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二、美食的诱惑,无法抗拒 是什么意思?
















































秀色可餐 珍馐美味 色香味浓 津津有味 玉盘珍馐 秀色可餐 回味无穷 唇齿留香 色味俱佳 垂涎欲滴 美味佳肴


One, the temptation that faces cate, how to keep out?

Say to keep out this word above all, since you want to defy, explain you are subconscious had been conquered by cate. This is some dissension of full extent.

The person is the thing of yearning beauty, cate also is a kind of beauty, but going too far as bad as not going far enough, the beauty of cate makes a person easy loosen his control, of the food that lets person him abandon desire, damage the body then, so cate does not have fault, however voracious appetite of the person, the thought that this is a person understands a problem, be a person to oneself the problem of section desire.

We are OK and normal the level enjoys cate, need not go defying, defy more want more, but we must know in our cognitive consciousness everythings on earth has degree, cannot assuming.

The sex that feed color also, defy their itself to violate the law of person gene, what we need is abstemious, is not to defy.

2, the temptation of cate, what meaning is cannot be being defied?

Cate temptation, the cate that overpowering means has seen eat cannot keep back inner longing, cannot defy.

Some piggish cats are small the girl has distinctive passion to cate, they can let a boy friend to drink red tea with milk of a cup of net queue up a few hours, having a meal also is resist waits.

Cate is current they do not have any resistance, this conversation is the sense that the youth likes impulse.

3, the temptation that how keeps out cate? (want to reduce weight, cannot defy cate however. How to do? ) ?

I am reducing weight, reducing weight all the time, my viewpoint is to use up be more than absorb OK and licentious eat, do not keep out eat, eat to be used up doubly namely

4, sentence of cate temptation humour?

1, take money, the enjoyment in the mouth, in the heart want thin.

2, one balance all eats a meal 3 times, every pause 8 hours. This ability is to take money

3, the person is iron, the meal is steel, it is good to eat goods to always compare crazy goods.

4, they do not know the pleasure that takes money.

5, should eat goods to had been held out, eating what to eating to forget.

6, does cate follow a figure which more important? Take money: Is the figure divine horse? Can you eat?

7, bubble surface wants to wait 5 minutes, the egg wants to wait 8 minutes, those who like always is to should await.

8, when I take side of Xianggu mushroom bubble, can add dot board blue root, qing Dynasty is hot, alexipharmic

9, there is what quantity of heat in the world that takes money in, only delicious.

10, look for daughter-in-law take money, satiate eat then, yi Man is sufficient.

11, we are to take money. Boudoir honey, wait for me to have money. I should take you to eat all cate.

12, in what take money this does not put in a road 's charge to go up, the mankind, all along not alone!

13, the person of the easiest hunger is fat paper commonly, because an idiom cries: The hungriest body is heavy...

14, love when butter on Zhi person, sweet thick love is enmeshed the silk of Zhi person is slippery in, because be the same as,be cut off by the destiny however, then this is in love with little trifling sweet be bored with, much one distressed. Fortunately, the store that has lovesickness beans is scattered, let originally desolate love became much infinite warmth.

15, besides eat cate, still have the thing that follows happiness than this.

16, when circle cornfield Qiu Yeji, abandon a thick soup of the hill that boil by force for the monk.

17, a piece of bed, a computer, surface of a bowl of bubble passes sufficient weekend

18, the " that strong-smelling preserved bean curd works is " warm hospitality, she always diffuses full-bodied spirited fragrance in the air all round, let seek its range artificially, first Wen Jixiang.

19, fill bellyful only, the talent won't be empty.

20, small muddleheaded, small, the skin is thin, in wanting past boiled water only, scoop up, in can filling a bowl, eat on one, very delicious!

21, take money highest state, the eye sees to feed.

22, who says bubble surface takes file is ham bowel, I look is a television.

23, do cate to resemble be an upright person, must true material fact is fed makings, go even miscellaneous choose actor. Elaborate cooking just can become delicate cate.

24, if affection can accuse oneself, I can restrain the heart that I take money that certainly.

25, grade cate, is not grade menu, cook one boiler good food, also not be to burn money absolutely.

26, I am a thought qualification only, the stomach takes money sneakingly.

27, grow even if from go to where home restaurant eats became go which city has.

5, not by cate what disposition is alluring person?

It is for certain very autonomic person

If a person can by cate temptation can boycott so that live, most it is possible that the autonomic sex of this individual returns at least, basically have a person only the figure to oneself, appearance and the sense that give others want to achieve best, then he has a target that book and level, in the tie that do one's utmost oneself cannot eat and drink too much on food, lest shape go out of form affects his figure temperament.

6, why does male jubilation use cate temptation girl?

Male jubilation uses girl of beautiful type temptation, this explains it is exceedingly simple.

7, why does male jubilation use cate temptation female?

The woman likes cate, use cate temptation maly so female successful rate is high.

8, how does the consequence that does not keep out cate temptation reply?

OK and immediate response says that oneself should change that weakness actively, give up of correct at ordinary times ability of habits and customs is right the temptation of cate, say to be not kept out when the other side when cate temptation is sequential, him specification is the mood that the change yearns for very much on a kind of heart, at the moment should active go helping him, let him from make among dribs and drabs, only such ability change his image, in the everybody in the following life ability praises him actively.

9, how did the someone say not to boycott cate temptation to reply?

The someone said not to boycott cate temptation, cate is very inviting really, how many person is there to you can keep out the temptation of cate on the world?

Delicate cate is the food that we like most of course, eat well body types or forms of literature is fine, the life ability is beautiful.

But to cate, you eat more little that is to should have those who spend, also cannot blindly cling to cate, good quantity control go. I also love cate.

10, appearance " the temptation that cate adds a belle " which a few does idiom have?

Beautiful description but eat dainty is delicate lubricious fragrance is thick with pleasure show of Yu Panzhen dainty is lubricious but eat recalls boundless lip tine to accept fine of all of sweet lubricious smell lick one's chaps is delicate cate

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