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按下斯巴鲁车内的AC(Air Conditioning)按钮就可以开启空调冷风。这个按钮可以在车内中控台的气候控制区域找到,一般会有冷风和热风模式,选择冷风模式后,再将温度调节到适宜的范围即可享受到凉爽的驾驶环境。同时,建议根据实际情况调整气流方向和强度,以保证空气循环流通,并减少对驾驶员的身体不适造成的影响。





















1. 海拔高度:进藏地区大部分地区海拔都在3000米以上,甚至超过5000米。而森林人汽车的发动机调校和排气系统设计主要适应低海拔地区的氧气含量,无法适应高海拔地区的稀薄空气,可能导致发动机性能下降,甚至出现故障。

2. 道路条件:进藏地区的道路条件非常恶劣,有大量的石头、泥土和沙砾,以及陡坡、悬崖和水泥路面。这些条件对于一般的越野车来说已经很具挑战性,而森林人汽车相对来说更适合城市和一般的乡村道路,无法应对进藏地区的特殊路况。

3. 维修和服务保障:进藏地区相对较为偏远,维修和汽车服务保障相对不足。森林人汽车作为日本品牌,在进藏地区可能会面临维修零件供应不足、技术支持不足等问题,无法及时解决故障和维修需求。















How does air cooling of car of person of Si Balu forest leave?

Press the AC inside Si Balu car (Air Conditioning) pushbutton is OK air cooling of open air conditioning. This pushbutton can be inside the car in the climate control area that controls a station is found, general meeting has air cooling and sirocco pattern, after choosing air cooling mode, can enjoy thermoregulation to appropriate limits again drive coolly environment. In the meantime, the proposal adjusts air current direction and intensity according to actual condition, in order to make sure air circulation is current, the body that reduces pair of drivers is unwell the effect that cause.

How is Klaxon of silvan person snail installed?

Install measure: 1. Look for a horn first, the likelihood falls in lid of the engine before the car, all round batteries or ala child board the area between inside and outside; 2. Disconnect car power source, the small bolt of loose and fixed horn, get off horn, change next match agency from steam (check clinch a deal valence | Ginseng match | Favourable policy) or the horn that shop of the maintenance after carry out buys;

3. installs the loudspeaker former position, receive cable one after another repeatedly, with join of car storage battery. If can install general loudspeaker, or use attack bolt to install its oneself in proper place. Open car power source finally, check the acoustics of Klaxon.

How does Si Balu build open before silvan person car?

In your steering wheel wrong lower part, VDC pushbutton is outspread go down 10 centimeter, pull outside, engine lid is opened, move in the hand go engine lid is mid (handle of a Xiaotie) stretch one's hand towards the left is pressed. Can open.

Is a replacement of car of person of Si Balu forest expensive?

The performance of the car need not say, horizontal contraposition engine and full-time 4 drive, drive and security is very good.

Before paragraph time goes 4s understood below, no matter maintain,cost or common fittings expend Dou Youming code to mark a price now, saying is countrywide uniform price. Individual feeling can be accepted, more expensive than average joint-stock car 100-200 or so yuan.

Gang Xiaobao passes the car of my friend, 500 yuan many dot. If more crucial component became bad, may a lot of more expensive, import the character of the car nevertheless or can be at ease, general and important part won't have a problem. Is satisfaction denied?

How does air conditioning of silvan person car open sirocco?

1, you move temperature to sirocco condition directly, next open fan is OK, travel after a few minutes, as long as water is warm come up he has sirocco.

2, warm wind is being used in the winter is not to need to open AC switch, air-blower is opened after waiting for engine temperature to rise directly, it is OK to adjust higher air conditioning temperature next.

Does dashboard of silvan person car install measure?

Silvan person dashboard installs measure, first stiletto, to good place, screw next fixed screw

Is noise of car of person of Si Balu forest common fault?

Hello, the word of person of Si Balu forest, car noise is big, because,the likelihood is soundproof problem, you can do whole vehicle sound insulation with later period.

Is the pushbutton of gasoline tank open of car of person of Si Balu forest in?

Ha! This problem also is encountered when I just buy a car, cannot find open pushbutton a long time to gas station, the person of the gas station of lane still thinks I steal the car, in advocate drive the chair leans left before the position, if new car buys 4S inn to have mat sending a foot, should take crural mat below, silvan person is really right, wish you have a pleasant journey!

Why cannot car of person of Si Balu forest enter Tibet?

Hello, the account that car of person of Si Balu forest cannot take Tibet basically has the following:

1.Height above sea level: Into Tibetan area major area altitude is in 3000 meters of above, exceed 5000 meters even. And the aerobic content that the engine of silvan person car moves school and exhaust system design to basically get used to area of low height above sea level, cannot get used to the rare air of area of high height above sea level, the likelihood brings about engine function to drop, appear even breakdown.

2.Road condition: The road condition of the area that enter Tibet is very abominable, have many stone, clay and grit, and brow, cliff and cement road surface. These conditions had had challenge sex very much to average cross-country car, and silvan person car is opposite for suit city and general rustic way more, the special way that cannot answer the area that enter Tibet besides.

3.Maintain and serve safeguard: The area that enter Tibet is opposite relatively out-of-the-way, maintenance and car service safeguard are relatively insufficient. Silvan person car regards Japan as the brand, in the area that enter Tibet the likelihood can be faced with in short supply of maintenance spare parts, technology support the issue such as inadequacy, cannot solve breakdown and demand for service in time.

The place on put together is narrated, because silvan person car is in,condition of altitude, road and maintenance ensure the limitation that waits for a respect, do not suit to undertake driving in the area that enter Tibet. And the cross-country traffic that suits major more into Tibetan area or SUV, these car have stronger cross-country performance and the capacity that get used to area of high height above sea level normally.

Does person of Si Balu forest change does core of filter of car air conditioning install a tutorial?

1, find glove case first, core of air conditioning filter hides at the back of glove box.

2, break spacing implement, this is very simple, break outside gently go, following plan institute show:

3, after be being broken such, following plan institute show:

4, squeeze right side forcibly this side, come down the lane of this biconvex head of right first, following plan institute show:

5, left can come down accordingly with respect to oneself, it is so most the method with the most convenient save labour. Put glove case smooth, box of very easy glove came down.

6, see core of air conditioning filter, hold 4 biconvex head, take out filter core come.

7, inside still be pretty is dirty, use dishcloth wipe up incidentally.

8, new old contrast, this is the core of filter of female card air conditioning that buys on some cat, had looked at than former plant too much, following plan institute show:

9, this is flank. As a whole, the comparison of former plant is thin, new comparison is thick still take activated carbon.

10, change core of new air conditioning filter, conformity is spent pretty good, very sealed, seeing the exterior do not differentiate to go out is former plant.

11, glove box outfit goes back, the key of this pace is the card on glove box groove wants what the level aims a car to go up to insert groove, combination becomes a group of hinge, build begin to cover case next, after hearing Ka Ca voice, explain head of two or so biconvex went in, next again spacing implement the ring tab that go up has been installed, lid begin covers case, success.

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