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9岁开始政治无能到稚拙 去5次饭店 到平庸再10+ 到优秀再15+ 总共30+


大概武力的经验值本身就高吧 之前一直培养武力

所以! 不要因为小时候不擅长某项而放弃!



智力天才以后又刷了60-70次买书 没有更高 天才应该是封顶

然后8岁以前的资质分 擅长不擅长 优秀平庸


天才确定90+ 优秀80+ 依次类推 最低40+

之前养4个都在 60-80间 第5个因为母亲数值好(白起养女) 出了个统率政治90+


然后观察变化 出现2个优秀项后就可以开始刷事件 着重不擅长平庸无能这些项

统率没发现可以通过事件加 所以另外空出时间着重统率 可能需要2年左右 剩下的全给特技

2年其余 2年统率 4年特技 我这么安排的

特技事件貌似10岁以后才会出现 最好把特技多的比如诸葛村夫 关二哥编入同道 或者把古武将编入

除了诸葛荀彧贾诩关羽赵云吕布这些武将外 吕尚白起乐毅嬴政吴起管夷吾这些都是很好的未来岳父和特技导师


市场事件是智力武力一组 智力(买书)出现的多 武力是买武具

吃饭是政 治统率一组 政出现的多

吃饭时出现国家的支柱是政 事件

吃饭出现和家人一起的对话是 统率事件 出现概率小










50后80%都只收对方喜欢的东西 O O是喜爱 是不爱

只要有 她喜爱的东西 送一次 离开 在访问 在送 对话 离开 送对话 来回几次就到90了

然后她会要求你帮她获得 一件东西 或者 去某地区探查 或者跟她舌战或单挑一次~

完成她的委托 你俩的关系就会 成为朋友~ 朋友以后

好感度就到90-100了 在送几次 聊天 军师 系统就提示 是否求婚了~ 只要弹出是否求婚 就100%能娶到了


刺客完成杀人任务有俩条件: 单挑5次 2. 让武将战死(掠夺时杀害也可) 第一个条件非常好完成,第二个条件完成比较困难一点。



















Do 13 might reinforce sign of the Three Kingdoms edition Yo how is incident brushed?


Can brush attribute through restaurant and market

One day can be brushed countless times, should spark only and close without occurrence inn. Still having is the market appears the incident that buy a book, retreat reentry to go restaurant is politics for certain. Market occurrence fierce provides incident criterion hotel is command incident. Fierce provides command to appear little, brush fierce to provide all the time occasionally may become buy a book, although time had not gone. So, go everyday base area. Come up against incident to be brushed, brush 4 dimension talent.

Statistic below

9 years old begin political incapacity to go 5 times to childish clumsy restaurant arrives commonplace again 10+ to outstanding again 15+ gross 30+

The force is excellent to the talent with respect to 5 markets

Probably the experience value itself of the armed strength is tall before develop an armed strength all the time

So! Because not be good at some in one's childhood,do not want and abandon!

Should have patience only 4 numerical value are OK talent (90+ )

Emphasize particularly on next acrobatics. . This ability is brushed the hardest

60-70 was brushed again after intellective talent second buying a book to do not have higher talent should be a top

Next 8 years old former aptitude cent is good at outstanding and commonplace

9 years old begin lowermost incapacity - childish clumsy - commonplace - outstanding - talent

The talent is affirmatory 90+ outstanding lowest of 80+ ordinal analogize 40+

It is good that 4 are raised because the mother is numeric,the 5th is in between 60-80 before (Bai Qi foster daughter) gave a command politics 90+

Yo the proposal begins 4 years old to emphasize education to be good at or outstanding

Observe 2 to change appears next outstanding hind can begin to brush incident to emphasize do not be good at commonplace incapacity these

Command does not have discovery to be able to be added through incident what give time to emphasize command to may need 2 years or so to remain for nothing additionally so is complete to acrobatics

2 years of the others 2 years of command 4 years of acrobatics I so of arrangement

Acrobatics incident just can appear after 10 years old seemingly best an acrobatics is much for instance Zhu Gecun's husband closes 2 elder brother be classified is fellow perhaps enroll Gu Wu general

Besides all arrowroot a surname merchant brags cloth of Lv of cloud of Guan Yu Zhao these the Le Yi since the Lv Shangbai outside fierce general Ying Zheng Wu Qi Guan Yiwu these are very good future farther-in-law and acrobatics advisers

Discover command incident

Market incident is intellectual force a group of intelligence (buy a book) occurrence much armed strength is to buy fierce to provide

Having a meal is political command many what one group politics appears

The pillar that the country appears when having a meal is government affairs

Have a meal appear and family dialog is command incident occurrence probability is small

After manhood:

Still can brush 4 dimension. 25 can have acrobatics to impart later event is annual.

Grown, military officer series 10 thousand husbands not enemy the 3rd class can give branch line the child impart fierce muscularity grows, much soddener irrespective, go up angry much experience. 10 thousand husbands not enemy the 4th class can impart command and force command go up anger is much, much soddener all is so irrespective, intellective politics the rest may be deduced by analogy, so 4 years old no matter what attribute learns trick OK

Do 13 might reinforce sign of the Three Kingdoms Yo edition Yo how is incident brushed?

The feeling is annual, go base area when spark automatically, go to what the market perhaps has fierce what to will teach for instance, spark every time incident offspring can grow, if whats do not spark, the attribute after giving be an official is very low

Do 13 might reinforce sign of the Three Kingdoms edition how mutiny?

Above all cannot city of again liege place rebels, the military that does some of be on speaking terms more as far as possible next will be best in a city do viceregal or superintend and director, the meeting that follows your betray one's country then has a lot of people, choose next street the one rebels icon that still is city gate, viceregal superintend and director rebels sure success, general fierce mixes conspiracy success viceregal superintend and director is same, failure is to mix your fierce will fall out of power gets hurt

13 might reinforce sign of the Three Kingdoms edition, how to marry?

Good impression is spent 50 very good on

50 hind the 80% thing O O that receive the other side to like only are loving is not to love

The thing that only should she loves sends leave sending a dialog to leave in the visit send a dialog to arrive a few times back and forth 90

Next she can ask you help her obtain a thing to some area is probed or perhaps carry ~ with her have a verbal battle with or sheet

Finish her commission after both of you relation can become friend ~ friend

Good impression is spent arrive 90-100 sending chatting counsellor system a few times to whether propose with respect to clew ~ should be played only go out to whether propose 100% can be married

13 might reinforce sign of the Three Kingdoms edition, how to assassinate?

Assassin finishs homicide task to have two requirements: Sheet is carried 5 times 2. Let fierce general die in the last ditch (kill when plunder also but) the first condition is first-rate finish, it is a bit more difficult that the 2nd condition is finished.

Be to there is some of city entrust? The arms on the belt goes out to plunder, many hind OK. Wish you play happily! ! ! H

Do 13 might reinforce sign of the Three Kingdoms is edition fellow strategy?

The first pace, you must have a person that has fetter with you above all.

The 2nd pace, that individual those who join you is fellow (your position is higher than him) .

The 3rd pace, you go understanding a few person of exceptional ability, the person that at the same time you trammels also is known.

The 4th pace, the person that has fetter with you writes to the person of exceptional ability that you understand, promote them to produce fetter.

The 5th pace, fetter arises between them, what can put person of exceptional ability into you is fellow.

Finally, what you visit you is fellow, odds sparks marry gut.

Do 13 might reinforce sign of the Three Kingdoms fierce of ancient time of edition solution lock will?

13: of annals of the Three Kingdoms in game?  of Jin of earnestly of  of plaque of  of sew of  of wash of  of glutinous of E of can of   care refineds  of wash of Nai of an ancient nationality in China of  of blown away by wind of Song of handsome of stew of Huan of Wan of an ancient wind instrument of  of cover of A Chinese-style unlined garment of the banter that carry  makes fun of pregnant of sell of neon of  exacting Φ to read cook over a slow fire of head of Nuo of Qiu of Sao  planning zinc to stop  , all concealing can use directly, save many time.

Do 13 might reinforce sign of the Three Kingdoms is edition fierce too much?

Annals of the Three Kingdoms 13 fierce will be too much, use up to money too big, can appear not the appearance that apply gives, send Feng Lu without money, fierce spends faithfulness can drop, and still can flee

13 might reinforce sign of the Three Kingdoms edition, how does You Xia play?

Take You Xia course, need you to be in other interest is same before the whole nation, obtain inside countrywide city gross 5000 fierce name (notice every city can acquire 100 fierce name only at most) , obtaining Wu Ming basically is finish each cities entrust the task (carry the military strength with fiducial military strength to dispatch troops to be able to spark to this city entrust the task) and exterminate whole nation brushs the wicked king that go out randomly.

Do 13 might reinforce sign of the Three Kingdoms edition how to hit Chinese?

Use Sohu input method first, right key dot arrives on input method small strip. The dot installs attribute, left looks for the 2nd key-press 2 words, next pulling.

Nod before 5 input methods greatly swallow the bait, game window is changed, after going in next, be on buy of appointed smooth scalar potential. Press SHIFT+CTRL+W at the same time, input Chinese can. Chinese chooses by the number when be being hit repeatedly.

下一篇:南科大代码? 南科大利弊?英文双语对照