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150.超梦 151.梦幻 169.叉子蝠,由大嘴蝠50进化而来。

212.巨钳螳螂,在最下方洞穴的最右边的洞进去寻找【盔甲驱动器】,飞天螳螂携带【盔甲驱动器】50级进化。233.3D龙2,3D龙20级进化。250.七彩凤凰,训练家第6格携带一个【火焰石】在火焰隧道找到有一个地方地上一小搓火焰,踩上去。299.磁石怪,拿一个蓝色胡说树和最上面城市的小孩交换。349.小丑鱼,乘龙湖。350.美丽龙,(本版本无法捕捉) 374.独眼达恩,发电厂。375.双臂恩古,独眼达恩16级进化。376.钢铁螃蟹,双臂恩古34级进化。380.拉提亚斯,在一个水沟里捡到一个【漂流瓶】,然后交给博士助手,如果他说他会他喜欢红色或蓝色,说后相应的水都就会出现在地图的一个随机地点。381.拉提奥斯,在一个水沟里捡到一个【漂流瓶】,然后交给博士助手,如果他说他会他喜欢红色或蓝色,说后相应的水都就会出现在地图的一个随机地点。383.古拉顿,上方城市买的火焰石放在第6格。带到火区的火山口。384.天空之龙,在抓乘龙的湖的右边(隔着墙,要绕道走很远)有个天空之塔(夜里会消失),要把周围的树斩开,然后砍掉天空之塔,会掉落【天空钥匙】,训练家把钥匙放第6格在塔原来的地方来回走。385.吉拉奇,在下面打了发光的石头后,到北方的一个湖里找一个发光石头。就能得到一个吉拉奇的蛋。386.迪奥西斯,在出身地向上走,找到一个【陨石】,放在第六格,到地图中心偏下附近找一个白色的塔。387.树苗龟,初始宠物。388.丛林龟,树苗龟16级进化。389.大地龟,丛林龟34级进化。410.甲盾龙,在洞穴中寻找石头里的化石【三角化石】拿给博士助手复活。411.钢盾龙,由甲盾龙26级进化而来。442.鬼盆栽,洞穴中寻找到“【囧石】放在第6格,到神庙得到。447.噜力欧,打倒神社的鲁卡里欧得到蛋。448.鲁卡里欧* 464.钻甲暴龙*- 465.树藤怪,由蔓藤怪50进化而来。466.电击魔,在发电厂门口的可破坏树木砍掉,会得到【电力驱动器】,电击兽携带【电力驱动器】50级进化。467.鸭嘴炎龙,打倒火焰隧道最内部的一只烈焰马得到【岩浆驱动器】,鸭嘴火龙携带【岩浆驱动器】50级进化。467.鸭嘴炎龙,打倒火焰隧道最内部的一只烈焰马得到【岩浆驱动器】,鸭嘴火龙携带【岩浆驱动器】50级进化。473.獠牙猪,由长毛猪70级进化而来。474.3D龙Z,杀掉雷电鸟得到【零件驱动器】,3D龙2携带【零件驱动器】50级进化 476.红鼻钢*- 480.黄圣菇- 481.红圣菇- 482.蓝圣菇- 483.迪奥鲁加,寻找地图上的3只50级水箭龟得到【核心】,训练家第6格携带一个【时间核心】到鬼塔女训练家的面前。484.帕鲁奇亚,寻找地图上的3只50级水箭龟得到【核心】,训练家第6格携带一个【空间核心】到博士的面前。485.岩浆巨兽,训练家第6格携带一个【雷电石】到火焰隧道下方,火山右面的一个洞穴口。486.恩神柱 487.鬼龙王,在一个湖的可破坏的树木中寻找【异空间钥匙】携带在第6格,到天王房间的那个空间门。???.鬼龙王无脚*- 490.玛娜菲,在一个石头打掉掉一个玛娜菲的蛋。491.噩梦神,在最上面那一大堆树木里寻找【曲谱】携带在第6格,到发电厂附近的一个喷泉那里。492.草刺猬,在T字形湖拿到【冰空花束】,再到乘龙湖右边的地方有一块很多类似蝴蝶的地皮,把花束带那,草刺猬就出来了。???.草刺猬2,草刺猬60级进化。493.创世神,寻找地图上的3只50级水箭龟得到【核心】,第6格携带【世界核心】到小地图上迪奥鲁加帕鲁奇亚嘴巴的地方


150. exceeds a dream 151. Dream 169. Broach bat, by big mouth bat 50 developmental and come.

Mantis of 212. gigantic clamp, in most of lower part burrow most the hole of right goes in search [mail drive] , flying Apsaras mantis is carried [mail drive] 50 level are developmental. 233.3D dragon 2, 3D dragon 20 level are developmental. 250. 7 colour phoenix, train a the 6th case to carry [blaze stone] find in blaze channel have blaze of on ground of a place one small rub with the hands, walk. 299. Magnet is strange, take bullshit of a blue tree and most above child exchange of the city. 349. Antic fish, multiply Long Hu. 350. Beautiful dragon, (this version cannot be caught) 374. Alone eye Da En, power plant. 375. Double arm favour is ancient, alone eye Da En 16 level are developmental. 376. Steely crab, double arm favour is ancient 34 level are developmental. 380. Ladiyasi, one is collected in a ditch [seaborne bottle] , give next doctoral aide, if he says he meets him like red or blue, the corresponding water after saying can appear in a of the map random place. 381. Ladiaosi, one is collected in a ditch [seaborne bottle] , give next doctoral aide, if he says he meets him like red or blue, the corresponding water after saying can appear in a of the map random place. 383. Guladu, the blaze rock that upper part city buys is put in the 6th case. Take the crater of igneous area. 384. Celestial dragon, the right that seizing the lake that takes a surname (lying between a wall, want bypass to go very far) the tower that has a sky (can disappear at night) , want to open the tree cut all round, chop celestial tower next, can drop [celestial key] , training home puts the key the 6th case goes back and forth in the place with original tower. 385. Ji Laji, after the rock that hit glow below, look for stone of a glow in a northward lake. With respect to the egg that can get a Jilaji. 386. Diaoxisi, go up in ground of one's previous experience, find [aerolite] , put in the 6th case, slant to map center next around towers that look for a white. 387. Sapling chelonian, initiative pet. 388. Jungly chelonian, sapling chelonian 16 level are developmental. 389. Earth chelonian, jungly chelonian 34 level are developmental. 410. Armour aegis dragon, the fossil that seeks stone in front in burrow [trigonometry fossil] take doctoral aide to revive. 411. Steel aegis dragon, by armour aegis dragon 26 level are developmental and come. 442. Ghost is potted, search in burrow " [ stone] put in the 6th case, get to fane. 447. Verbose force Europe, ko the Lu Ka Leo of divine organized body gets an egg. 448. * 464 of Lu Ka Leo. Get armour tyrannosaurus *- 465. Tree cane is strange, you Manteng blames 50 evolution and come. 466. Electrical shock demon, tree can be destroyed of the doorway to be chopped in power plant, can get [electric power driver] , electrical shock animal is carried [electric power driver] 50 level are developmental. 467. Duck mouth phlogistic dragon, ko the horse of an intense blaze with blaze the most in-house channel gets [magma driver] , duck mouth firedrake is carried [magma driver] 50 level are developmental. 467. Duck mouth phlogistic dragon, ko the horse of an intense blaze with blaze the most in-house channel gets [magma driver] , duck mouth firedrake is carried [magma driver] 50 level are developmental. 473. Pig of long and sharp teeth, by long hair pig 70 level are developmental and come. 474.3D dragon Z, kill thunder bird to get [spare parts driver] , 3D dragon 2 carry [spare parts driver] 50 level are developmental 476. *- 480 of red nose steel. Huang Shenggu - 481. Gong Shenggu - 482. La Shenggu - 483. Diaolujia, chelonian of arrow of water of 3 when search a map to go up 50 class gets [core] , train a the 6th case to carry [time core] reach home of ghost tower female training before. 484. Palujiya, chelonian of arrow of water of 3 when search a map to go up 50 class gets [core] , train a the 6th case to carry [dimensional core] to the doctor before. 485. Magma gigantic animal, train a the 6th case to carry [thunder stone] to blaze channel lower part, the mouth of a burrow of volcanic the right side. 486. Favour god column 487. Ghost the Dragon King, search in the destructible tree of a lake [different space key] carry in the 6th case, to that space door of day king room. ? ? ? . Ghost the Dragon King does not have crural *- 490. Ma graceful humble, the egg of graceful humble of a Ma is destroyed in a stone. 491. Nightmare is magical, uppermost face is searched in tree of that one pile [opern] carry in the 6th case, over there a fountain near power plant. 492. Careless hedgehog, take in T glyph lake [put empty bouquet on the ice] , have the land of an a lot of similar butterfly to the place of right of the lake that take a surname again, take bouquet that, careless hedgehog came out. ? ? ? . Careless hedgehog 2, careless hedgehog 60 level are developmental. 493. Achieve world look, chelonian of arrow of water of 3 when search a map to go up 50 class gets [core] , the 6th case is carried [world core] to the Diaolujiapalujiya on small map the place of mouth

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