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张泉灵推荐育儿书? 孩子是一张白纸育儿格言?英文双语对照


张泉灵推荐育儿书? 孩子是一张白纸育儿格言?英文双语对照










1. 她是一位资深的育儿专家。张丹丹在育儿领域上拥有多年的实践经验,在社交媒体上分享的育儿知识和技巧都是经过反复实践并得到验证的。

2. 她的育儿观念独特、观点鲜明。张丹丹的育儿观念独特,不拘泥于传统育儿观念,时常提出新颖的育儿理念、育儿方法,受到了广大网友的关注和认同。

3. 她用幽默风趣的语言吸引了大量粉丝。张丹丹在社交媒体上的育儿讲解语言幽默风趣,让很多网友从中获取到了笑声和正能量,吸引了大量的粉丝。

4. 她的内容涉及到父母们普遍关注的问题。作为一名育儿专家,张丹丹的分享内容主要围绕着父母们关心的问题展开,如何教育孩子、如何应对孩子的性格特点、如何规划孩子的成长等等问题,这些话题都是现代父母们普遍存在的问题,张丹丹的育儿经在一定程度上回答了他们的疑虑和困惑。























1. 所有育儿经验都仅供参考,每个宝宝都是一个独立的个体,别人的育儿良方并不一定适合你的宝宝!

2. 成功教育的奥妙在于:先设立一个较低的目标,让孩子体验到成功的快乐,然后再追求更高一级的目标。

3. 不要整天将别人家的孩子挂在嘴上,那样会伤孩子的自尊心。 可以在合适的时候通过适当的方式让孩子了解到差距,并鼓励孩子,你也可以!



1. 《摇篮曲》


2. 《竹石赋》





Does Zhang Quan spirit recommend Yo book?

Once " every day up " program, zhang Quan clever spot besides share read of child of result, education read the topic such as interest, easy still shared oneself to be in reading book detailed account, recommended to everybody, she says be is " with particularly humorous means is being told about the trashiest with the most serious issue " a book. So this book is " tell quanta to the child mechanical " .

Is the child Yo of a piece of white paper gnomic?

The child is a piece of white paper, he should become what kind of, come completely by you scale

The Yo of Zhang Dan red what is person of classics direct seeding is set?

The Yo of Zhang Dan red person of classics direct seeding is set is a warm and friendly mother image.

She pays attention to the importance of family and child, transmit the information of care, patience and understanding. She shares practical Yo knowledge and experience, offer an audience confidence and guidance. She shows real family life, include feeling, build resonance with the audience. Her person is set build the base in professional knowledge and practice, and join with the affection between the audience, make she becomes an equipment to suffer accredit and the Yo that pour out adviser. This kind of person sets in direct seeding to be able to win an audience love and approbate.

The Yo of Zhang Dan red via why be being met fire?

Basically have the following reasons:

1.She is an elder Yo expert. Zhang Dan red is in Yo old practice experience is had on the domain, the Yo that shares on gregarious media be carried out through relapsing and knowledge and skill obtain test and verify.

2.Her Yo idea distinctive, viewpoint is bright. The Yo of Zhang Dan red the idea is distinctive, liberal at traditional Yo idea, put forward novel Yo constantly concept, Yo method, got the attention of broad netizen and self-identity.

3.She attracted a large number of vermicelli made from bean starch with humorous and humor language. Zhang Dan red the Yo on gregarious media explain language humour humor, let a lot of netizens be gotten from which laugh and energy, attracted many vermicelli made from bean starch.

4.Her content involves the issue that pays close attention to generally to parents. As a Yo expert, of Zhang Dan red share content main around move the problem that parents care spreads out, teach the child, disposition characteristic that how answers the child, how to plan of the child grow wait a problem a moment, these topics are the problem that contemporary parents exist generally, the Yo of Zhang Dan red the misgive that answered them via be on certain level and bewilderment.

The Yo of Zhang Dan red via depending on her professional, uniqueness, humour the gender is mixed practical the attention that gained numerous netizen and chase after hold in both hands, the Yo that also became instantly to get attention fully a of the domain new power.

Yo does experience share Yo knowledge?

Yo knowledge is as follows

Addition of round the clock of time of 1. child Morpheus is not gotten little at 12 hours. Remember, enough sleep is the safeguard of child health.

Outdoors motion having oxygen can increase 2. immune force of the child, fluctuation midday all not less than outdoors activities of 40 minutes, best can land of bring into contact with, of course haze mist weather wants exception.

If install 3. wants the child, 3 minutes of be hungry and cold. Must not eat too much to the child, those who wear is too thick, the change that should follow environmental temperature changes to the child the dress.

4. is medicine 3 minutes poison, should believe dietetic have curative effect truly.

5. can try the four seasons to wash a face to the child with cold water, can increase its cold-resistant capacity, reduce a cold.

6. feed respect, initial stage is with the mother breast or acting milkings are given priority to, increase later in 56 months complementary feed, such ability satisfy the need of body development

7. is make infant can nurturance dines smoothly habit, proposal parent notices will complementary during feeding time to adjust adult to dine or after dining. Adult dines have behavior guiding effect to the child; Feed complementary when feeding, food is chewed at the same time in adult mouth, even if be chewing gum only.

 8. darling before one one full year of life as far as possible the food that edible little candy does not have salt; Although darling a week after year old, also answer to avoid to add salt and candy when making food for darling as far as possible; Examine food label without fail, check you to buy alimental to contain salt is measured or contain candy amount; Flavor and condiment are used in cookbook, or citric, lime and tomato mud replace salt.


Yo truth?

The husband and wife that 1. has the child is happier.

Many first parenting person, those who face darling cry be troubled by, mischievous, carry feed wait to often lose his head, call the child even " small devil " . However, river of American California university bank Professor Nielsen of cent school considers to discover, the joy that the child brings to parents is far over anguish. Especially father is met from quite a few is obtained over there the child energy and happy feeling. Accordingly, proposal pa Mom experience joy from inside the experience that takes care of the child more, is not to complain blindly. Yo regard as achievement, state of mind is placed more easily also.

2. puts the child the first happier.

The Ashendu Zhanmusi of university of Holand Amsterdam freedom teachs discovery, the father and mother that puts the child in the first is happier, can comprehend more life true meaning. But what need reminds is, this does not represent OK and doting child. The child makes a mistake, OK and appropriate punishment; The thing that the child means, what ought not to buy is determined do not compromise.

3. does not turn round the child all the day.

Some parents think, love even if all day long turns round the child, resemble " helicopter " same, on horse of thing having a place " fly " go " fire fighting " . American Ma Li Huacheng pauses Professor Xifulin of the university thinks, the care of meticulously makes the child easier depressed, provide for oneself ability is poor. The parent should learn to let go moderately, let him child solve a problem. Feel to be in charge of too much when the child especially when, the parent should be accepted and not be to complain " be not understood " .

Yo tutorial?

Yo the core of the respect must pay attention to a child namely of 3 view, thought and accomplishment and good convention form, other behavior respect belongs to periphery, an adage says " 3 years old look big, 7 years old look old " those who say is this meaning.

Yo logion?

1.All Yo experience offers reference only, every darling is an independence is individual, the Yo of others the darling that effective prescription does not suit you certainly!

2.Does the secret of successful education depend on: ?

3.Do not hang the child of others home on the mouth all the day, can hurt the child's proper pride in that way. Can be in appropriate when let the child know difference through proper way, encourage the child, you are OK also!

Yo ancient poetry?

It is two Yo below ancient poetry:

1." cradlesong "

Exquisite steps Jin Ling gently to ring, cradle Du Yicui is shady and cool. Xing Song eye wakes at the beginning of drowsiness, dab small arm urges jubilation.

2." Zhu Shifu "

The baby breeds abdomen circle is like jar, back of crisp bosom pink is tender be like dish. Music leg crouchs sit unmanned knowledge, rub one's palm along smooth out with the fingers finger show the whites of eyes.

Yo gnomic?

       Forcing the child has prospect, still be inferior to forcing first oneself are one, such effect is better, those who let the child see a success oneself are more convincing, the force of example -- it is best education forever!
