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- 公共课:一般在3-5门,其中《中国近现代史纲要》、《马克思基本原理概论》、《英语二》(部分专业英语课可用选修课代替)三门课程是本科的必考公共课科目,《思想道德修养与法律基础》、《毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论》是专科阶段的公共课程。

- 专业课:一般在8-10门左右,专业课的设置是由主考学校根据本校专业的教学要求设置的。是指同专业知识、技能直接联系的基本课程,有些还有学位课程和非学位课程专业课。部分专业的专业课程分为必修课和选修课,必修课程是指山东自考必修的课程,选修课程是指根据专业方向选择的相关课程。有些专业开设了实践课程,须根据主考院校的安排进行实践课程的考核。












1. 登录山东省教育招生考试院官网,找到网上报名入口,点击进入“山东省自学考试网上报名系统”。

2. 如果你是新考生,点击【注册】,进行【新考生注册】。如果你已经在其他城市注册过账号,但在这个考期需要在新的城市报考,也需要重新按【新考生注册】。

3. 在填写个人基本信息时,选择你长期定居的城市,这个信息将会用于安排你的考试地点。

4. 填写个人信息,并记住你的密码,因为从报名自考本科到中间的考试再到最后的申报毕业,这个密码都会被用到。

5. 完成注册后,你需要去自考办进行审核,审核通过后,你就可以在这个网站选择考试科目并缴纳考试费。






























One, how much is university of Shandong finance and economics checks undergraduate course charge oneself?

Take an examination of oneself namely, national approbatory. ~ suggests you did not come nevertheless, accommodation expends 4 worlds to want 2050, tuitional 5900, and light lets you make money. Etc

2, does Shandong study undergraduate course subject oneself?

Because of,Shandong is met from the subject that studies undergraduate course of major and school different and somewhat difference, list the exam subject of partial major for you below:

- communal class: Be in commonly 3-5 door, among them " China is modern Shi Gang wants " , " Marx fundamental generality " , " English 2 " (class of usable take as an elective course replaces tax of partial professional English) 3 course are undergraduate course study communal class subject surely, " thought ethics training and legal foundation " , " Mao Zedong Thought and generality of system of theory of Chinese characteristic socialism " the public curriculum that is specialized subject phase.

- professional class: Control in 8-10 door commonly, the setting of professional class is asked to install according to the education of this school major by school of be in charge of an examination. It is to point to the basic course that contacts directly with professional knowledge, skill, some still have class of major of degree course and blame degree course. The cent of special training course of partial major is obligatory course and class of take as an elective course, obligatory course Cheng is to show Shandong takes an examination of mandatory course oneself, elective is the relevant course that shows according to major direction chooses. Some major offerred practice course, fibrous root undertakes carrying out curricular assessment according to the arrangement of school of be in charge of an examination.

You can visit Shandong to save courtyard of educational entrance exam [2] , get more to take an examination of the pertinent information of undergraduate course oneself.

3, Shandong province takes an examination of undergraduate course oneself, a few years does university of Shandong finance and economics study undergraduate course project oneself period of efficacy?

Hello study paper result oneself major school is to have forever commonly deal with those who set specific time limit effectively according to school regulation according to school regulation

4, how does Shandong take an examination of undergraduate course to sign up oneself?

1, from examinee entry Shandong province teachs entrance exam courtyard, click " sign up on the net " enter " the system signs up on net of exam of Shandong province self-study " .

2, after entering system signing up, the new student is clicked " the user is registered " , click [new candidate for an entrance examination is registered] .

3, the choice enters oneself for an examination after the city, input code of Id date, full name, test and verify, click [register] .

4, according to clew, input the individual information from examinee. Fill in after finishing, click " refer " .

5, after uploading a picture, the system can be generated " new candidate for an entrance examination is registered affirm sheet " . New candidate for an entrance examination must remember according to clew, pointing to to place of examine and verify is headed for to undertake the spot affirm inside time surely

5, how does Shandong take an examination of undergraduate course to register oneself?

In Shandong the province undertakes taking an examination of the enrollment of undergraduate course oneself, you can undertake operating according to the following measure:

1.Entry Shandong province teachs net of official of entrance exam courtyard, find a net to report an entrance, click enter " the system signs up on net of exam of Shandong province self-study " .

2.If you are new candidate for an entrance examination, click [register] , undertake [new candidate for an entrance examination is registered] . If you had registered Zhang name in other city, but take an examination of in this period need enters oneself for an examination in new city, also need to be pressed afresh [new candidate for an entrance examination is registered] .

3.Filling in the individual is basic when information, choose the city that you settle for a long time, this information will discharge your exam place with Yu An.

4.Fill in individual information, remember your password, because from sign up to take an examination of undergraduate course to arrive to declare graduation finally again to the exam among oneself, this password can be used.

5.Finish after registering, you need to be taken an examination of oneself do undertake examine and verify, after examine and verify is passed, you can choose exam course in this website and pay exam is expended.

Ask an attention, shandong is divided from Cheng of the distinguished personages that take an examination of a newspaper to be registered on the net, turn over to the higher authorities of the examine and verify on the net, net expends 3 link, every link has formulary time, complete an operation inside formulary time without fail please so.

6, Shandong takes an examination of undergraduate course school what to have oneself, shandong what school has take an examination of undergraduate course oneself?

Of Shandong take entrance examination oneself have Shandong university, university of Shandong finance and economics, shandong Normal University, qingdao university, wei lane college of medicine, university of Qi Lu industry, this is the school of main be in charge of an examination of Shandong, every school has his major, examinee chooses major according to his circumstance

7, the effect that university of southwest finance and economics studies undergraduate course oneself?

Answer: Still have a few use, divide a respect to say:

One: If you learned well, can master a lot of knowledge more inside same time.

2: Calculate you to did not learn well, in the future officeholder of pass an entrance examination, one's deceased father grind, pass an entrance examination certificate of qualification of a few professions when can use.

8, how does Shandong take an examination of undergraduate course to choose major oneself?

1, set out from oneself advantage the choice is professional, avoid to should try with defect. Different major is not identical also to the requirement of ABC. For example, liberal art kind major course asks to have taller English and finance and economics of Chinese level; kind taller to mathematical level requirement. If examinee is special do not be good at some course, what can choose to do not have this course is professional, produce an advantage adequately, escape inferior position.

2, choose oneself to like major as far as possible. What only oneself like is professional, just be willing hard to learn strive for.

3, program of reasonable arrangement profession, accomplish learn to be used somewhat. Professional program is the one part with life indispensable program, need learns to have a clear fixed position and sturdy cause to new life. Want mature the development state of affairs of the need to the society and this industry. Although partial examinee attends to be taken an examination of oneself,be to fill only record of formal schooling, but the choice is professional cannot too optional, had better plan to concern with oneself job or the profession that did not come, accomplish as far as possible learn to be used somewhat.

4, still should notice when the major that pick a newspaper, some major are to face a society to leave one's deceased father, enter oneself for an examination the object is not restricted; Some major are the branch is entrusted take an examination of, be restricted only this system is on-the-job personnel enters oneself for an examination;

9, does Shandong take an examination of undergraduate course what to headings in an account book there is oneself?

Have communal class commonly, professional class, anthology study a subject, project.

10, does Shandong take an examination of undergraduate course what to major there is oneself?

The professional and fundamental situation that Shandong university studies undergraduate course oneself is:

Manage is versed in major has: Project of unifinication of computer information management, Electromechanical

Economy kind professional: Market sale, accountant, industrial and commercial business management, finance

Liberal art major has: Law, news, English

Shandong university takes an examination of the basic characteristic with of all kinds and professional undergraduate course oneself:

Say generally, shandong university takes an examination of major of major of undergraduate course liberal art not to study maths oneself, economic class number learns to compare simple, be equivalent to the liberal art maths of high school. Manage is versed in the demand of kind of professional group maths is very high

A major that oneself like chooses when signing up, discover major is improper in two weeks after reaching the school, can change major

Shandong university studies the proposal that undergraduate course major enters oneself for an examination oneself:

1, if your maths in general, the proposal learns major of industrial and commercial business management, the comparison that learns because of the professional course that industrial and commercial managing is comprehensive, final obtain employment area is wider, like accountant, sale commissioner, content sheds director of industry of division, banking, bank, negotiable securities, financial, company, enterprise to be in charge of these position high to be able to be competent, and this major belongs to stronger major in Shandong university, the persons qualified to teach is deployed waiting for a respect also is the strongest.

2, if maths knows nothing about, so the major that suggests you learn a pure liberal art, for instance news, law or English is professional. News major is the simplest in the major of pure liberal art, the course of the exam is least, it is OK to need to take an examination of 7 countries only, and the word of obtain employment also is to be able to have multiple choice, for instance newspaper office editor, reporter, broadcasting station compere, broadcasting station staff member is waited a moment, also can do cameraman

3, of course this proposal that is me, you can be liked according to your and my proposal considers professional issue integratedly, after major terms begins two still can change inside Zhou Zhi, choose to go first now.

Shandong university takes an examination of undergraduate course major oneself is to compare popular major now, each major are the strong major of Shandong university, the obtain employment after these major graduate is more pretty good.

But you sign up to choose normal route certainly
