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奇妙的大自然 大自然是奇妙的,它是人类最早的启蒙老师,是它哺育了人类,是它给了人类生存条件,是它编织出了一年四季,冬暖夏凉,多么神奇!   生活在大自然的生物 有许多许多,花鸟虫鱼,都吸收着大自然的灵气,也给大自然增添了一分情趣。在大自然中,蓝天白云,红花绿草,燕子南来北往;春暖花开,下雨倾盆,秋高气爽,冬气袭人;春的迎春,夏的玫瑰,秋的金菊,冬的雪梅…大自然真是奇妙!   走进大自然,去领略它那独特的风姿,去欣赏它属于我们的世界时多么美妙,去倾听大自然那神秘的心声。这么可爱的大自然,有山有水,有形有色,奇妙的四季变化个有各的风采。在经过风雨雷电的洗刷之后的大自然,是那么明亮,是那么美丽。是那么清新,显得那么可爱。       大自然中的秘密无穷无尽,等待着我们去探索发现。如那神奇的变色河,吸人的风洞,桂林形态各异的山,风景优美的漓江和千岛湖,雷雨交加而有惊无险的黄山,奇妙的钟乳石等。还有更多的位置区域等待着我们去挖掘,解开大自然的谜题。   啊,奇妙的大自然,我深深为你沉醉,我爱着你,我的世界,我的大自然!










































1. 生命形式的多样性:从微小的细菌到庞大的恐龙,从多彩的花卉到巨大的森林,生命形式的多样性是大自然之所以如此奇妙的主要原因之一。

2. 自然景观的壮美:从壮观的峡谷到雄伟的山脉,从广阔的海洋到神秘的洞穴,大自然的景观美丽壮观,让人不禁感叹它的神奇。

3. 自然的循环和平衡:大自然中的生态系统是一个复杂的、相互关联的网络,生物之间的相互作用和物质的循环让大自然保持着平衡和稳定。

4. 自然的创造力和改变能力:自然界不断创造新的形态和结构,同时也能够改变和重塑现有的景观和环境,让人们惊叹于它的创造力和改变能力。




生活在大自然的生物 有许多许多,花鸟虫鱼,都吸收着大自然的灵气,也给大自然增添了一分情趣。在大自然中,蓝天白云,红花绿草,燕子南来北往;春暖花开,下雨倾盆,秋高气爽,冬气袭人;春的迎春,夏的玫瑰,秋的金菊,冬的雪梅…大自然真是奇妙!





作大自然真奇妙、大自然的问号属于哲理类作文。1. 这篇作文明确的是大自然真奇妙,这是对大自然的一种评价和感叹。2. 是因为大自然的奇妙之处,它展现了生命的多样性和无穷的能量,让人惊叹不已。3. 可以包括大自然中各种奇妙的事物,比如四季变换、植物生长、动物迁徙等等,人类对大自然的探索和思考等等。这些都是展示大自然奇妙性的例子,加深了作文的表达。综上所述,"大自然真奇妙、大自然的问号"是一篇属于哲理类的作文,它通过、和来表达对大自然的赞叹和探索。


春天一来, 布谷鸟就叫了,满地的青草就绿起来了, 大自然真的奇妙 。






壁虎断掉尾巴逃走;海星抛出内脏逃走;蚯蚓断了身体还能活。  大自然丰富多彩,景象各异,奇异的现象很多,吸引着人类不断探索和认识自然。地球上的绝大多数动物会有超自然的能力的,如蚂蚁能背起比自身重数十倍的东西,蝙蝠能发送超声波,鸽子能感应磁场,鲸鱼可以在海里用肺呼吸,变色龙可以根据周围变化改变身体颜色,乌龟可以活数百年,鹦鹉可以学人类说话,海豚在海里发送超生波,猫可以数十米高楼掉下来不受伤,海有许多动物可以感知天气和灾难等等。


One, does wonderful nature write a composition 120 words?

Wonderful nature nature is wonderful, it is the mankind's earliest illuminative teacher, it is it fed the mankind, it is it gave the mankind to live condition, it is it is braided went out all the year round, wintry warm summer is cool, how magical! The biology that lives in nature has a lot of a lot of, fish of bug of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style, the spirit that absorbing nature is angry, also increased a minute of interest to nature. In nature, blue sky white cloud, safflower green grass, north will go to south swallow; Chun Nuanhua leaves, rain bend basin, dry,crisp air of autumn, wintry gas raids a person; Spring winter jasmine, summerly rose, autumn Jin Ju, wintry Xue Mei... nature is really wonderful! Walk into nature, go appreciating it that distinctive charm, how the universal time that goes admiring it to belong to us is wonderful, go listening attentively to nature that mysterious aspirations. So lovely nature, hill has water, corporeal coloured, wonderful the four seasons changes an elegant demeanor that has each. In the nature after the rinse that passes harships thunder, it is so bright, it is so beautiful. It is so pure and fresh, appear so lovely. The secret in nature is endless, awaiting us to explore discovery. Become angry magically like that river, suck the person's wind tunnel, guilin configuration the hill of each different, the Li river with beautiful scenery and 1000 islands lake, thunderstorm accompanies each other and Jing does not have the Huang Shan of danger, wonderful stalactite. Still more positional area are awaiting us to dig, the enigma of unlock nature. Ah, wonderful nature, I get drunk deeply for you, I am loving you, my world, my nature!

2, does wonderful nature write a composition 300 words?

One day, I go to the zoo playing, discover baboon and vicious-a person of wicked ambition live in same in basket, dan Ye wolf did not eat baboon however, I feel very strange.

Return the home, I checked encyclopedia to just know among them secret. Original, in nature, vicious-a person of wicked ambition and baboon are cooperative relation. Baboon does not like hare to eat their grass, then, often capture hare to vicious-a person of wicked ambition to eat, and vicious-a person of wicked ambition likes to have rabbit very much. Come so, vicious-a person of wicked ambition can be satiate, still can help baboon drive away hare. So, baboon and vicious-a person of wicked ambition managed a kind of tacit collaboration relation.

They let me think of boxing crab and Hai Kui. Sea anemone can protect boxing crab, and boxing crab can take Hai Kui to loaf about everywhere, make Hai Kui satiate.

Have in nature lots and lots of collaboration concerns. For instance bug meets Mao Mao to become butterfly in ant hole, because the body of wool caterpillar can secrete a kind of thing, and the food that this kind of thing is ant, so wool caterpillar and ant ability harmony get along.

Nature is very wonderful, everybody wants only great go wanting, fine fine observation, can discover a lot of interesting phenomena.

3, is nature really wonderful ah do 30 words write a composition?

Enter summer, bamboo shoot, you see it just showed shoot today, it already will grow to be made the same score with your genu tomorrow, pass one day again, it can cross you high, this grows speed is very breathtaking, let a person feel mysterious, very wonderful.

4, does the marvelous sight of nature write a composition 50 words?

The hope in heart of Chun Chen add details to a painting, arousing the passion of life.

Biology awakes in Chun Chen, those who showing life is commendable and inviting.

The extensive on the lake is worn like a black smoke mist, far Wang Weishan, only faint differentiate gives hill vague impression of gray.

The sun warmth peaceful fall, the autumn wind of Dong countryside is vernal and gentle, blue sky white cloud is elegant and rising and falling.

Autumnal beauty is mature- - its unlike spring so bashful, xia Na calm dew, the winter is so indrawn.

Spoondrift is maritime wonderful view, but she more resemble a dancer, she can make the person casts trouble, admire to the top of one's bent.

Nature embraces the canopy of settleclear green jade, urge fiery spring flower, the Qing Quan of caress Chan Chan, laugh at the chant of listen oriole. Nature -- the heart is forever alluring!

Autumn, the season of results, golden season- - with spring euqally lovely, with enthusiasm of Xia Yi appearance, the winter is euqally attractive.

Vibrant poetics of a variety of colour draws meaning heavy snow in succession the picture that nature is a pair of beauty, they are representing all sorts of meanings, only be personally on the scene just can feel among them meaning.

Seawater is so blue, make the person feels emerald color is too light, the color of sapphirine too deep, even if be a division ace, also hard depict.

On vast sea, fierce wind coils collect is worn black clouds. Between black clouds and sea, salangane resembles black lightning, in arrogant volitation.

Rain during springtime is continuous, on the Chinese parasol tree that is sprayed in the courtyard, rustle sand unplugs gently like musician use string, devouring stealthily like silkworm darling again Sang Xie.

It is one clump Qiu Ju, also should send out balmy; It is a double ended radius sleeker, also want deck earth; It is Gu Bai of one individual plant, also want to maintain a blue sky; It is Gu Jing, also want to pour out of Qing Quan.

I love nature, because of spring exuberant, because of the green meaning break out of summer, because of the autumn quiet and calm, because the everythings on earth in the winter is produced.

The scenery in snow is gallant and clinking, between heaven and earth muddy like that monochromatic, can see only argent, will decorate with silver and be like whole world is become.

The line of nature marvellous spectacle:

Liu You of · of the Song Dynasty " swim Shanxi village "

Not laugh at muddy of wine of farmhouse dried meat, good year detains a guest sufficient chicken pig.

Answer doubt does not have hill heavy water road, promising another village.

Xiao beats follow spring company close, clothes and hat is austere and antediluvian put.

From be like Xu Xian to take a month today, the night when bastinado of lean on a stick is not had knocks at the door.

The Tang Dynasty · Meng Hao like that " pass old friend place of business "

Old friend provides gallinaceous millet, invite me to reach cropland home.

Greenery village edge closes, green hill Guo Wai is inclined.

Open garden of field of face of a small room, hemp of wine word mulberry.

Need the day that weigh this world, still come with respect to chrysanthemum.

Su Shi of · of the Song Dynasty " inscribe Xi Linbi "

The horizontal stroke regards as mountain side becomes a peak, discretion of far and near differs each.

Do not know a the truth of sth. , it is along the body only in this hill.

5, the reason with wonderful nature?

About this problem, nature so wonderful, basically be the diversity as a result of it and complexity. Nature included all life forms on the earth, material and energy, and the interaction between them and relation. The different combination of these elements and change make nature is shown went out boundless beauty and magical.

Reason of wh some of which includes:

1.The diversity of life form: Arrive from tiny bacterium giant dinosaur, arrive from colorful flowers tremendous forest, the diversity of life form is nature one of so wonderful main reasons.

2.Of natural landscape strong beautiful: Arrive from grand gorge grand mountain range, arrive from capacious ocean mysterious burrow, the landscape beauty of nature is grand, let a person can't help plainting its magical.

3.Natural loop and balance: The ecosystem in nature is complex, the network of mutual correlation, the loop of the interaction between biology and material lets nature maintaining balance and stability.

4.Natural creativity and change ability: Nature creates new form and structure ceaselessly, also can be changed at the same time and weigh the landscape with existing model and environment, let people exclaim the creativity at it and change ability.

Anyhow, nature so wonderful, it is the diversity because of it, complexity, creativity and balance ability. The correlation of these elements and action let nature become the world that is full of glamour and mystery for.

6, wonderful nature logogram?

Nature is wonderful, it is the mankind's earliest illuminative teacher, it is it fed the mankind, it is it gave the mankind to live condition, it is it is braided went out all the year round, wintry warm summer is cool, how magical!

The biology that lives in nature has a lot of a lot of, fish of bug of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style, the spirit that absorbing nature is angry, also increased a minute of interest to nature. In nature, blue sky white cloud, safflower green grass, north will go to south swallow; Chun Nuanhua leaves, rain bend basin, dry,crisp air of autumn, wintry gas raids a person; Spring winter jasmine, summerly rose, autumn Jin Ju, wintry Xue Mei... nature is really wonderful!

Walk into nature, go appreciating it that distinctive charm, how the universal time that goes admiring it to belong to us is wonderful, go listening attentively to nature that mysterious aspirations. So lovely nature, hill has water, corporeal coloured, wonderful the four seasons changes an elegant demeanor that has each. In the nature after the rinse that passes harships thunder, it is so bright, it is so beautiful. It is so pure and fresh, appear so lovely.

The secret in nature is endless, awaiting us to explore discovery. Become angry magically like that river, suck the person's wind tunnel, guilin configuration the hill of each different, the Li river with beautiful scenery and 1000 islands lake, thunderstorm accompanies each other and Jing does not have the Huang Shan of danger, wonderful stalactite. Still more positional area are awaiting us to dig, the enigma of unlock nature.

Ah, wonderful nature, I get drunk deeply for you, I am loving you, my world, my nature

7, nature is true the interrogation of wonderful, nature, which kind composition to belong to?

Make nature the interrogation of really wonderful, nature belongs to philosophic theory kind composition. 1. What this composition makes clear is nature really wonderful, a kind of evaluation that this is pair of nature and plaint. 2. It is the wonderful part because of nature, it developed the diversity of life and inexhaustible energy, exclaim letting a person unceasingly. 3. Can include all sorts of wonderful things in nature, for instance commutation of the four seasons, plant grows, the animal migrates etc, the mankind is waited a moment to explore and thinking of nature. These are to show nature the example of wonderful sex, deepened the expression of the composition. The place on put together is narrated, " nature is true the interrogation " of wonderful, nature is one belongs to philosophic theory kind composition, it is passed, gasp in admiration with what will convey pair of nature and explore.

8, is nature wonderful sentence-making?

Spring comes, cuckoo cried, the green grass of full ground is green rose, nature is wonderful really.

9, the commment of wonderful nature?

Wonderful nature, it is one of existence that are worth to sigh with emotion and gasp in admiration most in our life. She shows originality the ground created countless beauty annulus the landscape of beautiful Huan and the people, each days are in what deducing oneself ceaselessly is gallant and magical.

From her the earth of boundless of length and breadth of land arrives cloud-kissing mountain peak, from 1000 appearance the plant of 100 condition arrives sundry animal, the organic experience that nature brings us and mental edificatory are cannot of Yan Yu. No matter be,roam in thick woods, what can let a person experience the source of life is great with mystery.

Wonderful nature, the life that lets us is able to bright and colorful. Her gallant with magical, let us times feeling esteems and sigh with emotion. We always ought to be protected, cherish she, also should mix through appreciation at the same time comprehend, the society lives better and grow.

10, is wonderful nature written ask sentence?

Gecko is broken the tail runs away; Starfish is cast piece splanchnic run away; The earthworm broke the body to still can live. Nature rich and colorful, picture each different, curious phenomenon is very much, attracting the mankind ceaseless exploration and understanding are natural. Animal of tellurian great majority can have numinous capacity, if ant can carry the thing with heavier than oneself decuple number on the back, bat can send ultrasonic, dove can induced magnetism field, whale can use lobar breath in the sea, chameleon can change all round the basis change body color, the tortoise can live hundreds years, parrot can learn human conversation, dolphin is sent in the sea exceed strange wave, the cat is OK tens of rice high-rise fall down not to get hurt, the sea has a lot of animals to be able to feel weather and disaster to wait a moment.
