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1、 NO377(雷兽)岩神柱:在岛1上方草地里遇得。

2、 NO378(土雷兽)冰神柱:在双子岛遇得。

3、 NO379(天雷兽)钢神柱:在无人发电站遇得。

4、 NO380(木皮怪)红水督:在岛7最下方海里遇得。

















Pass outside pet kingdom rare spend 6 stars to exceed rare pet to be able to be bought only.

1, NO377(thunder animal) cliff god column: In the island encounter in meadow of 1 upper part.

2, animal of NO378(earth thunder) column glacial a god: Encounter in Gemini island.

3, animal of NO379(day thunder) steel god column: Encounter in unmanned power station.

4, NO380(wood skin is strange) red water superintend and director: In the island 7 most lower part sea mile is encountered.

The expression that looks at the bearing with lovely pet, humour, get laugh start, make whole desktop becomes rich and colorful. From time to time is drowsy, from time to time rolls play, jump below the leap up on from time to time. If scanty at taking care of, pet is met hidebound, become a mere skeleton; Of course if take care of considerate, the chubby foolish voice that pet can raise but Ju. So the little pet of lifelike, regular meeting lets yock of your uncontrollably to one's heart's content.

Wonderful far more than these, after entering game world, you will appreciate brand-new experience playing a way. Pure and fresh game picture, dreamy setting is designed, distinctive character modelling, baby wears interesting pet to be dressed up luxuriantly, all these once belonged to the fairy tale in the imagination, it is nowadays before.

1, click " enter game " the game world that enters pet kingdom.

2, click " get " can get stage property, click top left corner next " save " .

3, click " the task " do the task to win award according to clew.

4, click " branch line " according to clew the task that finish can obtain a pet.

5, go fighting according to the task, battle victory pet can upgrade.

Patulous data:

Fire is: Animal of fire of dragon of fox of bat burning an ala, mischievous bomb, lion burning mane, Hei Tanbao, blaze, phlogistic demon, baby, bite, explode dog of tank of ox of dragon animal, yak, yak, hot cruel wind speed, absolute zero dog, blaze auspicious cloud

Wood is: Grass of tree of Xiang Yu the Conqueror of darling of the foliaceous umbrella frog, frog that cultivate an umbrella, dragon frog, celestial being ball, cactus animal, jib, pocket, cry baby of Fu of grass of Fu of nose Mu Ling, trailing plants, trailing plants, watermelon is small dawdle of umbrella of Lu Die of sweet pig, pig, steel, pumpkin.

Earth is: Tyrannosaurus of spider of dragon of hill of cliff of cadaver of dragon of hill of darling of darling of chelonian of cliff of the hare of hare of leopard cat of golden pointed snail, leaf escape, Maitreya, earthworm that get the ground, broken cliff earthworm, cliff, white echidna, black echidna, cliff, funeral, aardwolf, poisonous spider, rhinoceros horn, fear horn.

Water system: Float on fish of darling of whale of penguin of spirit of penguin of gigantic spirit of snowball darling, snowman little brother, snow mountain, jack-tar, count penguin, military, Liu Hangdiao, big mouth, octopus, lantern, water, dorado of dorado of flying thorn sea horse, fast, bone, alone horny whale, .

Report is: Small a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of rat of report of dragon of cat of thunder smooth monkey, thundercloud, electric eye cat, gent cat, volt cat, lightning cat, pelagian report dragon, pelagian ghost, electric rat, thunderous, different, Lei Qilin.

Ghost is: Poisonous wave benefit, virulent strange, virulent fear animal, monocular animal, alone the eye is strange, alone Wang Long of the person that sky of spirit of evil of demon of ghost of bag of ghost of look gigantic spirit, hop-pocket, cadaver, lens, broken looking glass, empty goes, dark.

Wind is: Shake shake pterodactyl of eagle of eagle of animal of god of sparrow of duck, Qing Diao, calamity, mew, ala, swan goose, flying ala, beans, intense, ore, demon pterodactyl, nebular crane.
