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  • 制定并实施县级教育发展规划和政策,推动教育事业的可持续发展。
  • 管理和监督全县各级各类学校的教育教学工作,提高教育教学质量。
  • 推动教育资源均衡配置,确保每个学生都能获得公平的受教育机会。
  • 开展师资培训和教研活动,提升教师队伍的专业素质。
  • 加强学生综合素质评价,推动教育教学改革。
  • 加强家校合作,促进学生的全面发展。



  1. 加大对薄弱学校和乡村学校的支持力度,改善办学条件,提高教师队伍素质。
  2. 优化学校布局,推动优质教育资源向农村地区倾斜。
  3. 加强学科建设,提高教学质量和学生的学习成果。
  4. 推进校园安全工作,确保学生在安全的环境中学习成长。
  5. 加大对教育科研和教师培训的支持力度,提高教师的专业素养。
  6. 加强与家长和社会各界的沟通和合作,共同推动学生的全面发展。



  • 学校办学条件得到明显改善,教育教学设施不断完善。
  • 教师队伍素质明显提升,教学质量稳步提高。
  • 教育资源向农村地区倾斜,农村学生享受到了更多的优质教育资源。
  • 学生综合素质评价体系逐步建立,培养了一大批优秀学生。



Business river county teachs the mission of the bureau and duty

Bureau of education of business river county is branch of directly under of government of business river county, wu of the organization that is in charge of entire county teaching the job, directive, supervisory kimono. The students that teaching the mission of the bureau is county of the river that it is business provide high grade education resource, promote them the full-scale development of integrated quality. The duty of educational bureau includes:

  • Make and carry out prefectural class to teach development program and policy, drive those who teach a career to be able to develop continuously.
  • Manage and control entire county the educational education of various and of all kinds school works, improve educational education quality.
  • Drive educational natural resources balanced configuration, ensure every student can achieve fairness get educational chance.
  • Begin the persons qualified to teach grooms and teach grind activity, promote a teacher the professional quality of the team.
  • Strengthen a student integrated quality evaluation, promote educational education reform.
  • Strengthen domestic school cooperation, the full-scale development of stimulative student.

Business river county teachs the working focal point of the bureau

Offer to realize what high quality teachs resource, bureau of education of business river county pays close attention to the key the job of the following respects:

  1. Increase the supportive strength of pair of fragile schools and rustic school, improve managerial condition, improve pedagogic team quality.
  2. Optimize school distribution, drive natural resources of high grade education to tilt to a rural area.
  3. Strengthen course construction, improve the study positive result of education quality and student.
  4. Advance campus security to work, ensure the student in the environment learning in safety grows.
  5. Increase the supportive strength that grooms to teaching scientific research and teacher, raise professional accomplishment of the teacher.
  6. Strengthen the communication with the parent and social all circles and cooperation, promote full-scale development of the student jointly.

Business river county teachs the achievement of the bureau and influence

Bureau of education of business river county devotes oneself to to provide resource of high grade education for years, gained remarkable success and extensive influence:

  • School education condition gets clear improvement, educational education establishment is ceaseless and perfect.
  • Pedagogic team quality promotes apparently, education quality rises steadily.
  • Educational natural resources tilts to a rural area, rural student enjoyed natural resources of more high grade education.
  • Integrated quality evaluates the student systematic work up, trained large quantities of one outstanding students.

Bureau of education of business river county will continue to devote oneself to to provide resource of high grade education, the full-scale development that is students lays next solid foundations, promote the prosperity that teachs a career and social progress.
