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水牛水牛原版儿歌? 水牛为什么叫水牛?英文双语对照


水牛水牛原版儿歌? 水牛为什么叫水牛?英文双语对照





























答: 无法对比。因为亚洲水牛和家水牛是同类同科同属,本质上是一样的,所以亚洲水牛和家养水牛无法对比。




1. 生长环境不同:沼泽水牛主要生活在湿地、沼泽、河流、湖泊等水域较多的地区,比较适应湿润环境;而河水牛则主要生活在干燥的河流、湖泊、海滩等地区,比较适应干旱环境。

2. 体型和体毛不同:沼泽水牛比较矮小,体重一般在400-500公斤之间,体毛比较稠密,毛色较深;而河水牛则体型较大,体重一般在800-1000公斤之间,体毛较稀疏,毛色较浅。

3. 生活习性不同:沼泽水牛比较温顺,性格较为温和,比较适合放养;而河水牛比较凶猛,性格比较暴躁,比较适合圈养。

4. 饲养方式不同:沼泽水牛一般以草、竹子、水生植物等为食,比较适应吃草放养的方式;而河水牛则以草、麦秸、豆秸等为食,较为适应饲养在圈舍中。














水牛(学名:):是一种大型动物。体长240-300厘米,肩高150-180厘米,尾长60-100厘米;野生雄性水牛重达1200千克,雌性体重可达800千克;家养水牛范围从250-550千克。雄性略大。体格粗壮,被毛稀疏,多为灰黑色;皮厚、汗腺极不发达,热时需要浸水散热,所以得名水牛;蹄大,质地坚实,耐浸泡,膝关节和球节运动灵活,水牛耳廓较短小,头额部狭长,背中线毛被前向,背部向后下方倾斜,角较细长。 常在池塘中浸泡、打滚,借以散热。性情温顺易管理。野生物种分布于不丹、柬埔寨、印度、缅甸、尼泊尔、泰国。亚洲多地和中国均有驯养。


Children's song of buffalo buffalo original?

1, buffalo, buffalo, after giving corner first, come forward. Your dad your Mom, buy next burning to you liver burn hotpot.

2, buffalo, buffalo, after giving corner first, come forward. Your dad your Mom, buy a steamed dumping with the dough gathered at the top to burn hotpot to you, you do not eat to also be not drunk, cat hold.

3, buffalo, buffalo, after giving corner first, come forward. Your dad, your Mom, bought the bone that burn a sheep to burn hotpot to you.

4, " child the song pursues " receive this children's song to make: "Buffalo, buffalo, after giving corner first, come forward. Your dad your Mom was bought to you burn hotpot, you do not eat, do not stay to you, where be, brick jian hou mian "

Why does buffalo call buffalo?

Buffalo Pi Hou, sweat gland is extremely underdeveloped, the need when heat is soggy medicinal powder hot, get a buffalo so.

Buffalo is Asian global animal power, feral kind group distributing to be mixed at India, Nepalese, Bhutan Thailand and Australian north, the amount is very exiguous. Civilian guest of law of distributinging Yu Fei of buffalo of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces civilian Luo Dao, put about 200 only; Country buffalo and low-lying buffalo all distributing at archipelago of Indonesian Su Lawei, quantitative Yiwei is exiguous, 3 person bodily form is lesser.

Buffalo behavior characteristic is constitution brawny, by Mao Xi scanty, it is grey black more; Horn is bulky and flat, rearward bend; Hoof is big, quality of a material is solid, be able to bear or endure immerse, knee joint and fetlock campaign are slick, can walk in slop freely; Buffalo auricle is more smallish, head forehead ministry is long and narrow, wool of back central line by forward, back backward lower part tilts, horn is more long and thin.

Perch environment is to like perch in the water edge of tropical upland forest, primitive low-lying forest, tropical plain, jungly, Zhu Lin or bulrush clump.

Life characteristics divides low-lying buffalo wild buffalo for wild buffalo constant outside individual or didymous activity, other all form subgroup even hundreds of swarm. They like to roll about to lair, so as to comes loose to heat up and prevent insect bite. Buffalo takes food with the dusk in the morning, main food is grass, leaf and hydrophyte. Organic acumen, smell develops.

Libretto of children's song of buffalo buffalo original?

     1, buffalo, buffalo, after giving corner first, come forward. Your dad your Mom, buy next burning to you liver burn hotpot.

     2, buffalo, buffalo, after giving corner first, come forward. Your dad your Mom, buy a steamed dumping with the dough gathered at the top to burn hotpot to you, you do not eat to also be not drunk, cat hold.

     3, buffalo, buffalo, after giving corner first, come forward. Your dad, your Mom, bought the bone that burn a sheep to burn hotpot to you.

     4, " child the song pursues " receive this children's song to make: "Buffalo, buffalo, after giving corner first, come forward. Your dad your Mom was bought to you burn hotpot, you do not eat, do not stay to you, where be, brick jian hou mian "

Yo does experience share Yo knowledge?

Yo knowledge is as follows

Addition of round the clock of time of 1. child Morpheus is not gotten little at 12 hours. Remember, enough sleep is the safeguard of child health.

Outdoors motion having oxygen can increase 2. immune force of the child, fluctuation midday all not less than outdoors activities of 40 minutes, best can land of bring into contact with, of course haze mist weather wants exception.

If install 3. wants the child, 3 minutes of be hungry and cold. Must not eat too much to the child, those who wear is too thick, the change that should follow environmental temperature changes to the child the dress.

4. is medicine 3 minutes poison, should believe dietetic have curative effect truly.

5. can try the four seasons to wash a face to the child with cold water, can increase its cold-resistant capacity, reduce a cold.

6. feed respect, initial stage is with the mother breast or acting milkings are given priority to, increase later in 56 months complementary feed, such ability satisfy the need of body development

7. is make infant can nurturance dines smoothly habit, proposal parent notices will complementary during feeding time to adjust adult to dine or after dining. Adult dines have behavior guiding effect to the child; Feed complementary when feeding, food is chewed at the same time in adult mouth, even if be chewing gum only.

 8. darling before one one full year of life as far as possible the food that edible little candy does not have salt; Although darling a week after year old, also answer to avoid to add salt and candy when making food for darling as far as possible; Examine food label without fail, check you to buy alimental to contain salt is measured or contain candy amount; Flavor and condiment are used in cookbook, or citric, lime and tomato mud replace salt.


Do Asian buffalo and home raise buffalo contrast?

Answer: Cannot contrast. Because Asian buffalo and domestic buffalo are congener,be the same as the division is congeneric, it is same substantially, so Asian buffalo and home raise buffalo to cannot contrast.

Buffalo is occasionally hoof eye, Niu Ke, buffalo belongs to domesticate cattle, it is a kind of large animal. Body length 240-300 centimeter, shoulder height 150-180 centimeter, end grows 60-100 centimeter; Weight 250-550 kilogram. Male slightly big. Constitution is brawny, by Mao Xi scanty, it is grey black more; Pi Hou, sweat gland is extremely underdeveloped, the need when heat is soggy medicinal powder hot, get a buffalo so; Hoof is big, quality of a material is solid, be able to bear or endure immerse, knee joint and fetlock campaign are slick, buffalo auricle is more smallish, head forehead ministry is long and narrow, wool of back central line by forward, back backward lower part tilts, horn is more long and thin.

Are fenny buffalo and river buffalo distinguished?

Fenny buffalo and river buffalo are two different breed, their distinction basically has the following:

1.Grow the environment is different: Fenny buffalo basically lives in wet ground, fenny, river, laky wait for the area with more water area, get used to wet environment quite; And river buffalo basically lives in area of and other places of dry river, laky, beach, get used to arid environment quite.

2.Bodily form and body hair are different: Fenny buffalo is shorter, weight is in commonly 400-500 kilogram between, body hair is denser, wool look is closer; And river buffalo criterion type of build or figure is greater, weight is in commonly 800-1000 kilogram between, body hair is sparser, hair color is lighter.

3.Life characteristics is distinct: Fenny buffalo is more docile, nature is relatively gentle, suit to put in a suitable place to breed quite; And river buffalo is feraller, disposition is more irratable, suit a circle to raise quite.

4.Raise means to differ: Fenny buffalo is general wait with careless, bamboo, hydrophyte to feed, suit quite browse the means that put in a suitable place to breed; And river buffalo wait with straw of careless, wheat straw, beans to feed, relatively suit raise abandon in the circle in.

Accordingly, although fenny buffalo and river buffalo belong to buffalo division, but their growth characteristics of hair of environment, bodily form, body, life and raise the respect such as means to differ somewhat.

Can be buffalo drowned? Buffalo?

This I in one's childhood cowherd moment knows, buffalo can swim, again deep water also cannot wide its, and also can skin dive, in deep water we ride on its back, go when it when going down, we float to go up in surface, we leave very far when float comes up again cough up.

Is buffalo where most is buffalo where most?

Buffalo is mixed in the southeast of China southwest two areas, with be in river of the Huaihe River produces a division with the paddy south most.

Chinese buffalo is the main beast of burden of area of Chinese southern paddy formerly, great majority distributings to be mixed at southeast southwest two areas, with be in river of the Huaihe River produces a division with the paddy south most, 97.7% what hold countrywide buffalo sum total.

Chinese buffalo all belongs to marsh model, constitution is brawny, by Mao Xi scanty, it is grey black more. Horn is bulky and flat, rearward bend. Pi Hou, sweat gland is extremely underdeveloped, need when heat soggy medicinal powder hot, friend name. Leg short hoof is big, comfortable plow at the paddy field. Breast of labor force, secrete is measured and be able to bear or endure thick sex is taller than ox. Of the lake buffalo of North Jiangsu, Shanghai buffalo, Hunan bank buffalo of Dehong of De Changshui ox, Yunnan is lake buffalo, Sichuan admirable breed.

Buffalo intelligence quotient?

Arrogant intelligence quotient is equivalent to the intelligence quotient that the mankind controls 4 years old, the ox can know a person, if you are cankered be close to it, cow is to be able to go away commonly, if you are close to from the back, may kick you one foot.

If be an ox,feel you are cankered, it can think you are to be in challenge it, it can atttack you, it is to use a head commonly, it is growner that the ox horn of the ox grows, insignificant problem is finer, easy and piercing human body, so, still do not want too stand by an ox, lest be harmed by the ox.

Buffalo, produce formerly?


Be used to of Asian wild buffalo says

Buffalo (formal name: ) : It is a kind of large animal. Body length 240-300 centimeter, shoulder height 150-180 centimeter, end grows 60-100 centimeter; Feral and male buffalo hefts 1200 kilogram, female weight can amount to 800 kilogram; The home raises buffalo range from 250-550 kilogram. Male slightly big. Constitution is brawny, by Mao Xi scanty, it is grey black more; Pi Hou, sweat gland is extremely underdeveloped, the need when heat is soggy medicinal powder hot, get a buffalo so; Hoof is big, quality of a material is solid, be able to bear or endure immerse, knee joint and fetlock campaign are slick, buffalo auricle is more smallish, head forehead ministry is long and narrow, wool of back central line by forward, back backward lower part tilts, horn is more long and thin. Often immerse in the pond, roll about, so as to comes loose hot. Disposition is docile manageable. Feral species distributings at Bhutan, Kampuchea, India, Burmese, Nepalese, Thailand. The Asia all has more with China domesticate.

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