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苏格兰折耳猫 (学名: Felis silvestris catus ,英文名:Scottish Fold) 是猫的一种在 耳朵 有 基因突变 的猫种。由于这猫种最初在苏格兰发现,所以以它的 发现 地和身体特征而命名。这种猫非常能吃苦耐闹,继承了祖先看仓库猫的特点,性格温和,叫声很小, 它乐意与人为伴,并用它特有的这种安宁的方式来表达。


英国 短毛猫 ,体形圆胖,四肢粗短发达,毛短而密,头大脸圆,温柔平静,对人友善,极易饲养。大而圆的眼睛根据被毛不同而呈现各种颜色。作为一个古老的猫品种,其历史可追溯至古罗马时期的家猫,由于拥有悠久的育种历史,可以称得上是猫家族中的典范。英国短毛猫除了拥有固定而聚,代表性的遗传特征之外,又具有丰富的变异性,如背毛色眼睛颜色等。更重要的是,有了广泛的配种历史后,这种猫拥有了更健康的身体和更温驯的性格。




波斯猫(Persian cat)是以 阿富汗 的土种长毛猫和土耳其的安哥拉长毛猫为基础,在英国经过100多年的选种繁殖,于1860年 诞生 的一个品种。波斯猫是最常见的长毛猫,波斯猫有一张讨人喜爱的面庞,长而华丽的背毛,优雅的举止,故有“猫中王子”、“ 王妃 ”之称,是世界上爱猫者最喜欢的纯种猫之一,占有极其重要的地位。




加拿大无毛猫(Canadian Hairless)亦称斯芬克斯猫,是加拿大 安大略省 多伦多市 养猫爱好者在1966年从一窝几乎是无毛的猫仔中,经过近交选育,特意为对猫毛过敏的爱猫者培育成的。这种猫是自然的 基因突变 产生的 宠物猫 ,除了在耳、口、鼻、尾前锻、脚等部位有些又薄又软的 胎毛 外,其它全身部分均无毛,皮肤多皱有弹性。加拿大无毛猫性情温顺,独立性强,无攻击性,能与其它猫狗相处。


布偶猫,又称“布拉多尔(Ragdoll)”,发源于美国,是一种杂交品种宠物猫。是现存体型最大、体重最重的猫之一。头呈楔形,眼大而圆, 被毛 丰厚,四肢较长且富有肉感,尾长,身体柔软,毛色有重点色、手套色或双色等等。布偶猫较为 温顺 好静,对人友善。其美丽优雅又非常类似于狗的性格(Puppy cat)而又被称为"仙女猫","小狗猫"。特殊的外貌和温和的性格是布偶猫最大的特点之一。


暹(xiān)罗猫是世界著名的 短毛猫 ,也是短毛猫的代表品种。种族原产于暹罗(今 泰国 ),故名 暹罗 猫。在200多年前,这种珍贵的猫仅在泰国的皇宫和大寺院中饲养,是足不出户的贵族。暹罗猫能够较好适应主人当地的气候,且性格刚烈好动,机智灵活,好奇心特强,善解人意。




1. Scotland folds ear cat

Scotland folds ear cat (formal name: Felis Silvestris Catus, english name: A kind of Scottish Fold) is a cat cat that there is gene mutation in ear is planted. Because this cat is planted,discover in Scotland at first, discover with it the ground names with body feature so. This kind of cat can bear hardships very much be able to bear or endure be troubled by, acceded the characteristic that the ancestor sees storehouse cat, nature is gentle, the cry is very small, it is companion gladly with the person, be conveyed with this kind of its peculiar peaceful manner.

Cat of 2. England undercoat

British undercoat cat, bodily form chubbiness, limb thick bingle is amounted to, hair is short and close, head big face is round, tenderness is quiet, affable to the person, raise extremely easily. Big and round eye basis is differred by wool and present all sorts of color. Regard an old cat as breed, its history but date from reachs ancient Rome the moggy of period, because have long breeding history, can saying to go up is a cat familial medium example. British undercoat cat besides have secure and get together, besides representative feature, have rich variability again, if carry color of wool lubricious eye on the back,wait. More important is, after having extensive hybridization history, this kind of cat was had more healthy body and more the disposition of docile.

Cat of undercoat of 3. United States

American undercoat cat, call grain of America undercoat tiger the cat again, element of American undercoat cat with constitution big and tall, skeletal and brawny, hefty, natural disposition is clever, disposition is docile and celebrated, it is the cardinal principle in undercoat cat cat. It is by American the earth European cat and America mainland is planted the cat tries to reform and Yo is become, it is the traditional breed in moggy. 1971, its are chosen to be the United States' best cat to plant one of.

4. Persia cat

Persia cat (Persian Cat) it is the earth with Afghanistan is planted long hair cat and Osmanli Angola grow hair cat to be a foundation, breed through 100 old seed selection in England, at a breed that was born 1860. Persia cat is the commonnest long hair cat, persia cat has a piece of face that denounces a person to love, grow and carry wool on the back luxuriantly, elegant bearing, reason has " the prince in the cat " , " princess " say, it is one of blooded cats that the person that the cat loves on the world likes most, have all in all place.

5. adds phenanthrene cat

The cat that add phenanthrene is having perfectly round eye, big and round head, two span are broader, the neck is short and thick, nose is very short, because of nose section shorter lachrymal gland develops to shed tear easily, disposition is docile, very family member.

6. Si Fen is overcome this cat

Canada does not have hair cat (Canadian Hairless) also call Si Fen the gram this cat, it is how Canada saves Toronto city to raise feline lover to be in generally 1966 from one brood is glabrous cat young almost in, the course makes seed selection nearly, the person that it is allergic to feline wool love cat designedly is bred. This kind of cat is the pet cat that natural gene mutation produces, besides place waits in the forge before ear, mouth, nose, end, foot some thin outside soft foetal hair, part of other whole body all does not have wool, the skin is knitted more bouncy. Canada does not have hair cat disposition docile, independent character is strong, without aggressiveness, can get along with other cat dog.

7. cloth occasionally cat

Cloth idol cat, say again " Buladuoer (Ragdoll) " , seminary at the United States, it is cat of pet of breed of a kind of cross. It is existent bodily form one of cats with the biggest, the heaviest weight. The head shows wedge, the small hole is large and round, by Mao Fenghou, limb is longer and rich flesh feeling, end is long, body softness, hair color has key color, glove color or double color to wait a moment. Cloth idol cat is relatively docile very static, affable to the person. Its are beautiful and elegant special the disposition that is similar to a dog (Puppy Cat) and " of fairy cat of the " that be called, "Doggie cat " . Special appearance and gentle nature are one of characteristics with cloth idol the biggest cat.

8. Xian collect cat

Xian (Xi ā N) collect cat is world-renowned undercoat cat, also be the delegate breed of undercoat cat. Phyletic originate in Xian collect formerly (today Thailand) , collect cat of friend name Xian. Be in 200 old before, this kind of precious cat is raised in the palace of Thailand and big fane only, it is the noble that never leave home. Xian collect cat can better the climate that gets used to master place, and disposition firm sacrificing oneself for a just cause is good move, quick-witted and agile, curiosity is especially strong, understanding.

9. racoon dog spends a cat

The country of origin of racoon dog beautiful cat is China, belong to natural cat, it is the breed that in the natural selection that a lot of breed pass in 100000 reservation comes down. People is the most familiar be about to be " leopard cat changes prince " (Song Chao) story, this also is what can find is the earliest concern the record that spends a cat at racoon dog, so, racoon dog spent a cat to have a such English name DragonLi, by CFA the cat can be awarded. It special suffer common people people like, because it has beautiful, thick superficial knowledge, healthy body. Easy feed, and be opposite catch mouse very be expert at.

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