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  旅游文化产品是指在旅游中包含的有关文化的产品,这其中既有关于旅游地的文化传统的无形产品,也包括一些特产的有形商品。  旅游文化:  旅游行为的综合性、时间空间的延展性、景观意态的趣味性、旅游内容的丰富性,以及满足游客文化需求多样化的客观规定性,促使旅游业必须具有适合自身发展需要的文化形态,这就是旅游文化。旅游文化可以分为传统旅游文化和现代旅游文化,前者主要包括旅游者和旅游景观文化;后者则增加了旅游业文化和文化传播。旅游文化建设乃是现代旅游业发挥最大效益效能的新型经营管理思路。













One, does product of travel of culture of the Qiang nationality have those?

Of accident of a pair of big toe " cloud cloud shoe " , sale price 10 yuan. The client is obtaining this one distinctive the Qiang nationality handmade article look up and down, did Li Gong of girl of the Qiang nationality already come over show: ? Dainty is stolen cast aside conveniently of? of antrum of tadpole of eggplant receiving dainty to tell paragraph about " Yun Yun shoe " fabulous

Continous Ta bean curd

Qiang hand is versed in embroider is tasted is the travel souvenir that cannot miss absolutely

2, what principle does culture travel product hold to?

The development principle of travel resource

1, sustainable use a principle

"Sustainable use " the child that is a times, it is one kind makes the mankind is when development travel resource not only attend to needs to the economy of contemporary person, and the development that returns attend to to need to form menace and harm further to incorrect and unborn person is politic. Although it is not meant,mix for offspring offer everything in the future, bring up everything, but it carries benefit of pair of economic benefits, society, zoology benefit however 3 person harmonious, make contemporary person gets the greatest travel natural resources to use with the smallest price, benefit descendants.

2, protection develops a principle

Want to make travel resource can be used continuously, with respect to the protection that must strengthen pair of travel resource. the development that is aimed at source of zoology brigade idle fund, the total principle that the concern that develop and protects should reflect is: Development should be subject to protection, undertake developing below protective premise. Resource gets appropriate is protected, development just can receive income; Development gains profit, can promote protective work conversely. But, once development and protection appear,contradict, protection has absolutely veto to development.

3, characteristic sex principle

Travel resource is valuable be in rare, its quality depends on greatly the individual rate of its extraordinary, namely characteristic. Have distinguishing feature, ability is charming; Have distinguishing feature, ability is competitive. Characteristic is the soul of travel resource.

4, harmonious sex principle

Development of source of zoology brigade idle fund must be coordinated with the environmental photograph of area of whole modes of life and relation to their environment, be helpful for stressing the distinguishing feature of each travel resource already, the whole that can make source of assemble brigade idle fund again is beautiful, after making the tourist is watched, feel comfortable, natural.

5, the principle with benefit of economic benefits, society and environmental benefit unified photograph

Market economy is pursuit benefit the biggest change, zoology travel serves as a kind of form of travel, also seek benefit the biggest change, but this benefit is to point to economic benefits not only, still include social benefit and zoology benefit, 3 person must coordinate highly unified. And when 3 person when occurrence contradiction, with zoology benefit and social benefit prep above everything is rudder, namely economic benefits must be subject to two kinds of afore-mentioned benefit.

Actually, achieve when zoology benefit and social benefit the biggest change, when optimization, its economic benefits also is quite considerable for certain

3, can Shanghai world rich be culture travel product?

Shanghai world rich can be culture travel product.

Because the world reads extensively he each commodity belongs to travel culture namely kind.

4, the culture travel product of Chengdu history characteristic?

Fierce Hou ancestral temple, du Fu careless hall, size alley child etc

5, what principle does product of development culture travel hold to?

Basis " the directive opinion that national tourism bureau develops about promoting culture and travel tie " , want to use dominant position of resource of immaterial culture bequest, develop culture travel product. Hold to (protection is given priority to) , (reasonable use) principle, the former modes of life and relation to their environment that should preserve immaterial culture heritage already and this true sex, want to develop outward bound to publicize promotion through travel again.

6, civil is achieving innovation of culture travel product?

Either, civil achieving is innovation of product culture originality, include dress design, product outer packing, office things.

7, what does the culture travel product of characteristic of travel Chengdu district and historical characteristic have?

The Chengdu City is the provincial capital that Sichuan visits, one of China's accepted 10 big cities. The Chengdu City also is the State Council the historical culture famous city that first announcing and one of 10 big ancient capital. The travel culture element that represents Chengdu has a lot of. I want to recommend product of travel of a few kinds of culture: For instance: Sichuan embroidery (4 name embroider of Chinese) , panda doll, the doll of Sichuan opera suddenly turn hostile, all sorts of small snacks that still have Sichuan distinguishing feature are waited a moment.

8, how to design product of Guizhou travel culture?

Guizhou is developing tourism energetically now. Travel resource also has a lot of, have clean hill of the river of protruding of famous yellow fruiter chute, case, Long Gong, hole that knit gold, Buddhist, garrison post ancient city, on the west stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door, Qing Yan is ancient town, park of forest of hill of park of clever hill of planetarium of old city ancient town, FAST, Guizhou, 9 dragon, go in for sth in a large scale east travel world.

Product organization can be divided it is 4 kinds, sightseeing travel product, culture travel product, recreational travel product, recreational travel product.

Sightseeing travel product: It is a center with Guiyang, OK many groups of day swim (Long Gong - yellow fruiter chute - case protruding river - the hole that knit gold - Buddhist clean hill) answer Guiyang instead.

Culture travel product: It is a center with Guiyang, but group much day swims (Qing Yan ancient town - old city ancient town - yellow fruiter chute - on the west Miao Zhai of Jiang Qian door - press down ancient city) return Guiyang.

Recreational travel product: It is a center with Guiyang, can organize much day to swim (FAST planetarium - park of forest of 9 dragon hill - yellow fruiter chute - case protruding river) return Guiyang.

Recreational travel product: It is a center with Guiyang, can organize much day to swim (field of cloud top ski - yellow fruiter chute - dam Ling Daqiao skips extremely - go in for sth in a large scale east travel world) return Guiyang.

Above place lists a product to be able to offer reference. Hope you can organize the product with more popular !

9, does travel culture product include those commonly?

Travel culture product is the product of the concerned culture that points to to in travelling, be included, this concerns the aeriform product of the culture tradition at travel ground already among them, also include the corporeal goods of a few special local product. Travel culture: The rich sex of content of the extends state of desire of gender, landscape interest sex of the space of omnibus, time of travel behavior, travel, and the objective regulation of diversification of demand of contented tourist culture is qualitative, make tourism must have the culture pattern that fits oneself to admit need, this is travel culture. Travel culture can be divided for traditional travel culture and contemporary travel culture, former and main comprise tourist and travel landscape culture; Latter added tourism culture and culture transmission. Travel culture construction is contemporary tourism to develop the new-style management train of thought of efficiency of the greatest benefit.

10, the travel product about Henan tradition culture?

It is to pass through the brigade that civilization of an ancient name for China traced to the source 5000.

2 it is the great river installs industry of water of billows irrigation works to grind learned brigade.

3 it is ancient dorp of Yellow River bank explores the brigade of check.

The 4 brigade that are inheritance of culture of tradition of Yellow River of person of my dispute heredity.

5 it is gallery of zoology of slow travel Yellow River is driven oneself drive the stay away from home of travel.

6 it is to go boating the brigade of the experience on Yellow River water.

7 it is the new time high-quality goods in old house civilian constellation experiences.

8 it is tide of Yellow River bank life style life is recreational cease check.

The 9 brigade that are cate of characteristic of Yellow River flavour.

10 it is to illume nocturnal economy lies fallow along yellow city You Zhi brigade.

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