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Banh Can 占婆越南小煎饼(3万越南盾)

这道美食是从占婆族人很久以前带来的,后来人们不断改进,在越南中南部这道美食非常流行。制作这道的美食的工具也非常有越南特色,一个特制的模具,上面有很多小孔,每个小孔放上一个大小相同瓷碟,加火烤热就可以开始制作这一美食了。这样的小煎饼一般是在碟子上刷上些洋葱油再加上鸡蛋清,然后放入各种肉类,有海鲜,鸡肉,牛肉,猪肉等等。配菜是青芒果,然后加上鱼露。这道美食对才来的中国游客来说有些清淡,但是你在吃的时候一定要加上青芒果一起吃,或者再加上少许辣椒。因为他们在做Banh Can并没有放任何调味料,所以青芒果的酸甜味道加上烤出来的煎饼一起吃才能感受那种新鲜的味道,这和中国的食物完全不同。

Banh Xeo Nha Trang

Banh Xeo 本来是越南中部特别是岘港会安的地道美食,中南部的潘朗(PHANRANG)地区的人们非常有创意的将这道美食变成了迷你版的小煎饼。然后在芽庄盛行起来。这个小煎饼做法和正常的做法类似,就是用糯米粉加上姜黄粉,然后就是豆芽和虾肉或者猪肉和绿葱放入小瓷碟里烤。吃的时候一般会加上鱼露,如果你去芽庄的话,推荐买一两个尝尝。这道美食是越南非常具有当地特色的美食,大家在吃的时候要慢慢品味米饼的清脆和豆芽虾肉的新鲜口感。


鸡蛋咖啡越南语叫café trung。1946年创始人Nguyen Van Giang在 Sofitel Legend Metropole 酒店(越南最有名的酒店)当酒吧招待的时候发明这种咖啡的。由于当时缺乏牛奶,他就用鸡蛋加咖啡做了这样的咖啡。芽庄想要找到这样的咖啡非常困难,几乎没有咖啡店做这个。我偶然在这家主要卖水果饮料的咖啡店里找到了鸡蛋咖啡,而且做的还非常不错。这家店离市区很近,走路10多分钟就可以走到。店里环境也很好,服务态度也很好。当然你如果喜欢吃水果捞的话,这里也是不错的选择。

Bo Kho 炖牛肉汤加法棍

Bo Kho 是越南各大城市都比较有名的一道美食,鲜嫩的炖牛肉汤加上清脆的法棍面包简直是绝配,我在芽庄得以一家非常漂亮的咖啡店里发现这道美食的。来芽庄一定不要错过。



素食Chay Banh Mi

Banh Mi也就是越南法棍,很多游客已经不陌生了,但是芽庄这家素食法棍是很少见的。而且这家素食法棍的味道非常地道可口。女主人是个很友善的小贩,小店就是一辆靠在街边的小推车,位置非常好就在市中心,地图地位的地址不准,但是你需要慢慢地找就能看到她。Chay 在越南语中就是素食的意思。素食法棍里的各种新鲜蔬菜,豆腐块,奶酪都让你吃起来感觉非常棒,彻底不一样的法棍风格。




这家离市中心不远的广南餐馆着实让我大吃一惊,餐馆就一位广南来的敦厚朴实的妇女和她妈妈。但是她做的菜极其地道好吃!特别是爆炒肥肠味道非常符合国人口感,入味不油腻,细软且有嚼头,配上鱼露更是美味。另外一道美食是非常地道的越南广南美食烤鱼糕和米粉。餐馆还有非常好喝的莲子水(sua hat sen).你点餐的时候直接拿我的图片给老板看就可以了。






Bud village is to become numerous China tourist's most popular Vietnam travel destination recently. Had had hundred thousands of person every year to come here to travel. Bud village has rife characteristic cate and local cafeteria, but as a result of language problem, information asymmetry, tourist of a lot of China often by all sorts of very beautiful and high-grade looking net red cafeteria, shopping dot is cheated, the experience sells at a discount greatly. Bud village is Vietnam commercializes the most serious place, also be the most convenience travel ground at the same time, it is the Vietnam businessman of Chinese of Chinese menu peace conference everywhere, but often the pit that such advantage also brought a lot of deceit, the price of a lot of cafeteria not just the price is very expensive, and flavour is very general. For this I went around each local cafeteria near travel area technically in bud village, collect the cate that all sorts of local like, recommend 10 kinds of place cate that are worth to try most.

Banh Can occupies mother-in-law Vietnam small thin pancake made of millet flour (aegis of 30 thousand Vietnam)

This cate is brought a long time ago from the clansman that take an old woman, successors are improved ceaselessly, in the south in Vietnam this cate is very popular. The tool that makes this cate also has Vietnam distinguishing feature very much, a tailor-made mould, there are a lot of alveoluses above, every alveolus puts a volume identical porcelain dish, add fire to bake heat to be able to begin to make this one cate. Such small thin pancake made of millet flour is commonly brush on small dish go up some of onion is oily plus egg Qing Dynasty, put all sorts of meat next kind, have seafood, chicken, beef, pork is waited a moment. Distributing food is green mango, add fish sauce next. This cate is a little delicate to the Chinese tourist that just comes, but you must add green mango to eat together when eat, or plus a few chili. Because they are doing Banh Can to did not put any flavoring, so sweet taste path adds the acid of green mango to bake the thin pancake made of millet flour that come out to eat ability to experience the sort of fresh flavour together, the food of this and China differs completely.

Banh Xeo Nha Trang

Banh Xeo is Vietnam originally mid especially the pure cate that Xian harbor can install, in southern Pan Lang (the people of PHANRANG) area special original turned this cate into the small thin pancake made of millet flour that confuses your edition. Rise in bud village be current next. Practice of this small thin pancake made of millet flour and regular way are similar, add turmeric pink with pink of polished glutinous rice namely, it is bean sprouts and shrimp flesh next or pork and green green put small porcelain bake in dish. When eating, general meeting adds fish sauce, if you go the word of bud village, recommend buy 9 to taste. This cate is the cate that Vietnam has local distinguishing feature very much, what everybody wants to savour rice cake slowly when eat is ringing the fresh mouthfeel with flesh of bean sprouts shrimp.

Egg coffee

Egg coffee Vietnamese calls Caf é Trung. Father Nguyen Van Giang was in 1946 hotel of Sofitel Legend Metropole (the public house with the famousest Vietnam) invent this kind of coffee when bar is entertained. Because lack milk at that time, he added coffee to make such coffee with the egg. It is very difficult that bud village wants to find such coffee, do this without cafes almost. Egg coffee was found in the cafes that I basically sell a fruit drink in this accidentally, and those who do is very pretty good still. This inn is very close from the urban district, walk many minutes 10 to be able to go. The environment in inn is very good also, attitude of attending to guests is very good also. Of course if you like the word that draft fruit scoops up, here also is right choice.

Bo Kho stews rod of beef Tonga law

Bo Kho is Vietnam a each cate with big famouser city, the ringing law rod biscuit on Tonga of fresh and tender the beef that stew is to match absolutely simply, I am in what bud village is able to discover this cate in a very beautiful cafes. Come bud village scarcely wants to miss.

Meal of duck flesh polished glutinous rice

Cate comes from at the duck butcher's with a famed far and near, the famousest in inn is meal of duck flesh polished glutinous rice, and duck flesh face. Meal of duck flesh polished glutinous rice is to roast duck flesh is added polished glutinous rice and the onion that bake piece with pink of a few gram, when eating, remember adding on a few fish sauce to eat sapidder. Duck flesh face also is very fresh duck pork, mouthfeel is very good, everyday not little local comes here to have a meal. Storefront is not big, but had managed old. This inn just opened the door at 4 o'clock afternoon only, when the word that so you should come to can have dinner only, come.

Maigre Chay Banh Mi

Banh Mi namely Vietnam law rod, a lot of tourists already not unfamiliar, but bud village rod of this maigre law is very scarce. And the smell of rod of this maigre law is very pure and nice. Goodwife is a very affable butcher, small shop is a small go-cart that leans in street edge, the position is first-rate be in downtown, the address of map position forbids, but you need to search to be able to see her slowly. Chay is maigre meaning in Vietnamese. All sorts of fresh vegetable in maigre law rod, bean curd piece, cheese lets you taste the sense is very good, thoroughly different law rod style.

Street seafood

A lot of words that mention seafood, can go the seafood of bud village a street, that place is very actually much cafeteria is not cheap, those who slaughter a guest is very much also. Truly good street seafood shop can be found in downtown, a lot of have the small shop that local talent goes to only just is real petty gain delicious. I rambled a few days in urban street accidental a discovery this street small shop, the time that store of this wife and children already opened to have several years, the much that come is local. A lot of seafood are 30 thousand to aegis of 60 thousand Vietnam a dish, the sort of big langouste also many 10, than outside the cheap in part that sell. And the way is very good, piquancy mouthfeel is dye-in-the-wood.

Wide south cafeteria explodes fry pig's large intestines

This those who leave downtown not far is wide south cafeteria makes me astonied indeed, cafeteria with respect to wide south the woman of the guileless of honest and sincere that come and her mom. But the food that she makes is extremely pure and delicious! Explode especially fry pig's large intestines to taste special accord with compatriots mouthfeel, tasty is not fat, delicacy and have chew a head, deserve to go up fish sauce is more delicate. The Vietnam wide South America that additionally one cate is special tunnel feeds grilled fish cake and ground rice. Cafeteria still has first-rate drunk lotus seed water (Sua Hat Sen) . It is OK that the picture that when you order meal, I take directly looks to the boss.

Vietnam tea and desert

Vietnam person also loves to drink tea very much, especially bud village stands by big Le. Big Le is the famousest place that Vietnam produces tea. This desert comes from at a cafes, makings of Chinese style tea deserves to go up Western-style desert, the other cate that resembles Vietnam is same, culture of thing square cate is perfect and shirt-sleeve.

The chicken that bake

This chicken restaurant that is located in downtown makes chicken only, here has the chicken that bake and wing of the chicken that bake, add fry meal and delicate fish sauce appetizingly to taste let you simply cannot extricate oneself. In inn very clean, chicken is be to press half to rectify chicken to sell with, aegis of half 150 thousand Vietnam is enough two people ate, so extraordinary be to one's profit. The baking chicken here is I had eaten in bud village best. The chicken here bakes outside crisp in tender, mouthfeel is admirable.
