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1、迪奥(Christian Dior)



创始人Gabrielle Chanel香奈儿于1913年,在法国巴黎创立香奈儿品牌。香奈儿的产品种类繁多,有服装、珠宝饰品及其配件、化妆品、香水,每一种产品都闻名遐迩,特别是她的香水与时装。香奈儿(CHANEL)是一个有80多年经历的著名品牌,香奈儿时装永远有着高雅、简洁、精美的风格,她善于突破传统,每个女人在香奈尔的世界里总能找到合适自己的东西。在欧美上流女性社会中甚至流传着一句话"当你找不到合适的服装时,就穿香奈尔套装"。





5、路易·威登(Louis Vuitton)

与其创始人同名,路易.威登是法国历史上最杰出的皮件设计大师之一,创立于1854年。如今,路易·威登这一品牌已经不仅限于设计和出售高档皮具和箱包,而是成为涉足时装、饰物、皮鞋、箱包、珠宝、手表、传媒、名酒等领域的巨型潮流指标。从早期的LV衣箱到如今每年巴黎T台上的不断变幻的LV时装秀,LV (路易·威登)之所以能一直屹立于国际时尚行业顶端地位,傲居奢侈品牌之列,在于其自身独特的品牌DNA。




意大利知名奢侈品牌,范思哲(V ersace)创造了一个时尚帝国,代表着一个品牌家族,范思哲的时尚产品渗透了生活的每个领域,其鲜明的设计风格,独特的美感,极强的先锋艺术表征让它风靡全球。它的设计风格鲜明,是独特的美感极强的先锋艺术的象征。其中魅力独具的是那些展示充满文艺复兴时期特色的华丽的具有丰富想象力的款式,它们性感漂亮,女性味十足,色彩鲜艳,既有歌剧式的超平现实的华丽,又能充分考虑穿着舒适性及恰当地显示体型。范思哲还经营香水、眼镜、领带、皮件、包袋、瓷器、玻璃器皿、丝巾、羽绒制品、家具产品等。


Prada可谓说是一个老字号,但由于它的出品追求完美,所以无论老少,对此品牌的认知度绝不逊于其它任何牌子。创始人Mario·Prada(马里奥·普拉达)所设计的时尚而品质卓越的手袋、旅行箱、皮质配件及化妆箱等系列产品,得到了来自皇室和上流社会的宠爱和追捧。今天,这家仍然备受青睐的精品店依然在意大利上层社会拥有极高的声誉与名望,Prada产品所体现的价值一直被视为日常生活中的非凡享受。1978年Miuccia Prada与其夫婿Patrizio Bertelli共同接管



1, enlighten abstruse (Christian Dior)

France is famous and fashionable consumable card, dior company basically manages the high-grade consumable such as female outfit, men's clothing, headgear, perfume, cosmetic. From 1946 virgin since, dior is luxuriant all the time with decorous pronoun. It is no matter fashionable dress, cosmetic or it is other product, dior is in fashionable hall is grand all the time crouch is topmost. Diaopin of the card revolutionary the intelligibility that returns body to devote oneself to vogue now, if silks and satins, traditional woollen overcoating, essence spins abb, taffeta, luxuriant embroidery to wait,choose high-grade excellent fabrics, and charge for the making of sth. more with careful be good at. Come a few years, diaopin the card is creating the opportunity with new " for people ceaselessly, new love story " , will quiet and tastefully laid out with practical had perfect couple.

2, Xiangnaier (Chanel)

Sweet Nai of father Gabrielle Chanel 1913, found in French Paris sweet Nai brand. Sweet Nai line of the products is various, dress, gem act the role ofing is tasted reach its fittings, cosmetic, perfume, product of avery kind of is famed far and near, especially her perfume and fashionable dress. Sweet Nai (CHANEL) is a famous brand that has 80 old experience, sweet Nai fashionable dress is having decorous, concise, elegant color forever, she is good at breaking through a tradition, every woman can be found always in Xiangnaier's world appropriate oneself thing. Circulating in society of Euramerican and genteel female " of a word searchs when you even when be less than suitable costume, wear " of suit of sweet Nai Er.

3, Gu Chi (Gucci)

It is brand of an Italy fashionable dress, by Gu Chi abstruse · Gu Chi established at Foluolunsi 1921. Gu Chi's product includes fashionable dress, skin to provide, articles for use of towel of leather shoes, watch, cravat, silk, perfume, household and pet things, chinese interpret dies fine jade, Gu Chi. Fashionable dress of Gu Qi brand all along famed with high-grade, luxurious, sex appeal at the world, with " of the identity and fortune indicative " brand image makes rich brownstone consumption favorite, be shown appreciation for sb by business circles personage all along, fashionable do not break decorous. Although brand of Gu Chi fashionable dress makes a person dazzling, the style is shown appreciation for sb by business circles personage all along however, fashionable do not break decorous, dress is given priority to with simple design all the time, especially today the men's clothing of season, cut out unwanted material is original, diffusing 18 centuries power Buddhist nun period amorous feelings, blend in again bull-puncher, aerospace and rock and roll the giant star's colour, let bold and generous in the unruly that take a place, send out boundless glamour.

4, Suoyimei (Soyemei)

International hairdressing protects skin trademark, with its main hairdressing fights element of embryo of sheep of anile product profess to convinced to give priority to dozen of product, its product is popular between fashionable celebrity, curule, star. And Yi of demand of the product below the banner is beautiful (element of embryo of sheep of Soyemei) profess to convinced, classics international considers to prove, this product is in hairdressing of integral root former sex, restore to organize organic cell function, fight anile, health care to treat a disease wait for a respect have extreme effect. It initiated ovine embryo element to fight the beginning of anile industry, can defer in the round, break down, even the element of embryo of sheep of profess to convinced of consenescence of changeover human body.

5, · power ascends Louie (Louis Vuitton)

As homonymic as its author, louie. Power ascending is the most crackajack skin on French history design one of Great Masters, found 1854. Nowadays, road this one brand has not been confined to Yi Weideng to design and sell high-grade skin is provided wrap with box, what make the field such as wine of bag of sortie fashionable dress, decorations, leather shoes, box, gem, watch, medium, name however is giant tide index. Arrive from inchoate LV suitcase annual nowadays the LV fashionable dress of the constant irregular change on Parisian T stage is beautiful, LV (· power ascends Louie) can all the time stand erect at position of top of international fashion industry, be proud house luxury brand, depend on the brand DNA with its distinctive oneself.

6, Donna. Ka Lan (Donnakaran)

Name with the name of father, donna. Ka Lan (the author of Donnakaran) is an appearance gentle the woman with not striking appearance, move toward diversity to make its dress regnal, founded together with the husband 1984 oneself company, rolled out a series of products that provide distinguishing feature each: Dkny, Dknyclassic, Dknaactive, Dknyjesns, the different culture that gathers together to new York place and its unique life flavor made a brand-new explanatory note. Dkny with more halfback, more fashionable, more recreational gimmick depicted new York the period flavor of different culture, different life style, reflect the glamour with distinctive Dkny with disparate language.

7, Fan Saizhe (Versace)

Brand of Italian famous luxury, fan Saizhe (V Ersace) created a fashionable empire, representing a brand familial, fashionable product of Fan Saizhe permeated every domain of the life, its design a style brightly, distinctive aesthetic feeling, extremely strong vanward art token lets its fashionable whole world. Its design color is bright, be the vanward art with distinctive extremely strong aesthetic feeling is indicative. Among them what glamour provides alone is those show the luxuriant has rich imagination pattern that is full of renaissance period characteristic, they are sexy and beautiful, female flavour is dye-in-the-wood, colourful, have operatic type already those who exceed smooth reality is luxuriant, comfortable sex reachs can mature dress to show type of build or figure appropriately. Fan Saizhe still manages perfume, glasses, cravat, skin, product of goods of towel of bag bag, china, glass service, silk, eider down, furniture.

8, Pulada (PRADA)

Prada it may be said says is an old name, but manufacture as a result of it pursuit is perfect, so no matter old little, spend to the acknowledge of this brand absolutely assuming at other any brands. Prada of father Mario · (Maliao Pulada) box of the designs vanity with fashionable and outstanding character, journey, coriaceous fittings and make up the series product such as box, got royalty is mixed coming from dote on brownstonely and chase after hold in both hands. Today, this high-quality goods inn that still accepts favour fully still has extremely high prestige and good reputation in Italian the classes, the value that Prada product place reflects is regarded as daily life to be enjoyed mediumly extremely all the time. Miuccia Prada and its husband Patrizio Bertelli take-overed jointly 1978

Prada, guide Prada to march toward brand-new milepost.

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