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1. 提交申请。中小企业需要先到当地科技局或工信部门申请科技型中小企业认定,提交企业的申请材料。

2. 申报材料审核。科技局或工信部门收到企业的申请材料后,会对企业材料进行审核,了解企业的规模、技术实力、主营业务等。

3. 现场考察。如果企业的材料审核通过,会有专业人员前往企业进行现场考察和调查,对企业的技术水平、创新能力进行全面了解。

4. 评价打分。对于符合条件的企业,科技局或工信部门会对企业的技术创新、研发能力、产权保护等方面进行评价打分。评分标准包括但不限于企业规模、技术创新、人才队伍、知识产权保护等。

5. 统计汇总。科技局或工信部门将对所有的参评企业进行统计汇总,确定哪些企业符合科技型中小企业认定的条件。

6. 发布认定结果。最后,科技局或工信部门会将认定结果公示,并发放相关证书,认定有效期为三年。



1 认定科技型中小企业有利也有弊。2 利:认定为科技型中小企业可以享受税收优惠、获得政府补贴、提高企业形象和品牌影响力等好处。弊:认定为科技型中小企业需要满足一定的技术创新和研发投入要求,需要承担更多的管理和审核成本,同时可能会面临技术转化和市场推广等难题。3 尽管认定为科技型中小企业存在一些弊端,但是只要企业具备创新能力和实力,认定为科技型中小企业还是有助于企业的发展和提升。

























1. 是存在的。2. 这是因为安徽省为了促进科技创新和支持中小企业发展,制定了一系列认定条件和标准,以便筛选出具备科技创新能力和潜力的中小企业。3. 根据安徽省的相关政策规定,科技型中小企业认定条件包括但不限于企业注册地在安徽省、具备自主研发能力、拥有一定的科技人员和研发投入、具备一定的科技成果和专利等。此外,企业还需要符合相关法律法规的要求,并通过相关部门的审核和评估才能获得科技型中小企业的认定。


























One, how is science and technology medium and small businesses maintained?

Science and technology medium and small businesses must satisfy the following requirement at the same time:

1) the pay taxes main body that is our country;

2) enterprise dimensions did not exceed certain level;

3) company location industry is not belonged to " catalog of guidance of industrial structural adjustment " formulary limitation kind and wash out kind of limits;

Cognizance flow:

1.Submit application. Need of medium and small businesses believes a branch to apply for science and technology medium and small businesses to maintain to bureau of local science and technology or labour first, refer the application material of the enterprise.

2.Declare material examine and verify. After bureau of science and technology or the application material that are versed in letter branch gets a business, can undertake examine and verify to industry data, actual strength of the scope that knows a business, technology, advocate business Wu.

3.The spot makes an on-the-spot investigation. If the material examine and verify of the enterprise is passed, before can having professional, undertake toward the enterprise the spot makes an on-the-spot investigation with investigation, have comprehensive knowledge to ability of the technical level of the enterprise, innovation.

4.The evaluation makes component. To according with conditional enterprise, bureau of science and technology or industry letter branch will be right the respect such as protection of ability of the technical innovation of the enterprise, research and development, property right undertakes evaluating making component. Standards of grading includes but not protection of team of innovation of dimensions of enterprise of be confined to, technology, talent, intellectual property.

5.Statistical collect. Bureau of science and technology or labour believe sectional general to have statistical pool to all participating enterprises, decide what enterprise accords with the condition that science and technology medium and small businesses maintains.

6.Release cognizance result. Finally, meeting general holds bureau of science and technology or industry letter section the result is common show, extend relevant certificate, cognizance period of efficacy is 3 years.

Those who need an attention is, the cognizance flow of science and technology medium and small businesses may be mixed because of different area different branch somewhat difference, application enterprise needs to undertake according to local regulation gymnastics is made providing. In addition, the technical innovation capability that when the enterprise applies for to maintain, needs to offer sufficient data to prove oneself and development latent capacity.

2, does science and technology medium and small businesses maintain advantages and disadvantages?

1 cognizance science and technology medium and small businesses is advantageous also have disadvantage. 2 benefit: Maintain can enjoy taxation privilege for science and technology medium and small businesses, win governmental subsidy, increase the profit such as company image and brand force. Fraud: Maintain the technical innovation with need to satisfy certain for science and technology medium and small businesses and research and development to throw a requirement, need bears more management and cost of examine and verify, may be faced with a technology to change at the same time wait for difficult problem with market promotion. 3 although maintain,put in a few malpractice for science and technology medium and small businesses, but want an enterprise to have innovation ability and actual strength only, maintain the development that be science and technology medium and small businesses or conduces to an enterprise and promotion.

3, does Zhengzhou science and technology medium and small businesses maintain a condition?

Zhengzhou city science and technology medium and small businesses declares a condition

One, in Chinese churchyard (do not include harbor, bay, mesa area) registered dweller business.

2, worker gross does not exceed 500 people, year sales revenue does not exceed 200 million yuan, capital total does not exceed 200 million yuan.

3, the product that the enterprise offers and service do not belong to what the country sets to prohibit, restrict and fall into disuse kind.

4, the enterprise is reached one year on fill in a form and submit it to the leadership in those days inside did not produce accident of great safety, great quality and serious environment to break the law, scientific research breaks his promise badly behavior, and the enterprise did not include manage unusual directory and break the law badly break one's promise company list.

5, the enterprise undertakes according to index of evaluation of science and technology medium and small businesses earning assigns a value be evaluatinged integratedly not under 60 minutes, and brainpower index notchs must not be 0 minutes.

6, accord with (1) ~ (4) conditional enterprise, if accord with one of following condition at the same time, can affirm directly accord with condition of science and technology medium and small businesses:

1. enterprise has term of validity inside certificate of qualification of company of new and high technology;

2. enterprise has won award of national level science and technology inside nearly 5 years;

3. enterprise is had save orgnaization of research and development of ministry class above via what maintain;

The dominant inside nearly 5 years has established 4. company international standard, state level or occupation standard.

4, does science and technology medium and small businesses hold time?

The cognizance deadline of science and technology medium and small businesses is a year; Can declare every year everyday, the examination that has every year 10 times probably, should satisfy a condition to be able to be examined and approve only through; Examine and approve a condition: Register full 3 months above, want to have turnover, want to have ratal, want to have a researcher, should have scientific research positive result (specific include to invent patent, practical and new-style patent, soft, exterior design patent is waited a moment) , average company examines and approve what can pass.

5, is Hangzhou science and technology medium and small businesses maintained how to deal with?

Hangzhou science and technology medium and small businesses maintains conduction flow to be as follows: The enterprise judges oneself: Company foundation " Zhejiang province science and technology medium and small businesses maintains administrative measure " relevant requirement, undertake be judginged oneself to oneself condition, affirm those who accord with cognizance condition, offer application to branch of seat science and technology. Submit application: The enterprise refers application material to branch of seat science and technology, include " Zhejiang province science and technology medium and small businesses holds application form " , forms for reporting statistics of finance affairs of rules of carbon of company business charter, company, on one year, research and development throws proof, intellectual property proof to wait. Material examines: The data that branch of seat science and technology submits to the enterprise undertakes checkup, the key investigates the case such as the investment of research and development of the enterprise, intellectual property, ensure the enterprise has cognizance requirement. Expert evaluation: Branch of seat science and technology organizes an expert to undertake evaluating to the enterprise, include the spot to make an on-the-spot investigation, listen to an enterprise report, consult relevant data. The expert evaluates group general to wait for a circumstance according to the investment of research and development of the enterprise, intellectual property, put forward to evaluate an opinion. Fair show: Branch of seat science and technology undertakes evaluation as a result fair show, fair show period for 5 weekday. Fair show period inside, if disagree, by branch of seat science and technology investigation is checked. Announce a result: Department of seat science and technology will be public show consentient enterprise to maintain for science and technology medium and small businesses, issue cognizance letter. Policy support: Science and technology medium and small businesses can enjoy relevant policy support, wait like pay interest in the form of a deduction when selling a bill of exchange of taxation privilege, loan. Dog management: Branch of seat science and technology will undertake dogging administrative to cognizance science and technology medium and small businesses, ensure the enterprise has cognizance requirement continuously. Specific declare flow to because area policy is mixed,may carry out detailed rules and differ somewhat. The newest policy that suggests to pay close attention to branch of local Hangzhou science and technology to release and declare a guideline, declare flow and material requirement well and truly in order to get.

6, cognizance condition of science and technology medium and small businesses and advantage?

"Science and technology medium and small businesses is to point to give priority to body with brainpower, get by brainpower do and establish, basically pursue the scientific research of product of new and high technology, development, production, sale, with commercialization of achievement of science and technology and technical development, technology service, technology seeks advice and new and high product is main content, it is with the market oriented, execute " funds raised by oneself, freewill combination, own manage, development of assume sole responsibility for its profits or losses, ego, ego is restrained " knowledge is concentrated model economy is hypostatic. In short, science and technology medium and small businesses is live with innovating to be mixed for the mission the enterprise of the method. " can enjoy cost of research and development of science and technology medium and small businesses via cognizance company 75% add plan deduct favourable policy.

7, the cognizance standard of science and technology medium and small businesses?

Science and technology medium and small businesses must satisfy the following requirement at the same time:

1) the pay taxes main body that is our country;

2) enterprise dimensions did not exceed certain level;

3) company location industry is not belonged to " catalog of guidance of industrial structural adjustment " formulary limitation kind and wash out kind of limits;

8, does science and technology of the Anhui province medium and small businesses maintain a condition?

1.Be existence. 2. Because the Anhui province innovates to develop with supportive medium and small businesses to promote science and technology,this is, established a series of cognizance conditions and standard, so that the sieve singles out the medium and small businesses of an ability of innovation of equipment science and technology and latent capacity. 3. According to the relevant policy regulation of the Anhui province, cognizance condition of science and technology medium and small businesses includes but not enterprise of be confined to registers the ground to be in the Anhui province, have the positive result of science and technology with be had the brainpower with be had ability of own research and development, certain and investment of research and development, certain and patent to wait. In addition, the enterprise still needs to accord with the requirement of relevant law laws and regulations, the examine and verify that carries relevant section is maintained with what evaluate ability to obtain science and technology medium and small businesses.

9, does application science and technology medium and small businesses maintain need what condition?

What is declaring science and technology medium and small businesses to need contented requirement?

1, in Chinese churchyard (do not include harbor, bay, mesa area) registered dweller business.

2, worker gross does not exceed 500 people, year sales revenue does not exceed 200 million yuan, capital total does not exceed 200 million yuan.

3, the product that the enterprise offers and service do not belong to what the country sets to prohibit, restrict and fall into disuse kind.

4, the enterprise is reached one year on fill in a form and submit it to the leadership in those days inside did not produce accident of great safety, great quality and serious environment to break the law, scientific research breaks his promise badly behavior, and the enterprise did not include manage unusual directory and break the law badly break one's promise company list.

5, the enterprise undertakes according to index of evaluation of science and technology medium and small businesses earning assigns a value be evaluatinged integratedly not under 60 minutes, and brainpower index notchs must not be 0 minutes.

If the enterprise accords with the 1st ~ 4 conditions, one of having following requirement at the same time again, need not participate in grading link, can affirm directly accord with condition of science and technology medium and small businesses:

1. The enterprise has term of validity inside certificate of qualification of company of new and high technology;

2. The enterprise has won award of science and technology inside nearly 5 years, discharge in unit of bear the palm advanced 3;

3. The enterprise is had save orgnaization of research and development of ministry class above via what maintain;

4. The dominant inside nearly 5 years has established the company international standard, state level or occupation standard.

10, does national level science and technology medium and small businesses maintain a condition?

Cognizance condition:

One) in Chinese churchyard (do not include harbor, bay, mesa area) registered dweller business.

(2) worker gross does not exceed 500 people, year sales revenue does not exceed 200 million yuan, capital total does not exceed 200 million yuan.

(3) the product that the enterprise offers and service do not belong to what the country sets to prohibit, restrict and fall into disuse kind.

(4) the enterprise is reached one year on fill in a form and submit it to the leadership in those days inside did not produce accident of great safety, great quality and serious environment to break the law, scientific research breaks his promise badly behavior, and the enterprise did not include manage unusual directory and break the law badly break one's promise company list.

(5) the enterprise undertakes according to index of evaluation of science and technology medium and small businesses earning assigns a value be evaluatinged integratedly not under 60 minutes, and brainpower index notchs must not be 0 minutes.

(6) accord with (one) ~ (4) conditional enterprise, if accord with one of following condition at the same time, can affirm directly accord with condition of science and technology medium and small businesses:

1. enterprise has term of validity inside certificate of qualification of company of new and high technology;

2. enterprise has won award of national level science and technology inside nearly 5 years;

3. enterprise is had save orgnaization of research and development of ministry class above via what maintain;

The dominant inside nearly 5 years has established 4. company international standard, state level or occupation standard.

上一篇:鸿科经纬什么来头? 鸿科经纬课程怎么申请不了?英文双语对照