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One, unseal continuation school of literacy class of the university entrance exam which achievement is best?

Greatly eulogy art checks culture continuation school is the culture continuation school that lays in the light of art, more than learning literacy class to be able to be understood in the school accordingly, after pristine sheet has been enrolled, I am the literacy class on that. Final the university entrance exam rises from many minutes 200. Had better pass art major, 2 when walked along a multiversity. Choose a good culture continuation school to be not divided so!

2, unseal continuation school of literacy class of the university entrance exam where home is good? Beg recommend?

I am in old song of continuation school study, I feel famouser than unsealing those continuation school a lot of, sprint of culture of the bottom class in a kindergarten 30 people control every class. We attended my good friend 2 some attended key college, achievement was carried to us a lot of! Famouser than those school a lot of, school administration is strict, the teacher is serious and conscientious, the yearning is awaited in those days in old song the day of continuation school ah!

3, orgnaization of take lessons after school of Yinchuan literacy class which are good?

Yinchuan city does not have orgnaization of culture take lessons after school.

Countrywide each district has the orgnaization of culture take lessons after school of student of middle and primary school previously, since the country publish student of middle and primary school double after decreasing policy, prohibit class of extracurricular culture take lessons after school gives a student take lessons after school or work,

4, art what is policy of take lessons after school of examinee literacy class?

Art literacy class of examinee take lessons after school

1, make full use of significant time is reviewed

Art because examinee is long-term dedicated coach at the assemble for training of professional class, automatical literacy class is put in the phenomenon that is out of line more or less, but, when specializing in art, sufficient and effective the knowledge that uses scattered time to consolidate oneself has learned, do not overwhelm entirely the time of 3 last months.

2, aggrandizement literacy class takes an examination of knowledge surely

The exam is fundamental cent occupies 60% above, wanted to master literacy class to take an examination of ABC surely only, so, literacy class mark is met with respect to scarcely too low.

3, literacy class exam should try skill

Art examinee lack examination room should try experience, often absent midterm, the large exam such as final, when mark of sprint literacy class, examinee should master an exam to should try skill, include the skill that solve a problem, encounter difficult problem how to should answer skill to wait a moment.

4, special exercise the university entrance exam is inscribed really

For reference in literacy class level, examinee must aggrandizement exam key, hold propositional trend, special training makes problem ability, at the same time aggrandizement practices the university entrance exam be being inscribed really, locate intellectual blind spot from inside becoming a problem, check leakage fill a vacancy.

5, the university entrance exam that connect thorough art study policy

In for reference literacy class when, the most important still must understand art policy of examinee the university entrance exam, at the same time art examinee must know write volunteer skill, know college news in time.

6, tone reorganize and outfit takes an examination of level state of mind

In phase of sprint literacy class, state of mind is very important, mark of the exam when some study a life is first-rate, but to the exam, because state of mind is bad, often take an examination of very poorly, accordingly, in for reference should adjust state of mind to promote agenda, with a kind of relaxed state of mind, prepare for war literacy class, go up easily examination room!

5, continuation school of Hefei the university entrance exam?

Hefei establishs continuation school of person the university entrance exam, have 26 years to run a school the school of high go back to school of experience.

6, want to look for an art of the university entrance exam to give birth to class of literacy class take lessons after school, what does everybody have to suggest?

I feel very be necessary, if major is pretty good, those who take an examination of is very good, result is right, that should seek the teacher of professional take lessons after school more, not certain have to goes orgnaization of take lessons after school, can see him where a class is short board, what which learn on one hand is bad, look for a teacher to go up man-to-man, the focal point is good fundamental control, remember an actor saying, after he obtains the certificate of approval of a film institute at that time, his maths just takes an examination of many minutes 20 in those days, he forces he makes a piece of tall examination paper everyday, in one is finished inside the hour partly, the maths when the university entrance exam took an examination of many minutes 100, have a cause, repeat simple thing do, regular meeting has very big gains! Cheer!

7, not take lessons after school, annual can the university entrance exam?

No matter be this year's examinee,unite the university entrance exam, still be adult the university entrance exam, can hold every year as scheduled, want to sign up only so, in can participating in process of the university entrance exam, with fill not take lessons after school has nothing to do, but if not take lessons after school, the university entrance exam is equal to take an examination of in vain, the university entrance exam is national choose sex examinee, to make person talent enough appear in public, so not take lessons after school attends the university entrance exam is to be able to attend, but the significance that did not play, title of the university entrance exam has quite great difficulty, not be to be taken an examination of casually one's deceased father can take an examination of those who attend a college.

8, the take lessons after school after the university entrance exam what foreign language?

This should see interest like, japanese French German these are very popular foreign languages, very academic also

9, class of take lessons after school of Lanzhou the university entrance exam, continuation school, which good?

Jin Zhong, should be the continuation school with best Lanzhou. Hear of school having branch, the environment is quite good, can consider.

10, does continuation school of the university entrance exam of Xi'an dragon door follow continuation school of Xi'an spaceflight the university entrance exam is that better?

It is a bit better to compare dragon door Xi'an dragon door continuation school was 2003 a full-time that holds water via approval of bureau of Xi'an city education is professional continuation school. The research that Mr. Ma Liangming passes school author 16 years to be taught to take lessons after school of the university entrance exam and practice, discovered " rely on pedagogic teaching 3 minutes, rely on teacher canal and student 7 minutes to learn " rule of take lessons after school of the university entrance exam, original creation " adviser + instructor + professional classmaster + education of scroll of cent administrative levels + whole sealing grants militarization government " dragon door teachs mode. Continuation school of Xi'an spaceflight the university entrance exam held water 1999, it is school of a normalization that teachs bureau approval to hold water via area of wild goose tower, full-time. It is company of group of Chinese spaceflight science and technology advanced education unit. Since the school holds water oneself, proportion of students entering a schools of a higher grade of all previous the university entrance exam is in 98 % above, 2 are in 70 % above, average per capita of achievement of the university entrance exam raises the left and right sides 120 minutes. Number of above of line of undergraduate course of article of 2000 my school, science is as high as 82 % . Student and parent recognition my school " affection of carve jade become a useful person puts in spaceflight 's charge " .

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