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1. 云雀之歌:增加宠物的音乐属性,提高音乐技能的成功率和伤害。

2. 雀舞翩翩:增加宠物的舞蹈属性,提高舞蹈技能的成功率和伤害。

3. 飞翔自如:增加宠物的飞行属性,提高飞行技能的成功率和伤害。

4. 云雀之眼:增加宠物的视觉属性,提高视觉技能的成功率和伤害。

5. 飞花落叶:增加宠物的美学属性,提高美学技能的成功率和伤害。

6. 云雀之翼:增加宠物的速度属性,提高速度技能的成功率和伤害。

7. 柔软身躯:增加宠物的柔韧属性,提高柔韧技能的成功率和伤害。

8. 云雀之心:增加宠物的心灵属性,提高心灵技能的成功率和伤害。



1. 纯攻击型加点:将属性点全部加在攻击上,可以提高灵猫的输出能力。

2. 生命型加点:将属性点全部加在生命上,可以提高灵猫的生存能力。

3. 平衡型加点:将属性点平均加在攻击和生命上,可以兼顾输出和生存能力。

4. 技能型加点:将属性点加在技能上,可以提高灵猫的技能伤害和施法速度。

5. 速度型加点:将属性点加在速度上,可以提高灵猫的移动速度和攻击速度。










以下是炫舞宠物小霸王2020版的天赋分配表:1. 力量型(攻击型):适合以输出为主的角色,可以提高攻击力和暴击伤害等属性。

2. 敏捷型(速度型):适合追求速度和闪避能力的角色,可以提高闪避率和攻击速度等属性。

3. 耐力型(防御型):适合承受伤害的角色,可以提高生命值和防御力等属性。

4. 智力型(辅助型):适合提供辅助效果的角色,可以提高技能回复速度和治疗效果等属性。



















One, how can dazzle dance just promote pet the most quickly fighting capacity, still have order and degree?

If promoting battle force, still rely on to eat pet to rise star and lure change litre of precious is rare degree, experienced class is everyday 60 athletics [take good biscuit and vigor dose ahead of schedule, of the province feed back and forth still can go up more one times experience] athletics certificate has held out those who get, money giving power can be smoked a lot of, it is secret condition next, secret condition ticket also has a lot of ways to be taken, our round great mind people it is so pass, show a group in main battle force 8000+ , lure change the proposal is better before in 10 class litre, brush full close density ahead of schedule, look for a right integral point time to rise a star to lure become can bit better

2, how is dazzle dance pet concealed?

We can help dazzle dance pet achieve hidden goal through proper setting. Above all, when choosing pet, can choose first smaller, perhaps compare contracted pet, can match at will not only so dress, still can conceal beside conveniently. Nevertheless, if you had had a favorite large pet, also need not worry, the way that we can consider to adopt modification model conceals pet.

Next, we will look how to realize pet to conceal. Above all, enter dazzle dance game, be in next " my pet " pet of hidden of need of the choice in the page. Then, pet of our pitch on, click " pet figure " pushbutton, enter " pet figure " page. In this page, we can see the place materiality of pet is resembled, and the exterior of every figure correspondence. We need to find us to want hidden form, adjust the exterior for " sightless " . After adjusting, we return dazzle dance game again, can discover our pet is concealed already successfully!

In hidden at the same time, we also need to notice a few detail. Above all, after concealing pet, we cannot be worn the dress that wears need to use pet and adorn article. Because be below this kind of circumstance, take the spare parts of mount to be able to be concealed instantly, bring about us cannot normal play. Next, after concealing pet, we need to note our body position. Occasionally, when dance, we are squeezed not can self-consciously to the body of others, this meeting brings about pet " be squeezed " come out, expose in the public before. Accordingly, before dance, we need to find a relatively scattered place first, enable again next conceal pet function.

Conceal dazzle dance pet, not be a tickler absolutely. In this lively game world, we can develop our imagination at will, accomplish already comfortable, mysterious. No matter you are the style that wants to try to differ, still want to leave mysterious veil, we can hide pet to achieve our goal through concealed. Of course, we cannot forget, the dazzle dance pet that chooses good intention gift also is very important!

3, endowment of pet of dazzle dance lark?

Hello, the endowment of pet of dazzle dance lark includes:

1.The song of skylark: Increase the musical property of pet, the success that enhances musical technical ability is led and harm.

2.Sparrow dance is elegant: Increase the dancing property of pet, raise the successful rate of dancing skill and harm.

3.Fly freely: Increase the flight property of pet, raise the successful rate of flight skill and harm.

4.The eye of skylark: Increase the visual property of pet, raise the successful rate of visual technical ability and harm.

5.Flying fallen leaves: Increase the aesthetic property of pet, raise the successful rate of aesthetic skill and harm.

6.The ala of skylark: Increase the speed property of pet, the success that enhances speed technical ability is led and harm.

7.Soft body: Increase the withy property of pet, raise the successful rate of withy skill and harm.

8.The heart of skylark: Increase the interior property of pet, the success that enhances interior technical ability is led and harm.

4, does pet of dazzle dance civet increase a point?

Hello, the plan increasing a point of pet of dazzle dance civet can need sue for peace to play a law to undertake adjustment according to different player, it is a few common plan that increase a point below:

1.Pure attack increase a point: property the dot is increased on attack entirely, can increase the output capacity of civet.

2.Life increase a point: property the dot is increased on life entirely, can raise the viability of civet.

3.Balance increase a point: property the dot is increased on average on attack and life, can output of give attention to two or morethings and viability.

4.Skill increase a point: property the dot is increased on skill, the technical ability that can enhance civet is harmed and use law rate.

5.Speed increase a point: property the dot is increased on speed, can raise the floating rate of civet and attack rate.

Those who need an attention is, the different program that increase a point suits different player, had better undertake adjustment according to oneself game style and demand.

5, how does fragment of dazzle dance pet synthesize pet?

Undertake bestowing favor on pair of battle more, the metropolis before the rank leans receives the award of pet fragment, through the fragment synthesis obtains celestial being of demon of pet the nether world.


Undertake the day ladder in celestial being clever dreamland is opposite battle, hit 5 level pet money perhaps can be used in pet shop after 10 class J buy pet chorion, pass celestial being of demon of the nether world of pet of pet egg hatch.


Enter pet shop to buy a fragment to synthesize celestial being of demon of pet the nether world.

6, does endowment of small Xiang Yu the Conqueror of dazzle dance pet distribute a list 2020?

According to my understanding, the endowment of small Xiang Yu the Conqueror of dazzle dance pet allocates a watch to may change somewhat in different version, but I can give out roughly the answer.

It is small Xiang Yu the Conqueror of dazzle dance pet below the endowment of 2020 edition distributes a list: 1. Force (attack) : Fit the part that gives priority to with output, can raise charge force and cruel attack the property such as harm.

2.Nimble model (speed) : Suit to seek the role of speed and dodge ability, can rise to dodge is led and atttack the attribute such as speed.

3.Endurance (defence) : Fit the part that bears to kill, can increase the property such as life value and defense force.

4.Intelligence (auxiliary model) : Suit to supply the part of auxiliary effect, can raise skill response rate and remedial effect to wait for attribute.

Above is small Xiang Yu the Conqueror of dazzle dance pet the endowment of 2020 edition distributes a list, according to individual part type and demand, the natural gift that can choose to suit oneself undertakes allocation.

Those who need an attention is, different version may have adjust, the proposal consults in game newest endowment distributes a case.

7, is dazzle dance fit how is pet fit?

Enter a store, click pet - pet egg, the original poster can see very expensive very expensive egg, click an egg, can show the clothes the sort of it is fit pet, some clothings are good still. If have this egg, in pet storehouse, click fit, pet and character became an organic whole, the person can put on the dress with fit pet, the name becomes as fit as XXXX XXXXX.

8, does the strongest pet constitute step of dazzle dance battle?

Battle array one:

Pet of series of take by storm just began simple: Shark of Bo of dark night, Bo, bright and beautiful garment is defended, tiger, mew Feisite.

Such word needs particular fate to brush an effect of take by storm first than others, early days can be harmed all the time grind pressure, bit luckier rise a star to be able to be ground all the time all the time pressed. Dragon of later period god rebukes the cat can be replaced.

Battle array 2:

Qing Ying, phoenix, polar advocate.

These 3 early days can be brushed go choosing, collect Qi Yin concerns for fetter rate is so rapidder than others, second of on the offensive drops match, in collect has two kinds of choices 3 times together later.

1, basically go choosing all-round, anthology two patchy move continues refresh all-round collect is enough 5, ou Huang chooses the first kind.

2, in all-round the situation with 3 neat collect goes down to choose other two collocation, for instance divine animal / take by storm / sea a group of things with common features, see break. Not Europe the 2nd kind, watch the decides you battle array of case refresh ahead of schedule.

9, how does chess of battle of dazzle dance pet play?

Chess of battle of dazzle dance pet plays a way simple and interesting. Because be in game, the pet that the player needs to choose his has a fight, the attribute of pet is different, mastery of a skill or technique is different also, need arises first-rate battle array according to the attribute of pet and skill collocation. The player needs to pass upgrade ceaselessly pet, enhance the attribute of pet and technical ability, avoid battle failure thereby. In addition, chess of battle of dazzle dance pet still offerred various activities to play a way, for instance arena, contend for the rank of arena; Allied battle, the player can form alliance, assault jointly Boss. These rich content also let a player play a way more diversification, interesting. Anyhow, chess of battle of dazzle dance pet plays a way simple and interesting, it is novice or veteran can obtain fun in game no matter, challenge ego ceaselessly.

10, does group of battle of dazzle dance pet match the most by force?

Steps of dazzle of collocation of dazzle dancing shoe! Group of Pang content battle builds the strongest Wang Zhe
