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春节,是一年之岁首,中国传统上的农历新年。春节俗称 新年、大年、岁首、新春、新岁等,口头上又称度岁、过年。春节历史悠久,是由上古时代岁首祭祀活动演变来,其起源蕴含着丰厚深邃的人文与自然文化内涵。在民间,旧时传统意义上的春节是指从腊月的腊祭或腊月二十三或二十四的祭灶,一直到正月十九日。在现代,人们把春节定于农历正月初一,但一般至少要到农历正月十五(元宵节)新年才算结束。










1, festival.

The Spring Festival, it is the beginning of the year of a year, the New Year of the traditional Chinese calendar on Chinese tradition. Spring Festival common says New Year, good year, the beginning of the year, the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year's Day, new year old etc, oral go up to say to spend again year old, spend the New Year. Spring Festival history is long, it is by antediluvian times the beginning of the year sacred activity evolves come, its are genetic accumulate containing rich and generous and abstruse humanitarian with natural culture connotation. Be in folk, the Spring Festival on meaning of old times tradition is to point to the dried meat hold a memorial ceremony for from the twelfth month of the lunar year or the twelfth month of the lunar year 23 or the kitchen of hold a memorial ceremony for of 24, arrive all the time the first month of the lunar year 19 days. Be in contemporary, people the Spring Festival on the first month of the lunar year of the traditional Chinese calendar first one,

2, tea culture.

China is civilization ancient country, formal state, very heavy ceremony. Every came guest, make tea, those who respect tea is formal it is indispensable. Should the guest calls in, can seek an opinion, choose add up to guest taste and optimal tea service to entertain a guest most. When respecting a settle or live in a strange place with tea, go all out appropriately to tea matching also is necessary. Host drinks tea in company guest when, the boiled water remain in wanting to notice guest cup, crock is measured, use teacup make tea commonly, if already was drunk,go half, be about to add boiled water, along with drink along with add, make boiled water chroma maintains around basically to agree, water is warm appropriate. When drink tea also but proper assist wait with cakes and sweetmeats, candied, dish, achieve adjust the effect of taste and mug-up. The content of Chinese tea culture basically is tea reflect mediumly in Chinese spirit culture, this is compared " tea custom " , " tea " the category is deep many wide, also be Chinese tea culture with Euramerican or of tea culture of Japan part very big reason.

3, wine culture.

China makes wine history of long standing and well established, breed is various, renown wine assemble, be famous in China and foreign countries. Yellow rice or millet wine is the oldest wine on the world kind one of, it is about more than 3000 years ago, trader week times, zymotechnics of double entry of distiller's yeast of Chinese original creation, begin a large number of wine to make yellow rice or millet wine. Make an appointment with millenarian the Song Dai before, the Chinese invented distillation method, from now on, liquor makes the Chinese's drinkable main wine kind. Wine is permeated at whole China the civilization 5000 history in, wait for each respect to lay the position with be had significant in work in the Chinese to health care of dietary cooking, preserve one's health from recreation of literary art creative work, culture. As ages ago like Chinese wine culture is the deformed culture such as the urge sb to drink. on Chinese wine desk, excessive drinking, say for culture of Chinese wine desk, it is wine culture the abnormal that in developing a process, forms abusive.

4, traditional literature.

Basically be ode of a general term for ci and qu pointing to a poem. " The Book of Songs " , " Chu Ci " ; Novel of 〕 of period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties of 〔 of Xian Qinshi song, Chinese ode, Han Le government office, folk song, Tang poetry, Song Ci, a type of verse popular in the Yuan Dynasty, bright Qing Dynasty, if 4 names are written (" on the west travel notes " " red Lou Meng " .

5, language character.

Chinese is the language with our country use maximum number, also be the character that makes number of choose and employ persons maximum on the world. Our country uses Chinese except the Han nationality outside, the Hui nationality, Manchu, She nationality turns basically also with Chinese. The Chinese character is the world 4 big from one of source characters (additionally 3 kinds are word of Egypt emperor book, Sumeier elegant character of cuneiform, Ma) , see a Chinese character have the branch of writing of sound of ideograph, meaning, syllabic character from literal type. The book of Xian Youwen word is written can become an art, more without the height that can reach art of Chinese character calligraphy. Of Wang Xi, the work of the calligraphy a person of academic or artistic distinction such as public right of Yan Zhenqing, willow, Huang Tingjian lets people acclaim as the peak of perfection up to now.
