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他的名字来源有三种说法。说法一是:相传,在三百年前,包头所在的这个地方是一个水草丰美、古木参天、曲涧流青的地方,晨昏之际有群鹿出没,嬉戏往返,游牧的牧民见此情景,惊喜度的称之为“包克图”,蒙古语的意思是有鹿的地方,人们把 “包克图”音译为包头,因此包头就有了鹿城的别称。说法二是:乾隆年间,包头东河区东郊有一条从青山脚下蜿蜒南流的小河,版过去就叫博托河,“博托”是弯曲的意思,汉族农民来此种地建村,就沿用“博托河”的谐音“包头河”给当地取名包头村。另一种说法认为包头是汉语“泊头”二字的谐音,因为原来的包头是一个紧靠黄河的水运码头,从甘肃、宁夏、山西来的商船都在这里停泊,。1817年前的河道还在包头东河火车站北,以后权该道南迁至离城15厘的南海子,所以“泊头”一词来的很早
















Baotou, unconscious language cries " Bao Ketu " , means " the place that has a deer " , accordingly, baotou also calls Lu Cheng.

His name origin has 3 kinds of views. The view is: According to legend, before 300 years, this place that Baotou is in is an aquatic lush, Gu Mu the place with very tall, Qu Jian green shedding, there are group of deer to appear and disappear during morning faints, play roundtrip, nomad herdsman sees this circumstance, the surprise spends say for " Bao Ketu " , the means of Mongolia language has cervine place, people " Bao Ketu " transliteration is Baotou, because this Baotou had Lu Cheng's another name. View 2 be: Qianlong year, baotou east river area east outskirt has to fall from green hill foot winding south the brook that flow, edition past calls rich to hold a river in the palm, "Rich is held in the palm " it is bent meaning, farmer of the Han nationality comes this cultivate land builds a village, with respect to continue to use " rich holds a river in the palm " homophonic " Baotou river " name Baotou the village to place. Another kind of view thinks Baotou is Chinese " berth head " the homophonic of 2 words, because original Baotou is a waterborne dock that relies on the Yellow River closely, the merchantman that comes from Gansu Province, Ningxia, Shanxi is here anchor, . The wadi before 1817 still is in Baotou east river railway station north, this change austral the path counterpoises to come after from the city the Nanhai of 15 li child, so " berth head " the early that one word comes

Mention 9 former, people can think of here is one of 36 county of Qin Chao, still be Lv Bu's birthplace. Nowadays, 9 former already more the name is Baotou.

So, 9 why to meet formerly more is the name Baotou?

The history of 9 former cities is very long, the earliest can restrospect to BC the Zhao Guo 300 years ago.

At that time, zhaoguo shoots " to reform through " Hu Fuqi, actual strength soars, north of advance of sweep anything away of Zhaoguo main forces and Inner Mongolia south, development territory, lin Hu, building irritated chase to E Er much this cover after highland and Yellow River with south area, lie between Yellow River photograph to look with its. In addition, zhao Guohai chases Hun to hill of corvee labor formerly imposed on Xizang serfs with boreal area, lie between hill to confront each other with its, be in an occupational county in the cloud was being created on the land of the Nei Monggol Autonomous Region today.

To guard against the Hun of hill north is opposite of Yun Zhongjun counterattack, great Wall of build of hill of Zhao Guoyan corvee labor formerly imposed on Xizang serfs. In the meantime, the mountain pass build that communicating hill north individually collect army and the city block that prevent for use of an emperor, and the mountain pass with the biggest amid, the southern area of the mountain pass that calls channel of haing heart door today namely built an older inner and outer city walls, it is 9 former cities namely, in the city collect has a large number of forces, make become Zhao Guo to be in the martial town of military importance of its northwest ministry, what ensured district of north of the county in the cloud effectively is restful.

After Qin Shi emperor unites China, the system of prefectures and counties is carried out in the whole nation, differentiate the whole nation for 36 county, because 9 former situation are very fundamental, become one of 36 county 9 former county. After this, chinese, the Tang Dynasty wait for dynasty, be in charge of here to be called 9 former county. Character of a lot of histories has been born here, for instance the Lv Bu of period of the Three Kingdoms is born in 9 former county.

But, arrived quiet day when, 9 former county are incognito. The face has a big background here, the warlike strategy of quiet day period is, combine dynasty of Mongolia antagonism Central Plains, the main body dweller of such 9 former county became the Monggol nationality. At that time, 9 former county become Mongolia corvee labor formerly imposed on Xizang serfs special, Yi Kezhao, Tumote 3 tribal grass. This place draws near according to hill water, zoology is first-rate, brook water edge often has a deer to be in water, and deer of Mongolia words address is " Bao Ketu " . So, noble of a lot of Mongolia cries over there it is the place that has a deer, often cry namely " Bao Ketu " . Time grew, people is Baotou with respect to abbreviation, this namely the antecedents of Baotou.

Actually, still have a lot of views about the origin of Baotou.

" peaceful Yuan Tongzhi stalks of grain " explanatory Baotou originates Baotou river, cheat namely language " rich holds a river in the palm " homophonic. Rich holds the meaning that is a turn in the palm, today Baotou east river area east outskirt has to the foot of a hill or mountain from green hill winding south the brook that flow, called rich to hold a river in the palm in the past. Qianlong year, farmer of the Han nationality comes this cultivate land builds a village, hold one word in the palm with respect to rich of continue to use, entitle Baotou village.

Still a kind of view thinks, baotou is Chinese " berth head " the homophonic of 2 words. Former Baotou is a waterborne dock that relies on the Yellow River closely, the merchantman that comes from Gansu Province, Ningxia, Shanxi is here anchor. Before 1817, the wadi of the Yellow River still is in today Baotou east river railway station north, the change austral change its course comes after from the city 15 lis Nanhai child, so berth head one word origin also early.

Nevertheless, no matter how say, of unconscious language " Bao Ketu " , " rich is held in the palm " with Chinese " berth head " , the sound of 3 words is very adjacent, because this people closes with respect to naturally be in harmony,become homophonic -- Baotou.

After Baotou cries here, government office of clear affairs of state also issued administration to command, 1809, sa pulls neat office to set Baotou garrison post, the inchoate account that this names with respect to Baotou. After this, continue all the time the view of Baotou.

Through the administrative order of quiet day, 9 former incognito for Baotou city. Nevertheless, still retained 9 former divisions in Baotou city this one place name. 1953, baotou city sets a suburban district, on August 10, 1999, civil administration ministry approves area of brigadier Baotou environs more the name is 9 former divisions.

[reference material: " peaceful Yuan Tongzhi stalks of grain " , " endowment control a warning " ]
