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你如果知道 黄河科技大学的情况 你就会明白一个私立大学怎么能办的这么好。所以你想想 附中更好,因为那是培养大学生的呀 黄河科技大学附属中学是经郑州市教育局批准成立的一所现代化、寄宿制完全中学。创办于1997年,历经10余年创业,秉承了黄河科技学院深厚的文化积淀和“严谨求实”的校风,走出了一条推进素质教育全面提升教学质量的新路。学校以“办规范加特色学校,育合格加特长学生”为目标,以“为国分忧、为民解难、以法治校、以质兴校、育人为先”为宗旨,努力把附中办成师德形象优、团队意识强、教学水平高的一流完中。   学校坚持素质教育,落实“以育人为中心,以学生为主体”的教育思想,努力形成教书育人、管理育人、服务育人、环境育人的氛围和学校、家庭、社会相结合的育人体系。学校的教育观是:不能选择适合教育的学生,而应选择适用学生的教育。学校的学生观是:没有不会学的学生,只有不会教的教师。学校的发展观是:要让学生全面发展,但允许学生有差异的不平衡发展。在教学上提倡“少、精、严、活”的原则,培养学生自学能力和创新精神。注重学生综合素质的培养和能力的提高,加强教育科学的研究,积极探索中学教育教学规律。   “学校是学生的乐园,艺术是心灵的体操,发展是全员的目标”是学校发展的方向。附中依托大学办中学,充分利用黄河科技学院教育资源共享的优势,加强体育、艺术专业和学科建设,形成教育特色和品牌。根据生源基础,大力实行播音与主持、美术、体育、音乐等特长教育,充分发展学生特长,拓宽升学渠道,提高升学率。2007年专业合格率达到95%以上。加强对指导教师到岗时间、课前准备和上课质量的检查,并作为备课组考核的依据之一。做到三特,即“学校有特点、学生有特长、教师有特色”。特长班文化课程同普通高中,专业课保证每天的授课与练习时间,使附中学生基础知识扎实,艺术特长明显。各类优秀学生、体育、艺术等特长生大量涌现,每年中招示范性高中上线率达30%以上,高考录取率达95%以上,报考艺术类院校体、音、美专业加试合格率为95%。以质量求生存,以特色求发展,奋力打造能让每一个学生都得到最佳发展的特色中学。   学校实施小班教学,并开设“培优”“帮困”课外辅导班,既便于教师因材施教、分类指导,又最大限度地满足不同层次学生的需要,先后为上一级学校输送了大批优秀人才。为适应二十一世纪发展需要,走国际化、开放式办学之路,加强对外文化教育交流,与美国、日本、法国、新西兰和香港、澳门等国家和地区的多所中学建立了友好关系。


If you know the condition of university of Yellow River science and technology what you can understand how a private university can do is so good. So you think attached middle school is better, because that is of education undergraduate ah university of Yellow River science and technology is accessary the middle school is classics Zhengzhou city a modernization that educational bureau approval establishs, lodge make complete middle school. Establish 1997, all previous does poineering work via 10 one's remaining years, took college of Yellow River science and technology deep culture is accumulated and " rigorous be realistic " school spirit, walked out of to advance quality to teach the new way that promotes education quality in the round. The school with " do a standard to add characteristic school, yo qualification adds specialty student " for the target, with " it is the help sb to get over a difficulty that it is a country, difficult to be civilian solution, in order to rule by law school, promote school, Yo in order to pledge factitious first " for the tenet, do consciousness of actor of division heart figure, group attached middle school hard level of strong, education is high in be over first-rate. The school holds to quality education, fulfil " it is a center with Yo person, give priority to body with the student " educational thought, the Yo human body that photograph of the atmosphere that forms person of Yo of person of Yo of teach Yo person, administrative Yo person, service, environment hard and school, family, society joins is. The educational view of the school is: Cannot choose to suit educational student, and the education that should select applicable student. The student view of the school is: Without the student that won't learn, have the teacher that won't teach only. The development view of the school is: Want to make a student comprehensive develop, but allow student discrepant lopsided development. Advocate on education " little, essence, severe, vivid " principle, education student teachs oneself ability and innovation spirit. Pay attention to a student of the education of integrated quality and ability rise, strengthen the research that teachs science, active exploration middle school teachs education law. "The school is the student's Eden, art is interior gymnastics, development is complete member target " the direction that is school development. Attached middle school relies on an university to run a middle school, make full use of the dominant position that natural resources of education of college of Yellow River science and technology shares, strengthen sports, artistic major and course construction, form educational characteristic and brand. According to foundation of source of student, execute energetically broadcast with chair, the specialty education such as art, sports, music, grow student strong point adequately, widen channel of enter a higher school, improve proportion of students entering a schools of a higher grade. Professional 2007 percent of pass achieves 95% above. Strengthen pair of tutor to prepare and attend class to the front of post time, class the examination of quality, serve as prepare lessons one of basises of group of assessment. Accomplish 3 special, namely " the school has characteristic, student to specialty, teacher has distinguishing feature " . Course of specialty class culture is the same as average high school, professional class assures everyday give lessons with exercise time, make ABC of student of attached middle school solid, artistic strong point is obvious. The specialty such as of all kinds and outstanding student, sports, art gives birth to a large number of emerge in large numbers, annual in rate of the line on high school of action demonstrative sex amounts to 30% above, the university entrance exam is admitted rate amount to 95% above, enter oneself for an examination artistic kind of school system, sound, beautiful major is added try percent of pass for 95% . Beg with quality live, seek progress with characteristic, do all one can makes the characteristic middle school that can invite each student to get optimal development. The school implements education of the bottom class in a kindergarten, open " earth up actor " " the side is tired " extracurricular coachs class, facilitate pedagogic teach students in accordance of their aptitude, classification coachs already, the need that utmost ground satisfies student of disparate arrangement of ideas, carried large quantities of outstanding talented people for school of on one grade early or late. Admit need to get used to 21 centuries, take the internationalization, way that opens type education, strengthen pair of foreign language to change educational communication, many middle school that waits for country and area with the United States, Japan, France, New Zealand and Hong Kong, Macao built affiliation.

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