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阿尔山的春天,融化了冰封的记忆,万物复苏,一派春光明媚。当你踏上这块充满温情的土地,怒放的 杜鹃花扭动着窈窕柔嫩的腰肢,招得蜂蝶群绕。春风中,鸟语花香,每一块泥土都散发着沁人肺腑的清香;连绵的山峦、碧绿的森林、清冽的山泉、袅袅的炊烟,碧波荡漾的草原,晨曦下、暮霭中,一幅色泽清丽,韵味悠长的丹青水墨就会展现在你的面前。




阿尔山国家森林公园可是国家AAAAA级景区,其中大小景点多达17个,包括乌苏浪子湖、地池、驼峰岭天池、石塘林、鹿鸣湖、柴河源大峡谷、杜鹃湖、三潭峡、龟背岩、四方山、石塘瀑布 杜鹃湖风景区、好森沟风景区、金江沟温泉、熔岩景观、许愿桥、仙人洞。







1. 衣服:


2. 雨具:


3. 防晒用品:


4. 其他装备:


5. 特别提醒:






DAY 1长春-辉南-集安全程445公里,约5.5小时长春出发,开启G331吉线秘境鸭绿江沿线自驾模式,驾车经停辉南【龙湾群国家森林公园】(沿长长高速行驶223公里,约2.5小时)三角龙湾坐落在吉林省辉南县内海拔833米的山上,水面面积50公顷,湖中最深处180米,是距今20万年前的一次火山喷发后形成的火山湖。由三角龙湾、大龙湾、二龙湾、小龙湾、东龙湾、南龙湾、旱龙湾、吊水湖(瀑布)、金龙顶、四方顶组成“七湾、一瀑、两顶”十大景观区,乘船游览风光十分迷人。午餐结束后自驾赴集安市(沿集双高速转驼靖线行驶222公里,约3小时),抵达后用餐休息调整。

DAY 2集安-钱湾村-集安全程30公里,约1小时早起赴【钱湾村】(沿集锡线转集锡公路行驶14公里,约20分钟)在集安钱湾村,有你向往的生活:山岗百果飘香,山下溪水流淌,置身于代表着简约生活和充



 也可以选择从长春有一条通往乌兰浩特的直达省际公路,大概不到十个小时就能到乌兰浩特然后再从乌兰浩特开车到阿尔山大概需要3个半小时 希望你们和我们一样玩的愉快! 去阿尔山旅游怎样呢,长春到阿尔山坐什么车方便些 火车 第一天交通:火车/汽车长春站早05:21分乘N105次列车出发,开始愉快之旅,中午11:25分到达红城---乌兰浩特市。午餐后乘汽车赴阿尔山市.沿途观赏科尔沁草原风光,观赏美丽的阿尔山落日晚霞。

洗温泉(自费)。 第二天交通:汽车早餐后乘汽车观赏天下第一神泉五里泉,需自备矿泉水瓶,盛满世界闻名的奇泉圣水,开始您一天的愉快旅行,车览浩瀚的百万亩人工林,游览国家森林公园,全国第三高天池,步行穿越三潭峡谷栈道、石塘林步道,鲜花盛开的杜鹃湖,驼峰岭天池。如画的风光会让您沉浸在童话般的梦幻世界,感受千里林海,连绵的山峰、醉人的山水、秀美的白桦林里百鸟争鸣,百花齐放,仙境里让您忘了归家的路.阿尔山童话般的世界 第三天交通:汽车/火车 早餐后乘汽车赴乌兰浩特市,下午13:50乘N106次列车返回长春,晚20:31分抵达长春后结愉快旅行。 从长春到满洲里,呼伦贝尔大草原,阿尔山7天的时间,走什么路线好,都能去那些好景点,

大概费用多少 谢 可以坐1301次火车,抵达海拉尔,然后租车或者跟团前往额尔古纳、根河、莫尔道嘎、室韦、黑山头、满洲里、阿尔山,目前是当地旅游旺季,不含往返大交通费用,大约花费3800元。若是自驾的话,可以先从长春经乌兰浩特到阿尔山,再从阿尔山到满洲里、额尔古纳、室韦、莫尔道嘎、根河、额尔古纳、海拉尔、齐齐哈尔、哈尔滨返回长春,这样除去燃油,每人花费大约3000元。












1. 交通方式:

- 高铁:从重庆北站或重庆西站乘坐高铁到达乐山站,乘坐出租车或公交车前往乐山市区或景区。

- 自驾:从重庆市区经过成渝高速公路到达乐山市区,然后按照导航前往乐山大佛景区。

2. 行程安排:

- 第一天:抵达乐山后,可以参观乐山大佛景区,欣赏世界文化遗产乐山大佛,游览乐山大佛附近的乐山大佛博物馆和乐山大佛寺。

- 第二天:可以前往峨眉山景区,游览峨眉山景区的主峰金顶、伏虎寺、乌龙潭等著名景点,并体验乘坐索道的刺激和观赏美景。

- 第三天:如果时间允许,可以继续探索乐山市区的其他景点,如嘉定山、乐山市博物馆等。

3. 住宿选择:

- 乐山大佛景区内有许多酒店和客栈可供选择,可以选择在景区内住宿,方便游览大佛和附近的景点。

- 乐山市区也有许多酒店和宾馆可供选择,交通便利,适合前往峨眉山和其他景点。

4. 美食推荐:

- 乐山著名的小吃有太白烧饼、乐山豆腐脑、鸡油饭等,可以品尝当地特色美食。

- 峨眉山周边也有一些特色小吃,如峨眉豆腐、峨眉素鱼等。




Is strategy of travel of A Er hill optimal and seasonal?

The middle ten days of a month reached optimal travel time in May in June the middle ten days of a month

A Ershan's spring, melted to be remembered iceboundly, everythings on earth anabiosises, one clique spring scenery is beautiful. Set foot on this land that is full of warmth when you, the azalea twist of in full bloom is worn gentle and graceful and tender waist limb, enrol bee butterfly group circle. In spring breeze, charactizing a fine spring day, each clay is sending out the faint scent of ooze person the bottom of one's heart; The continuous chain of mountains, dark green forest, cooling spring, smoke from kitchen chimneys that wave in the wind, blue waves swings the prairie of overflow, below first sun rays in the morning, in evening mist, qing Li of a colour and lustre, the painting water Chinese ink with long lasting appeal can show in you before.

A Ershan has the place with amused what, strategy of A Ershan travel?

The plays surely tourist attraction of strategy of A Ershan travel

1, park of forest of A Ershan country (entrance ticket price 180 yuan)

Park of forest of country of A Er hill can be area of scene of national AAAAA class, among them size tourist attraction amounts to 17, include Wusu hill of cliff of gorge of lake of big gorge of river source of lake of pool of loafer lake, ground pool, hump mountain sky, Shi Tanglin, Lu Ming, bavin, cuckoo, 3 pools, curvature of the spinal column, all directions, Shi Tang.

2, area of condition of bank of Ao Lun cloth (entrance ticket price 120 yuan)

Area of condition of bank of Ao Lun cloth is " run brother " Hei Senlin passes through film ground gross area 256 hectare, from A Ershan city drives about 40 minutes, can arrive. Area of condition of bank of Ao Lun cloth is China's final virgin forest, it is 4 llano union department of Chinese, it is the park of national wet ground in exclusive virgin forest.

3, with a ha pull Ha He (entrance ticket is not had)

With a ha pull haing unconscious language to be the meaning of protective screen, this river is the boundary river that China is the same as Mongolia country, bring mountain range at going in for sth in a large scale seminary on the west the loose Xie Hu of slope of north of side skyscraping mountain (Da Erbin lake) , shed classics cuckoo lake, suggest everybody goes with a ha pulling Ha He and Wu Lun river to hand in the river valley that collect, the heaven of photography lover is over there, be known as Halaha a the river is the most beautiful paragraph, the scenery is unusually beautiful!

Did A Ershan travel in June clad strategy?

June is the busy season that A Ershan travels, because be located in high height above sea level a mountainous area, weather is changeful, need undertakes dressing matching according to the characteristic of weather situation and place. It is A Ershan below travel is clad in June strategy:

1.The dress:

A Ershan the air temperature change June is bigger, difference in temperature of morning and evening is big, need carries the clothings of a few heat preservation. Remember putting on long sleeve shirt, coat to wait, in order to prevent a cold. Sneaker or climbing boot are worn when travel, so that walk a mountainous area.

2.Rain gear:

As a result of A Ershan rain is more June, need equipment good rain gear. For example umbrella, raincoat or rain boot, so that corresponding step can be taken when wet go on a journey.

3.Prevent bask in things:

Because A Ershan's sun is stronger, during travel need prepares sunglass, prevent bask in frost to wait prevent bask in things, be basked in in order to avoid the skin.

4.Other equipment:

In the travel that waits for natural condition area toward prairie or forest afore, need prepares the equipment such as the fluid that prevent midge, wet towel, flashlight.

5.Special remind:

In A Ershan the need in travel notices difference in temperature of morning and evening is bigger, temperature can fall in the evening to lower, need carries heat preservation clothings. In addition, the difference in temperature of region of A Er country is bigger, weather is forecasted hard, the proposal undertakes dressing matching ahead of schedule according to weather situation, lest encounter accident situation.

Anyhow, toward A Ershan travel needs to prepare proper clothing and other articles of daily use and equipment according to climate circumstance and course characteristic before. Hope you play happily in travel.

Changchun travel strategy?

Bogus palace, south lake, grow a shadow, one steam

Does Changchun set out strategy of 331 nations line?

DAY 1 Changchun - brightness south - collect installs whole journey 445 kilometers, about 5.5 hours of Changchun set out, along the line of green river of duck of condition of secret of line of open G331 auspicious drives pattern oneself, drive via stopping brightness south [Long Wan group national forest park] (the edge grows travel of long high speed 223 kilometers, about 2.5 hours) trigonometry dragon bay is located in Jilin the altitude inside the county austral province brightness on 833 meters hill, surface area 50 hectare, in the lake most in 180 meters, it is to be apart from the volcanic lake that after volcano erupts, forms 200 thousand years ago today. By trigonometry lake of bay of bay of Long Wan, big Long Wan, 2 dragon, small Long Wan, Dong Long, Na Long bay, drought dragon bay, condole water (chute) , Jin Long supports, all directions supports, visit scene by ship very attractive. After lunch ends, drive oneself go to collect to bring city (along collect double high speed turns travel of camel pacify line 222 kilometers, about 3 hours) , the have dinner after arriving at rests adjust.

DAY 2 collect is installed - money bay village - collect installs whole journey 30 kilometers, about 1 hour rises early go to [Qian Wan village] (line of edge collect stannum turns travel of collect stannum highway 14 kilometers, about 20 minutes) Qian Wan village is installed in collect, have your yearning life: Hillock 100 fruit wave sweet, current of the brook below hill drips, place oneself is worn at the delegate brief life and fill

Is Changchun driven oneself to A Ershan swim strategy?

Our family group 4 people set out from Changchun, came 3 days are driven oneself swim, the journey 1800 kilometers, 10 collect fees station, back and forth pike 200 yuan. Changchun comes A Ershan, whole journey 700 kilometers. Early set out at 6 o'clock, jing Changling, connect Yu, Tao south, Bai Cheng, Wu Lanhao is channel of special, Cha Ersen, Suo Lun, 5 fork, white wolf, reach city of A Er hill finally. Whole journey road is even, eliminate white city to black there are paragraph of 20 kilometers to building a road between Lan Hao spy, one-way and current outside, the face is major route to repair road surface newly, but have not underline, fingerpost is very clear, speed is in commonly 100 to 110 stride the left and right sides.

 Also can choose to from Changchun one leads to highway of Wu Lanhao's special nonstop province border, can not arrive to 10 hours probably what Wu Lanhao drives to need 3 half hours to hope to play like you and us probably to A Ershan especially from Wu Lanhao again next especially is happy! Go A Ershan travels how, what car does Changchun take to go to the lavatory to A Ershan some of train: of the first day of traffic? Early 05:2 of station of Changchun of partridge? carBy N105 1 minute second train sets out, begin happy brigade, midday 11:2Reach red city 5 minutes---Wu Lanhao is special city. Lunch hind goes to city of A Er hill by the car. View and admire scene of prairie of division Er ooze on the way, view and admire afterglow of beautiful setting sun of A Er hill.

Wash hot spring (at one's own expenses) . The following day traffic: ? Bald Hui of  Di Qi is like  to pour Piao to swallow illuminate? of Strontium of Jian of  of Pan of reed of busy show off needs water bottle of mineral spring of provide for oneself, water of Cheng Man's world-famous strange spring emperor, the happy trip that begins you one day, 1 million mus when Che Lanhao vasts artificial forest, visit national forest park, the 3rd high overhead pool of countrywide, pass through on foot footpath of a plank road built along a cliff of 3 pools gorge, Shi Tanglin, lake of bright blossomy cuckoo, pool of hump mountain sky. Picturesque scene can let you be enmeshed in the dreamy world like fairy tale, experience immense forest of a thousand li, contend of the lark in the landscape of continuous mountain peak, intoxicate, elegant Bai Hua forest, let a hundred flowers blossom, you let forget to put in domestic road 's charge in elfland. The: of the 3rd day of liaison man of world like A Ershan fairy tale? Black is gone to by the car after breakfast of  ? train city of Lan Hao spy, afternoon 13:50 by N106 second train returns Changchun, late 20:3The knot after arriving at Changchun 1 minute is happy journey. Arrive from Changchun full continent in, llano of Hu Lunbei Er, a Ershan time of 7 days, it take what course is good to take what course, can go those good tourist attractions,

Probably more or less does charge wither can take the train 1301 times, arrive at Hailaer, hire a car to perhaps head for river of Eerguna, root, Moer to with the group next, room Wei, black hilltop, full continent in, A Ershan, it is local travel busy season at present, do not contain cost of roundtrip old liaison man, cost 3800 yuan about. If be driven oneself if, can arrive especially via Wu Lanhao from Changchun first A Ershan, arrive from A Ershan again full continent li, Wei of Eerguna, room, Mo Erdao, root river, Eerguna, Hailaer, Qiqihaer, such eliminate fuel, cost about 3000 yuan each.

The travel special train that Changchun sets out?

Special train from Changchun only then hair, accept of Le Tai of A of by way of, noise made in coughing or vomiting this, cocoa holds the sea, Ji Mu in the palm to be port, Yi Li to be pulled then carry, spit rash time, Shan Tianchi of the Pamirs, day, bus is plunged into wait for famous beauty spot, strap time of peaceful area travel to be 3 days in A among them.

The travel course that Changchun sets out?

Provincially Changchun arrives long Bai Shan, changchun arrives Yan Ji, changchun arrives Jilin, how is Changchun waited a moment to collect. Outside the province more, changchun arrives Dalian, changchun goes to Shanghai, changchun goes to Hangzhou, changchun is waited a moment to Shenyang.

Strategy of travel of hill of justice black boat setting out?

Justice black sets out to be as follows to travel strategy of Zhou Shan:

Traffic means: Plane: Take a plane to head for boat hill airport from justice black airport, flight time is 1 hour about. Gao Tie: Take Gao Tieqian to go to boat hill railway station from justice black railway station, cheng of tall iron car is 3 hours about. Car: Take a car to head for boat hill station from justice black station, car Cheng is 4 hours about.

Scheduling: The first day: Justice black sets out, take plane or Gaotie to head for Zhou Shan, the public house is entered after arriving at rest. The following day: Visit boat hill archipelago, can choose to visit Pu Tuo hill, east extremely the tourist attraction such as the island. The 3rd day: Visit boat hill fishing port, can sample seafood cate of place. The 4th day: Visit boat hill ancient town, understand historical culture. The 5th day: Visit park of forest of boat hill country, appreciate beautiful natural view. The 6th day: Return justice black, the end is happy itinerary.

Note: Understand weather situation of Zhou Shan ahead of schedule, according to weather situation reasonable arrangement goes Cheng. The attention is safe, abide by scene area regulation, protect an environment. Carry necessary equipment and article, if prevent,bask in frost, sunglass, rain gear to wait. Notice dietetic hygiene, avoid bromatoxism. Hope above strategy is helped somewhat to you, wish you journey is happy!

Strategy of travel of Chongqing Le Shan setting out?

It is Chongqing below the strategy travels toward Le Shan before setting out:

1.Traffic means:

- Gao Tie: From Chongqing north stands or Chongqing west station takes Gao Tie to arrive at Le Shan to stand, take taxi or bus to head for happy hill urban district or scene area.

- drive oneself: Through Cheng Yu from Chongqing urban district the freeway reachs happy hill urban district, head for area of scene of happy hill big Buddha according to navigation next.


- the first day: After arriving at Le Shan, can visit area of scene of happy hill big Buddha, big Buddha of happy hill of bequest of appreciation world culture, visit the happy Shandafobo near happy Shandafo temple of big Buddha of content house and happy hill.

- the following day: Can head for area of scene of hill of high mountain eyebrow, the famous tourist attraction such as temple of tiger of the top of gold of the highest peak in a mountain range that visits area of scene of hill of high mountain eyebrow, bend over, Wu Longtan,

- the 3rd day: If time allows, can continue to explore the other tourist attraction of happy hill urban district, wait like museum of city of Jia Dingshan, happy hill.

3.Accommodation choice:

- happy Shandafo has a lot of hotels and hotel to be able to offer an alternative inside scene area, can choose to lodge inside scene area, convenient visit big Buddha and the tourist attraction around.

- happy hill urban district also has a lot of hotels and guesthouse to be able to offer an alternative, communication is easy, suit to head for hill of high mountain eyebrow and other tourist attraction.

4.Cate recommends:

- Le Shan is famous fastfood oily meal of jellied bean curd of too white sesame seed cake, Le Shan, chicken waits, can sample local characteristic cate.

- periphery of hill of high mountain eyebrow also has a few distinguishing feature fastfood, fish of element of eyebrow of bean curd of the eyebrow that be like high mountain, high mountain.

Before set out, had better plan beforehand good journey, examine local weather situation, if prevent,prepare necessary article bask in things, comfortable shoe to wait. In the meantime, circumstance of the open time that pays close attention to area of happy hill scene, entrance ticket and traffic information.

Hope above strategy travels to be helped somewhat to your Le Shan, wish you journey is happy!

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