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  • 职业技能培训:我们提供一系列职业技能培训课程,帮助成人学习者提升职业能力,增加就业竞争力。
  • 学历教育:我们合作的大学和学院提供各类学历教育课程,包括本科、硕士、博士等学位课程,让成人学习者可以获得更高学历的机会。
  • 兴趣爱好培养:我们鼓励成人学习者积极参与各类兴趣爱好培养活动,开展体育、文化艺术、语言学习等方面的课程,满足个人兴趣和需求。
  • 信息技术学习:我们提供信息技术学习资讯、培训课程和实践操作,帮助成人学习者掌握现代信息技术,适应数字化时代的需求。



  • 专业团队:我们拥有一支专业的教育编辑团队,他们具有丰富的行业经验和教育背景,能够提供权威、准确的学习资讯和参考材料。
  • 资源丰富:我们与国内多所知名高校和培训机构合作,拥有众多的学习资源和学术资源,能够为成人学习者提供多样化、优质的学习内容。
  • 学习支持:我们为成人学习者提供学习支持和学习咨询服务,包括课程选择建议、学习规划指导等,帮助学习者更好地进行学习。
  • 个性化学习:我们根据成人学习者的需求和兴趣,提供个性化的学习方案和定制化的学习体验,让学习更加高效、愉快。




The background that Chinese adult teachs

As the progress of the development of the times and society, lifelong study has become modern to realize self-worth and the inevitable alternative that develop continuously. Chinese adult education cuts a figure below this one setting, made the important way that drives national quality and promotion of labour force quality.

Chinese adult teachs the mission of editorial office

Editorial office of Chinese adult education teachs the main component of the career as Chinese adult, devote oneself to to popularize modernization to teach the study adviser with the concept, education natural resources that offers high quality, outstanding education, learner of the adult that help strength promotes study capability, implementation individual develops. Our tenet is " wisdom education, the future that help strength " , in this tenet how-to below, we devote oneself to to make the study platform of an all-around, diversity, the studies resource and individuation study program that offers rich diversity for adult learner.

Chinese adult teachs the content of editorial office

In China the adult teachs editorial office, we covered the study content of each domains, include but not be confined to:

  • Professional skill grooms: We offer a series of profession skill to groom course, the help promotes a profession capability into person learner, increase obtain employment competition ability.
  • Education of record of formal schooling: The university that we cooperate and institute offer of all kinds record of formal schooling to teach course, include the degree course such as undergraduate course, Master, doctor, make adult learner OK gain the opportunity of taller record of formal schooling.
  • Interest likes education: We encourage adult learner to take an active part in of all kinds interest to like education activity, develop the course of the respect such as art of sports, culture, language study, satisfy individual interest and requirement.
  • IT study: We provide IT study information, groom course and practice operation, the help masters contemporary IT into person learner, get used to the demand that digitlizes a times.

Chinese adult teachs the advantage of editorial office

Chinese adult teachs editorial office to teach platform as banner adult, have the following advantage:

  • Professional group: We have a professional education to edit a group, they have rich industry experience and educational background, can provide authoritative, accurate study information and referenced data.
  • Resourceful: Many famous college of we and home and groom the orgnaization cooperates, have numerous study resource and academic resource, can provide diversification, high grade study content for adult learner.
  • Study support: We offer study support and study to seek advice from a service for adult learner, include course to choose guidance of program of proposal, study to wait, help learner undertakes study better.
  • Individuation learns: We are mixed according to the demand of adult learner interest, the study program that offers individuation and custom-built the study experience that turn, make study more efficient, happy.

Appreciate your support

Chinese adult teachs editorial office to will continue hard, provide better study platform and study resource for adult learner, help them promote study capability, implementation individual develops. Thank you to read the article, hope our effort can bring a help for you!

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