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中小学心理健康教育C证是指国家教育部认可的专门从事中小学心理健康教育工作的证书。下面是考取C证的一般步骤:1. 了解考试内容:查询教育部或相关机构的官方网站,获取C证考试的相关信息,包括考试科目、考试内容、考试要求等。了解考试内容有助于备考计划的制定。2. 报名参加考试:根据教育部公布的招生简章或考试通知,按照规定的时间、地点和要求报名参加考试。一般来说,考生需要提供个人身份证明、学历证明、职业资格证明等材料,并交纳相应的考试费用。3. 备考:根据考试大纲和教材,制定合理的备考计划。可以参加培训班或自习,复习教材内容,做习题和模拟试卷,加强对心理健康教育理论知识的掌握和理解。4. 参加考试:按照考试通知的要求,按时参加考试。考试一般包括笔试和面试两个部分。笔试主要考察基本理论知识、案例分析等,面试主要考察教学实践和专业素养。5. 成绩公布:考试合格的考生,经过审核后,会收到由教育部颁发的C证书。成绩公布一般在考试后的一段时间内进行。请注意,具体的考试要求和程序可能会因地区和时间的不同而有所差异,建议以官方发布的考试通知和指南为准。

























































One, how is card of C of education of mental health of middle and primary school taken an examination of?

Card of C of education of mental health of middle and primary school is the is engaged in mental health of middle and primary school technically teaching the job certificate that shows national Ministry of Education is approbated. The common step of card of C of pass an entrance examination is below: 1. Understand exam content: Inquire the official website of Ministry of Education or relevant orgnaization, get the pertinent information that C card takes an exam, include content of exam course, exam, exam to ask to wait. Understanding exam content conduces to for reference of the plan make. 2. To take an examination signing up: According to the recruit students general rules that Ministry of Education announces or convocation notice, to take an examination of the time according to the regulation, place and requirement signing up. Generally speaking, examinee needs to offer proof of individual identification, record of formal schooling, professional qualification proof to wait for material, pay corresponding exam fee. 3. For reference: According to exam outline and teaching material, make for reference reasonably plan. Can attend groom class or study by oneself in scheduled time, review teaching material content, make exercises and imitate examination paper, strengthen the control of academic to mental health education knowledge and understanding. 4. To take an examination: According to the requirement of convocation notice, on time to take an examination. The exam includes written examination knead dough to try two parts commonly. Written examination basically inspects analysis of basic and academic knowledge, case to wait, interview basically inspects education practice and professional accomplishment. 5. Achievement announces: The examinee of exam qualification, after passing examine and verify, can receive the C letter that issues by Ministry of Education. Achievement is announced undertake inside the period of time after the exam commonly. Ask an attention, specific exam asks and the program may be mixed because of the area of time different and somewhat difference, the convocation notice that the proposal issues with the government and guideline are accurate.

2, what certificate can major of mental health education take an examination of?

Division of the company project card that mental health teachs major to be able to take an examination of a country to approbate, health management. Can make community dweller service, psychology service, also can combine the branch such as poison of judicatory, give up, civil administration to begin psychological servive routine. For instance psychology coachs, psychological evaluation, still have visit, lecture of psychological popular science. OK also card of teacher of pass an entrance examination, psychological teacher is done to undertake relevant psychological education grooms in school of middle and primary school.

3, how is mental health certificate taken an examination of?

(one) requirement of record of formal schooling

Elementary middle school, high middle school, medium duty teacher qualification: Graduation of university undergraduate course reachs above record of formal schooling

Duty exercitation coachs in: Graduation of university specialized subject reachs above record of formal schooling, still should have at the same time be equivalent to qualification of technology of major of assistant engineer above grade of technology of worker of intermediate perhaps above

(2) professional limitation

Do not restrict major, proposal examinee enters oneself for an examination according to what he learns course card of relevant teacher qualification, so that be enrolled at entering oneself for an examination later,teach.

(3) age limitation

Do not have the age to restrict. In school undergraduate undergraduate course big 3, big 4 can enter oneself for an examination, the specialized subject is in school undergraduate is big 2, big 3 can enter oneself for an examination.

(4) district limitation

This province census register or human relations are saved in Henan. In Henan provincial the undergraduate that read can enter oneself for an examination.

(5) mandarin 2 class second grade.

Elementary middle school and written examination of exam of qualification of teacher of high middle school are 3 course: Course knowledge and knowledge of integrated quality, education and ability, teaching ability.

Written examination eligible of each section grade, just can sign up attend interview.

Interview takes the kind such as imitate of structured interview, circumstances, through preparing lessons (or the activity is designed) , try tell (or demonstrate) , rejoin (or allegation) wait for link to undertake. Abide by " standard of exam of qualification of teacher of middle and primary school (try out) " and " exam outline (try out) " (interview part) , the teacher and student such as character of bearing of quality of morality of profession of main assessment applicant, psychology, appearance, verbal expression, thinking is elementary accomplishment and education design, education is carried out, the teacher and student such as education evaluation is elementary skill.

Pedagogic qualification card is educational industry the licence from teacher of course of study. Be in our country, normal school kind what college graduate must pass the school to open in semester final is pedagogic with education psychological course takes an exam, the achievement in and should saving the mandarin of unitary organization completely taking an exam reachs 2 class second grade (Chinese major is 2 stage shell to wait) above, just can get pedagogic qualification card when graduation. Blame normal school kind card of qualification of teacher of application of the ability after needing to attend a series of tests such as attestation exam socially with other society personnel.

2015, reform of exam of pedagogic qualification card is carried out formally, break a teacher all one's life to make and 5 years of first instance, reform hind will execute national take an examination ofing, exam content increases, difficulty is increased. In school specialized subject, undergraduate course can enter oneself for an examination. Reform hind will divide the distinction that normal school is born and is not normal school to be born no longer, want to do a teacher to must attend a country to unite an exam, fang Keshen consults card of case of persons qualified to teach.

Every signs up to did not achieve national law to decide emeritus age when annual bottom, have " pedagogic law " the Chinese citizen that set pedagogic qualification requirement and is willing to be engaged in a teacher working, all can apply for and maintain nursery school, elementary school, elementary middle school, high middle school, secondary vocational school lawfully (contain an exercitation to coach) pedagogic qualification.

4, what education does education of mental health of middle and primary school belong to?

Belong to education and sports class to teach kind of course.

Mental health education basically studies psychology is basic academic knowledge, have mental health to teach education and research capability, psychology to seek advice to teach teacher and student with what coach ability and stronger human communication capability. Can fulfil requirement according to disparate industry, crowd and society, apply professional knowledge skill effectively to forecast with control psychology phenomenon.

5, must teacher of middle and primary school want to take an examination of mental health to teach?

Education of mental health of pass an entrance examination of teacher of middle and primary school is very important. One knows the schoolteacher that mental health teachs, can get used to the educational activity of new period student most. Education of mental health of all through the ages is producing main effect. Unripe pressure of present middle and primary school is greater, of children fight setback ability flimsier, mental health is begun in middle and primary school education is imperative!

6, how does exam of education of mental health of middle and primary school sign up?

The flow signing up that teachs pedagogic qualification card about mental health of middle and primary school

1, login. Examinee logins " net of exam of qualification of teacher of middle and primary school " (Http://ntce.neea.edu.cn) , examine a place to save announcement signing up, point to according to navigation page introduce a place to save entrance signing up.

2, register. Examinee must be read seriously, understand this province adequately to enter oneself for an examination the requirement is rear can undertake. Examinee of the requirement when registering fills in the information such as number of the certificate number that announcement signing up provides, full name, mobile phone, entry password, read seriously in the website " book of acceptance of sincere letter exam " (electronic edition) , affirm acceptance is rear can undertake sequel is operated.

3, information of individual of fill in a form and submit it to the leadership. Him examinee must fill in according to the facts census register seat, living card explain get seat, whether student, whether one's status as a student of school of normal school major, graduate, student learns the information such as date, highest record of formal schooling and certificate number, ask to upload certificate to illuminate according to the format (without hat, front, color, white bottom, JPG/JPEG format, do not be more than 200K) .

4, fill in a form and submit it to the leadership enters oneself for an examination information. Examinee asks to choose exam category according to this province announcement, study area, subject (anounce course the beard is one-time tick off anthology, once examine and verify is passed, must not increase or change) . After submitting information, examinee enters oneself for an examination status change is " wait for examine and verify " . Examinee enters oneself for an examination concerned information all can be revised by oneself before examine and verify.

5, accept examine and verify. Each save the staff member that take an examination of Wu to will be opposite inside time limit one's deceased father

7, is teaching material of education of mental health of middle and primary school compared?

This teaching material is being written on the characteristic of body and mind that considered different age student and read psychology and at present singleton female a few characteristics, can teach curricular teaching material as student mental health already, can regard the outside reading of the 2nd classroom as material again.

Each class still is divided a certain number of column, give priority to with activity and practice, pass a case analysis, specific activity, practice to start work, personal experience and ego adjustment, make middle and primary school gives birth to the psychological quality that forms health, safeguard and promote their mental health.

8, does teacher of mental health education groom how is certificate taken?


Measure 1: The choice grooms the orgnaization applies for to sign up;


The 2nd pace: Fill in individual information (connection means + receive an address + highest record of formal schooling) ;


The 3rd pace: Refer groom application material;


The 4th pace: Attend mental health to coach division skill checks (academic + practice) ;


The 5th pace: Pass a test (60 minutes) ;


The 6th pace: Issue mental health to point to adviser skill certificate

9, religion endowment how is mental health education taken an examination of?

Religion endowment exam of mental health education basically includes written examination knead dough to try two parts to take an exam. According to circumstance of calendar year exam and relevant provision, examinee needs to finish the knowledge of the following respects and skill: 1. Drag in arrives religion endowment what the examinee that mental health education takes an exam needs to make clear is, teach endowment exam of mental health education is the examination that includes written examination knead dough to try two parts. 2. And teach endowment exam of mental health education is an important exam, exam percent of pass is inferior, because examinee needs to finish multinomial job, include to choose problem, brief answering question and discuss a problem to wait. In addition, interview link also is to teach endowment the main component that mental health education takes an exam, the quality of the respect such as knowledge of the education skill that asks examinee reveals him, mental health and truck capacity. Accordingly, examinee needs to undertake be reviewed in the round and preparative, include to be inscribed to of all kinds exam model what nod with exam knowledge is familiar, and the respect such as the promotion of interview skill and truck capacity.

10, how is card of C of mental health education taken an examination of?

Mental health teachs C card to teach bureau exam signing up in place, enter oneself for an examination the condition is:

1, have record of formal schooling of undergraduate course of major of psychological, pedagogic, medicine and above;

2, have record of formal schooling of three-year institution of higher learning of major of psychological, pedagogic, medicine, via psychology advisory division grooms normally amount to standard learning duration, obtain letter of complete a course;

3, have record of formal schooling of above of other and professional undergraduate course, via psychology advisory division grooms normally amount to standard learning duration, obtain letter of complete a course.

Mental health education is the rule that develops according to student physiology, psychology and characteristic, use psychological educational method and method, foster the student's good psychology quality, the education that quality of stimulative student whole improves in the round.

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