the story of government-owned god.

Jiang Wei what scheme?

Plan of pretend to surrender

Jiang Wei, the scheme that uses finally is plan of pretend to surrender. He is met to the bell pretend to surrender, provocative Zhong Hui and the relation between Deng Ai, use alienate plan make Deng Ai is killed, design next want Zhong Hui of trap and kill, but this plan is divulged finally, bring about Jiang Wei and Zhong Hui to die.

Cope with the scheme of mosquito?

It is OK that because electronic midge is patted,use electron midge is patted use high-pressured electrified wire netting to let electric current of mosquito bring into contact with, thereby mosquito of trap and kill, and use convenient, won't resemble the question that destroys harmful material volatilizes to be polluted with air like midge agent.

Besides, can indoors open mosquito-curtain, use mosquito-repellent incense, maintain indoor cleanness, close the mosquito outdoor is entered wait for a method to also can reduce mosquito amount.

Remind incidentally, although cannot harm human body directly,electronic midge is patted, but when using, still need scrupulous, avoid to come up against other electric equipment or person to go up by accident, lest get an electric shock,injure a person.

Does scheme delimit plan sentence-making?

For this pilfer, his scheme delimits plan for ages, the result still is gotten into police pocket!

Does clever device of make a feint to somewhere and attack in another place seek a meaning?

Make a feint to somewhere and attack in another place is a kind of clever strategy, means is making sound of the enemy at the same time, allow enemy prescind force, have charge in across next or act. This kind of strategy is commonly used wait for a domain at war, politics and commerce.

Its essence is to pass deceit and the attention that divert the enemy to gain an advantage, it is a kind of circuitous tactics, mask real intent effectively, make adversary does not know how to start.

In modern society, the strategy of make a feint to somewhere and attack in another place also can be used at solving all sorts of problems, achieve better chip or the progress that promote a project in the job in the negotiation for example.

What scheme does lure the enemy away from his base belong to?

36 plan lure the enemy away from his base, belong to attack battle plan.

Is scheme classical ana?

1.Attack a person in order to seek not with force, battle of wits of resort to arms is not fought much.

This world of out north Europe is repaired " instruct definitely character issue submit a written statement to a higher authority " . Assault the enemy when leaning is resourcefulness is not brave force, when resort to arms fights, the key consists resourcefulness on any account than going all out, and do not depend on a number of how many than going all out. When this specification fights, the key depends on battle of wits, and do not depend on fighting brave.

2.Be apt to is arms person conspiratorial. Defend conspiratorially firm at the city, attack miserable Yu Bing conspiratorially.

Out laborious abandons disease " 9 discuss " . The person that is good at resort to arms always is having serious plan stealthily, arrive since institute of this kind of plan defend action should compare city more solid, the attack that the aggression result that produces wants to compare army is more severe. This shows private martial plan can have aggression and defended effect.

3.With plan need fight, become 10 thousand.

Out Jin Du beforehand " prevent beforehand market order " . Counter the enemy's assault with scheme, can receive with be being become the effect of 10 thousand. This character wisdom excels pretty force, should be with take by strategy in the war on.

4.The person that use a country, justice stand and king, the letter stands and bully, tactics exists and die.

Out " a surname child · king bully " . The person of manage state affairs, establish morality and justice can lord, establish credit to be able to seek hegemony, dally with political trickery ruse to be met only ruined.

5.Into close at the thing at scheme, give priority to to it.

Out " disobedient of ghost millet · closes " . Mean make it business, the most important is not to violate booked scheme. For oneself monarch, accord with this on one hand interest, be about to betray on the other hand interest.

6.The heart is quiet, magical plan is unripe; Lv is far-reaching, criterion scheme is become.

Out first the Qin Dynasty " Deng Xi child · turns demit " . Criterion, so, . Divine plan, very brillant stratagem. Mind is quiet, can want to plan clever strategy exceptionally; Think careful and far-reaching, can make scheme is able to succeed. Halcyon ability delivers this speech far, foresighted ability is successful.

Is those who describe scheme phrasal?

Arms is much the deathtrap of the ground buy that military strategist in ancient China of danger of fierce battle of arms of in war nothing is too deceitful of turmoil of war of will wide speed is too important in war contends for surely gives birth to beat a drum of cease all activities of dark all round to if the hatred towards the enemy below rain is the same as Philistine,rouse arrow of boost the morale of after that numerous my few is completely annihilated the army turn out in full force of country of bend of win instead of lose and go out, a state of extreme nervousness, consolidate step by step.

Console oneself with false hopes, carry farmlands army tent, at a dash, be nearing exhaustion, one husband should close, mo Kai of 10 thousand husbands, act rashly and alert the enemy, foolhardy, the whole people all arms, make a feint to somewhere and attack in another place, strike where the enemy is unprepared,

Is figurative scheme too sinister?

Hide a dagger in a smile: Appearance is amiable to person appearance, the heart is serpentine however and sinister. The analogy is outside and amiable and the heart is serpentine.

: of kill without spilling blood? Than  of bad Chang of twinkling eunuch add! The measure that? appearance kills a person is very serpentine and sinister.

Go-between of attack by a hidden enemy: Put sniper's shot to injure a person. The analogy uses serpentine method attack or circumvent others in the dark.

Harbour intentions is dangerous: Harbour intentions: On purpose; Danger: Serpentine; Evil: Evil-minded. Blackness of a person's mind is evil-minded.

A Judas kiss: What say on the mouth is very melting, the plan that kills a person is cherished however in every. Describe two-faced tricky blackness.

A past master of machination and manoeuvre: Crafty: Crafty. Point to very serpentine and crafty person.
