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法拉利是一家意大利汽车制造商,主要生产一级方程式赛车、赛车和高性能跑车。它由恩佐法拉利于1929年创立。早期,法拉利赞助赛车手并生产赛车。 1946年独立生产汽车。后来就变成了今天这个样子。它现在是Express Auto Group 的一部分,总部位于意大利摩德纳附近的马拉内罗。意大利汽车有两位国王和一位女王。两大王者分别是法拉利和兰博基尼,玛莎拉蒂紧随其后。菲亚特拥有该公司50% 的股份,但该公司可以独立于菲亚特运营。


alfromeo 中的“Alfa”是“Anonima Lombarda Fabbrica Automobili”的缩写。阿尔法罗密欧的标志也是意大利米兰的象征。 Alpha(阿尔法)创立于1910年,在Calier UGO(查成交价|参配|优惠政策) Stella先生的领导下,Alfa生产了一系列高机动性产品,使其在当地家喻户晓,并开始成为当地知名品牌当时的汽车市场。最早成名的作品是阿尔法的24HP车型,搭载直列4缸铸铁发动机。


宾利于1920年创立了自己的汽车公司,开始设计和制造他梦寐以求多年的跑车。 1931年宾利被劳斯莱斯收购,合并后的宾利也生产豪华车。 “劳斯莱斯”和“宾利”这两个车名其实看起来是同一款车,但是在不同的用户看来,这两款车各有特点和魅力。宾利汽车专为满足追求高速驾驶、寻求刺激的富裕年轻人的需求而设计。





6 劳斯莱斯英国

劳斯莱斯于1906年在英国正式成立,次年推出的“银魔”轿车迅速被誉为“世界上最好的汽车”。然而,劳斯莱斯汽车公司什么也没做。 2003年,劳斯莱斯汽车并入宝马集团。劳斯莱斯的标志设计采用两个“R”重叠在一起,象征着你中有我,我中有你,体现了两者的和谐关系。

7 德国保时捷Boxster(查成交价|参配|优惠政策)

保时捷的创始人费迪南德保时捷(Ferdinand porsche)在他24岁(1899)时发明了电动轮毂电机。在巴黎国际展览会的第二年,保时捷在世界范围内声名鹊起。保时捷具有鲜明的特点,甲壳虫(查成交价|参配|优惠政策)般的外形,后置发动机,卓越的性能,所有这些都使它成为一款迅速家喻户晓的汽车。 1963年的法兰克福国际车展上,展出了保时捷911(查成交价|参配|优惠政策),这种设计直到现在仍有广阔的市场。它的车身设计师是费迪南德亚历山大保时捷,法拉利保时捷的长子。

8 梅赛德斯-奔驰德国

梅赛德斯-奔驰是世界知名的德国汽车品牌。 1886年1月,卡尔本茨发明了世界上第一辆三轮汽车并获得专利。与此同时,梅赛德斯-奔驰的另一位创始人戈特利布戴姆勒也发明了世界上第一辆四轮汽车。从那时起,世界发生了变化。 1926 年6 月,戴姆勒和梅赛德斯-奔驰合并成立了戴姆勒-奔驰汽车公司。以梅赛德斯-奔驰命名的汽车正式亮相,并以高品质、高性能的汽车产品享誉全球。除了豪华轿车,梅赛德斯-奔驰是世界上最著名的公共汽车和重型卡车制造商。


1983 年8 月是雷克萨斯的起点。雷克萨斯是从丰田汽车公司分拆出来的豪华汽车品牌,主打北美市场。短短20多年的品牌历史,让它在众多百年老厂面前显得过于年轻。虽然没有悠久的历史文化,但作为一款豪华车,雷克萨斯将品质和价格作为品牌的发展方向,并在其中保持了很好的平衡。一直秉承稳定、安全的信念,在北美屡获殊荣。


迈巴赫品牌最早创建于1920 年代。被誉为“设计之王”的威廉迈巴赫(Wilhelm Maybach)不仅是戴姆勒-奔驰(梅赛德斯-奔驰的前身)三大创始人之一,还是第一辆梅赛德斯-奔驰的发明者之一世界。 1919年,无法放弃汽车梦想的威廉迈巴赫与儿子卡尔迈巴赫共同打造了传奇品牌“迈巴赫”——,一款完美而昂贵的汽车。


Italy of benefit of farad of 1 farad benefit

Farad benefit is manufacturer of an Italy car, basically produce racing bicycle of one class equation, racing bicycle and high-powered racing bike. It founded 1929 by Enzunfalali. Inchoate, farad benefit sponsors cycle racing hand and produce racing car. Produced a car independently 1946. Became later today this appearance. It the one part that now is Express Auto Group, the Malaneiluo that headquarters is located in near Italian Ma Dena. Italian car has two king and a queen. Two king person it is farad benefit and Lanbojini respectively, after Martha pulls the base of a fruit to tighten therewith. Feiyate has this company the share of 50% , but this company can become independent Yufeiyate operation.

Europe of Luo Mi of 2 Italy alpha

In Alfromeo " Alfa " be " Anonima Lombarda Fabbrica Automobili " abbreviate. The mark of Europe of alpha Luo Mi also is Italian Milan is indicative. Alpha (alpha) found 1910, in Calier UGO (check clinch a deal valence | Ginseng match | Favourable policy) below the leader of Mr Stella, alfa produced a series of tall maneuverability products, make its are in place widely known, begin to make local famous brand the car market at that time. The work of the most precocious name is the 24HP model of alpha, embark to list 4 crocks of cast-iron engine continuously.

England of 3 guest benefit

Guest benefit founded 1920 oneself Motor Corporation, begin to design and make him long for old racing bike day and night. Guest benefit was bought by Laosilaisi 1931, the guest benefit after incorporating also produces luxurious car. "Laosilaisi " and " guest benefit " name of these two cars is same money car it seems that actually, but look in different user, these two cars have characteristic and charm each. Guest benefit car drives to satisfy pursuit high speed only, the demand that seeks exciting rich youth and design.

4 Kaidilake the United States

Kaidilake's history is OK restrospect to 1902, detroit Motor Corporation recombines at that time, more the name is Kaidilake Motor Corporation. When the company founds, choose " Kaidilake " this name, it is for to founded 1701 the France of Detroit is royal noble and explorer Kaidilake greets, of Kaidilake established the development that is carrying trade of world liaison man to turn over new canto.

5 Xue Folan United States

Xue Folan issues the oldest brand as division of general motors group, will look according to the car output that accumulates up to now, can saying is the most successful car brand on the world. Its model sort is various, consumer can find the Xue Folan of any model correspondence of own need. Since rolling out the first product 1912, total sales volume already was broken through 100 million. Its market covers 70 states, work off of every 40 seconds below Ceng Chuang the record of a new car. Fall as general motors banner most the internationalization, most welcome brand, xue Folan has abundant technology and market resource.

Countries of 6 Lao Silai Si Ying

Laosilaisi holds water formally at was in England 1906, rolled out second year " silver-colored demon " the car is known as quickly " the best car on the world " . However, laosilaisi whats did not do Motor Corporation. 2003, laosilaisi the car merges into BMW group. Mark design of Laosilaisi uses two " R " jackknife is together, symbolic move has me in you, there are you in me, reflected both harmonious concern.

Boxster of the nimble when 7 Germany are protected (check clinch a deal valence | Ginseng match | Favourable policy)

The nimble when the father that protects Shi Jie expends Dinade to protect (Ferdinand Porsche) in him 24 years old (1899) when invented dynamoelectric hub electric machinery. Be in Paris the 2nd year of international exhibition, the nimble when protecting gains fame inside alive bound limits. The nimble when protecting has bright characteristic, beetle (check clinch a deal valence | Ginseng match | Favourable policy) the appearance like, postposition engine, outstanding performance, all cars that these make it becomes a rapid widely known. The Frankfurt international car 1963 is exhibited on, the nimble when exhibiting to protect 911 (check clinch a deal valence | Ginseng match | Favourable policy) , this kind of design is up-to-date still have broad market. Its automobile body stylist is the nimble when Alexander keeps the mind austral Fei Di, farad benefit protects Shi Jie's cornstalk.

8 plums Sai Desi - run quickly Germany

Meisaidesi - running quickly is the world's well-known German car trademark. In January 1886, kaerbenci sends the first tricar to win patent. Meanwhile, meisaidesi - Budaimule also invented the another author Ge Teli that run quickly the first four-wheel car. Thenceforth rises, the world produced change. June 1926, daimule and Meisaidesi - run quickly amalgamative established Daimule - Benz company. With Meisaidesi - run quickly named car appears formally, be famous in the whole world with high quality, high-powered car product. Besides luxurious car, meisaidesi - running quickly is the famousest bus on the world and heavy-duty truck manufacturer.

9 thunder overcome Sasileikesasi Japan

August 1983 is Leikesasi's start. Leikesasi is from Feng Tian Motor Corporation tears apart the luxurious car brand that come out, advocate make North America market. Short 20 old brand histories, let it be in numerous appear too young before hundred years old plant. Although do not have long historical culture, but as a luxurious car, leikesasi regards the development of the brand as direction character and price, and amid maintained very good balance. Take stable, safe persuasion all the time, obtain special honour repeatedly in North America.

10 stride Bach (check clinch a deal valence | Ginseng match | Favourable policy) Germany strides Bach

The card founds Maibahepin the earliest to took the place of 1920. Be known as " the king of the design " Williams strides Bach (Wilhelm Maybach) it is Daimule not only - run quickly (Meisaidesi - the predecessor that run quickly) one of 3 old father, still be the first Meisaidesi - the generation bound of the contriver that run quickly. 1919, the Williams that cannot abandon a car dreaming strides Bach and son Kaermai Bach made legend brand jointly " stride Bach " -- , a perfect and costly car.
