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哈佛商业评论、商业内幕、CNBC 、WIRED、彭博社、时代周刊等。





















































CNBC(Consumer News and BusinessChannel)财经频道是全球三大财经电视媒体之一,是道琼斯公司和美国三大广播网之一的国家广播公司联合推出的一个财经频道。中文版网站:CNBC中文网包括商业、经济、评论、博客、专题等主打栏目,其中大部分内容来自于CNBC全球英文网站精选内容的翻译,以及部分CNBC精选电视节目、高端人物访谈的视频或文字脚本。未来也将增加国内知名财经专家学者所撰写的评论文章。


One, which can the whole world know news of newest finance and economics?

These a lot of places can see, resemble Baidu news, 360 news, sohu news can see etc.

2, pay close attention to news of newest finance and economics what to App use?

A few compare APP of outstanding news of finance and economics:

Weekly of company of rich of inside of comment of haing Buddha commerce, commerce, CNBC, WIRED, Peng, times.

3, big project of newest clear Xu Chong?

1. starts avenue of network of district of construction north city, south new city, Jin Chuan inside year on the west paragraph wait for 43 48.3 kilometers municipal road and Yan Jiao road of travel of line, Long Tao line, Qing Quanshan village 4 30, ensure source of Fen river article is big the bridge, 307 trestle, road in leaving, east the add such as acting road builds a project successful complete be open to traffic.

2. advances Xu channel quickly, east at, Meng Feng forms a delegation town changes construction.

3. plans 10 parks greenbelt inside year, carry archives to upgrade east park of river of Hubei bank, white stone, drive people square building is cast with, the program builds 12 million square metre to center heat addition factory of standing heat source, advance build a village to center heat addition oneself and net, air of perfect water and electricity is warm wait for establishment of form a complete set.

4. starts source of executive Qing Dynasty Lu Hedong lake piece area old old village transforms 245 thousand square metre. 28 villages are finished to plan to weave inside year. Reactivate builds 19 beautiful country. Consolidate continuously " Qing Dynasty is changed close " achievement, raise a rural area " 3 endowment " level of management, expand ceaselessly village class collective economy.

4, App of news of finance and economics which good, listen to the App of news of finance and economics everyday?

1, money is new

Of a major achieve platform of finance and economics formerly, have numerous scoop inside story, content is covered have the field such as company, politics, big data, culture, consumption, the sources of energy, the different perspective that adopt presents the financial analysis of angle of a diversity for the user, have news uninterruptedly everyday push send, a harbor wait for prices to be updated in real time.

2, net of finance and economics

Net of finance and economics is " finance and economics " the APP edition of the magazine, content does not have too big difference, its content bag contains negotiable securities, finance, produce the numerous industry field such as classics, science and technology, real estate, can pass macroscopical and prices of microcosmic finance of analysis of professional finance knowledge. 3, Ft Chinese net

FT is England " financial times " APP of subordinate a finance and economics, have news history of 129 years, undertake an analysis through a few major event that attend in finance to China, announce a backside accumulate contained business, content relatively internationalization, at present partial content needs to collect fees.

4, wall street information

Possess information of news of finance and economics, wait for subscription content to be able to undertake commendatory everyday to dot of risk of core of heat industry market, undertake an analysis through professional point of view, deepness understands the money market that always fluctuates.

5, the first finance and economics

Can push the news of finance and economics that sends the whole world in real time everyday, global each district has a reporter to have the story of incident of finance and economics from different point of view, can wait for more form to watch news information through direct seeding, TV, broadcast and character.

6, with dispatch finance and economics

Can know the news of the respect of finance and economics such as the stock, more than 3000 appear on the market the stock of the company can undertake choosing, to finance tendercy and policy wind direction can undertake unscrambling, supportive frequency listens.

7, sina finance and economics

All the time the news trends to the whole world has sina finance and economics to be updated timelily, can examine Shanghai deep A at any time and place fund data, still deepness of big V of finance and economics unscrambles an opportunity, can seasonable to the content such as the research report of the stock market undertake pushing sending.

8, 21 finance and economics

21 finance and economics are the platform that a confluence has numerous finance information, can undertake reading through character, video and frequency. To incident of finance and economics, capital the major news such as the market can undertake analytic unscrambling, its are objective the reportorial style of fact of thorough, be particular about is quite welcome.

9, interfacial news

Advocate hit the platform that achieves high-quality goods news formerly, it is China those who have force is former achieve new media of finance and economics, the respect waits in commerce, finance and economics, news, have thorough press and analysis, have the characteristic of accurate, fast, high quality.

10, gold ten according to

Gold ten occupying is an APP that can understand major issue of Euramerican country finance and economics, cover have the trends of exclusive news of timely finance and economics that achieves the whole world formerly, and stock head information, have an expert more finance and economics of foreign currency of detailed and analytic whole world is politic, can undertake following in mobile phone APP post, the user undertakes communicating.

5, is Sichuan newest and great disease allowance policy?

Allowance of a serious illness, uremic patient outpatient service, be in hospital is for instance dialytic all enjoy cure to protect, new farming close submit an expense account, and annual is responsible for a task unit until it is completed the of 90% charge in valence is protected by cure submit an expense account,

6, is cloud float new developed area newest and major project?

Yun Fu is newest 64 major projects, include project of highway of new-style infrastructure project, railroad project, harbor boat project, energy project, water conservancy project, city to build project of industry of project of IT of project, new generation, biology, high end to equip project of estate of project of industry of production project, new material, heavy chemical industry.

Notable is, among them energy project has 5 projects, urban construction project has project of IT of 6 projects, new generation to 6 projects, traditional industry upgrades the project has project of fishing of herd of 8 projects, aricultural 5, project of medical treatment sanitation amounts to 13.

7, does major disease retire ahead of schedule is the condition newest regulation?

1, male year full 50 one full year of life, female year full 45 one full year of life;

(Have a job before 1)1992 the end of the year, uninterrupted length of service and fixed number of year of expenses of the following in January 1993 pay are full 10 years; Have a job after January 1, 1993, fixed number of year of real pay expenses is full 15 years person.

(2) quits the job one year continuously due to illness above (madman 2 years of above) , personnel of come off sentry duty makes station one year from start working above person.

2, the worker makes the appraisal verdict that loses labor ability completely due to illness by center of appraisal of seat labor ability. Rate of social insurance safeguard is low, the proposal buys commerce to be sure to have complement.

Disease is retreated need to submit data

1, worker Id;

2, individual archives;

3, emeritus examine and approve a watch;

4, manual of worker endowment insurance;

5, conclusion of medical affairs technical appraisement;

6, worker of the company that owe cost is retired, divide outside providing above data, retired him worker must offer written application, mention expressly the birth date and whether to agree to expend pay of computation of fixed number of year by real pay.

Disease removes conduction flow

1, material examine and verify: Provide relevant data by enterprise or orgnaization of representative of labor safeguard general affairs, via bureau of town work safeguard examine and verify of endowment insurance division accords with emeritus condition, the announcement declares an unit to undertake fair show;

2, deal with fair show: By declare an unit to be opposite in prominent place the birth date that drafts retiree, have a job time, emeritus category, type of work and pay circumstance undertake fair show, fair show period 10 days;

3, deal with emeritus examine and approve formalities: Fair show expire consentient, issue jointly by branch of human affairs of company record be careful in one's conduct, labour union, labour and capital fair show a proof, hold emeritus examine and approve a watch to work to city endowment insurance division deals with safeguard bureau the worker is retired examine and approve formalities. When disease returns remuneration of worker computation annuities, cancel contrast of new old measure, use new measure calculation.

8, is Great Harmony newest is project approving great project?

· of capital of annulus of limited company of data of the Huaihe River of Great Harmony the Qin Dynasty too project of base of property of IT of travel hill the sources of energy

On October 25, 2020, · of capital of annulus of group of data of the Huaihe River of the Qin Dynasty too first phase of base of property of IT of travel hill the sources of energy opens garden. This project is the Asia's at present biggest monomer exceeds extensive data center. Current, first phase, 2 period, 3 period, 4 period the computer room builds entirely on frame move. In the project that already built, 3 period leader of number of project support whole world artificial intelligence calculates AI power base serves, capacity of IT of center of sheet ridgepole data amounts to 50MW, the granularity between the bag exceeds 18MW, it is the Asia's at present biggest monomer exceeds extensive data center. Group of the Huaihe River of the Qin Dynasty contains the industrial base spread in clever grave county layout to always invest 15 billion yuan 8 period to 14 period project. The project covers an area of enlarge look 500 mus, the national course that will build confluence of source of first aux will be able to of countrywide and deepness of big data industry IT property base

9, what calls finance and economics news?

News of finance and economics has the branch of broad sense and narrow sense. The news of finance and economics of broad sense or news of economy weighing extensive, cover all socioeconomy life and the field that concern with economy, include to arrive from production consumption, reach a village from the city, from macroscopical to microcosmic, arrive from safe production service quality, from economy the job lives to politics, society medium relevant domain. The news of finance and economics of narrow sense, pay close attention to capital market, money market and the element market related to investment mainly, the perspective that uses financial capital market sees Chinese economism live.

10, the famous channel of news of finance and economics?

CNBC (Consumer News And BusinessChannel) channel of finance and economics is the whole world one of medium of TV of 3 old finance and economics, the national Broadcasting Corporation that is one of 3 large network of Dow Jones company and United States combines the channel of a finance and economics that roll out. Chinese edition website: CNBC Chinese net includes guest of commerce, economy, comment, rich, special subject to wait advocate make a column, among them major content comes from the interpreter at content of concentration of website of English of CNBC whole world, and the video of interview of character of partial CNBC handpick TV program, high end or literal script. Future also will raise the comment literary works of compose of place of scholar of expert of domestic famous finance and economics.
