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15 美食家常菜菜谱?英文双语对照


15 美食家常菜菜谱?英文双语对照


家常菜做法 十大家常菜做法



  2.锅内加少许菜油,大火加热,油热后依次加入豆瓣酱、盐、干红辣椒、青蒜、姜末、花椒粉、牛肉末、也可将牛肉末用上述调料腌好后一并加入。 炒香。














  辅料:豆瓣酱,豆豉,葱,姜,花椒,大料,桂皮,黄酒, 开水下肉,煮20分钟左右,其中放葱,姜,花椒,大料,桂皮,黄酒,撇去浮沫,待筷子能插入肉中,关火,泡5分钟,再出锅


















  7、把片下来的鱼横放,沿着鱼尾至鱼头的方向用刀逐一片下,每片厚度大约5-7毫米左右。此处注意! 方向不要搞反了,不然煮出来鱼片会碎的~~


  9、鱼骨切成段,和鱼片鱼头一起放入盆中,加盐及料酒搅拌,再放入蛋清抓拌均匀,静置20分钟~ 等待一会,嘿嘿



  12、锅中放油烧热,最好是大油,不过为了......还是用普通的油做吧!倒入切好的酸菜翻炒 ………………然后加入水或者高汤烧开

  13、先放入鱼头和鱼骨,小火炖煮5-7分钟~ 样子不太好看,呵呵!

  14、下入其他的鱼片,大火2-3分钟~ 如果不喜欢鱼头,也可以不要鱼头的,省略...



  材料:鸡脯肉·400 克 炸花生米·50 克 鸡蛋·1 个 大蒜·5 瓣 淀粉·适量 干辣椒·10 个


  调料 :食用油·500 克(实耗50 克) 香油·1 小匙 酱油· 大匙 料酒·1 大匙 香醋·1 小匙 精盐·1 小匙白糖·1 小匙

  味精· 小匙























小诀窍  1、牛肉煮1分半钟左右用凉水浸泡是为了让牛肉发紧,使成品不易被切碎。









材料材料:里脊肉 300克、青椒5个、黑木耳适量。


做法1.木耳提前泡发, 里脊肉切丝加入盐、蛋清、生抽、糖、鸡精、料酒、淀粉抓拌均匀腌制片刻,泡好的木耳洗净切丝,青椒洗净切丝,葱姜切碎。














Thank very much above all invite! Can solve this problem for you here, let me guide you to walk into this problem together, let us be discussed together now.

Practice of dish of the daily life of a family practice of dish of 10 big the daily life of a family

Practice of dish of 10 big the daily life of a family -- hemp mother-in-law bean curd

1. Prepare data: Bean curd cuts fourth, beef to cut end, thick broad-bean sauce, salt, wine, dry chili candy of starch of pink of broken, garlic sprouts, Jiang Mo, Chinese prickly ash, water, soy, a few.

2. A few rape oil is added inside boiler, conflagration heats, after oily heat ordinal add end of pink of thick broad-bean sauce, salt, dry chili, garlic sprouts, Jiang Mo, Chinese prickly ash, beef, join along with all the others after it is good to also can use beef end can use beef end afore-mentioned condiments to bloat. Fry sweet.

3. Join the bean curd that cuts small. Make down fire, boil.

4. After the become thoroughly decomposed that wait for a beans, change conflagration, join by the Gorgon euryale juice of mix up of water starch, candy, wine, gourmet powder, soy. After the juice that wait for Gorgon euryale adheres to equably, involve fire, have pot.

5. Have pot, scatter on face of Chinese prickly ash, appetizing, the desk on the hemp mother-in-law bean curd with plain dye-in-the-wood flavour!

Practice of dish of 10 big the daily life of a family -- coke chicken wing

Raw material: The 6-8 in gallinaceous wing, coke Cola one cannikin, chili pink a few, zi like that a few (the Zi that becomes bead like that, not pulverous) .

Measure: Turn on the water in boiler, wait for next gallinaceous wings after water is burned, gallinaceous wing 7 maturity can. Filter does water to reserve.

Oil is put more, explode with chopped green onion and garlic boiler, leave gallinaceous wing, put Zi to be mixed like that chili pink, conflagration, fry scamper, scamper arrives skin summary Jiao Wei is best.

Use ladle to cast aside redundant oil, add coke, add salt and gourmet powder, a bit water does not want to put, wait for coke to be burned quickly when working juice of check and accept of small Guan Xiaoyi of baked wheaten cake.

Burning coke while can cast aside garlic powder and onion powder with ladle.

Fill finally dish when did not forget to also contain juice together.

This vegetable takes fortunately than gallinaceous wing of Kendeji. Gallinaceous wing is sweet hot, crisp went in bone.

Practice of dish of 10 big the daily life of a family -- cook again flesh

Raw material: The buttock after the pig is pointed, garlic sprouts

Complementary makings: Thick broad-bean sauce, fabaceous Chi, green, ginger, chinese prickly ash, aniseed, cassia bark, yellow rice or millet wine, boiled water issues the flesh, boil 20 minutes or so, put onion among them, ginger, chinese prickly ash, aniseed, cassia bark, yellow rice or millet wine, cast aside go float foam, in waiting for a chopstick to be able to insert the flesh, involve fire, bubble 5 minutes, give boiler again

Garlic sprouts is patted, cut inclined knife paragraph, the flesh cuts big chip, the knife result that sees you, it is good to jump over Bao Yue

A few oil is put inside boiler, issue plain boiled pork, stir-fry before stewing is fried, what fat changes is curly, transparent hind, shovel the flesh to the side of boiler (this practice that is dawdler! Ah! Should be a flesh actually shovel the) that comes out to frying thick broad-bean sauce first, issue thick broad-bean sauce, stir-fry before stewing gives red oil, issue fabaceous Chi, jiang Si, garlic sprouts, fry together. Salt need not be added when this dish is fried, because thick broad-bean sauce is already enough salty.

Garlic sprouts summary molten, drench yellow rice or millet wine, can give boiler.

Practice of dish of 10 big the daily life of a family -- flesh of braise in soy sauce

1, fry pan abluent, burn heat, below two spoon are oily, put 3, 4 spoon white sugar, turn small fire.

Pre-construction: Steaky pork together, cut the strip of a centimeter of square.

2, keep churning with round-bottomed frying pan, make white sugar is dissolved, turn Gong Zong into lubricious sugar juice, this also makes fry candy color.

3, pour the steaky pork that has cut, fry even, make every flesh touchs candy color.

4, add touch of soy, cooking wine, ginger, rock candy, salt, burn, turn again small baked wheaten cake 2, left and right sides of half an hour. Wait for juice to volatilize almost, increase fire to receive juice.

5, this makes good appearance namely

Practice of dish of 10 big the daily life of a family -- fish of pickled Chinese cabbage

1, use grass carp commonly or snakeheaded fish had better.

2, wash a fish, notice the black film in abluent abdominal cavity.

3, cut go fim. . . (fim is done after air pretty good also... with a ha breath out)

4, cut the fish paragraph.

5, pin a fish with the hand paragraph, another hand takes a knife to stick a fish spinal on the edge is pushed close, feeling the position of fishbone, adjust the direction of a knife in time. . . Cut bad word to buy a few fish to practice more first:)

6, tear open fishbone. Piscine head is right cut, piece the cruelly oppress below, still have the fishbone that remain... if like to have even character together, negligible also this pace. . .

7, the horizontal stroke puts a fish that come down, use knife one by one to the direction of piscine head along piscine end piece below, every ply about 5-7 millimeter left and right sides. Here attention! Direction is not done turned over, boil otherwise come out the ~~ with can broken slices of fish meat

8, take an egg, valuable assistant falls, teem egg white reserves

9, fishbone is cut paragraph, put into the basin together with head of fish of slices of fish meat, add salt and cooking wine agitate, put egg white to catch again mix even, 20 minutes of ~ await quiet place a little while, hey

10, pickled Chinese cabbage... ... ... ... emerald green flower, go up pickled Chinese cabbage. . . . One it is OK to wrap two packets, like to put a drop more.

11, cut pickled Chinese cabbage, into paragraph

12, oil is put to burn heat in boiler, had better be lard, nevertheless for. . . . . . Still be done with common oil! Break up into the pickled Chinese cabbage that has cut fry... ... ... add water next or soup-stock is burned

13, put piscine head and fishbone first, small fire stews the 5-7 that boil minute ~ appearance is not quite good-looking, ah!

14, issue other slices of fish meat, conflagration 2-3 minute if ~ does not like piscine head, also need not want piscine head, elliptically. . .

15, put pink of salt, pepper, Chinese prickly ash, gourmet powder to wait flavor, the Tu food fish with one delicate boiler with respect to success!

Practice of dish of 10 big the daily life of a family -- palace keeps gallinaceous man

Material: ? ?00 of Ω  Suan overcomes scamper pignut · · of 50 grams egg 5 valve of · of a garlic are amylaceous · is right amount dry chili · 10

Note: But burden of take into consideration the circumstances

Condiment: ? Mei Ting?00 captures the level (real cost 50 grams) balm · · of cooking wine of big spoon of · of soy of 1 small spoon · of sweet vinegar of 1 big spoon · of refined salt of 1 small spoon · of white sugar of 1 small spoon 1 small spoon

Small spoon of gourmet powder ·


1. Chicken is abluent cut man, bloat with egg white, salt, starch mix even; Garlic is abluent cut end;

2. Edible oil burns heat into boiler, blast of the boiler below gallinaceous man is ripe, scoop drop oil;

3. Oily a few stays in boiler, explode chili of smoked bean curd, garlic, issue gallinaceous man to break up again fry;

4. Put soy, cooking wine, gourmet powder, candy, vinegar, water, amylaceous, balm to fry divide evenly to tick off Gorgon euryale finally, join pignut to fry divide evenly finally can.

Pignut must leave boiler before the boiler since dish, lest be fried for long in boiler varus, affect the crisp sense of pignut.

Practice of dish of 10 big the daily life of a family -- water boils a fish

Grass carp, piece into slices of fish meat.

Cruelly oppress and souse of fishbone head departure, (Condiment is same) the condiment that fishbone head puts should be put a few againer. Because the flesh is thick. . . . I am think so ha: )

A good slices of fish meat join pink of an egg Qing Dynasty, right amount salt, Chinese prickly ash, pepper

Dish of the daily life of a family -- sauce beef material

Bovine foreleg bolts child the flesh pink of 30 grams of 30 grams of 10 grams of 15 grams of 30 grams of 50 grams of 1500 grams, green, ginger, salt, candy, cooking wine, soy, the five spices is 15 grams, sweet leaf 4, Chinese prickly ash 5 grams, clove 2.

Practice 1, beef abluent, after grain of edge muscle sth resembling a net cuts chunk, reserve.

2, take clean gauze together, amid of blockhead of lilac, Chinese prickly ash, anise, dried tangerine or orange peel, will small fennel, cassia bark, sweet leaf, pleasant makes flavor bag reserve.

3, green cuts big drop paragraph, ginger is patted broken reserve.

4, clear water is done in boiler, 80 after when spending, be being boiled into beef again conflagration boils 1 minute of bells to control.

5, reserve beef from inside cold water is put after the fish out in boiled water boiler.

6, clear water of the redo in boiler, boil hind issues flavor bag, candy, green, ginger, soy and pink of the five spices.

7, do into beef conflagration after new boil.

8, decrescent fire burns beef ripe hind fire involves after flavor the bag is taken out.

9, in pouring beef and the rest broth container together, put to completely fully cool.

10, take out beef slice can edible.

Small hang   1, beef boils left and right sides of 1 minute of bells to immerse with cold water is to make beef hair close, make finished product not easy by mincing.

2, in wanting to pour beef and the rest broth container together, save, can make so beef more tasty.

Leek squid needs data

Leek, squid beard, soy, gourmet powder, cooking wine, 13 sachet, refined salt

Practice 1. Leek is cut paragraph, the squid must be cut.

Hot water goes up to must put in the squid inside 2. boiler press water of fish out super-cooling, drop doing is stand-by finally.

Oil is put inside 3. boiler, next squid beard conflagration break up fry, add soy, refined salt, a few gourmet powder, cooking wine, 13 sachet stir-fry before stewing is fried.

4. puts leek conflagration to break up finally fry can. Green pepper fries shredded meat

Shredded meat is fresh and tender, green pepper tastily, dish of very appetizing delicate the daily life of a family.

Data data: Tenderloin flesh 300 grams, green pepper 5, black agaric is right amount.

Condiment: Quantity of green Jiang Kuo, salt is right amount, , egg white 1, 10 grams of 3 grams of candy, cooking wine, unripe take a few of essence of 20 grams, chicken, starch right amount.

Practice 1. Agaric shifts to an earlier date bubble hair, tenderloin flesh cuts into shreds join salt, egg white, unripe smoke, essence of candy, chicken, cooking wine, starch is caught mix even souse is a short while, the agaric with good bubble is abluent cut into shreds, green pepper is abluent cut into shreds, green ginger is mincing.

2. oily boiler burns heat, break up into shredded meat fry, fry become angry to shredded meat strong fill piece reserve.

A few oil is added to explode again in 3. boiler sweet green ginger, break up into agaric and green pepper fry, join unripe smoke and candy, add a few salt to break up again fry even, pour shredded meat to mix break up fry, drench right amount balm, break up fry involve fire equably.

Small hang 1. This is fried dish of a quick worker, green pepper joins flavoring to break up into boiler fry can involve fire equably, do not want time to grow, lest affect the mouthfeel of green pepper.

2. changes green pepper garlic a kind of sedge, became shredded meat of garlic a kind of sedge!

When 3. ticks off Gorgon euryale, avoid by all means: "Red innocence is yellow " . Be like,the meaning is red meat, pork, beef tick off Gorgon euryale with egg white. White flesh if, chicken, cruelly oppress tick off Gorgon euryale with yoke.

Material of dried bean milk cream in tight rolls of the daily life of a family

Steaky pork, dried bean milk cream in tight rolls, a few yellow rice or millet wine, a few soy, green, ginger, garlic powder, salt, candy

Practice 1, boiler burns heat first, put spoon cold oil, steaky pork sliced meat is put after burning heat, stir-fry before stewing of medium baking temperature is sent to edge horn after butter is basic and oozy, put soy of a few yellow rice or millet wine, a few to break up after frying, put end of green, ginger, garlic;

2, after stir-fry before stewing gives sweet smell, put distribute food, turn conflagration, move salt, candy slightly; Put dried bean milk cream in tight rolls again, break up fry break to vegetable unripe can.

In above the opinion that sharing the solution about this problem is an individual and proposal, the solution of this problem that I hope I am shared can help great master.

Also hope everybody can like me at the same time here share, if everybody has the better solution about this problem, still hope to share a comment to come out to discuss this topic jointly.

I am here finally, wish everybody everyday happy work pleasure lives, health lives each days, the home and all things are promoted, send big money year after year, the business is thriving, thank!
