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【菜 名】 无米粿

【主 料】 番薯粉,韭菜

【做 法】



【特 点】 无米粿外白内翠,味道浓郁,是地道的潮汕民间小食。




香蕉2根 鸡蛋1个




1. 准备好所有的食材。

2. 鸡蛋打散,香蕉去皮切小段。

3. 把香蕉放入蛋液中沾裹。

4. 再放入面包糠中滚满面包糠。

5. 锅中油烧热放入裹上面包糠的香蕉。

6. 中小火炸制金黄,如图所示。


















3、锅内留一点底油倒入姜末 ,蒜末炒香。倒入五花肉丁,翻炒2分钟,倒入咸鱼丝继续翻炒1分钟。














马蕖菜正确应该写做:马曲菜,学名:马齿苋下面介绍几款马齿苋的菜谱:一:马齿苋鸡蛋汤 菜系及功效:止血调理食谱 清热解毒食谱 月经不调食谱主料:马齿苋60克,鸡蛋210克 做法:1. 先将马齿苋洗净,捣烂取汁。2. 鸡蛋去壳,放锅中,加水适量煮熟后,再加入马齿苋汁即成。=========================二:马齿苋炒黄豆芽 菜系及功效:利尿食谱 清热解毒,适于急、慢性黄疸型肝炎病人服食。 主料:黄豆芽250克,马齿苋100克,猪肉(瘦)50克调料:盐2克,味精1克,植物油15克,香油1克,淀粉(豌豆)3克 做法:1.马齿苋洗净,切段,瘦猪肉洗净,切片。淀粉加水调成湿淀粉。2.锅内下油烧至七成热,下入猪肉片翻炒片刻,再下黄豆芽煸炒, 待黄豆芽七成熟时,再加入马齿苋炒熟,加盐、味精、湿淀粉收汁,淋上香油,起锅即成。=========================小帖士-食物相克:马齿苋(马曲菜)禁与鳖甲同用!!!










猪前腿(七瘦三肥口感好) 10斤(去皮后)

清香型高度白酒(二锅头) 200克

食用盐 100克

绵白糖 300克

酿造生抽 50克

鸡精 20克

生姜粉 3~5克

盐渍肠衣 适量


步骤 1


盐渍肠衣提前2小时浸泡,浸泡的水里可以加几滴白酒去腥,最后多换几次水,清洗干净。 肠衣可以灌水,顺便检查有无破洞。 如果买的肠衣质量不太好,完成上述清洗后仍然腥气重,可以再继续倒少量白酒灌进肠衣里面,然后从上到下撸一遍,最后酒液从肠衣底部流出后,再把肠衣整体在酒液里搓一搓。

步骤 2


猪前腿肉切成粗一点的肉丝。 为了防止香肠内部间隙太多,可以把一小部分(大约两斤)绞肉末,混合起来。这样成品内部空洞就会很少。

步骤 3



步骤 4


然后利用现有工具,电动的也好,手动的也好,或者简易的矿泉水瓶也可以,开始灌香肠。 这里就不详细描述了,总之就是不要太急,轻缓操作,以免弄破肠衣,灌进去的肉要一边轻缓的往下撸,一边排气,使肠衣内部比较充实,减少空隙。 最前端的肉撸到肠衣尾部的时候,肠衣尾部打个死结,结要紧。

步骤 5


肉灌好以后,根据每次吃的量,分成均匀的一段段,用棉绳系好,方便晾干。 手工灌香肠,肠内难免有有气的地方,可以用细牙签戳破,然后手动排气。

步骤 6


然后就是挂在通风处,直到香肠收身到原来的三分之二粗细,手感偏硬实,就可以了。 当然整个晾晒过程要避免淋雨和受潮,这个大家都知道就不赘述了哈。 想吃的时候蒸一根,美妙滋味回味无穷。 晒好的香肠直接用保鲜膜包好以防走味和继续脱水,放冰箱冷冻起来,可以保存的比较久。想吃的时候再拿出来蒸即可。
























十、虾仁做法大全 菜谱?




1. 一碗虾清洗干净。

2. 剥掉外壳和虾头,只留下虾仁,去掉虾线清洗干净。

3. 取适量虾仁、3个大西红柿,1块豆腐。

4. 豆腐切块,西红柿切小块。

5. 香葱切末,姜切丝。

6. 炒锅中倒少许油,将一半的姜丝入锅中煸炒变色出香味。

7. 将西红柿倒入锅中,翻炒出汤。

8. 再倒入适量水,将剩下的姜丝投入汤中,中火烧开,让番茄素充分释放,也能让汤汁更加红润。

9. 根据口味加适量盐,将豆腐入汤中,煮两分钟,让汤汁也能进入到豆腐中。

10. 待汤汁再次煮开后,将虾仁均匀地码放进汤中,变色后即可关火。

11. 盛出后撒香葱末,一道开胃汤菜做好啦!



1. 准备食材。

2. 大虾去掉头,剥皮抽出虾线。

3. 用料酒和食盐腌制十分钟。

4. 准备好淀粉,把腌制好的虾仁在淀粉里滚一下。

5. 再放到蛋液里,沾满蛋液。

6. 最后放在椰丝里,裹满椰丝。

7. 放在烤盘上。用刷子刷一层食用油。

8. 蒸烤箱190度预热。

9. 把烤盘放到预热好的烤箱中层。

10. 选择热风功能,190度烤12分钟即可。

11. 程序结束后,取出烤好的椰丝虾球。


One, encyclopedia of cookbook of wet Shan cate and practice?

[bean curd of preserved stew wet Shan]

Feed capable person: Soybean bean curd 1 jin, preserved 2 teaspoon, oily, salt is right amount, steaky pork a few, clear water 1 bowl.


1. preserved fills the weight that gives about 2 spoon from bottle, preserved is the souse dish of Xian Tian clear opening, also do not need to use every time too much, more or less decide according to what feed capable person.

2. soybean bean curd is rinsed clean, what cut about 1 centimeter next is thick piece.

3. prepares a few steaky pork, hot pot issues oil, steaky pork slightly stir-fry before stewing gives grease.

The yellow bean curd that 4. has cut piece in also pouring boiler, break up together with steaky pork fry even, touch the flavour that touch the flesh.

5. adds clear water of smaller part bowl, with right amount preserved, after reprint is even small fire stew a few minutes, till bean curd tasty receives juice can.

[dish name] the Ji that do not have rice

[advocate expect] sweet potato pink, leek


1, the Ji skin of the Ji that do not have rice makes a way is, join sweet potato white the clear water that waits for a quantity first, mix is even; Clear water is put in boiler (the double) that the heft of clear water should be sweet potato pink, put burn on furnace to water boil, join alum (the scale) that joins 5 grams alum by 1000 grams water, join sweet potato white, mix is even, like becoming congee mushy (should compare paste slightly stiff) , wait for its soft-boiled moment, carry namely from fire, wait for the ability after its are cool to use. (If lie between,use after one night, the effect is better) . Separate powdery group into small-scale, roll circular pellicle.

2, of stuffing making a way is: Leek one by one abluent, cut about one centimeter paragraphs small, had fried, flavor. When the bag does not have rice Ji , should do with sweet potato pink earth up pink, because Ji skin water content is big, when reason is wrapping stuffing, gesticulation wants light, can encase can, evaporate of the steam box on bag hind is ripe. Feed nowadays vessel decoct to come the double-faced yellow that show gold, deserve to be spice with pepper sauce, more feeling is appetizing tastily.

[characteristic] the Bai Neicui outside the Ji that do not have rice, flavour is full-bodied, the wet Shan folk that is a tunnel is small feed.

2, the practice with street edge fastfood deepfry, encyclopedia of deepfry cate cookbook?

It is with deepfry banana exemple:

Advocate makings

Banana 2 eggs 1

Complementary makings

Biscuit is branny right amount

The practice measure of banana of sweet short flee in terrorfry in deep fat or oil

1.Prepare all feeding material.

2.Egg break up, banana flay cuts paragraphs small.

3.In putting banana into egg fluid, touch wrap.

4.Put biscuit again branny in roll full biscuit branny.

5.The oil in boiler burns heat to be put wrap above the banana with branny bag.

6.Small fire fly into rage is made in golden, if plan institute is shown.

The banana with 7. good blast is put on oil absorption paper epispastic oil portion, when eating, also can dip in eat a few ketchup.

3, practice of Guangdong cate cookbook?

One, turnip sirlon Bao

1, mire sirlon into cold water boiler first water, add cooking wine, raw meat or fish of green Jiang Qu, cut small, turnip also dice

2, catch a fermented bean curd, vassal sauce, oyster sauce, unripe smoke, candy, put add rice wine dilute together

3, ginger of the green below oily heat, chili, sweet leaf, anise explodes a fragrance, then next sirlon break up fry a little while

4, turn into arenaceous boiler inside, add hot water to had done not have sirlon piece, also come in juice of allocated fermented bean curd, small fire turns to boil a hour after water leaves

5, the turnip is put after been boil again stew boils 30 minutes, give boiler to add salt to flavor

2, teal of purple perilla stew

1, the teal of stew of a purple perilla of good taste of special faint scent.

2, prepare half sweet duck above all, next salt, unripe smoke, divide evenly of unripe pink agitate

3, reach simmer in water of duck flesh two sides golden reserve,

4, the duck meat with fry garlic of sweet ginger green to pour simmer in water good

5, next cooking wine are unripe smoke oyster sauce white sugar to flavor, add right amount clear water, small fire is frowsty 30 minutes, put into purple perilla agitate to be able to give boiler equably finally.

3, Bao of salty fish aubergine

1, aubergine is cut paragraph cut strip is small again, salty fish immerses 20 minutes to rip Cheng Xiaosi with Wen Shui.

2, remove boiler to burn oil, oily 8 aubergine is entered after becoming heat. Conflagration is fried to golden hind fish out, drop does oil to be put into arenaceous Bao.

3, oil of a bit bottom stays to pour Jiang Mo inside boiler, garlic powder is fried sweet. Enter steaky pork man, break up fry 2 minutes, continue to break up into salty fish silk fry 1 minute.

4, join a few giving birth to to smoke, a few often smoke, after a few thick broad-bean sauce fry a red oil drench the salty fish steaky pork that has fried on aubergine.

5, drench on small bowl boiled water, stew of small fire of lid upper cover boils 10 minutes. Open a lid to scatter on chopped green onion can.

4, Bao of extensive pattern hotpot

1, cut leaf of Jiang Pian, the head of garlic, garlic, green Chinese onion, red turnip, sugar cane

2, wash clean hotpot, sweet leaf, dried tangerine or orange peel

3, precious jade rock candy of column sauce, fermented bean curd, cooking wine, soy a few, peanut butter, sesame paste

4, the hotpot below cold water, green Chinese onion, a few cooking wine, a few Jiang Pian, bubble of the purify after water leaves, clear water of the reoccupy after giving boiler is rinsed clean.

5, hot pot puts oil, explode Jiang Pian and the head of garlic sweet, nan issueing a sheep joins a few cooking wine to break up fry

6, join 2 spoon to precious jade column sauce, soy, leaf of one part garlic breaks up fry

7, join hot water to enclothe hotpot, put sweet leaf, dried tangerine or orange peel, fermented bean curd, sugar cane, horse's hoof, conflagration is boiled stew half hours

8, change arenaceous boiler, red turnip lays a foundation, enter arenaceous boiler entirely in, add 2-3 rock candy, can add a few peanut butter and sesame paste (increase fragrance, also not was indifferent to) stew of lid boiler small fire half hours of above!

9, try next flavour, too weak can add salt or a few fermented bean curd, garlic leaf is put to be able to leave before serving eat!

4, encyclopedia of cookbook of cate the world: The practice of equestrian music food?

Equestrian Qu dish should write correctly do: Equestrian music food, formal name: The cookbook of a few purslane introduces below purslane: One: Department of dish of purslane egg soup reachs effect: Qing Dynasty of hemostatic recuperation cookbook heats up alexipharmic cookbook menstruation not to move cookbook advocate makings: Purslane 60 grams, egg 210 grams practice: 1. First purslane abluent, pound takes juice. 2. Egg hull, in putting bowl, add water right amount after thoroughlying cook, juice becomes rejoin purslane namely. =========================2: Purslane fries department of dish of soya bean bud and effect: Diuresis cookbook Qing Dynasty heats up detoxify, comfortable at chronic and urgent, icteric model hepatitis patient is taken feed. Advocate makings: Soya bean bud 250 grams, purslane 100 grams, pork (thin) 50 grams condiment: Salt 2 grams, gourmet powder 1 gram, the plant is oily 15 grams, balm 1 gram, amylaceous (pea) 3 grams practice: 1. Purslane is abluent, cut paragraph, thin pork is abluent, section. Starch adds water to be moved into wet starch. 2. Next oil inside boiler are burned to 7 into heat, next cutlet that enter a pig break up fry moment, issue stir-fry before stewing of soya bean bud to fry again, need soya bean shoot when 7 maturity, rejoin purslane is fried ripe, add salt, gourmet powder, wet starch to receive juice, drench on balm, boiler is become namely since. =========================Small post person - food photograph gram: Purslane (Ma Qu dish) ban use together with turtle shell! ! !

5, cookbook of the world cate and practice?


1, rice is cleaned out clean hind, add leach bubble half hours.

2, the rice with good bubble, change full amount boiled water (one-time put enough water, water is not added in the process, it is rice water 1:3 commonlyscale) .

3, after conflagration is boiled, change Cheng Xiaohuo to boil make an appointment with 30~40 minute.

4, when the boiler below rice, use ladle agitate, after boiling 20 minutes again much agitate a few, till congee is ripe.

5, boil to rice, water sticky stiff, grain of rice is crisp sodden can.

6, encyclopedia of banger practice cookbook?

With makings

Pig foreleg (7 thin 3 fat mouthfeel are good) 10 jins (after flay)

Liquor of faint scent height (a strong spirit usu. made from sorghum) 200 grams

Edible salt 100 grams

Soft white sugar 300 grams

Brew is unripe take 50 grams

Gallinaceous essence 20 grams

Ginger pink 5 grams of 3 ~

Casing of saline be soiled is right amount

Fill banger, abstain banger, the practice measure of sausage

Measure 1


Casing of saline be soiled shifts to an earlier date 2 hours to immerse, a few liquor can be added to go in immersing water raw meat or fish, change water a few times more finally, clean clean. Casing is OK fill water, check incidentally have without the hole. If buy casing quality is not quite good, after finishing afore-mentioned cleaning still fishy is heavy, can continue again inside a few liquor rinse casing, next Lu of from the top down, after final wine fluid is poured out of from casing bottom, it is casing whole again in wine fluid rub one rub.

Measure 2


Pig foreleg flesh cuts a bit thicker shredded meat. To prevent banger interior clearance is too much, can one fraction (about two jins) wring ground meat, mix rise. Such finished product interior are empty meet very few.

Measure 3


All condiment say to pork is joined after weighing, mix adequately next divide evenly.

Measure 4


Use existing tool next, dynamoelectric it may not be a bad idea, manual it may not be a bad idea, simple and easy perhaps mineral spring water bottle is OK also, begin fill banger. Here was not described in detail, anyhow does not want namely too urgent, light delay is operated, lest break casing, fill wants into the flesh that go at the same time of light delay downward Lu, at the same time exhaust, make casing interior more contented, reduce gap. The fleshy Lu of foremost end goes to casing rear when, casing rear hits a fast knot, the ties is important.

Measure 5


After fleshy fill is good, according to the amount that takes every time, cent becomes a even paragraph, the rope that use cotton has been fastened, convenient air. Manual fill banger, place of angry of the hard to avoid inside bowel, can use fine toothpick tear, next the hand moves exhaust.

Measure 6


Hang in ventilated place namely next, receive a body to original 2/3 quality of work till banger, feel slants hard fact, OK. Whole of course air basks in a process to want to avoid to get wet in the rain with be affected with damp be affected with damp, this everybody knows not give uncecessary details ha. When wanting to eat evaporate, wonderful flavor aftertaste is boundless. The banger that has basked in is used directly last velar package is nice in case lose flavour and continue dehydration, put freezer refrigerant rise, what can save is longer. Steam is taken again when wanting to eat can.

7, practice of children cookbook encyclopedia?

1. dawdle fries cutlet

Feed capable person: Little worry 4 two, pork 2 two, vegetable oil, chili, amylaceous, egg white

Practice: Cut pork piece, with dawdle of; of souse of water starch, egg white, salt abluent; chili cuts man, garlic cuts a; green, Jiang Qie to put a few oil to burn heat into filar; boiler, next cutlet are fried to become angry, piece boiler is stand-by put in; boiler the rest of oil burns heat, enter garlic piece explode a fragrance, join green, ginger, when having sweet smell, break up into dawdle fry, half ripe when add salt, continue to break up fry; dawdle fast ripe when the cutlet that falls to had been fried, join chili, break up fry twice, close fire to add gallinaceous essence of life, smooth fill dish can.

2. lily shrimp

Feed capable person: Shelled fresh shrimps 2 two, carrot 1 two, sweetbell redpepper 1 two, vegetable oil, lily, amylaceous, gourmet powder, salt is right amount

Practice: Salt of spoon of starch of one small spoon, smaller part, smaller part is added in shelled fresh shrimps egg white; catchs divide evenly with the hand, want to be caught a little while more, souse of shelled fresh shrimps the lily with ten minutes of or so fresh; breaks piece abluent, it is lily in boiled water scald, need not too long, a minute sufficient the boiler since; makes oil, jiang Pian and garlic are entered below piece; is in oil is lukewarm not quite tall when it is OK that shrimp meat turns over the lily; that fries; boil to issue scald to cross water into; of cooking wine of one big spoon drench right amountly thin thin water is amylaceous, transfer into half spoon salt, agitate gives boiler equably.

8, cookbook of gallinaceous practice encyclopedia?

The practice with delicious chicken, include palace to keep gallinaceous man, bittern chicken, the chicken that bake, chicken stew is waited a moment, particularly delicious.

9, practice of darling cookbook encyclopedia?

Darling cookbook encyclopedia:

1, ground rice

Raw material: 1 spoon ground rice, wen Shui

Practice: 1 spoon ground rice adds 3-4 spoon warm water, after quiet place, move into according to the clockwise with the chopstick mushy.

2, rice water

Raw material: Selenium rice

Practice: After heating the water inside boiler, put the 200g rice with clean pan, slow fire of the reoccupy after be being boiled boils sodden congee, take superstratum rice water can edible.

3, green vegetables mud

Raw material: Green vegetables

Practice: Leaf of will right amount green vegetables is abluent, join boil inside boiling water about 1 - after 2 minutes, take out dish leaf to smash with disintegrator, or abrade on copper wire, filter gives dish mashed vegetable or fruit.

4, malic carrot juice

Raw material: Carrot 1, apple half

Practice: Husk carrot, apple abluent hind cut Cheng Ding, put right amount clear water is added to boil inside boiler, about 10 minutes can be boiled sodden. Filter with clean gauze take juice can.

10, cookbook of encyclopedia of practice of shelled fresh shrimps?

At ordinary times in freezer standing go up some of quick-freeze shelled fresh shrimps, when knowing what to eat, take a few come out: Fry green vegetables, mix next chaffy dish of salad, rinse, noodle. . . Informal boil is boiled, q plays fresh and tender shelled fresh shrimps to won't make mistake forever, and always can exalt full happy feeling to a brief eat. Readily a shelled fresh shrimps, delicious and inviting, go to the lavatory simply delicate, look to have what way together!

One, shelled fresh shrimps of braise of tomato bean curd

Feed material: ? ? bowl, tomato 3, bean curd 1, sweet green 3, ginger 1, plant oily a few, salt a few of right amount, water

1.A bowl of shrimp is cleaned clean.

2.Pare, leave shelled fresh shrimps only, line of take out shrimp is cleaned clean.

3.Take 3 right amount shelled fresh shrimps, big tomato, a bean curd.

4.Bean curd stripping and slicing, tomato cuts small.

5.Sweet green cuts end, ginger cuts into shreds.

6.A few oil pours in frying pan, into boiler the Jiang Si of the half stir-fry before stewing is fried become angry a fragrance.

7.Pour tomato into boiler, break up fry a soup.

8.Enter right amount water again, throw the Jiang Si that remain Shang Zhong, baked wheaten cake leaves in, make tomato element sufficient release, also can make soup juice more ruddy.

9.Add right amount salt according to taste, enter bean curd Shang Zhong, boil two minutes, in letting Shang Zhiye can enter bean curd.

10.After the juice that need boiling water is boiled again, shrimp meat equably code is put into Shang Zhong, fire can involve after becoming angry.

11.Fill the Sa Xiangcong after going out end, a appetizing soup food has been done!

Coconut silk bakes shelled fresh shrimps

Feed material: ? Silk of sheng?50 gram, coco right amount, egg 1, corn is amylaceous right amount, cooking wine 2 big spoon, salt oil of 1 small spoon, edible is right amount

1.Preparation feeds capable person.

2.Prawn goes turning around, decorticate take out shrimp line.

3.Use cooking wine and salt souse ten minutes.

4.Prepare starch, good souse shrimp meat boils in starch.

5.Put in egg fluid again, be stained with egg fluid.

6.Put in coconut silk finally, wrap full coco silk.

7.Put in bake dish on. Brush an edible oil with the brush.

8.Evaporate oven 190 degrees of warm-up.

9.Bake dish of oven middle-level with put warm-up good.

10.Choose sirocco function, 190 degrees bake 12 minutes can.

11.After the program ends, take out the ball of coconut silk shrimp that has baked.

下一篇:云南旅游购物点? 电视购物有哪些骗局?英文双语对照