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风帆汽车电瓶? 风帆汽车电瓶怎样?英文双语对照


风帆汽车电瓶? 风帆汽车电瓶怎样?英文双语对照









1. 高启动能力:电瓶具有较高的启动电流和扭矩,能够快速启动发动机; 

2. 长寿命:电瓶的使用寿命能够达到2-3年以上,具有较长的使用寿命; 

3. 耐高低温:电瓶具有较好的耐高低温性能,在极端环境下也能正常工作; 

4. 自放电低:电瓶自放电率低,长时间不使用也不需要频繁充电; 

5. 保养简单:电瓶具有一定的自我恢复能力,保养相对简单,只需要定期检查电瓶电解液液位和清洗电极即可。







风帆蓄电池型号规格参数:例如风帆蓄电池 46B24LX-MF。12V-额定电压,60AH-安时,代表容量,意思为负载电流为1A时能用60小时,负载电流为2A时能用30小时,依此类推,其他参数为类型尺寸等。




凡在本公司购买风帆蓄电池的用户,本公司均备有用户档案均质保1年至3年,设备到达用户现场后,根据双方所协商的安装时间, 公司将派专门人员对产品进行免费的安装调试工作。我们以率的工作方式及良好的商业道德认真对待每一位客户,真正让每一位客户无任何后顾之忧!产品在保修期内【人为损坏除外】我方将无偿更换由于原材料、设计及制造工艺等技术问题和质量问题而发生故障的产品,并在买方无法处理的主要问题上,免费提供更换服务,及时解决产品存在的各种问题和产品的修理问题。









1 风帆汽车电瓶的充电维护方法是很重要的。2 首先,要确保使用合适的充电器进行充电,选择与电瓶匹配的充电电流和电压,避免过充或过放。3 充电时,应该选择合适的充电模式,如快充或慢充,根据电瓶的实际情况进行选择。4 充电过程中,要保持电瓶周围的通风良好,避免过热。5 充电完成后,及时拔掉充电器,避免过充导致电瓶损坏。6 定期检查电瓶的电解液水位,如果低于标准水位,应及时添加蒸馏水。7 正确使用汽车电器设备,避免长时间使用停车状态下的电器设备,以减少对电瓶的负荷。8 定期进行电瓶的维护保养,如清洁电瓶端子,检查电瓶线路是否松动等。9 注意避免电瓶长时间处于放电状态,如果长时间不使用车辆,可以考虑使用电瓶维护器进行充电维护。10 最后,根据电瓶的使用寿命和实际情况,及时更换老化的电瓶,以确保汽车正常运行。充电维护是保证汽车电瓶正常工作的重要环节,正确的充电维护方法可以延长电瓶的使用寿命,提高汽车的可靠性。同时,定期检查电瓶的状态和维护保养,可以及时发现问题并进行修复,避免因电瓶故障导致的车辆无法启动等情况的发生。因此,充电维护是汽车使用过程中必不可少的一项工作,需要重视并按照正确的方法进行操作。







Sail car storage battery?

The quality of sail accumulator or perfectly. Common accumulator is used anti-corrosive plate, internal resistance is low, the performance that start is good, microtherm starts function especially conspicuous, the interior that uses resistor minimum, reflect highest discharge efficiency. Use distinctive lead to cream the recipe reachs the PE clapboard with inferior resistor, have taller engine to start function. Have good design with function; optimization namely, of batteries taller than energy.


1, before new battery is installed, ask the corrosive on clean batteries connect, tray and bracket, these corrosive are easy cause a contact undesirable, bring about short circuit leakage of electricity.

2, disassemble when batteries, tear open " to build iron pole " first please, " is installed to build iron pole " after be being asked when installation.

3, the lead that batteries place contains and vitriolic it is environmental contaminant, should take care to deposit, avoid to bump, do not be more than 45 degrees of horn inclined put, also do not want convert, lest electrolyte from the leakage in Xiaokong.

Sail car storage battery how?

The storage battery brand that sail car place uses and property performance are potential because the model is mixed,produce batch and differ somewhat. However, generally speaking the storage battery that sail car place uses has better performance, have the following characteristic:

1.Gao Qi uses capacity: Storage battery has the taller electric current that start and torque, can start engine quickly;

2.Grow life: The service life of storage battery can achieve 2-3 year above, have longer service life;

3.Be able to bear or endure on any account is lukewarm: Storage battery is had better be able to bear or endure function of high low temperature, also can work normally below extreme environment;

4.Discharge oneself low: Storage battery is led from discharge low, do not use for long also do not need to charge often;

5.Maintain simple: Storage battery has certain ego to restore ability, maintain relatively simple, need to check storage battery electrolyte regularly only fluid and clean electrode can.

Those who need an attention is, storage battery needs to notice not to let electrolyte leak in use process, the fluid that also needs the voltage that checks storage battery regularly and electrolyte at the same time, use of storage battery in order to ensure normally. If storage battery has a problem, the proposal changes in time in order to assure the stability of car and security.

How long does sail car storage battery guarantee?

Guarantee deadline begins go into effect from bought day. The day that buys from the car begins computation to guarantee deadline. Harbour storage battery belongs to easy loss component, component has the easy loss of car to pledge alone protect period. Label together with accumulator fragile of a limits share 16 kinds, these are fragile protect character period each are not identical. And of accumulator guarantee period for a year, if car accumulator is in,the problem appears inside a year, can enjoy change freely.

A few years can sail car storage battery use?

Sail car storage battery is in commonly 3-5 year between, nevertheless storage battery life uses a circumstance to have immediate concern with the individual, the convention is good, have for example get off the habit that shuts all electric equipment inside the car, air conditioning, acoustics, such storage battery life can be lengthened a lot of, conversely, life can shorten a lot of, the life that says sail accumulator so returns because of the person different.

Is dimension of norms of sail car storage battery expressed?

Parameter of norms of sail accumulator model: For example sail accumulator 46B24LX-MF. 12V- rated voltage, when 60AH- is installed, represent a capacity, 60 hours can be used when the meaning is 1A for load current, 30 hours can be used when load current is 2A, the rest may be deduced by analogy, other parameter is type dimension to wait.

Manual of sail car storage battery?

Accumulator of 24Ah above sail protects 3 years character (contain 24Ah) , any blame appear inside 3 years artificial quality problem, my department changes freely the harbour with same type is brand-new accumulator, ask broad client to be at ease buy!

After sail accumulator product makes work:

Every buys the user of sail accumulator in our company, our company all have user archives all protects 1 year to come 3 years character, after equipment reachs user spot, install time according to what bilateral place talks things over, the company will send technical staff to undertake to the product free installation debugs the job. We serve each clients seriously with the working way of rate and good business ethics, let each clients do not have any trouble back at home truly! The product is in guarantee period inside [factitious attaint except] we change free wait for technical issue and quality problem as a result of raw material, design and workmanship and malfunctioning product, on the main problem that cannot tackle in buyer, offer freely change service, solve what the product puts all sorts of problems that be in and product in time to repair a problem.

Does sail car storage battery write law of medicine made of two or more ingredients?

1, pulse rehabilitate law:

Accumulator eliminates vulcanization to compare good method to use pulse rehabilitate method namely. When repair accumulator, the function that the instantaneous voltage of pulse reflects according to product place commonly needs, adopted instantaneous voltage is 60V, between 300V, if be used at accumulator,product pulse voltage of Yan Shou is worth not increase is too big, special the pulse voltage value as a result of accumulator rehabilitate product can slant big (if pulse voltage is worth plate of pairs of too big batteries to be able to be caused,injure) , pulse voltage is tall, accumulator repair time is short, pulse voltage is low, accumulator repair time grows relatively, although pulse instant voltage is very tall, but average voltage is not tall, do not have harm to human body, very safe.

2, law of strong report rehabilitate:

Law of strong report rehabilitate adopts the method of the abiding tall voltage when charging or accumulator of rehabilitate of big electric current namely, it is more when effect of pulse rehabilitate law is not apparent use.

3, charge way of complete discharge rehabilitate completely:

Fill law of complete discharge rehabilitate to be adopted to accumulator namely completely after filling report completely, the method of again complete discharge rehabilitate accumulator. Charging way of complete discharge rehabilitate completely basically is particular to spending scathing accumulator gently to have repair function, the active material of the depth of activation storage battery with this OK still and effective at the same time method, increase accumulator size.

How does sail car storage battery undertake charging maintenance?

Of storage battery of 1 sail car charge defending a method is very important. 2 above all, should ensure use appropriate charger to undertake charging, choose the charging current that matchs with storage battery and voltage, had avoided to fill or be put too. 3 when charging, should choose to charge suitably mode, like be filled quickly or fill slow, undertake choosing according to the actual condition of storage battery. 4 charge in the process, should carry storage battery all round drafty, avoid overheat. 5 charge after finishing, unplug in time charger, had avoided to fill bring about storage battery to damage. The electrolyte water level of storage battery of 6 regular examinations, if under standard water level, answer to add distilled water in time. 7 use car wiring correctly, avoid to be used for long jockey the wiring below condition, in order to reduce the negative charge to storage battery. The 8 care and maintenance that have storage battery regularly, be like terminal of clean storage battery, whether does circuitry of examination storage battery become loose etc. 9 attentions avoid storage battery to be in discharge condition for long, if do not use car for long, can consider to use storage battery to safeguard implement undertake charging maintenance. 10 finally, according to the service life of storage battery and actual condition, change in time the storage battery of ageing, in order to ensure the car moves normally. Charge safeguarding is the important segment that makes sure car storage battery works normally, charge correctly the service life that maintains a method to be able to lengthen storage battery, raise the dependability of the car. In the meantime, check the condition of storage battery and care and maintenance regularly, can in time discover a problem and have repair, the car that because storage battery breakdown is brought about,prevents cannot start those who wait for a circumstance to happen. Accordingly, charge safeguarding is an indispensable job in car use process, need takes seriously and undertake operating according to accurate method.

How does sail car storage battery treat type?

The storage battery of Oriental car is in of storage battery measure body to go up to tag the type that has storage battery, therefrom can treat type

Exceed batteries of awe-inspiring sail car which good?

Exceed storage battery of awe-inspiring sail car which better?

The more professional quality that I consider as sail car storage battery production is betterer, exceed power what will tell batteries to produce in electric car industry is fiercer, produce in industry of car storage battery a confusion of voices of sales volume half compares sail car storage battery or can have very big difference only, sail storage battery is the business that our country produces car storage battery the earliest, product form a complete set of production is very much degree is large car company, product quality is stable, it is a good storage battery absolutely, hope my answer can help you.
