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The educational service that bureau of education of kind brook city is kind brook municipal Party committee and municipal government management, the organization that is in charge of whole town teaching the job and carry out. The near future, city education bureau undertook Ci Xi a series of human affairs are adjusted and change, aim to raise educational administration level, optimize configuration of educational natural resources, promotion teachs education quality.

One, leadership staff is adjusted

According to the decision-making deploy of kind brook municipal Party committee, kind brook city taught the leading group of the bureau to undertake adjustment. } of full name of {leadership staff is appointed to be kind brook city to teach bureau director, he has rich educational management experience and outstanding leadership, will lead staff member of educational bureau ensemble, drive kind brook city to teach a career to stride a new chance to extricateoneself from an awkward position.

2, sectional setting is adjusted

Kind brook city teachs bureau basis to teach the need of reform, to the branch the setting undertook adjustment. In administration respect, established education monitoring of quality of program and development department, education and evaluate place, teacher to groom wait for a branch with development department, in order to promote educational management efficiency. Teaching education field, established education research and evaluate the branch such as information of place, education and technical divisions, course and teaching material place, innovate in order to promote educational education.

3, the faculty is adjusted

Bureau of education of kind brook city takes faculty construction seriously, teach education quality to rise, undertook the adjustment of the faculty. School ground teachs the professional strong point of demand and teacher, undertook to the teacher post is adjusted promote to a high office with post, stimulated pedagogic enthusiasm and creativity further, improved educational education quality.

4, configuration of educational natural resources is optimized

Bureau of education of kind brook city made be evaluated in the round and be optimizinged allocate to teaching resource, ensure those who teach resource is reasonable use and allocate fairly. The power of persons qualified to teach that enhanced fragile school and rustic school mainly and education condition are improved, promote education balanced development. In the meantime, strengthen the cooperation with social all circles, begin educational natural resources to share a mechanism, provide better educational environment and resource for the student.

5, educational mass promotion

The monitoring that bureau of education of kind brook city increases pair of education quality ceaselessly and evaluate strength, the problem that is aimed at existence undertakes be rectifyinged and reform in time. Strengthen educational education reform, promote educational education innovation, improve educational education quality. Pay attention to a student to grow to develop in the round, advocate quality education, for integrated quality of the student promotion provides strong safeguard.

Anyhow, human affairs of bureau of education of kind brook city is adjusted and change aim to optimize educational administration, promotion teachs resource to configure rationalize, drive the promotion that teachs education quality. Believe to be in of new leading group guide below, the educational enterprise of kind brook city will stride new chance to extricateoneself from an awkward position, offer better education to serve for broad student.

Thank you read! Pass an article, the hope can be you to teach bureau human affairs to adjust to kind brook city reach fluctuant circumstance to understand somewhat, the evolution that teachs a career to kind brook city is inspired somewhat.

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