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古人曰:“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。”培养学生良好的行为习惯必须要求学生从点滴小事做起。由于一年级的学生都是刚从幼儿园进入小学的新生,入学后,他们首先感到非常新鲜,尤其是刚开学前几周,新的学习环境、新的学习伙伴、新的学习方式,使他们异常兴奋。原来幼儿园一直窝在教室里分不清楚上下课的他们,仿佛终于尝到了什么是自由的滋味。每到下课,他们就冲出教室,如同出笼的小马在操场狂奔,结果可想而知,重则头破血流,轻则大哭小叫。下课是这般模样,那上课呢?有的自由漫步,有的大声交谈,有的嘴里吸着什么,有的才坐下又像弹簧一样跳起来冲了出去,原来他刚想起来要上厕所了。他们仿佛置身世外桃源,外面的铃声,从外面走进来上课的老师,他们全都没有看见没有注意,或者说看见了还是继续他们的事。刚开学我就买发了一个小喇叭,不然我真的不知道我要用多少分贝的音量才能让他们听见我说话,让他们知道上课了,要安静了。开学的几周,我感觉自己像一个老太太,每天唠叨着:铃声响进课堂,安安静静等老师。下课要及时上厕所(开学的前两周还是有两名学生把裤子尿湿了),要做好课前准备。上课说话要举手,不能随便离开座位。不能随便扔垃圾,见到垃圾要随手捡起来。上下楼梯靠右行,见到老师主动问好,上学不要迟到,也不能随便离开校园回家。服装穿戴要整齐,有病有事要请假。总之,什么事情都要细细关照,什么事情都要手把手教,什么事情都不忘示范指导。 二、养成教育要坚持不懈 冰冻三尺非一日之寒,养成一个良好的习惯非一日之功。这些对于大一点的孩子来说很简单,可是对于一年级刚入学的孩子来说,让他们做好并不容易。小孩子看懂了,学会了,还不等于他们会按要求去这样做。要想让他们养成习惯,必须经过长时期的坚持才能形成,还要经常检查,经常指导,力求达到“随风潜入夜,润物细无声”的境地。“习惯成自然”是需要一定时间的,因此,作为一年级孩子的班主任,我们要持之以恒,要有耐性。我们需要经常在孩子们耳边耐心唠叨,并且以身示范,让孩子们耳听目染,学会跟着做。看不懂的就一对一,手把手的教。学生不良习惯矫正一次不成,二次仍收效不佳,可不能灰心无辄。要知道矫正一个坏习惯,养成一个好习惯的过程,就好似一个漫长的较量的过程。我们只有坚持才能胜利,持久才有收获。有的学生做作业动作慢,坐姿不正;有的学生握笔姿势错误,屡教不改;有的学生坐立不稳,东张西望;有的学生喜欢吮吸手指;还有的喜欢课间追跑……这些坏习惯不是一天、两天养成的,你要一下子让他改正过来,是不可能的。往往你刚提醒,转身之间他又那样了。又比如扫地,有些孩子直着腰,拿着扫帚满地乱划拉。我就告诉孩子们,扫地要弯下腰去,用扫帚的整个斜面接触地面,按顺序从后向前扫。小角落就把扫把竖起来扫。抹灰时,有些孩子抹布上的水太多,在门上、讲台上留下一道道脏水印。我就教孩子们,抹布拧干再擦。排课桌要横里竖里一起看。劳动的程序讲得越清楚,指导越具体,孩子学会、学好的可能性越大,成功机会越多,就越能激发孩子的劳动热情。所以,我们班主任要在平时多提醒,多督促,多鼓励,多表扬,多示范,经过一段时间的训练,你一定能看见成效和回报。 三、养成教育要方法多样 1、以儿歌规范学生的言行 一年级学生刚开始学的是汉语拼音,其中就有不少关于学生养成教育的,如“爸爸带我爬山坡,爬上山坡看大佛,大喇叭里正广播,爱护大佛不要摸”。学生通过读这个儿歌,就能知道要爱护文物,爱护公共物品,这比老师一遍又一遍苦口婆心地讲要好许多倍,再比如讲握笔姿势的时候有一首儿歌:“头正、肩平、脚着地,一寸、一拳和一尺。”学生一下子就加深了印象,在平时写作业的时候也注意到互相提醒了。 2、以故事指导学生的言行 我们班有35个孩子,时间一长,就免不了产生矛盾,有的时候事情接连不断地发生,老师就忙于解决这些事情,非常费神。虽然在晨会课上,我多次给他们学习《小学生守则》,学生学完了也知道要友好相处,互相帮助,但他们毕竟年龄太小,一遇事就又不知该如何做了。于是,我便找来王二小、小萝卜头、邱少云、雷锋的故事,利用晨会、班会课时间给学生讲。通过讲故事,提高了学生分辨是非的能力,帮助他们学会了解决问题的方法。 3、以榜样感染学生的言行 模仿是一年级孩子养成良好行为习惯的重要途径。他们模仿力强,可塑性大,对周围的人和事很关注,尤其崇拜自己的班主任。所以,班主任的言行对于引导一年级的小学生形成良好的行为习惯来说至关重要。平时在和学生、家长和其他人的交流中,我经常有意识地使用“谢谢”“对不起”“没关系”等文明用语。当发现包干区有纸片时,我总是立即拣起;教室桌椅不齐时,我总是轻轻地摆放整齐;讲台不干净时,我总是及时清理干净……这些微不足道的小事,学生看在眼里,记在心上,就会学着去做。有的时候老师怎么说学生也记不住,这就要求老师抓典型事例,加深学生印象。针对扫除工具的摆放问题我是这样做的:有一次,在大家扫除完后,大多数同学都坐好了,这时候,朱星宇同学拿着一个大扫帚急急忙忙地走进教室,他把其它的扫帚摆好才走到座位上。这时候,我大声地表扬了他,同学们的眼光都集中到了他的身上。然后我再慢慢地教育全班同学,这样同学们也印象深刻,从此每个人用完扫除工具后,都整齐地摆放在原位。 对小学生进行养成教育要注意以下几点: 一、起点要低 要从最根本的品德和行为习惯要求抓起,扎扎实实地为学生打好基础,如儿童入学第一周就要教他们坐、站、听、写和答等要求,教师要一边要求一边指导儿童做,在此基础上,经常进行强化训练,正确的坐姿、站姿、听姿、写姿和答姿就养成了。 二、坡度要小 抓行为教育,就从容易做到但又往往最容易被忽视的小事抓起。教学生懂得,“在学校”进办公室或与老师说话要“轻声”,不要妨碍其他老师办公;“在家庭”如有人工作、学习、生病或睡觉时,说做要“轻声”。这种小坡度的要求和训练,即培养了小学生讲文明的良好习惯,又培养了关心他人的良好品质。 三、做事就近 对小学生的养成教育,要坚持从小学生能看得见,摸得着,做了就能见效果的事情做起。如教学生养成爱劳动的习惯,首先要教会他们自己能做的事情自己做,学会穿衣、穿鞋、洗手绢等,逐步养成自我服务的好习惯。逐步树立起“自己的事情自己做”、“别人的事情帮着做”、“集体的事情抢着做”的初步概念。 四、要求要细 对小学生提出的每一点要求,都应该是具体的,让他们听得懂,学的会,记得住。如教小学生认真听课,可编成顺口溜:“要想学习成绩好,认真听讲很重要;课前准备要做好,眼看前方坐端正;不玩东西不说话,举手回答声音响”。 总之,习惯的养成是一个长期的、反复的、不断强化的过程,我们一年级的班主任要抓住新生入学这个关键时期,从点滴做起,坚持不懈,强化训练,加深烙印,习惯成自然,来促进学生从小养成良好的心理品质和行为规范


The ancients says: "Not with be apt to small and do not be, not with evil small and do it. " education student's good behavior convention must ask the student is made from a bit bagatelle. Because the student of one grade is the new life that just entered elementary school from nursery school, after enter a school, they feel very fresh above all, before just terming begins especially a few weeks, new learning environment, new study associate, new study way, make them hysterical. Original nursery school all the time the nest divides class of not clear fluctuation in the classroom them, as if eventually savor the flavor that what is freedom. Every arrive finish class, they develop a classroom, run quickly madly in the playground as the pony that appear, the result cans be imagined, heavy head broken and bleeding, cry gently greatly small cry. Finishing class is so about, does that attend class? Some freedom stroll, some chats aloud, the sorption in some mouths what, some ability sit down to jumped to rush out like bedspring again, so he just wanted to want to go up toilet. They as if place oneself a haven of peace, the ring outside, walk into the teacher that will attend class from outside, their all did not see did not notice, perhaps said to see or continue their thing. Just termed begins I am bought sent a small horn, the volume ability that otherwise I do not know to I want to use how many decibel really lets them hear I talk, let them knew to attend class, should quiet. A few weeks when term begins, I feel I resemble an old lady, chattering everyday: Bell noise enters classroom, quiet wait for a teacher. Finish class should go up in time toilet (still have two students before two weeks when term begins trousers make water wet) , want to make the preparation before good subject. Attend class conversation wants raise one's hand, cannot leave a place casually. Cannot throw rubbish casually, see rubbish wants conveniently pick up to come. Fluctuation stair relies on right travel, see the teacher says hello to actively, go to school do not be late, also cannot leave campus to come home casually. Dress apparels should orderly, sick and occupied should ask for leave. Anyhow, what thing wants fine fine keep an eye on, what thing wants handgrip hand to teach, what thing does not forget demonstrative guidance. 2, what nurturance education wants unremitting to freeze 3 feet are not one day is cold, the result that a good convention is not nurturance one day. These are very simple to a bit bigger child, for the child that can be strong to one grade enter a school, make they had been done not easy. Dot was understood, learned, still not be equal to them to be able to go to such doing by the requirement. Want to let them form a habit, must pass those who grow period to hold to ability to form, often check even, often coach, do one's best is achieved " slip into night along with wind, benefit other people is fine breathed " condition. "The habit becomes nature " need proper time, accordingly, regard one grade as the child's classmaster, we want to perserve, want to have patience. We need to often be in children chatter patiently by the side of ear, and set an example with the body, let children ear listens eye is caught, learn to be done accordingly. Those who look not to understand is man-to-man, of handgrip hand religion. The student is undesirable the habit is correctional won't do, 2 still effects not beautiful, but cannot lose heart without always. Should know correctional a bad habit, nurturance the process of a good convention, with respect to seem the process of a long dispute. We hold to ability to win only, abiding ability has results. Starts of some student affectation course of study are slow, sitting position is frame-up; Some students grasp pen pose mistake, refuse to mend one's ways despite of repeated admonition; Some students sit stand flabby, gaze around; Some students like to suck finger; Return some to like playtime to chase after run... these bad habits are not two days of one day, nurturance, you should let him correct at a draught come over, it is impossible. Often you just reminded, between face about he in that way. Sweep the floor for instance again, have some of child is straight small of the back, taking scarify of broom full ground to pull. I tell children, sweep the floor want stoop waist to go, the whole inclined plane that uses broom contacts the ground, by order from hind sweep ahead. Little corner rises broom vertical stroke sweep. When plasterer, the water on some children dishcloth is too much, go up in the door, a path sewage stays to imprint on dais. I teach children, dishcloth is pigheaded work to be brushed again. Platoon desk wants look together in the vertical stroke in the horizontal stroke. The program of labor is told more clearly, guidance is more specific, the child society, possibility that learn from good examples is larger, successful chance is more, the labor that can arouse the child more is enthusiastic. So, our classmaster wants to reminding more at ordinary times, supervise and urge more, encourage more, praise more, set an example more, through the training of period of time, you can see effect and redound certainly. 3, nurturance education wants methodological diversity 1, what with the words and deeds of student of children's song standard one grade student just began to learn is Chinese Phonetic Alphabet, have what teach not less about student nurturance among them, be like " father takes me to climb a mountain slope, mount a hillside to see big Buddha, broadcasting in big horn, care big Buddha is not felt " . The student is passed read this height song, can know to want to cherish cultural relic, cherish communal article, this advises in earnest over and over than the teacher the ground is told be close friends a lot of times, tell moment of the postural that hold a pen to have a children's song for instance again: "First, shoulder touchdown of smooth, foot, a inch, one fist and one feet. " the student deepened impression at a draught, also notice when writing line of business at ordinary times reminded each other. 2, with the words and deeds of story guidance student our class has 35 children, time grows, be unavoidable to produce contradiction, some moment things happen consecutively, the teacher busies resolve these issues, unusual would you mind. Although be met in morning on the class, I learn to them for many times " pupil regulations " , the student learned to also know to want friendly get along, mutual help, but they after all the age is too small, did not know how to should be done again when anything crops up. Then, I look for Wang Er the story of small, radish head, Qiu Shaoyun, Lei Feng, use morning meeting, class can be told to the student between class hour. Pass taletelling, increased the capacity of student resolution dispute, helped them learn to solve the method of the problem. 3, the words and deeds that affects a student with example is imitated is the important way that good deed is used to nurturance of one grade child. They imitate force strong, plasticity is big, to the support of the people all round the thing pays close attention to very much, adore oneself classmaster especially. So, for the behavior convention with the good to guiding the pupil of one grade to form words and deeds of classmaster crucial. It is at ordinary times in the communication with student, parent and someone else, I often am used conciously " thank " " I am sorry " " irrespective " wait for civilized diction. Be responsible for a task unit until it is completed when discovery when the area has a scrip, I always pick up instantly; When classroom desk and chair is not neat, I always am put gently orderly; When dais is sordid, I always clear in time clean... these insignificant minor matter, the student looks in the eye, write down go up in the heart, can learn to do. How do some moment teachers say the student also cannot remember, this catchs typical example with respect to requirement teacher, deepen student impression. Be aimed at broom tool put an issue such I doing: Once, in everybody broom is over hind, most classmate has sat, at that time, zhu Xingyu's classmate is taking a big broom to walk into a classroom hastily, his broom other places nice gift to go to the seat. At that time, my aloud praised him, the eye of classmates arrived centrally on his body. Next I teach whole class fellow student slowly again, such classmates are impressive also, from now on everybody is gone after broom tool, put trimly in former. Undertake to pupil nurturance education wants to notice the following: One, start wants low should ask to grab from the basiccest moral character and behavior habit, lay good foundation solidly for the student, like children enter a school a week is about to teach them to sit, station, listen, write and answer wait for a requirement, the teacher should ask to coach children is done at the same time at the same time, on this foundation, often undertake aggrandizement trains, appearance of correct sitting position, station, listen to appearance, write appearance and answer appearance with respect to nurturance. 2, gradient wants small catch behavior education, easy easy accomplish but the petty thing that often is ignored the most easily again grabs. Teach a student to know, "In the school " take the office or want with teacher conversation " light tone " , not cloggy and other teacher handles official bussiness; "In the family " if have person job, study, when fall ill or sleeping, say to do should " light tone " . The requirement of this kind of small gradient and training, fostered pupil to tell civilized good convention namely, fostered the good quality that cares other again. 3, work nearby is taught to the nurturance of pupil, want to insist to be able to look so that see from pupil, feeling, did the thing with respect to visibility effect to be made. If teach student nurturance the habit that love works, him thing that wants church themselves to be able to be done above all is done, the society is clad, wear a shoe, wash handkerchief to wait, the good convention that progressively nurturance ego serves. Establish stage by stage case " oneself him thing is done " , " the thing of others is being helped do " , " collective thing is being grabbed do " initial concept. 4, the requirement wants fine each bits of requirement that raises to pupil, should be specific, let them be understood, learned meeting, remember. If teach pupil serious visit a class, can write jingle: "It is good to want to study result, serious listen to a talk is very serious; The preparation before the class should have been done, soon ahead sits decorous; Do not play a thing not to talk, voice of answer of raise one's hand is loud " . Anyhow, habitual nurturance is long-term, relapse, the process of ceaseless aggrandizement, we the classmaster of one grade should capture new student enter a school this crucial period, make from the a bit, unremitting, aggrandizement trains, deepen brand, the habit becomes nature, will promote a student as a child the psychological quality with good nurturance and behavior standard

上一篇:女性小知识? 女性保养小知识?英文双语对照