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云南旅游购物点? 电视购物有哪些骗局?英文双语对照


云南旅游购物点? 电视购物有哪些骗局?英文双语对照





陷阱一、限时秒杀 不管买什么东西都是在搞活动,限时秒杀,还剩下多少时间还有多少产品,给人营造一种非常畅销划算的氛围,每次一卖啥东西搞个活动,就是请来经理了、要不就是啥董事长!说一定要让她给我们顾客会员最大的折扣。

陷阱二、夸张对比 不管卖什么产品,都会对同类的产品进行对比,但是这种对比都是相当的夸张的,事实上它的产品的质量并没有对比的那么好,只是让观者被错误的引导,觉得它质量好,其实很多产品成本都是很低的。

陷阱三、隐性消费很多电视购物的产品,在原来的价格上很多所谓的手续费、运费等各种费用。还有打电话也是要收费的,其实400电话不是免费的, 400是被叫方付费的电话,但仅付长途话费那部分,主叫方还是需要支付市话费部分。96开头的最少一分钟2块钱,费用很贵的。

陷阱四、质量无保证 一般电视购物的产品的成本都是很低的,不仅材料差做工也粗糙,虽然很多广告打出保证书,监测报告,鉴定证书类似的文件,但是并不能保证产品的质量,因为你无法对这些证书进行真伪的检测,更不能亲自看到实物。

陷阱五、无法退货 当你通过电视购物收到实物的时候,发现没有宣传的那么好,达不到自己的期望,并且没有正规的发票的时候,这个时候就很难退货了。一般接线员会告诉你让你等待处理,然后再打的时候永远都是显示占线的状态,即使你有幸退了,还得承担运费以及各种费用,至少要等待半个月以上,耗时耗心耗力,很多人自认倒霉。








1. 橘子洲头:位于长沙市岳麓山下的湘江中,是湖南省最著名的景点之一。这里有古朴的建筑、美丽的自然风景和湘江两岸的文化底蕴,是长沙的象征之一。

2. 岳麓山:是长沙市的标志性景点,也是湖南省著名的风景名胜区之一。山上有世界第一长字碑、橘子洲头和岳麓书院等著名景点,可以欣赏到湖南的自然美景。

3. 橘子洲潇湘馆:位于岳麓山脚下的橘子洲头内,是一座展示湖湘文化的现代化博物馆。馆内陈列有湖湘文化的历史文物、艺术品和文化创意产品,是了解湖南文化的好地方。

4. 长沙马王堆汉墓:是中国近现代考古史上的重大发现之一,出土了大量的汉代文物,其中以马王堆帛书最为著名。现在,马王堆汉墓已经建成陈列馆,游客可以近距离欣赏到这些宝贵的文物。

5. 岳麓书院:位于岳麓山内,是中国古代四大书院之一。这里是古代文人雅士聚集的地方,保留了许多古代文化遗迹,包括传统的建筑和文化展览。

6. 湖南省博物馆:是湖南最大的综合性博物馆,收藏、研究和展示湖南地区的历史文化遗产。馆内陈列有丰富的文物和艺术品,是了解湖南历史和文化的重要场所。

7. 橘子洲地铁站:位于岳麓山下的橘子洲头旁边,是中国最美地铁站之一。这座地铁站采用了中国传统文化元素和现代设计相结合的手法,给人一种独特的美感和文化体验。











1. 支持地方经济:旅游购物点通常是当地的文化产业,前往购物点有助于支持当地经济。比如,当地手工艺品、特色小吃等,是游客在购物点中购买的产品,可以提高当地产业和服务业的收入,促进地方经济的发展。

2. 丰富旅游体验:旅游购物点融合了当地文化、特色风俗等多种元素,给游客带来独特的购物体验,增加了旅游的趣味性和乐趣。在购物点中,游客可以学习当地文化、品尝当地美食、购买纪念品等,丰富了旅游体验和记忆。

3. 获得当地产品:旅游购物点中出售的产品通常具有独特的地方特色,购买这些产品,不仅可以作为旅游记忆的纪念品带回家,也可以尝试新鲜的当地特色产品,增加了旅游的乐趣和体验。

4. 利于交流互动:游客在旅游购物点中,可以与当地商家和其他游客进行交流互动,了解当地的历史、风土人情等,增进了彼此之间的了解和交流。





1. 当地法律:不同国家和地区对旅游团带去购物点的规定不同。有些地方可能有特定的法律规定,限制旅游团带游客去购物点的次数或时间段,也可能要求旅游团提供购物点与旅游景点之间的合理比例。

2. 旅游合同:旅游团与游客之间的合同中是否包含了购物活动的安排和条款。如果在合同中明确规定了购物活动,并且游客同意了这一条款,那么旅游团带游客去购物点是合法的。

3. 透明度和强制性:旅游团应当向游客提供购物活动的相关信息,并确保购物行为是自愿的。如果旅游团要求游客必须参加购物活动,或者在购物点存在欺诈行为,那么这样的做法可能是违法的。














长沙市内300公斤 以内99元起;长沙内市外20公斤以内 100元起;更多详细的费用可在现场咨询导购员。




Yunnan travel shopping dot?

Ashima saves handicraft of first nations folk to taste south amorous feelings Gu Shiyun read extensively field, cate of hotel of collect hot spring, recreational recreation, characteristic, travel shops the square of ethical folk omnibus commerce that is an organic whole, be located in the gold a sector of an area of course of stone forest travel.

Company of development of group of industry of culture of Ma of poem of the A austral Gu Youyun of amorous feelings of A poem Ma and travel of stone forest A Shima is particularly consecratory, save promotion of consortium of industry of arts and crafts by Yunnan, it is college orgnaization produces Yunnan art, learn, grind base. Be located in on the side of stone forest beauty spot, floor area 120 thousand square metre, cover an area of a face to accumulate 150 mus, afforest is led 18.1% , cubage is led 1.27.

Does TV shop what fraud is there?

Trap one, in a limited time no matter buy what thing,the second is killed is to be in organize an activity, in a limited time the second is killed, still remain how many time to still have how many product, build the atmosphere of a kind of very popular be to one's profit to the person, sell what thing to organize an activity every time, invite a manager namely, otherwise is what president! Say to must let her give our client member the biggest discount.

Trap 2, no matter what hyperbole contrast sells the product, can undertake contrast to congener product, but this kind of contrast is the exaggerated that comparative, in fact what the quality of its product did not contrast is so good, the person that just let watch by wrong guiding, feel its quality is good, actually cost of a lot of products is very low.

Trap 3, recessive consumption the product that a lot of TV shop, all sorts of charge wait in on original price a lot of so called poundage, freight. Still have calling also should collect fees, actually 400 phones are not free, 400 it is the telephone call that is made just pay fee, but pay long-distance telephone bill that share only, advocate make still just need to pay city telephone bill the share. Of 96 begin least a minute 2 money, charge is very expensive.

Trap 4, the cost that quality does not have the product that makes sure general TV shops is very low, not only material poor workmanship is coarse also, although a lot of advertisement make a guarantee, the report that monitor, the file with similar calibration certificate, but the quality of unwarrantable product, cannot detect to what these certificate undertake true bogus because of you, cannot see in kind personally more.

Trap 5, cannot retreat goods to shop through TV when you when getting in kind, what discovery did not publicize is so good, him short of expectation, and do not have normal bill when, this moment returns money very hard. General operator can tell you to let you wait to handle, when be being hit again next, be to show the state that be busy forever, although you had favour to retreat, still must assume freight and all sorts of charge, want to await half month above at least, cost force of bad news of bad news heart, a lot of people are avowed and hapless.

Travel following a group encounters shopping dot, can you choose not to shop nod?

Travel with the group because of petty gain, because not little shopping place wants,go namely, go shopping bit of job that is a tourist guide, also be a journey that travels with the group.

Since came, enjoyed the petty gain of the price, if explaining not to go, that is not quite good also. You can go in look, buy be not bought or buy buy more little the decision that is him individual.

Is happy work shops fraud?

It is fraud for certain, my money is in a year inside, look for excuse all the day, freeze account today, will seek ground again tomorrow

Go the dot that Changsha travel goes to surely?

Changsha is Hunan Province provincial capital, a lot of deserve the place that swims. It is a few places that Changsha goes to surely below:

1.Orange continent head: In be located in the Hunan river below hill of Yue Lu of the Changsha City, it is one of tourist attractions with the famousest Hunan Province. The culture of the building that there is of primitive simplicity here, beautiful natural scenery and Hunan river two sides insides information, be Changsha is indicative one of.

2.Hill of high mountain the foot of mountain: It is the mark sex tourist attraction of the the Changsha City, also be the view with well-known Hunan Province scenic spot one of areas. There is the world on hill head of tablet of the first long word, orange continent and the famous tourist attraction such as academy of classical learning of high mountain the foot of mountain,

3.House of orange continent Xiao Xiang: The orange that is located in foot of a hill of high mountain the foot of mountain to fall inside continent head, it is a modern museum that reveals lake Hunan culture. Product of the historical cultural relic of culture of Hunan having a lake, artwork and culture originality is exhibited inside the house, it is the good place that knows Hunan culture.

4.Changsha horse king piles Chinese grave: It is China modern one of major discovery on archaeology history, came up out of land many Han Daiwen other people, pile silk book with Ma Wang among them most famous. Now, wang Duihan grave has built the horse display a house, the tourist can admire these precious cultural relic with close quarters.

5.Academy of classical learning of high mountain the foot of mountain: Be located in inside hill of high mountain the foot of mountain, it is Chinese ancient time one of 4 big academy of classical learning. Here is the place that archaic bookman refined scholar collects, preserved a lot of ancient time culture vestigial, include traditional structure and culture exhibition.

6.Hunan Province museum: It is the omnibus museum with the biggest Hunan, collect, research and the historical culture bequest that show Hunan region. Display inside the house have rich cultural relic and artwork, it is the important place that knows Hunan history and culture.

7.Orange continent subway stands: The orange that is located in hill of high mountain the foot of mountain to fall on the side of continent head, it is China one of stations of the most beautiful subway. This subway station used the technique that element of Chinese traditional culture and contemporary design photograph combine, give a person a kind of distinctive aesthetic feeling and culture experience.

Above is a few places that Changsha goes to surely, every place has distinctive glamour and rich culture intention, can make a tourist comprehensive understand view of zephyr of the history of Changsha, culture.

Happy the fraud that purchases content store?

Tell you with personal experience, must not be in was duped.

I heard the businessman's word namely, registered, returned a few days, the rest money is frozen entirely. Adjust now full 2000 carry show, be equivalent to consuming 310 thousand, of small small family, besides dry big thing, buy a thing monkey at ordinary times year Ma Yue can accumulate consumption 310 thousand ah! Carry now poundage is tall all the more still, can say so called consumption changes conduct financial transactions, it is to see a family encircling your money to go actually conduct financial transactions, you have the share that drink the northweat wind-have nothing to eat sees only. Once go in Qian Fang, did not want.

Do 3 big shopping travel nod Fosan?

Before tourist attraction of Fosan shopping travel is discharged 3 have, the day austral mountain, the heaven and earth austral mountain is withholding scene of Fosan amorous feelings, in order to repair old as usual means has repair, use make collect culture, travel, live, commerce is an organic whole.

Those who rank the 2nd is medium city of eaves of lake be surrounded by mountains, the subway upper cover that banner of sea real estate issues in is large commercial synthesis.

The 3rd is square of 10 thousand divisions, main fixed position is one-stop in destination of life of high-end family character.

Why must travel shopping dot want to go? ?

Travel shopping dot is the shopping place that in pointing to travel, arranges, visitting a tourist attraction one day to swim normally, tourism group, and even in waiting, abroad journey group can have arrangement. Travel shopping dot must want to go, main reason has the following:

1.Support local economy: Travel shopping dot is culture industry of place normally, head for shopping dot to conduce to supportive place economy. For instance, local handicraft is tasted, characteristic is fastfood etc, it is the product that the tourist buys in shopping dot, can increase the income of course of study of Wu of local industry kimono, the development of stimulative place economy.

2.Abound travel experience: Travel shopping dot is shirt-sleeve a variety of elements such as custom of local culture, characteristic, bring unique shopping experience to the tourist, added the interest sex of travel and pleasure. In shopping dot, the tourist can study local culture, sample local cate, buy a souvenir to wait, abounded travel experience and memory.

3.Acquire local product: The product that sells in travel shopping dot has unique local distinguishing feature normally, buy these products, the souvenir that can remember as travel not only brings back the home, also can try new local characteristic product, increased the fun of travel and experience.

4.Benefit interacts at communication: The tourist is in travel shopping dot, can undertake communicating interacting with local businessman and other visitor, the history that knows place, local customs, promotional the understanding between each other and communication.

Anyhow, travel shopping dot is travelling medium effect is very main, experience of supportive place economy, substantial travel, obtain local product, benefit to interact at communication waiting for many sided is the account that its must want to go. But when heading for travel shopping dot, need tourist proper motion judges product rationality and price rationality, avoid to get the influence of trap or fraud.

Does tourism group take shopping place lawful?

The lawful sex that tourism group takes shopping place because of area and relevant code different. Be in certain place, tourist of OK and lawful region goes to tourism group shopping dot, and there may be a few restrictions in other area.

Generally speaking, the lawful sex that tourism group takes shopping place depends on the following elements:

1.Local law: Different country and area take the regulation of shopping dot to differ to tourism group. Some places may have specific legislation to set, limitative tourism group takes a tourist to shop the frequency of the dot or time paragraph, ask tourism group provides the reasonable proportion between shopping dot and travel tourist attraction possibly also.

2.Travel contract: Whether were the arrangement of shopping activity and provision included in the contract between tourism group and tourist. If regulated shopping activity clearly in the contract, and the tourist agreed with this one clause, so tourism group takes a tourist to shop the dot is lawful.

3.Diaphaneity and mandatory: Tourism group ought to provide the pertinent information of shopping activity to the tourist, ensure shopping behavior is freewill. If tourism group asks the tourist must enter shopping activity, perhaps put in fraudulent action in shopping dot, so such practice may violate.

Those who need an attention is, although tourism group takes shopping place,be lawful, also ought to observe relevant morality and commercial norm, ensure the tourist's rights and interests is protected, provide true commodity and service. In the meantime, the tourist also ought to travel alertly the clause in the contract, know oneself rights and interests and responsibility.

Altogether, lawful sex depends on local law and contract provision. If have relevant doubt, suggest to seek advice from professional personage or suggest.

Changsha shopping strategy?

Shopping strategy

First floor goes to have the cabinet of free check continuously into the door, remember the number on the ark that send a package, proper motion set 6 digit password, by # key ends, jewel is tasted or keep.


The shopping bag of a yellow can be taken before beginning to shop, when taking outfit thing to shop, want to notice, the color of the price tag of commodity, share red, yellow, Bai San to plant label.

White label: Take directly take, pay to the counter

Gules label: Carry area extraction oneself to first floor, or to guide the member that buy is in a network to issue sheet

Maize label: Connection guides the member that buy issues sheet

Deliver goods

Complete Hunan Province of deliver goods limits, can deserve to send.

The price

300 kilograms of less than inside the the Changsha City remove 20 kilograms of less than outside the city inside; Changsha 99 yuan 100 yuan of charge with a; detailed more can seek advice in the spot guide the member that buy.

Settle accounts

Hold go-cart and the client of shopping car to need to indicate a counter to pay in blue, the customer that holds maize shopping bag can pay in either counter.
