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1. 蘑菇:蘑菇是一种有着伞状菌盖的真菌,常见于森林、草地等潮湿的环境中。

2. 蕈伞:蕈伞是一种有着伞状菌盖的真菌,常见于森林、草地等潮湿的环境中。

3. 雨伞树:雨伞树是一种高大的乔木,其树冠形状像一个大伞,可以为人们提供遮阳和避雨的功能。

4. 荷花:荷花是一种水生植物,其花瓣形状像一个小伞,可以为花蕾提供保护。

5. 蘑菇石:蘑菇石是一种矿物,其形状像一个小蘑菇,因此得名。



动物的种类是非常多的,分类也是多种多样的。1.哺乳动物虎 狼 鼠 鹿 貂 猴 貘 树懒斑马 狗 狐 熊 象 豹子 麝牛 狮子小熊猫 疣猪 羚羊 驯鹿 考拉 犀牛 猞猁 穿山甲长颈鹿 熊猫 食蚁兽 猩猩 海牛 水獭 灵猫 海豚海象 鸭嘴兽 刺猬 北极狐 无尾熊 北极熊 袋鼠 犰狳河马 海豹 鲸鱼 鼬2.鱼类龙鱼 塘鳢 鲶鱼 鲨鱼 章鱼 刺鱼目 鲱形目 鲵鳅鱼 鳟鱼 锦鲤 鲀鱼 神仙鱼 鳗鲡 热带鱼 鲽形目鰕虎鱼 鳄鱼 鲈鱼 鳐鱼 鲤鱼 鳢鱼 金枪鱼 深海鱼鲟鱼 鲑鱼 鮋鱼 杜父鱼 鳢形目 淡水鱼 孔雀鱼3.鸟类鹰 鹭 鹅 企鹅 犀鸟 遗鸥 隼 鹳松鸡 鲣鸟 鹦鹉 鸳鸯 啄木鸟 鸮 鹮 鸵鸟翠鸟 天鹅 蜂鸟 信天翁 鹤 雉 夜鹰 海鸥鸸鹋 北极燕鸥4.两栖动物 海狮 龟 蜥蜴 龟鳖 蟾蜍 大鲵5.昆虫蝴蝶 蜻蜓 蝎子 吸虫 珊瑚 纤毛虫 绦虫 螈蚓螈 肉足虫 藤壶 水蚤 水蛭 蟋蟀 蜈蚣 蝗虫6.其他动物恐龙 草履虫 海参海蜇 海参 海绵 水母 水螅 海星乌贼 海葵 海胆







1. 植物为什么能够进行光合作用?




2. 大气中的二氧化碳是从哪里来的?




3. 为什么冰可以漂浮在水上?











1. 极光:也称为极光,是太阳活动引起的地球磁场变化而产生的。这种美丽的自然现象可以在北极和南极地区看到。

2. 彩虹:当阳光穿过水滴并折射时,形成了这个美丽而神奇的天文现象。

3. 瀑布:大自然中许多瀑布都是令人叹为观止的。例如,尼亚加拉大瀑布和维多利亚瀑布都闻名于世。

4. 落日余晖:落日余晖是太阳接近地平线时产生的视觉效果。这种景象经常出现在海边和山区。

5. 地震和火山爆发:虽然这些事件产生的结果可能会造成巨大伤害,但他们展示了我们居住在一个仍在不断变化和演化之中的行星上。






















One, what interesting thing is there in nature?

The thing with interesting nature

1, the skin of chameleon can be changed lubriciously as surroundings and change accordingly.

2, electric eel can generate electricity. Still have can hypnotic other fish.

3, feline eye can see a thing in night.

4, the nose of the dog is very acute, can smell very remote odour.

5, fair mantis should be eaten off after mother mantis marries.

6, touch between ant touch antenna to be able to pass information.

7, broken tail can grow gecko afresh.

8, high seas Ma Sheng raises young sea horse.

9, the earthworm was broken still can live.

10, the natural phenomenon such as circle of tide of magical aurora, thunderstorm, bare, ice, lacteal cloud.

2, what umbrella is there in nature?

There are a lot of kinds of umbrellas in nature, it is a few common umbrellas below:

1.Dawdle: Dawdle is a kind of fungus that having umbrella shape pileus, in the damp environment such as common Yu Senlin, meadow.

2.Gill fungus umbrella: Gill fungus umbrella is a kind of fungus that having umbrella shape pileus, in the damp environment such as common Yu Senlin, meadow.

3.Umbrella tree: Umbrella tree is a kind of lofty arbor, appearance of its crown of a tree resembles a big umbrella, can provide sunshade and the function that take shelter from rain for people.

4.Lotus: Lotus is a kind of hydrophyte, its leaf appearance resembles a small umbrella, can provide protection for bud.

5.Dawdle stone: Dawdle stone is a kind mineral, its appearance resembles a little worry, because this gets a name.

Anyhow, there are a lot of kinds of umbrellas in nature, they are having different figure and function.

3, what animal is there in nature?

The sort of the animal is rife, classification also is varied. 1. Reindeer of antelope of warthog of lesser panda of lion of musk-ox of panther of ursine elephant of fox of dog of zebra of sloth of tapir of monkey of ermine of deer of mouse of mammalian tiger wolf is taken an examination of pull arctic of hedgehog of platypus of sea-ox of cowfish of civet of otter of cowfish of orangutan of anteater of panda of giraffe of rhinoceros lynx pangolin stoat of whale of seal of hippo of armadillo of kangaroo of fox koala polar bear 2. Trout of fish of Qiu of salamander of eye of form of herring of eye of stickleback of octopus of shark of catfish of sleeper of fish dragon fish tropical fish of eel of fish of immortal of fish of Zuo of bright and beautiful carp Hu Yue of Zuo of plaice form eye tuna of fish of murrel of carp of piscine weever ray is deep-sea fish of Zuo of piscine sturgeon salmon prevent. Woodpecker of an affectionate couple of parrot of bird of bonito of grouse of marabou of hawk of gull of involuntary discharge of urine of hornbill of penguin of goose of avian eagle aigret Zuo Zuo ostrich is halcyon swan hummer albatross tern of arctic of emu of mew of crane pheasant goatsucker 4. Giant salamander of toad of terrapin of lizard of chelonian of amphibian sea lion 5. Locust of centipede of cricket of bloodsucker of daphnia of barnacle of sufficient bug of flesh of Yuan of Yin of Yuan of tapeworm of infusorian of coral of fluke of scorpion of insect butterfly dragonfly 6. Paramecium of other animal dinosaur is holothurian jellyfish is holothurian sponge jellyfish is hydroid sea urchin of starfish cuttlefish actinia

4, what line is there in nature?

Line is to form architectural woof, they or parallel, or mutual crisscross, or on any account not all, or soft beauty, or simple and honest, because had these line,be, build ability a few more clever beauty.

Autumn is the palette of nature really, it can be the different colour on arboreous besmear, draw the outline of diverse color line magically next.

Petaline itself takes line oneself, e.g. the aperture between every leaf, still have the grain that is every petaline itself, actually petaline grain is to be flower to carry nutrition and moisture, rise to support action however, nature is this god very magical?

Spring plows the ground that pass, each are cultivating trace, also be the trace of the hope.

5, what is there to ask in nature sentence?

1.Why can the plant undertake photosynthesis?

Make clear conclusion: The plant can undertake because they contain chlorophyll,photosynthesis is, can draw sun light energy and translate into chemical energy, synthesize carbon dioxide and water organic material then.

Explain a reason: Chlorophyll is a kind of pigment with the higher content inside frond, it can draw sun light energy, arouse an electron to hop from feebleminded level path high-energy level path, form excitation state chlorophyll. Can be departed the electron in excitation state chlorophyll and free pH indicator by the protein on the plant film of illumination come out, the reaction that passes a series of enzymatic catalysis mixes carbon dioxide water translate into organic matter, for example dextrose and starch.

Content is outspread: Photosynthesis is floral activity of an important life, besides use sun light energy to compound organic matter besides, still produce oxygen to wait. A lot of biochemistry reaction and enzymatic catalysis reaction also are involved in this process, specific and OK further study.

2.From where does the carbon dioxide in atmosphere come?

Make clear conclusion: The carbon dioxide in atmosphere basically comes from at biology and geological action, the combustion that is like fossil fuel, move floral breath, soil breath, volcano to erupt etc.

Explain a reason: Biology undertakes in life process the oxidation of organic matter metabolizes ceaselessly, this metropolis produces carbon dioxide. In addition, in food chain of organic matter decompose a process to also can release carbon dioxide. And the combustion that geological action is like fossil fuel, volcano erupts wait to also can release carbon dioxide.

Content is outspread: In recent years, global climate is heated the wide attention that caused people. The discharge capacity of carbon dioxide became a main target. Study aerography and environmental science knowledge can understand the origin of carbon dioxide and effect better.

3.Why to put on the ice can you float on water?

Make clear conclusion: Ice can float on water, because glacial density is smaller than the density of water,be.

Explain a reason: Water is in the 4 density when spending are the biggest, the density that compares ice is big. In water lukewarm under 4 degrees when, the density of water is met taper, come when thermal drop when zero, the density of water is mixed glacial density is equal. When water lukewarm when continueing to reduce, water is met caky Cheng Bing. The density that compares water because of glacial density is small, so ice can float on surface.

Content is outspread: Glacial density is smaller than the density of water this fact, encounter via regular meeting in the life not only, and also can discover in marine ecosystem study, have fair value. The nature that can understand water further, photograph changes the rule and hydrological knowledge.

6, what secret is there in nature?

Nature secret has a lot of, can cite a few case:

1. is in the lightning marathon of Venezuela. This mysterious lightning is the distinctive natural appearance on the world, the card tower that is located in Venezuela bay opens rich river mouth, often appear. Why to call marathon, the lightning because of this area a year have 140-160 appear in the evening, last 10 hours to be in every night lighten report, of your synthetic perspiration is, appear 280 times hourly.

2. of Honduras " Yu Yu " . It is allegedly before piscine rain arrival, billow of ethereal black clouds, fresh gale howl, blast rainstorm lasts about 2 after arriving 3 hours, hundreds live fish is on the ground. People takes the fresh live fish on these ground cooking coming home. Since a Yu Yu hind 1998, the city is in the Yoro of Honduras country to had met this every year " Yu Yu " section.

The swarm goat with Moroccan 3. . It is very common that allegedly phenomenon of swarm of this kind of goat is in Moroccan area, local climate is burning hot, lack moisture content, the goat cultivates the fruit that go up to can eat and drill the competence of swarm. This kind of tree is called A Ergan to cultivate, tall 8 reach 10 meters, the goat can be relaxed climb to collect the fruit that feed a tree to eat. Wait to still have a lot of case.

7, what wonderful appearance is there in nature?

There are a lot of wonderful appearances in nature, it is a few example below:

1.Aurora: Also call aurora, the earthly magnetic field that sun activity causes changes and arise. This kind of beautiful natural phenomenon can be in arctic and antarctic area to see.

2.Rainbow: When sunshine crosses water and be refracted, formed this beautiful and magical astronomy phenomenon.

3.Chute: A lot of chute in nature are acclaim as the peak of perfection making a person. For example, niyajiala cataract and Victoria chute are famed at the world.

4.Setting sun Yu Hui: Setting sun Yu Hui is the visual effect of the generation when the sun is close to horizon. This kind of picture often appears in the seaside to mix a mountainous area.

5.Earthquake and volcano erupt: Although the result of these incident generation may cause massive harm, but they revealed us to live in one still is on the planet in constant change and evolution.

This is a few example only, the wonderful phenomenon with the not clear know exactly how things stand in nature awaits exploration and discovery.

8, what animal doctor is there in nature?

The doctor in nature besides woodpecker, ladybug of swallow, frog, 7 stars, have a few beneficial microbial, can kill an injurious insect, bacili of element of bacterium of the dimension that be like A, Su Yun. Trichogramma is OK parasitism is in the egg of the pest; Dragonfly also can eat a pest; Bat also can eat a pest; Mantis also can eat a pest.

In addition, axolotl of monkey, eagle, elephant, camel, kangaroo, Mexico also is animal doctor, among them it is OK that axolotl breaks limb with its reborn competence flourish enters first place of doctor of 10 big animals. Want specific understanding to be able to watch what CCTV broadcasted on August 1, 2011 " natural legend " the big animal doctor of animal pop chart.

Person and nature

Nature is born the mankind, explain it is the behavior that respects the mankind, contrary mankind should respect nature more. Seeing a person from the surface is parental place is born, it is the photon news that nature had a person in fact, human body embryo just can absorb this photon news that comes from nature, embryonic and grown adult, it is parental place is born, it is the excitation that nature finishs dark to embryo material at the same time. Nature has vertebrate 45336 kinds, among them avian 1244 kinds, fish 3862 kinds.

9, what magical thing is there in nature?

Extremely magical nature has a lot of a lot of things, it is the mystery of the mankind that indissoluble forever. Include: The rainbow after rain, thunder, mirage is the magical thing in nature etc.

10, what interesting appearance is there in nature?

10 kinds of interesting natural phenomena:

1, rainbow shows after rain;

2, the electrostatic phenomenon in the life;

3, plastic bowl compares metallic bowl more get together oily;

4, going from place to place water freezes not easily;

5, calm 3 feet billow;

6, mirage;

7, where wind rises again;

8, magical lunar eclipse phenomenon;

9, solar eclipse phenomenon;

10, surfy color is white.

下一篇:京都老蔡记水饺配方? 郑州老蔡记蒸饺在哪?英文双语对照