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柴埠溪海拔? 柴埠溪怎么玩不累?英文双语对照


柴埠溪海拔? 柴埠溪怎么玩不累?英文双语对照





1. 漫步柴埠溪峡谷:您可以漫步在风景如画的峡谷中,感受大自然的鬼斧神工,同时可以在沿途的休息点品尝当地美食。

2. 参与柴埠溪户外活动:您可以选择参与攀岩、徒步旅行、露营等户外活动,感受大自然的魅力,同时可以在户外放松身心。

3. 柴埠溪温泉养生:您可以享受柴埠溪温泉的养生之旅,放松身心,缓解疲劳。











1. 最佳旅游时间:茅家埠四季分明,春秋季节气候宜人,特别是在4月到5月和9月到10月这两个季节,天气舒适,游览最为适宜。

2. 交通方式:从南通市区乘坐公交车可以直达茅家埠,也可以乘坐高铁到南通站,然后转乘巴士前往。

3. 景点推荐:





4. 美食推荐:茅家埠有许多美食,其中最有名的是当地的酱鸭、东山鸡、小笼包和清汤面,都非常好吃。

5. 住宿推荐:茅家埠的住宿选择相对较少,但在茅家埠周边的如东县城区有许多酒店和民宿可以选择,提供舒适的住宿环境。



















Altitude of bavin port brook?

Altitude 2152.7 meters.

Bavin port brook is located in Hubei to save autonomous county of 5 peaks the Tujia nationality mid, fishing ocean is received to close a garrison post east, lian Wufeng is pressed down on the west, county of door of stone of Na Lin Hunan, north relies on to grow autonomous county of in relief the Tujia nationality, the ground crosses the east longitude 110 ° 43 to 111 ° 50 ′ , 7 ′ of 30 ° reach north latitude between 18 ′ of 30 ° . Town of long happy level ground all is a mountainous area, belong to fierce hill branch range, relief is long and narrow and even, gao Xiangdong tilts on the west, jackknife of ridges and peaks

How does bavin port brook play not tired?

1.Gorge of brook of rambling bavin port: You can stroll in the gorge with picturesque scenery, experience the uncanny workmanship of nature, can nod in on the way rest at the same time sample local cate.

2.Participate in bavin port brook outdoors activity: You can choose to participate in Pan Yan, hike, camp wait for outdoors activity, experience the glamour of nature, at the same time can outdoors loosens body and mind.

3.Preserve one's health of hot spring of bavin port brook: You can enjoy the travel of the preserve one's health of hot spring of bavin port brook, loosen body and mind, alleviate fatigue.

Bavin port brook has a variety of recreational recreation kind, no matter you are to want to challenge ego or loosen body and mind, can find those who suit oneself to play a way.

Altitude of brook of Yichang bavin port how many?

Big gorge of bavin port brook, be located in Hubei churchyard of autonomous county of 5 peaks the Tujia nationality, big gorge thing grows 40 kilometers, wide 2 kilometers of 1 ~ , altitude of the highest peak in a mountain range 1418 meters, annual is average air temperature 13 Celsius, it is summer summer resort.

Big gorge of bavin port brook shares 5 scene area, develop those who come to have big bay mouth and jar opening at present 2 beauty spot, two scene interval lies between 13 kilometers, time of play of big bay mouth 4 hours, area of jar opening scene 1.5 hours, the tourist near Yichang, 5 peaks suits amuse oneself one day.

9 phoenix cereal and bavin port brook which amused?

9 phoenix cereal are amused

9 phoenix cereal suit amuse oneself of a grown-ups and children very much, there is the puppy village that children like most inside, piggy race, doggie calculates count, still have lovely alpaca, also can be fed with one's own hands feed. Increased vitreous bridge again now, on September 20, 3 gorge the 9 crossover on Feng Guyun (vitreous bridge) finish safety performance smoothly to detect, impending height 180 meters, bridge floor is 3 meters wide

Of scene area swim footpath undertook modification, present swim footpath is more gently, go up along brook, do not have any difficulty! So, ask everybody to be at ease, it is recreational here swim!

Does Mao Jiabu travel detailed strategy?

Mao Jiabu is to be located in Jiangsu to be like,visit Nantong town east a of the county small town, having the scenery of a region of rivers and lakes of typical Changjiang Delta and culture inside information. It is travel of cogongrass home port below detailed strategy:

1.Optimal travel time: The four seasons of cogongrass home port is trenchant, year season enrages the person that await appropriate, mixed to May in April especially arrived in September these two are seasonal in October, weather is comfortable, visit most appropriate.

2.Traffic means: Take a bus to be able to arrive directly at Mao Jiabu from Nantong urban district, also can take Gao Tie to stand to Nantong, turn to be headed for by the bus next.

3.The tourist attraction recommends:

(1) Mao Jiabu: Here is the core tourist attraction that Mao Jiabu presses down, having a lot of saving structure of whole a region of rivers and lakes of traditional Changjiang Delta and beautiful canal scenery, suit to stroll and take a picture very much.

(2) beautiful and rural read extensively field: Here has big farm, orchard and beautiful of great capacity, still have all sorts of folk-custom culture performances and recreational establishment, it is close child the right choice of amuse oneself.

(3) Li Shuangjiang former residence: Li Shuangjiang is a famous Changjiang Delta Gu Zheng performs the home, his former residence withheld a lot of classic furniture and culture hangover, be worth to look very much.

(4) Mao Jiabu museum: Here is the museum that with revealing Changjiang Delta a region of rivers and lakes culture and history give priority to a problem one, having rich item on display and detailed explanation, the tourist that suits to be interested in historical culture will look around.

4.Cate recommends: Mao Jiabu has a lot of cate, among them the sauce duck that the famousest is place, east pheasant, small basket bag and clear soup face, very delicious.

5.Accommodation recommends: Accommodation choice of Mao Jiabu is opposite less, but be like circumjacently in Mao Jiabu east town district has a lot of hotels can choose with civilian constellation, provide easy accommodation environment.

Hope above strategy can help you understand Mao Jiabu to plan happy trip better.

Home Zhang group and bavin port brook which amused?

There is Home Zhang group south, north has bavin port small stream, sit cableway develops Yun Tian continuously, experience mountain range of Zhuang Meiwu hill. Although be on imposing manner bound of Zhang Jia of be not a patch on, but bavin port brook has He Xiuli of its distinctive quiet and beautiful.

Is big gorge of bavin port brook worth to play?

Big gorge of bavin port brook is amused

Big gorge of bavin port brook is located in 5 peak county churchyard of Yichang city, here has attractive stone forest bluff already, have the gorge of clear brook and karst landforms again. Here people can walk to go up in abrupt hill wall, on the transparent glass bridge that also can go in headroom, the intense stimulation that experiences headroom to bring feels

Big gorge of brook of Yichang bavin port and car brook which amused?

Bavin port brook is more amused. Beauty spot of nature of big gorge of bavin port brook, be located in autonomous county of 5 peaks the Tujia nationality condition the eastpart part, connect south " fierce hill source " , north is received " clear Jiang Shui " . Belong to fierce hill mountain range in all with Home Zhang group. Person " China in a special skill " , her circumference 80 kilometers, a Qing Xi is perforative and whole gorge. Cent is area of 5 great respect: Inside area of area of scene of opening of buccal zoology groove guard, big bay, scene of flood dragon opening, break area of mountain pass scene and division of jar opening scene.

Does big gorge of bavin port brook climb a few hours to want?

Big gorge of brook of port of bavin length this world climbs should 5 to 6 hours.

Big gorge of bavin port brook has 7 kilometers on foot to pen rack hill from daughter hole much, because be to go up completely hill a plank road built along a cliff, pedestrian climb get at least 5 to 6 hours.

Beauty spot of big gorge of bavin port brook is located in the eastpart part of autonomous county of 5 peaks the Tujia nationality, belong to typical karst landforms, beauty spot divides great respect area, big bay mouth, flood dragon mouth, break mountain pass, inside mouth, reach jar. Open to the outside world now reach area of jar opening scene for big bay mouth.

Enshide heart cereal and brook of Yichang bavin port which good?

Enshide heart cereal and brook of Yichang bavin port two scene area is nice.

Enshide two scene area is in heart cereal and brook of Yichang bavin port Hubei, two scene area has distinguishing feature each, it is the scene area that is worth to play card.

Area of scene of cereal of the earth's core belongs to appearance of valley of a screen-like mountain peak of karst of karst of world rare high mountain, with " danger, strange, ancient, wild, secret, beautiful " celebrated, gorge is deep and serene, crossover be high up in the air, spatio-temporal pass through cling to famous historical site of natural moat of the earth's core of saline ancient course is spread all over, play hill and paddle to hold concurrently.

The mountain peak with wonderful of all kinds of bavin port brook and deep and serene gorge were formed strange, danger, beautiful, deep and remote, wild the peculiar and natural landscape of 5 big characteristic, have " south have Zhang Jia group, north has bavin port small stream " say.

