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1. 虫鸣鸟叫是大自然最美的音乐之一。2. 虫鸣鸟叫是大自然中生物发出的声音,包含着自然的音乐之美。虫鸣是春夏季节的常见现象,虫儿们用它们的歌唱表达出了生命的激情;而鸟叫则是秋冬季节中的常见声音,它们用歌唱表达出了追求自由、传递信息的意义。这些声音在大自然中环绕,让人感受到柔和而自然的感觉,无比和谐。3. 除了虫鸣鸟叫,大自然中还有许多美丽的音乐,例如水流声、风声、海浪声等等。这些声音都是自然中最美妙而且无需言语的声音。在喧嚣的城市中听一曲大自然的音乐,不仅可以放松身心,更能让人充满能量。























乌鸦(学名:Corvus sp.):是雀形目鸦科鸦属中数种黑色鸟类的俗称。又叫老鸹,嘴大喜欢鸣叫。为雀形目中体形最大的鸟类,体长50厘米左右。全身或大部分羽毛为乌黑色,故名。羽毛大多黑色或黑白两色,长喙,有的具鲜明的白色颈圈,黑羽具紫蓝色金属光泽;翅远长于尾;嘴、腿及脚纯黑色。鼻孔距前额约为嘴长的1/3,鼻须硬直,达到嘴的中部。



One, China what is calling alarm clock ring for the bird?

Open mobile phone setting, ring, open alarm clock ring, listen one by one next, birdcall is OK.

2, the article proposal that bug songbird makes nature?

1.Bug songbird cries is one of music with the most beautiful nature. 2. Bug songbird cries is the sound that the biology in nature gives out, including the beauty of natural music. Bug cries is Chun Xia's seasonal common phenomenon, bug people the intense emotion that gave life with their vocal expression; And the bird cries is the common sound in Qiu Dong season, they gave the pursuit freedom, sense that passes information with vocal expression. These sound surround in nature, let a person feel downy and natural sense, extremely harmonious. 3. Cry besides bug songbird, there still are a lot of beautiful musics in nature, for example sound of current sound, rumour, ocean wave is waited a moment. These sound are natural in the most wonderful and need not verbal sound. In blatant urban pleasant to the ear the music of a nature, can loosen body and mind not only, can let a person be full of energy more.

3, sentence of birdcall of nature of charactizing a fine spring day?

Ground of my too impatient to wait opens a window, want to have a look at bird people leave " concert " . See only, leftmost bird people singing bass, singing in a low voice " chirp " " chirps " , most the bird of right people the sound in be being sung, the bird of the inter is being sung high. "Chirp " , "Chirp " bird people " singing " euphonic, what sing than people is not bad.

4, can Bei Zidiao cry make ring?

Interjectional mild and indirect of Bei Zi and a bit longer, static the purl that listens to resemble remote mountains brook, orphean

Above all you should have a bird, next you should have time to record come down the sound that the bird makes, install again next for mobile phone ring, assure pure natural

Can the music that in musical software you want direct search, download your mobile phone again next, install next for ring.

5, how does the bird in handle machine video make set for ring?

The bird in mobile phone video call a setting ring, actually now can install the smartphone, see video directly, add this kind of video in the phone directly next, be ring with respect to the setting.

6, how to change short message ring into birdcall sound?

Sound setting is found inside mobile phone setting, next short message ring goes in to be defined oneself, it is OK to find birdcall to install

7, how is the throstle cry that the mobile phone actors or actress cruel downloads set for incoming telegram ring?

Build 3 folder

Ring of Ringtones(incoming telegram)

Ring of Alarms(alarm clock)

Notifications (the short message informs ring)

Put wanted ring in different folder! !

8, what bird calls Zuo ?

Yellow Teng Diao is one of palm head crow, what for sparrow form crow tit of eye Zuo division belongs to is avian. The top of head is consummate red back palm, the upper part of the body more than olive is Brown, wing Gong Zong is lubricious, end is dark Brown. Larynx, bosom is pink, dan Huanghe of ministry of private parts beyond is lubricious. The fill clump that constant perch Yu Zhonghai unplugs reachs Lin Yuan district, also perch Yu Shulin careless slope, Zhu Cong, bush and tall careless Cong Zhong, next winter is much going to the foot of a hill and clump of the fill side the ground that makes the same score former region.

9, what bird cries halcyon?

Halcyon also call emerald green spit, halcyon Chang Zhiting the ground is overblown go up in the low branch of close water or rock, wait for one's chance preys piscine shrimp, have Yu Hu, kingfisher again consequently say.

Halcyon those who belong to is avian because carry the feather emerald green La Faliang of knead dough ministry on the back, and appellative and halcyon, they belong to medium-sized water bird. Whole world in all 15 kinds, 48 subspecies. China has 3 to plant is spot head respectively La Er is halcyon, halcyon and common and halcyon. Common and halcyon commonner, distributing wide also. Halcyon be included entirely " world nature protects alliance " was in severe danger 2013 species red directory. The northeast that they are China, China north, China the common resident of medium, Hua Na, southwest and Hainan, Taiwan.

10, what bird calls crow the tooth?

Crow (formal name: Corvus Sp. ) : It is sparrow form the common with several kinds of avian black in looking crow division crow is belonged to says. Call crow again, the mouth likes to bleat greatly. The bodily form in looking for sparrow form is the biggest avian, body length is controlled 50 centimeters. The whole body or major feather are pitch-black color, friend name. Feather mostly black or black and white and dichromatic, grow rostellum, some provides bright white neck ring, hei Yu provides indigo metal burnish; The wing is far long at end; The mouth, leg reachs crural pure black. Nose pitch forehead makes an appointment with the 1/3 that grows for the mouth, nose beard is hard straight, those who achieve the mouth is mid.

Main perch is mixed at low hill, Campagna Xie Lin of mixed forest of broad leaf of country broad Xie Lin, needle, needle, secondary holt, artificial forest in waiting for all sorts of forest types, blame with scanty Lin Helin predestined relationship region is commonner. It is resident mostly. Group sex is strong, a flock of can amount to tens of thousands of. Gregarious be in the woods or between field, for silvan prairie avian, go up in the tree more battalion mew. Basically forage on the ground, gait is sedate. Outside dividing a few sort, mew of Chang Jiequn battalion, mix in autumn winter season group loaf about. Act is sophisticated, expression has stronger intelligence and sociality activity. Run-of-mill case is fierce, abound aggressive characteristics, often sweep past feed the egg inside mew of waterfowl, wading bird and fledgling. Polyphagia, eat the egg with cereal, bacca, insect, carrion avian etc. Very much phyletic happy event is fed carrion. Distributing to pervade almost the whole world.

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