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1. 交通方式:首先,你可以通过高铁从北京前往济南。从北京南站出发,你可以选择乘坐高铁前往济南西站。车程约2.5小时。在济南西站,你可以选择乘坐地铁1号线到达济南市区。当然,你还可以选择飞机、汽车等其他交通方式,具体可以根据你的预算和时间来决定。

2. 旅游景点:山东拥有许多著名的旅游景点,其中最著名的是泰山。泰山是中国五岳之首,是一座具有文化、历史、自然三重价值的名山。在泰山,你可以感受到中国古代文化的博大精深。除了泰山,山东还有许多其他著名景点,如曲阜的孔庙、孔府、孟府,济南的千佛山、大明湖、趵突泉青岛的八大关、栈桥、崂山等等。每个景点都有其独特的历史文化和自然风光。

3. 路线安排:你可以选择一条既能够欣赏到山东的美景,又能够体验到当地文化的路线。以下是一个建议的路线:

- 第一站:济南。济南是山东省会,这里有许多著名的景点,如天下第一泉景区、千佛山、大明湖等。在济南,你可以选择住在市中心,交通周转方便,同时可以品尝到当地的美食。

- 第二站:泰安。从济南出发,你可以选择乘坐公交车或者火车前往泰安。在泰安,你可以去爬泰山。泰山是一个消耗体力的活,但是当你登上山顶,看到壮观的景色和云海,会感受到一种无比的满足感。最好选择在晚上爬泰山,这样你可以在山顶上等待日出,运气好的话还可以看到云海。

- 第三站:青岛从泰安出发,你可以选择乘坐火车或者长途汽车前往青岛。青岛是一个充满欧洲风情的城市,这里有许多有趣的景点,如栈桥、八大关、海军博物馆、崂山等。在青岛期间,你可以尝试当地的海鲜美食和啤酒文化。

- 第四站:烟台从青岛出发,你可以选择乘坐公交车或者火车前往烟台。烟台是一个靠海的城市,这里有许多美丽的海滩和海岛。你可以去蓬莱、长岛等地方享受海滩度假的乐趣。

- 第五站:威海从烟台出发,你可以选择乘坐公交车或者火车前往威海。威海是一个历史悠久的城市,这里有许多有名的景点,如刘公岛、成山头等。在威海期间,你可以感受到这个城市的独特魅力。

4. 注意事项:在高铁旅游自由行中,你需要注意以下几点:

- 提前规划好行程,确定好行程路线和时间;

- 在旅行中注意安全,注意保护环境和文化遗产;

- 在旅途中多关注当地的天气情况,及时增减衣物;

- 尽量多品尝当地的美食和特产,了解当地的文化和历史。


If you want to undertake Beijing arrives,the Gao Tie of Shandong travels to go freely, it is a possible strategy below:

1.Traffic means: Above all, you can head for Jinan from Beijing through Gao Tie. Set out from the station austral Beijing, before the choice takes Gaotie, you can go to Jinan west station. Car Cheng makes an appointment with 2.5 hours. Be in Jinan west station, you can choose to take the subway a line reachs Jinan urban district. Of course, you still can choose the way of other liaison man such as plane, car, specific and OK will decide according to your budget and time.

2.Travel tourist attraction: Shandong has a lot of famous travel tourist attractions, among them the famousest is a father-in-law. First the father-in-law is Chinese the Five Mountains, it is the renown hill of a natural and a literate, history, ternary value. In the father-in-law, what you can experience culture of Chinese ancient time is broad and profound. Besides the father-in-law, shandong still has a lot of other and famous tourist attractions, be like Qu Fu's Confucian temple, Kong Fu, Meng Fu, the 1000 Fosan of Jinan, big bright lake, Bao dash forward of fontal Qingdao 8 close greatly, hill of landing stage, Lao is waited a moment. Every tourist attraction has its distinctive history culture and natural view.

3.Course arrangement: You can choose a beautiful scenery that can admire Shandong already, can experience the line of local culture again. It is the course of a proposal below:

- the first station: Jinan. Jinan is Shandong provincial capital, here has a lot of famous tourist attractions, if the world is area of scene of the first spring, 1000 Fosan, great bright lake. In Jinan, you can choose, traffic have enough to meet need is convenient, can taste the cate of savor place at the same time.

- the 2nd station: Tai'an. Set out from Jinan, you can choose to take a bus Tai'an perhaps is gone to before the train. Be in Tai'an, you can climb a father-in-law. The father-in-law is a work that consumes physical power, but enter the peak when you, see grand scenery and sea of clouds, can feel a kind of clinking contented sense. Best choice climbs a father-in-law in the late evening, such you can await sunrise on the summit, lucky word still can see a sea of clouds.

- the 3rd station: Qingdao sets out from Tai'an, you can choose to take the train long-distance perhaps car heads for Qingdao. Qingdao is a town that fills European amorous feelings, here has a lot of interesting tourist attractions, like landing stage, 8 close greatly, hill of naval museum, Lao. During Qingdao, you can try seafood cate of place and beer culture.

- the 4th station: Yantai sets out from Qingdao, you can choose to take a bus Yantai perhaps is gone to before the train. Yantai is a city that relies on the sea, here has a lot of beautiful beach and island. You can go to the place such as a fabled abode of immortals, long island enjoying the fun that beach goes vacationing.

- the 5th station: Power sea sets out from Yantai, you can choose to take a bus perhaps go to before the train power sea. Power sea is the city with a long history, here has a lot of famous tourist attractions, be like the Liu Gong island, first class that become hill. During power sea, you can experience the distinctive glamour of this city.

4.Note: In Gao Tie travel freedom goes in, you need to notice the following:

- plan ahead of schedule good journey, decide good journey course and time;

- safety notices in the journey, the attention protects environment and culture heritage;

- the weather situation that pays close attention to place more in journey, clothings of seasonable increase and decrease;

- sample more as far as possible local cate and special local product, know local culture and history.

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