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察布查尔县? 伊犁察布查尔县旅游景点?英文双语对照


察布查尔县? 伊犁察布查尔县旅游景点?英文双语对照









1. 布哈拉古城:是昌吉回族自治州的文化遗产,也是中国最大的伊斯兰建筑群之一。

2. 吐哈大佛寺:是一座古老的佛教寺庙,内有一尊高达20米的大佛像,是吐鲁番地区历史文化的重要遗产。

3. 察布查尔县博物馆:是展示察布查尔县历史文化的重要场所,内有多种历史文物和艺术品。

4. 布哈拉热带植物园:是新疆最大的热带植物园,内有大量的热带植物和野生动物。

5. 红山景区:位于县城南部,是一个自然保护区,内有红色的砂岩峰林、峡谷、草原等自然景观。

6. 石窟寺:位于县城东北部,是一个有着千年历史的佛教遗址,内有多个石窟和佛像。

7. 伊斯兰教圣地:位于县城北部,是一个伊斯兰教圣地,内有清真寺和历史文物。

8. 班迪尔湖:位于县城西南部,是一个高山湖泊,水质清澈,景色优美,是夏季旅游的好去处。








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Does examine cloth check Er county?

Examine cloth checks autonomous county of Er Xi Bai, the former Yi that is located in Chinese Xinjiang Yi to plow Kazakstan autonomous prefecture plows area board piece western, be located in Yi to plow a river with south, north of Sun Shan of black of day mountain branch range thes foot of a hill or mountain, as peaceful as Yi of metropolis of Yi Li city city lies between river photograph to look, ke Keda is received to pull city and Kazakstan Si Tan on the west. Examine cloth checks Er county to held water 1954, it is the autonomous county of the multiracial inhabit a region that China gives priority to body exclusively with the Xibo nationality.

Does Yi plow examine cloth to check tourist attraction of Er county travel?

1. Bai Shifeng. The atmosphere of myriad of very boundless imposing manner, irregular change, it is grand really

Singing and dancing of 2. Hao Ba Lang is manorial. The view is good, beautiful of primitive simplicity, can come over amuse oneself

2. exert plays big ski field. Snow is qualitative good, communication is easy, can come over ski ah

Does examine cloth check Er county to the place that what travels there is?

The answer is as follows: Examine cloth checks Er county to be located in the eastpart part of autonomous prefecture of the Hui nationality of auspicious of prosperous of The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, it is the place with a pretty scenery, have a lot of travel tourist attractions, it is below a few among them:

1.Cloth with a ha pulls Gu Cheng: It is the culture bequest of autonomous prefecture of prosperous auspicious the Hui nationality, also be China's oldest Mohammedan building group one of.

2.Spit temple of haing big Buddha: It is an old Buddhist temple, there is one inside honour the big figure of Buddha that is as high as 20 meters, it is to spit rash time the main legacy of area history culture.

3.Examine cloth checks Er county museum: It is the important location that shows examine cloth to check culture of Er county history, there are a variety of history cultural relics and artwork inside.

4.Cloth with a ha pulls intertropical arboretum: It is the intertropical arboretum with the biggest Xinjiang, there are many tropical vegetation and wild animal inside.

5.Gong Shanjing area: Be located in town south, it is a natural groove guard, there is the natural landscape such as gules sandstone peak forest, gorge, prairie inside.

6.The Cave Temple: Be located in the county, it is a Buddhist relics that having chiliad history, there are many grottoes and figure of Buddha inside.

7.Mohammedan bethel: Be located in county north, it is a Mohammedan bethel, there are mosque and historical cultural relic inside.

8.Lake of Ban Di Er: Be located in town southwest department, it is a high mountain laky, water quality is clear, the scenery is beautiful, it is the good place that the summer travels.

Does examine cloth check Er county to the scene area of what travel there is?

Is there Jing Yuansi is area of experience of culture of block of characteristic of area of Buddhist culture area, culture closing emperor, Jing Yuanlu, bow, folk-custom recreational go vacationing the area? ? ?

? ? Jing Yuansi is located in Jing Yuanlu of Xi Baigu city, it is Yi plows one of 9 names temples, was labelled 2006 cultural relic of key of the 6th batch of whole nations protects the State Council unit.

? ? ? Jing Yuansi only then build at Qing Qianlong 46 years (1781) , the Buddha of 5 oxen collection that former address sets white flag in right wing be apt to (show Xinjiang production to build the 4th division 68 round hospitals) . Jia Qing 12 years (1807) , examine cloth checks Er big Qu Xiucheng, the army and the people of Eight Banners of stannic uncle battalion by Buddha be apt to in succession change checks Er two sides to settle to examine cloth, former Jing Yuansi discards gradually. Smooth mood 14 years (1888) stannic uncle the army and the people is in showed location to rebuild Jing Yuansi.

? ? ? ? Jing Yuansi covers an area of a face to accumulate 8350 square metre, floor area 1047 square metre, sit south the Northern Dynasties. 8 are built inside the courtyard, distributing symmetrically. In there is belfry of 4 days of big door of a screen wall facing the gate of a house, hill, Wang Dian, original left and right sides, drum-tower on axes, big Xiong Baodian and sansei Buddha hall, the left and right sides has thing wing-room, integral building uses skill of bricky carve, woodcarving east, deserve to have coloured drawing or pattern, clay sculpture, of the delegate that is art of building of cloister of clear acting the Xibo nationality make.

? Bow museum is the museum that China gives priority to a problem the first times with bow, the bow culture that the Xibo nationality revealed to common people here and the close connection that Chinese history expands. Bow culture is the component of China tradition culture, having long history and very rich content, permeate a lot of respect waits in politics, military affairs, formal, culture, bow of general of military strategist in ancient China praise for " of the skill in various types of combat head " , the Confucianist will be shot art Feng Weijun child 6 art one of. Person of the Xibo nationality since ancient times be apt to rides be apt to to shoot, circulate in the blood that bow culture blends in person of the Xibo nationality already up to now.

Belfry, go up tired gold Bo, the building is attached most importance to below, a kind be a tower. Building of name power shake (because Wu Sunshan leans south belfry, north plows a river according to Yi, in the motherland most western the eastern side of border land, " The Book of Changes " the cloud, east belongs to shake, friend name power shake building) , the axes in be located in Xi Baigu city. It is the structure with Xi Baigu top city, 38 meters tall, in all 5, the direction of extent of north and south of every building offers those who have Han Wen, Xibaiwen board. These 5 board all are Chinese calligrapher academician, calligrapher of famous the Xibo nationality inscribe of holograph of Mr. Getuken. It is respectively always press down border area, utter devotion, in order to hang down ages ago, essence faithful defend flourishing age of country, flourishing; The tower goes forward one by one to 5 layer upon layer states, in order to reveal the Xibo nationality more than 200 years casting of place of vicissitudes of life ethos.

Hotel of stannic uncle folk-custom is located in area of situation of Xi Baigu city power shake building on the west side, performance of collect marriage common, meal, accommodation is an organic whole, can accommodate repast of 500 more than person at the same time, ace of the cooking between the Xi Baimin that has professional tunnel makes Xi Baite lubricious meal; Bert having stannum is lubricious civilian constellation guest room 38, let you experience solid the Xibaiwen that returns to the name is changed swim

Does examine cloth check Er county which breakfast is delicious?

Does herd horse person suckle cafes? ? ? ? ?

Traditional unconscious type breakfast, the young associate that have fun at can try, recommend strongly

? Boiler tea: 3-4 person nods one pannikin enough, all sorts of burden amounts are full, very sweet.

Strong character of sauce sweet sheep: The flesh is qualitative fresh and tender, bake the duration that make to hold very reach the designated position. Have a bit a little weak, but very sweet!

? Steamed stuffed bun of hotpot sanded green: Did not feel very good to eat at that time, but instantly midday is bitten readily go down, particularly special sweet!

Does examine cloth check Er county height above sea level?

Altitude 2300- - 2600 meters.

Examine cloth checks autonomous county of Er Xi Bai, the former Yi that is located in Chinese Xinjiang Yi to plow Kazakstan autonomous prefecture plows area board piece western, be located in Yi to plow a river with south, north of arteries and veins of Sun Shan of black of day mountain branch range thes foot of a hill or mountain, as peaceful as Yi of metropolis of Yi Li city city lies between river photograph to look, ke Keda is received to pull city and Kazakstan Si Tan on the west. Examine cloth checks Er county to held water 1954, it is the autonomous county of the multiracial inhabit a region that China gives priority to body exclusively with the Xibo nationality. Canton region area is 4469 square kilometre.

Examine cloth checks Er Xi Bai Ling Yuxiu of autonomous county bell, scene is beautiful, have one mountain (area of scene of peak of Wu Sunshan white stone) , one water (beauty spot of bay of clear water of Yi Li river) , at the same time (travel of port border land) , one garden (the Xibo nationality, have barrow of fair ancestral temple of Jing Yuansi, graph, Wusun, Hainukegu more the famous places and historical sites such as city, silver-colored relics carrying a temple on the head.

Does examine cloth check population of Er county each nation?

The 6th times cloth of examine of the statistic in census checks autonomous county of Er Xi Bai to have the Han nationality, the Monggol nationality, the Hui nationality, tibetian, the Uygur nationality, miao Zu, chuang, the Bouyei nationality, manchu, the Dong nationality, the Bai nationality, the Tujia nationality, the Kazak nationality, the Li nationality, the Dongxiang nationality, er stalking or branch overcomes Zi a group of things with common features, the Tu nationality, the Daur nationality, scatter pull a group of things with common features, the Xibo nationality, the Tajik nationality, the Ozbek nationality, the Baoan nationality,

Its go-between number is more than the nation of 10 thousand to have: The Han nationality, the Hui nationality, the Uygur nationality, the Kazak nationality, the Xibo nationality, add up to 5 nations.

Its go-between number is less than the nation of 100 to have: Tibetian, miao Zu, chuang, the Bouyei nationality, manchu, the Dong nationality, the Bai nationality, the Tujia nationality, the Li nationality, the Tu nationality, the Daur nationality, scatter pull a group of things with common features, the Tajik nationality, the Ozbek nationality, russia a group of things with common features, the Baoan nationality,

Does examine cloth check Er county Xi Baida cake which are delicious?

Big change feeds government office on the west.

Shortbread of stannic uncle flat bread, alkaline face and water are made, in boiler brand emerges, general diameter is in 339 centimeters, ply one centimeter, contain poker figure be called " day " , other one side is " the ground " . Of this kind of pancake have a way very exquisite, when edible must " day " on face, " the ground " gadarene, reflect sense of heaven and earth with this.

Does examine cloth check Er name origin?

Examine cloth checks Er is the ground of multiracial inhabit a region that gives priority to with the Xibo nationality, also be the autonomous county that China gives priority to body exclusively with the Xibo nationality. About the origin of the Xibo nationality, according to historical record, it is quiet day period, be from northeast migratory the minority to Xinjiang garrison, they check Er county to multiply in cloth of examine of Yi Li city haunt, take root is developing colorful ethical folk-custom culture silently at border area area.

Is Wulanchabu all county?

Wulanchabu so county: Change heart county, business county, eminent endowment county, promote and county, cool city county

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