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1. 桌子和椅子:提供咨询师和咨询者舒适的座位。

2. 沙发或休息椅:提供咨询者一个舒适的环境,以便放松和表达自己。

3. 白板和标记笔:用于记录和显示重要信息。

4. 计算机和打印机:用于记录和存档咨询记录。

5. 收音机或音乐播放器:用于提供背景音乐或放松的音乐。

6. 照明设备:提供适当的光线和氛围。

7. 空气净化器:提供清新的空气,减少嗅觉和过敏问题。

8. 饮水机或水壶:提供饮用水。

9. 书架和书籍:提供有关心理学和自我发展的书籍。

10. 纸张、笔和笔记本:用于记录和记笔记。

11. 手纸和湿巾:提供方便的清洁。

12. 面巾纸:用于咨询者的眼泪和情感宣泄。

13. 填充玩具:用于儿童咨询。

14. 健身器材:提供放松和减压的方式。

15. 沙盘和小人:用于儿童和青少年咨询。





需要在门口说明一下: 咨询室的功能,以及预约。









1、能显示专业特点 2、具有保密功能 3、能够提供适当宽敞舒适的空间 4、配置舒适的座椅 5、配置必须的设备(原则:一切配备都应该服从于咨询,即所有配备都是咨询所必需的,不能起干扰作用)














One, what does mental health advisory room need to deploy?

Have the following characteristic:

1, can show professional characteristic

2, have confidential function

3, can offer proper and capacious comfortable space

4, the seat with comfortable configuration

5, configuration must equipment (principle: Everything is deployed should be subject to at seeking advice, namely all equipment is advisory place is indispensible, cannot have interference effect)

2, detailed list of equipment of psychological advisory room?

Hello, it is the equipment detailed list that psychological advisory room may need below:

1.Table and chair: Provide advisory division and the place with the comfortable person that seek advice.

2.Sofa or rest chair: Offer the person that seek advice an easy environment, so that loosen,mix him expression.

3.White board with mark pen: Use at record and showing important information.

4.The computer and printer: Use at record and filing to consult a record.

5.Radio or musical player: Use at providing background music or relaxation music.

6.Lighting equipment: Provide proper light and atmosphere.

7.Air purifier: Offer fresh air, reduce smell and allergic problem.

8.Water machine or jug: Provide drinking water.

9.Bookshelf and book: Supply concerned psychology and the book that ego develops.

10.Paper, pen and jotter: Use at record and marking note.

11.Toilet paper and wet towel: Offer convenient cleanness.

12.Face tissues: The tear of the person that use at seeking advice and affection drain.

13.Fill toy: Use at children to seek advice.

14.Gymnastical equipment: Offer loosen the means with decompression.

15.Sand table and Lilliputian: Use at children and adolescent to seek advice.

Attention: Specific facility detailed list is likely because of seeking advice from the type of the room and demand different.

3, what facility should psychological advisory room provide?

It is room area above all in 10-16 smooth rice is controlled, need two pieces of soft sofa, tea table of a circle (put on paper towel, delicate small potted) , adjustable illume, the curtain with a few different colour, an acoustics, air conditioning, clock, horological, water machine, the magazine with fundamentality clear-cut case reachs paper.

4, what facility does school psychology advisory room need?

Need explains in the doorway: The function of advisory room, and make an appointment.

The stuff such as some of sanded bag can be put inside, and a few wall map.

5, does advisory room of high school psychology need what to facility provide?

Hello, site of construction of mental health center and area need basis you oneself the circumstance of the unit and calm, if the condition allows, it is bigger of course better, can plan so room of many psychology function, room of psychological sand table, psychological drain room, psychology loosens room of evaluation of room, organization activity room, psychology to wait a moment, the area is ample old saying, every function room still can provide some of psychology facility more, for instance: The music of all sorts of ball of drain of person of instrument of big suit of psychological sand table, drain, drain, functions loosens chair to wait. Of course, if the area is honest not abundant, manufacturer gives the psychological facility that also can seek major to plan to fall well, making a few little function rooms also is possible, put some of commonly used and practical psychology equipment, also be right choice. Should plan well your ground area and functional room, still need more professional psychology to seek advice from room facilities facilities, heart Yue clever major is more dedicated!

Psychological drain room

Organization activity room

Psychological advisory room

6, the requirement that opens mental health to seek advice?

Have the following characteristic:

1, can show professional characteristic 2, have confidential function 3, can offer proper and capacious comfortable space 4, the seat with comfortable configuration 5, configuration must equipment (principle: Everything is deployed should be subject to at seeking advice, namely all equipment is advisory place is indispensible, cannot have interference effect)

7, can advisory room of elementary school psychology make advisory room?

Cannot make advisory room, bad to child influence

8, Zhengzhou mental health seeks advice from a hospital, which are best?

Referral center of psychology of Zhengzhou of academy of medicine of psychology of life of happiness of Beijing heart path.

It is academy of medicine of psychology of life of happiness of Beijing heart path the grader compose in Zhengzhou.

9, how is mental health advisory division taken an examination of?

Have this major or card of graduation of record of formal schooling of above of specialized subject of relevant and professional university; Obtain be not this major or card of graduation of record of formal schooling of above of specialized subject of relevant and professional university, via psychological advisory division 3 class groom normally amount to duration of formulary standard learning, obtain groom certificate of complete a course; Professional school waits in obtaining after this major or card of relevant and professional finish school, pursue one's job trade the work is full 10 years of above.

10, do mental health education and psychology seek advice from distinction?

Mental health education and psychology seek advice is two different ideas in psychological domain.

Mental health education is to point to the kind that carries education and conduct propaganda, impart to people the knowledge of concerned mental health and skill, raise the mental health level of people. Its purpose is the importance that helps people understand mental health, the society answers pressure and mood question, increase ego acknowledge and ego management capacity, and promote active psychology to develop.

Psychology seeks advice from the psychology that is a kind of major to serve a form, through with suffer the person that visit to undertake face-to-face or on-line communication, help them solve psychological problem, alleviate psychological worry, improvement mental health state. Psychology seeks advice from division to be able to use all sorts of psychological theory and technology, with suffer the person that visit to establish trustful relationship, listen attentively to their problem and bewilderment, offer appropriate support, guidance and proposal.

As a whole, mental health education notes overweight to popularize mental health knowledge and skill, improve the psychological quality of integral group; And psychology seeks advice criterion more specialization, coach in the light of what individual specific issue undertakes individuation and support.
