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之前一位19岁的澳洲女孩Essena O'Neill就是这么一位网络红人。虽然她在Instagram上拥有近90万的粉丝,她最终做出的选择却是:近百张Instagram照片,统统删除;Snapchat,连同上面的6万关注者,一起再见。


/Essena O'Neil重新编辑后的文字说明




个人特色的塑造 /难度 ☆☆☆





Margaret Zhang,中文名章凝,是少有的活跃在主流时尚圈的亚裔博主。她目前在悉尼大学主修法律,但因从小钟爱时装,她在09年便开设了个人时尚博客Shine By Three,分享自己的穿搭、作品与观点,在这几年进入大众视线。


/Margaret Zhang的街拍

另一位时尚博主Leanra Medine,则显然高举女权主义旗帜,看看她的博客名“The Man Repeller”便可略知一二。她不甜美可人,也不妆容精致,但自然、率真——她发现的时尚奥义是时尚之所以存在是为取悦自己,而非取悦男性。


/Leanra Medine的街拍


最早一批的时尚博主,比如Susie Bubble,依旧活跃在主流时尚圈。她是秀场前排的座上客,以及Vogue和BBC的特邀评论写手。她厚重的齐刘海,标志性的大兔牙,五彩缤纷的大胆风格,所有的个人特色在多变的时代仍牢牢地延续至今。她在时尚圈的地位也是如此。


/Susie Bubble的街拍和她的博客

Tavi Gevinson也曾经深深地撼动了时尚圈。她的博客Style Rookie从08年开始运作,便因为独特的审美与独到的见解,迅速拥有了近百万的订阅者。那时候的她年仅11岁。


/Tavi Gevinson的秀场照片和她的博客

从近年热门的Margaret Zhang和Leanra Medine,再到已经在时尚圈扎根的Susie Bubble和Tavi Gevinson,看来对于时尚博主以及想在时尚圈打拼出天地的网络红人来说,显然“好看的皮囊太多,有趣的灵魂太少”并非一句被熬烂的鸡汤。

圈内认可的获得 /难度 ☆☆☆☆





/ 时尚博主Camila Coutinho:“可以说这儿已经有了时尚风格的民主化……到底什么才是时尚风格?(我觉得是)大众喜欢的风格就是时尚的风格,所以我认为应该把时尚风格交给大众去定义去决定。”



/ Vogue的创意数字总监Sally Singer:“每小时便把品牌商的衣服从头到脚都换一遍的时尚博主们,麻烦能不能消停一会儿…… 你们预示着时尚风格的死亡。”

/ Vogue网站的首席评论家Sarah Mower:“在秀场外,你总是会看见那些极度渴望被拍照的女孩们蜂拥而上又蜂拥而下,真为她们感到悲哀。”

/ Vogue网站的时尚新闻编辑Alexssandra Codinha:“这一切实在是太尴尬了,特别是当你想想这个世界上还发生了更为重要的事情的时候,就更尴尬了。”


受到批评的时尚博主们对此表示一脸懵逼,委屈巴巴。像在Instagram上拥有近60万粉丝的Camille Charrière直言不讳地在一段Youtube视频中表示这篇《Vogue》评论里针对时尚博主们的批判实在来得莫名其妙,当年捧红自己的是《Vogue》,现在批评自己的也是《Vogue》。

“When Vogue touches you, you're gold(当《Vogue》碰你一下的时候,你就是一块金子)”,Camille用了一个巧妙的类比。显然时尚权威依旧存在,专业认可对于时尚博主来说仍然重要,然而获得确实并非易事。

/时尚博主Camille Charrière:“当《Vogue》碰你一下的时候,你就是一块金子。”

Camille在视频里大胆地把矛头转向Gigi Hadid等热门网红,她点出:“These girls mainly are famous for being famous (这些女孩们出名是因为她们本身就出名)”,明显《Vogue》也对她们相当喜爱。


/ 时尚博主Camille Charrière:“(这些批评时尚博主们的声音居然)来自于一本特别关注Gigi Hadid和Kim Kardashian如何如何备受宠爱的时尚杂志……《Vogue》倒是对她们(Gigi Hadid和Kim Kardashian)这样如此推崇……”

模特Ulrikke Hoyer不到55公斤,却依旧被Louis Vuitton嫌胖(这件事情之前在社交媒体上掀起轩然大波),然而当年微胖的Gigi却依旧踏遍了时装周的秀场。其他模特被勒令走秀期间只能喝水,Kendall Jenner和Bella Hadid还能在走秀间隙溜出来买个麦当劳。

她们有颜值有身材不可否认,但是她们的模特生涯一半凭借于她们的家世,她们的穿衣风格一半归功于她们的造型师Monica Rose也不可否认,然而似乎整个时尚圈都一直围着她们转圈圈。

近年这种盲目推崇颜值与家世的危险价值观让超模Stephanie Seymour忍不住跳出来嘲讽Gigi和Kendall一句:“Bitches of the moment”(时令小婊子)。








/ 时尚博主Shea Marie对于《Vogue》批评的回应:“猜猜《Vogue》的Instagram上最多评论的照片是哪一张(超简单的)?是一张我和Caro Vreeland的街拍噢。真讽刺。”

/ 时尚博主Susie Bubble的回应:“首先,我们就先别假装编辑和造型师们为了增加出版收益,和品牌商没有保持这样那样的关系……”

/ 时尚博主Byran Boy的回应:“显而易见这就和放学别走操场等我的校园暴力没什么两样。想想都知道攻击我们来获得满足感可比攻击其他编辑来得容易多了。”

时尚博主Byran Boy的推特回应显然揭露出目前草根时尚博主与网络红人们(Gigi、Bella和Kendall在时尚圈可是如鱼得水)在时尚圈的真正地位。获得专业认可,真的没有如此容易。


钟小姐Alexa Chung这几年做出了一个好榜样,成为了目前难得的圈内圈外认可度都相当高的时尚网红。

/Alexa Chung的街拍

钟小姐早早便踏入时尚圈,做过模特、接过广告、拍过大片,也上过封面。作为时尚网红的鼻祖,如今Gigi、Bella,和Kendall在做的事情,钟小姐早早都已做过。她混合着英法风格的Causal Chic(随便怎么穿反正就是很时髦)的穿衣风格备受热捧,时至今日也依旧是许多女孩们的模仿对象。


去年,钟小姐与英国版《Vogue》合作拍摄了一部纪录片,名为《The Future of Fashion with Alexa Chung(与艾里珊·钟一起发现时尚的未来)》,严肃地探讨着时尚产业的发展。


“这部片子很大程度上是想告诉人们时尚产业有多棒,因为在现有的影像材料中这个行业只是被描述成《穿普拉达的女魔头》或《丑女贝蒂》那样的。” 大众传媒公司Condé Nast U.K. (也就是英国版《Vogue》的母公司)影像内容总监Danielle Bennison-Brown这样说道。




“时尚具备艺术的形式,具备改变社会的力量,挑战各类观念、及性向问题。然而普通大众对时尚都不太在意,持有的观点还十分老套,虚荣啦,浮华啦,总之大家都不太在意它…… 时尚确实有些娱乐有些趣味,但是不应该被这些所定义…… 这个产业和其他产业一样,有许许多多认真工作的人们……所以我想通过这个纪录片一一击碎这些负面印象,给大家展示完整的时尚产业。”在纪录片的一开篇,钟小姐便强调出了重心。

一直以来,钟小姐似乎也在努力塑造一个随性而又不失专业的“IT Girl”形象。这大概是为什么其实同样是时尚网红,钟小姐总是显得不太一样。看来想要获得专业认可,别忘了多给这个行业一些诚意与尊重(其实也不仅仅适用于时尚行业)。

职业前景的扩展 /难度 ☆☆☆☆☆


在这一方面,Chiara Ferragni的“宇宙时装博主”的称号实在是当之无愧,在15年还撼动了哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School),他们将Chiara和她的网站The Blonde Salad列入了案例研究。


随后,Chiara对其09年创建的个人博客The Blonde Salad进行了及时的改造,还从奢侈品牌Louis Vuitton挖来了宣传总监Alessio Sanzogni,定制形象、设定战略、过滤广告,让每一篇博文、每一张照片都是精心策划的结果。Chiara将博客彻底完善成为一本内容丰富的专业杂志,而非仅有穿搭的平庸内容,拥有了更有分量的时尚话语权。




像钟小姐Alexa Chung近期推出的个人同名品牌,即便筹备时间长达3年,还拥有6位设计师组成的设计团队,目前品牌销售情况依旧没有预期之中好。其中一个原因便是耽误了商业时机,因为新一代“IT Girl”Gigi、Bella和Kendall的出现,一并带起了截然不同的奢侈运动的街头风格,且风头正劲,钟小姐推出品牌的时间已经不在其影响力上升的周期之内了。

/Alexa Chung的同名个人品牌





Fashionable rich advocate peace network a favourite by sb in power is many girls probably most the profession that long for day and night. Become them, mean it seems that can wear the most colorful dress to take the prettiest picture everyday (and still need not oneself draw out money, after all brand business nature can search come to come) .

Strategy is sent get the better of! 5 class can athletics of open whole world, don't you still come?


They travel everywhere, in front of looks beautiful, having most the chest of full of beautiful things in eyes, with the life of the most delicate health. Knock it seems that knock clavier, hair to send a picture, they can have had the person pay close attention to of 10 thousand easily, and spend the lunar income of 10 thousand likewise.

Before an Australia girl Essena O'Neill of 19 years old is so a favourite by sb in power of a network. Although she has the vermicelli made from bean starch of nearly 900 thousand on Instagram, the choice that she makes finally is however: Photograph of nearly 100 pieces of Instagram, delete completely; Snapchat, connect the person that be the same as the 60 thousand attention above, a good-bye.

In her in video of last paragraphs of Youtube, she is carrying element colour on the head, red eye, in unlike photograph so beautiful have so model, disclosing this is how " hypocritical " manual work -- placed the one Pose afternoon, took the one picture afternoon, 100 Zhang Li also can winkle a piece, and this piece is mixed with the photograph style in front even match colors is consistent, can pat again afresh only otherwise.

/ the character after Essena O'Neil re-edit explains

The precedent that even if is like this extreme is prevenient, cannot shake as before a lot of girls look forward to to this occupational. However, should make an outstanding fashionable gain advocate with network a favourite by sb in power, manual work may have dichotomy only, and mental work can occupy 8 minutes -- this can not be a profession that needs the United States only.

Do you feel fashionable rich advocate with network a favourite by sb in power a what kind of profession be?

See this article discuss together.

Of individual characteristic model / difficulty ☆ ☆ ☆

Gregarious network platform is swift and violent develop, a fashionable gain is made in 21 centuries advocate it is easy to be sent more with network a favourite by sb in power. You need every month to spend 229 yuan to buy thick fashionable magazine no longer, now each days, each hours, even each second is planted, you can obtain free fashionable information easy to doly. The color that these content have an opportunity to become you is inspired with inspirational origin.

In the small gain that has limitative word number, or it is the picture website Instagram that does not have viewpoint tendency, you need to have professional fashionable background no longer, you can read law of accountant, pronunciation, read philosophy, read with vogue 8 bamboo pole hit the major that does not wear, as long as you are enough and distinctive, you become a that when have 1 million vermicelli made from bean starch possibly also.

However, no less, when fashionable rich advocate as red as the network people sends frequent ground to appear more, preliminary it is easy to attract certain vermicelli made from bean starch, later period expands faithful suffer numerous begin to have difficulty. Want to show itself, what need possibly is individual style not just disentomb, have the capture of spirit of a few timeses even, also cannot help complying with new trend in these a few years like house of old brand fashionable dress, pound bosomy new pattern. A few the most welcome 2016 fashionable rich advocate be identical is worn feminism antagonism fastens discrimination, the trend of mainstream of white man of antagonism of descendants of minority a group of things with common features.

/ the Instagram page of Gucci

Margaret Zhang, chinese name chapter coagulates, it is little some active encircle in mainstream vogue inferior Yi Bo advocate. She majors in Sydney university at present law, but because dote on fashionable dress as a child, she opened Shine By Three of guest of individual vogue rich in 9 years, share oneself wear build, work and viewpoint, masses line of vision is entered in these a few years.

Margaret is born in Australia, have Harbin blood relationship however, the face of a piece of Oriental temperament and a pair of beautiful Dan Feng eyes are her distinctive mark. She of 165CM often wears the gas field that gave 180CM, wear the model that builds skill, Jing making a person to admire outstandingly, it is the capital that she attracts large quantities of one faithful epigone. Besides, her fashionable comment and photography work also make a person impressive.

/ the street of Margaret Zhang is patted

Another fashionable rich advocate Leanra Medine, hold high apparently feminism banner, the rich guest name that sees her " The Man Repeller " but know a little about. She is not melting but person, also not makeup look is delicate, but natural, forthright and sincere -- the vogue that she discovers abstruse justice it is vogue existing is for him please, male of please of and rather than.

Leanra the distinctive color with oneself, checkmate of bit by bit is worn the people is right fashionable rich advocate inflexible impression. Have peripheral beauty only, can mix in the fashionable circle of 21 centuries and Internet not long.

/ the street of Leanra Medine is patted

Although rich passenger times is already far,go, general trends not answer return, by the miniature rich guest of 140 words, and the picture that does not have a character is shared model rich guest place is replaced. Nevertheless, besides more and more sharing wear the fashionable gain that take advocate, the rich that still still comments on a type sometimes as before advocate exist.

The earliest a batch fashionable rich advocate, for instance Susie Bubble, as before active encircle in mainstream vogue. She is the guest of honour of beautiful field in front of, and the specially invite comment of Vogue and BBC keeps a hand. The neat bang of her massiness, the big hare tooth of mark sex, colourful audacious style, all individual characteristic are in changeful times still firmly ground continues up to now. The position that she encircles in vogue also is such.

Although regard UCL history as the graduate of the department, susie is not one's previous experience of regular professional training, because have deep love for,also be completely fashionable and self-study grow into useful timber, but she is apparent to fashionable attitude very earnest. She thinks to serve as a fashionable rich advocate, if can be patted only,take a picture, write a few words to get through hastily, that too do not value style.

/ the street of Susie Bubble takes the rich settle or live in a strange place with her

Tavi Gevinson also once deeply shake fashionable circle. Her rich guest Style Rookie begins to run from 8 years, because distinctive aesthetic with original understanding, had the person subscribe to of nearly 1 million quickly. She what await in those days year only 11 years old.

Tavi of 15 years old founded magazine of an online electron " Rookie " , the content inside is concerned not just at vogue, still involved women's right early to discuss even. You can can't help highly praising this girl that likes big bowknot of the top of head, how can she have so far-reaching idea in small cerebral melon.

/ the beautiful field photograph of Tavi Gevinson and her rich guest

From in recent years popular Margaret Zhang and Leanra Medine, arrive to had encircled the Susie Bubble of take root and Tavi Gevinson in vogue again, look to fashionable rich advocate and want to play the network fair-haired boy that spells a heaven and earth in fashionable circle for, apparent " good-looking leather bursa is too much, interesting soul is too little " the chicken broth that is not to be boiled to rot.

The acquisition that approbates inside the circle / difficulty ☆ of ☆ ☆ ☆

To fashionable rich advocate with network a favourite by sb in power for, this is a best times, also be a worst times. Obtain heat to never be like here easy to do, replace model to be on stage of beautiful field T directly not curious also (for instance even if is criticized so that dog blood drenchs first, also should hold to net of do sth over and over again red people the Dolce&Gabbana of several season) . The old brand luxury that once distained to be considered to gregarious media, right now also no good does not examine this brand-new condition. In fashionable circle, fashionable rich advocate as red as the network people began to have new position.

/ cause " take money " the Gigi of tide, Bella and Kendall

"This dress that you feel you are worn is yourself choice, think your choice is to be besides fashionable industry, but not be actually such, the dress that you wear is the person in this house actually, choose for you -- pile plaything from this namely in. " is this " the female demon head that wears Prada " Limeilier? Is the Milan of female demon head that Sitelipu acts amounted to? Puleisili ever had said a paragraph of classical actor's lines, explained the powerful force of fashionable from above to below.

However, a lot of fashionable rich advocate people be certain fall in brand-new environment, vogue had appeared of from bottom to top " democratization " clue. Resemble the Zara since wind unboiled water, cancelled presiding stylist directly, established area stylist, relying on powerful database, cater to the masses definitely to savour for essence of life only. Zara expends a few force is fatigued and weak years this in delay of global economy sluggish, disappear, must connect too far behind to catch up with of other fast fashionable trademark formidably as before, alarmed even luxury brand, cause case follow with follow the lead of. A few fashionable rich advocate people when think they are experiencing fashionable bound " authority muscularity shuffles " , their best period is forthcoming.

/ fashionable rich advocate Camila Coutinho: "Can you say here the democratization that had had fashionable color... after all what is just fashionable style? (I feel is) the style that the style that the masses likes is vogue, so I think to should give the masses to define fashionable style go deciding. So I think to should give the masses to define fashionable style go deciding..

However, heat is one and the same, approbate spending is other one thing. Fashionable rich advocate as red as the network people perhaps is the goddess that the need in eye of the person that oneself pay close attention to is being held in both hands, but be not it seems that in the eye of other and fashionable practitioner such.

For example, the editors of a lot of fashionable magazines are already right more and more fashionable rich advocate as red as the network people has veiled word quite. On the week of Milanese fashionable dress this year, a fashionable editor and fashionable rich advocate the big fight between on the verge of breaking out -- " Vogue " in the fashionable review of a few editors in fashionable dress week fashionable rich advocate people firm firm ground was criticized.

/ the Sally Singer: of originality number chief inspector of Vogue? Regretful gnaws ∈ north Chou dumb put dregs of rice oil of  of phlegmy bursa road is returned irrigate oh human skeleton of ┲ of coerce of low of neon of Lv of setose thiste grey pagoda tree pulls  Ju line to exemplary R of barren mow  changes? of caving   the death of you are adumbrative fashionable style.

/ the presiding essayist Sarah Mower: of Vogue website? Bully attentively angries mellow  of Zheng of antrum of ending Cong of ⊥ Guo  cuts ┘  flesh commentate small cup of  confused angry  ⒚ owes Xu knife  to disrelish А of  of award of instrument of apology of  of  of go whoring of  of approach of  of location Xu knife! ?

/ the fashionable news of Vogue website edits Alexssandra Codinha: "All these is too awkward really, the thing with wanted to still happen on this world more important when you especially when, more awkward. More awkward..

Fashionable editors also are one day is rushing about look beautiful, need a dress only, and fashionable rich advocate people it is a day several, do not know they are to look really beautiful, still let beautiful field see them. Fashionable editor thinks editors are to serving at vogue, and these rich advocate as red as the net people serve them in requirement vogue however.

The fashionable rich that is criticized advocate people state to this one face is muddled force, grievance cling to. Like the Re of Camille Charri è that has nearly 600 thousand vermicelli made from bean starch on Instagram ground of call a spade a spade is in video of a paragraph of Youtube express this " Vogue " fashionable rich is aimed at in the comment advocate people critically and honest come indescribably, hold in both hands in those days red oneself is " Vogue " , what criticize oneself now also is " Vogue " .

"When Vogue Touches You, you're Gold (when " Vogue " when touching you, you are a gold) " , camille used a clever analogy. Apparent and fashionable authority exists as before, major is approbated to fashionable rich advocate for important still, obtain however be not easy thing really.

/ fashionable rich advocate Re of Camille Charri è : "When " Vogue " when touching you, you are a gold. You are a gold..

Camille changes spearhead to boldly the popular net such as Gigi Hadid red, she points out: "These Girls Mainly Are Famous For Being Famous (because their itself is famous,these girls became famous is) " , apparent " Vogue " also comparative to them love.

Camille expresses not to want to appear not courteous in video, add a comment more no longer then, however the unspoken words in a play left to the understanding of the audience or reader from the back is already self-evident -- because there was the opportunity that contacts fashionable circle in gregarious media,be likewise, why careless root rich advocate people be criticized, and in same hour, "These because of becaming famous famous girls " safe and sound however, suffer praise highly fully even?

/ fashionable rich advocate Re of Camille Charri è : "(these criticize fashionable win advocate people sound unexpectedly) come from pay close attention to Gigi Hadid and Kim Kardashian how to get favorite fashionable magazine fully particularly at... " Vogue " be opposite however they (Gigi Hadid and Kim Kardashian) so such praise highly... "

Model Ulrikke Hoyer is less than 55 kilograms, be disrelished by Louis Vuitton as before however fat (a mighty uproar is raised on gregarious media before this thing) , however in those days small the beautiful field that fat Gigi stepped fashionable dress week as before however. Other model is compelled water can be drunk only during show, kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid still are walking along beautiful clearance to sneak away come out to buy a Mcdonald's.

They have Yan Zhi to have a figure undeniable, but their model career half depends on the extraction at them, their modelling division Monica Rose that dresses style half is attributed to them is undeniable also, appear however whole and fashionable circle turns round them all the time circle.

In recent years the critical viewpoint of value of Yan Zhi of this kind of blind praise highly and extraction lets exceed modular Stephanie Seymour to cannot help jumping out to sneer at Gigi and Kendall: "Bitches Of The Moment " (season young prostitute) .

/ British edition Vogue: "Is who says Kendall and Gigi true exceed a standard? " below comment: "Each person. "Each person..

Many fashionable rich advocate get " Vogue " critically hind also jump out to have a response in succession. Their unlike Gigi and Bella, also unlike Kendall, a lot of people also are common girl only originally, those who read is law, economy, history; They just seized the opportunity of gregarious media, have deep love for with the one antrum to vogue, jump into a brand-new domain, the doubt that be being changed however is circle interior really, mock with distain to be considered.

At brand business, they just publicize labour it seems that; At fashionable circle, they are passerby armour only it seems that. Fashionable rich advocate as red as the network people thinks oneself eventually one foot strode circle, and one foot by coterie person kick come out.

/ Gigi, Bella and Kendall go up again and again " Vogue " cover

To fashionable rich advocate for as red as the network people, this is a bad times really. IT revolution and gregarious media culture bring brand-new fashionable climate, of a lot of parts replace let coterie with change person also unaware, consequently contradiction is stimulated unripe.

On one hand, the fashionable rich that the vogue of fashionable editor etc of partial major thinks to be not major from trade public figure advocate as red as the network people does not value style quite, they are buckish, peripheral, feigned, of love is luxury and exposure rate only, can add the outside to encircle inactive inflexible impression to vogue only.

However on the other hand, have deep love for vogue not less and turn on the way the rich of travel advocate think with red people the vogue of alleged major does not have deep love for vogue from trade public figure however. What they think these fashionable editors love also is exposure is led, such enthusiastically praise highly is worn critical viewpoint of value, itself is making the outside encircle inactive inflexible impression to vogue.

/ fashionable rich advocate Shea Marie to " Vogue " critical response: "Guess " Vogue " which is the photograph that comments on at most on Instagram a piece (super- simple) ? The street that is I and a piece of Caro Vreeland is patted Oh. Really acid. Really acid..

/ fashionable rich advocate the response of Susie Bubble: "Above all, we do not pretend first editor and modelling division people publish accrual to increase, did not maintain such and such relationship with brand business... "

/ fashionable rich advocate the response of Byran Boy: "This mixes clearly classes are over the different of campus force it doesn't matter that does not walk along a playground to wait for me. Want to know to atttack us to obtain contented feeling to be able to compare charge other editor comes much more easily.

Fashionable rich advocate of Byran Boy push respond to especially disclose apparently piece careless root is at present fashionable rich advocate as red as the network people (Gigi, Bella and Kendall are in fashionable circle but feel just like a fish in water) the real position that encircles in vogue. Obtain major to approbate, if this is easy,do not have really.

Actually both sides of group line inside and outside is contended for sharp edge opposite partial reason, it is to think the other side is insufficient oneself values style. Professional editor thinks a few rich advocate as red as the net people become fashion trifling matter, however outstanding rich advocate as red as the net people think a few editors just are for accrual become fashion tool. Fashionable circle has not been been short of " beautiful " and " celestial being " , a few misunderstanding are done away with when the wall outside needing to borrowing ring however is attacked to break thoroughly by gregarious media, win a few respect, and this just can be rich advocate as red as the net people good luck.

Alexa Chung of bell young lady made a good example a few this years, degree of quite expensive fashionable web is approbated outside making current and god-given circle inner ring red.

/ the street of Alexa Chung is patted

Bell young lady steps fashionable group early, had made model, had accepted ad, had patted big, also had gone up cover. Regard fashionable net as red originator, nowadays Gigi, Bella, with the business that Kendall is doing, bell young lady already had been done early. The Causal Chic that she is mixing flower law style (how be being worn casually is very modern anyway) clad style has be heated is held in both hands, at this late hour also is a lot of girls as before imitate an object.

Nevertheless, bell young lady does not stay at selling Yan Zhi, sell one's soul material and sell savour, try the core of the Shang Juan when infiltrating however. Bell young lady treats fashionable manner all along to compare gravity, change without beyond the mark recreation: From model broker company, to fashionable rich advocate, edit to magazine company, to fashionable essayist, wait a moment to stylist, each catenary is maintaining each link of she and fashionable industry friendly and close relationship.

Last year, bell young lady and British edition " Vogue " collaboration filmed a newsreel, the name is " The Future Of Fashion With Alexa Chung (with moxa in Shan · bell discovers fashionable future together) " , earnest ground is discussing the development of fashionable industry.

/ Alexa and British edition " Vogue " the newsreel that collaboration films

"This film is to want to tell people vogue to the industry has much club greatly, because be in existing video material,this industry just is become by the description " the female demon head that wears Pulada " or " ugly female Betty " in that way. " é of Cond of masses medium company Nast U.K. (namely British edition " Vogue " parent company) such say of Danielle Bennison-Brown of video content chief inspector.

What does vogue have to use after all? How to enter fashionable ring after all? Face these problems, even if seeks advice to develop so in gregarious media and information today, a lot of people as before utterly ignorant, can helpless shrug. Apparent, people is not decreased as before to the doubt of fashionable industry, even still hold a few negative point of views, and bell young lady and British edition " Vogue " ground of explain the profound things in a simple way of this one newsreel analyses fashionable industry, it is to answer doubt dispels doubts, do away with inflexible impression.

/ Alexa and British edition " Vogue " the newsreel that collaboration films

In newsreel, the personage inside the industry that bell young lady covered all much more fashionable industries, arrive from famous stylist fast fashionable stylist, to fashionable magazine editor, essayist and modelling division, still have person of model company economy. Bell young lady also interviewed the sale chief inspector of the department store from the angle of commercial chain, ad director; Still involved academic group even, the fashionable psychologist of institute of the curricular director of central Shengmading and London vogue all has a lens to accept interview, look to be able to 't help letting a person exclamation: "My day is offended, is vogue returned can such? ! !!

"Vogue has artistic form, have the power that changes a society, the challenge is of all kinds idea, reach a gender to the problem. However ordinary people is right vogue not quite care about, the viewpoint of hold is very set still, peacockish, buckish, anyhow everybody not quite care about it... vogue has some of recreation to have some of interest really, but should be not defined by these place... this industry and other industry are same, the people that has lots and lots of serious jobs... so I think through this newsreel one biff breaks these negative impression, show whole fashionable industry to everybody. " a in newsreel piece, bell young lady emphasized giving heart.

All the time since, bell young lady also models to follow a gender in effort it seems that and do not break major " IT Girl " figure. This is probably why be fashionable net likewise actually red, bell young lady always appears not quite same. Look want to obtain major to approbate, did not forget to give this industry a few sincerity and respect more (also apply to fashionable industry not just actually) .

Of professional foreground patulous / difficulty ☆ of ☆ of ☆ ☆ ☆

Fashionable rich advocate as red as the network people devotes oneself to purchasing power of vermicelli made from bean starch of translate into of individual appeal force, add income source, widen professional foreground. Enter this one phase, dichotomy physical strength is sunken come out " celestial being " and " beautiful " cannot eat when the meal again, 8 minutes mental the commercial strategy that recall and running ability is existent path.

In this on one hand, of Chiara Ferragni " rich of cosmic fashionable dress advocate " the title is be worthy of really, shake is returned in 15 years haing Buddha business school (Harvard Business School) , they included check study Chiara and her website The Blonde Salad.

The mining from individual style, approbate in-housely to circle, arrive again of professional foreground extend, each pace of Chiara does quite faultlessly: Be in some earlier year, the model that Chiara copies a movie star and lively and interesting meaning type style attracted a batch faithful suffer numerous.

Subsequently, the The Blonde Salad of individual rich guest that Chiara founds 9 years to its undertook be transforminged in time, still dig from luxury brand Louis Vuitton will publicize chief inspector Alessio Sanzogni, strategy of custom-built figure, set, filter advertisement, yielding each pieces of each Bo Wen, picture is the result of elaborate scheme. Chiara perfects rich guest the professional journal that makes a content abound thoroughly, and rather than is only wear the commonplace content that build, had the fashionable speech right that has weight more.

Chiara is having quite acute commerce smell, as the dilate of force of him vogue appeal, roll out an individual quickly homonymic brand, put in except advertisement, outside brand collaboration, added a firm income way again. To last year the end of the year, this homonymic brand sales revenue amounts to 10 million euro.

/ the advertisement of homonymic shoe brand of Chiara

Chiara rises in its consequence period stride one stride boldly -- roll out individual brand, this kind of courage is other and fashionable rich advocate Dou Wangchen of as red as the network people not reachs, because of major gain advocate as red as the net people more apt chooses to buy a hand to make the development way with cooperative money. However, once missed the optimal business opportunity that expands individual brand, even if was accomplished in front what allude at 2 o'clock -- distinctive, major approbates the style, roll out a brand to also can be encountered easily again cold, after all the continuance that the development cycle of the brand grows to shed consequence at a paragraph of tide far is periodic. More terrible is, brand business may hold gain advocate as red as the net people move of centre of gravity, and cancel sequel a series of collaboration, cut income way greatly.

Homonymic like the individual that near future of Alexa Chung of bell young lady rolls out brand, even if prepares time to be as long as 3 years, still have the design group that 6 stylist form, at present brand sale status did not anticipate as before in good. Among them a reason was to delay commercial opportunity, because of new generation " IT Girl " the occurrence of Gigi, Bella and Kendall, brought the street style of disparate extravagant motion along with all the others, and limelight strong, bell young lady rolls out the time of the brand to not be any more in the cycle that its consequence rises.

/ the homonymic individual brand of Alexa Chung

Additional, bell young lady encircles a position in vogue really more authoritative, it is the advertisement object that place of high-end luxury brand favors all the time, this is Chiara far of be not a patch on. However, bell young lady engineers a respect in commercial figure and not as meticulous as Chiara, main to luxury brand refuse nobody's request or offer, so that announce to want to found in bell young lady,the individual is tasted card when, longchamp stopped the advertisement collaboration with her instantly, already took the place of for congener brand because of itself bell young lady character is overmuch, the light excessive brand that rolls out oneself again can weaken her to be contributed to the consequence of Longchamp greatly.

Contrary, chiara matchs to the brand degree quite sensitive, be in especially after rolling out individual brand, chiara is more discreet. Once period of time, the advertisement battalion of Chiara receives a target to also had be notted reach, the reason is the advertisement content eliminate that she already will not match outer. Chiara treats his form, and the reflection of the figure of her rich guest and gregarious media, had been to comparative systematization and commercialize.

Apparent, make an outstanding fashionable gain advocate or network a favourite by sb in power, "Beautiful " and " celestial being " far insufficient. Physical strength needs dichotomy only, and mental need 8 minutes, this just is to obtain it seems that approbate inside the circle, the live path ~ that obtains a profession to expand

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