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美国人 育儿观?














"育儿百科全书"系列中有部分书籍是比其他书籍好的这是因为,育儿百科全书的领域非常广泛,涉及到很多不同年龄段和不同阶段的孩子,如果想要找到一本好的书籍,需要根据自己的需求和孩子的年龄来选择,某些书籍可能更适合特定的年龄段或特定的问题如果你的孩子比较小,建议阅读 "育儿大百科"或"知识点拨大百科",而如果你的孩子比较大,可以选择 "青春期百科"或"家庭教育百科" 等,这些书籍可以给你更多的指导和帮助


美国百科全书》(Encyclopedia Americana),美国Scholastic出版的百科全书,是英语世界著名的大型综合性百科全书之一,与《大英百科全书》(Encyclopædia Britannica)、《科里尔百科全书》(Collier's Encyclopedia)合称“ABC百科全书”(the ABCs)。第1版《大美百科全书》于1829年至1833年在美国出版,共13卷,以第7版《布罗克豪斯社交辞典》为本。1846年追加第14卷出版。一个重要的新版本出现在1918至1920年,共30卷,由George Edwin Rines 主编。1991年中文版《大美百科全书》由光复书局出


《美国百科全书》 EA于1829一1833年问世,初版13卷,是美国出版的第一部大型综合性百科全书,在英语百科中,其内容的权威性仅次于《不列颠百科全书》,为著名英语三大百科全书A、B、C中之A。 EA经多次修订、补充,1912年曾以The Americana的书名发行,1918一1920年间,在编辑赖纳斯(G.E . Rines)的主持下,进行了较大幅度的增补,扩充到目前的30卷,EA的篇幅此后基本上固定下来。

以后,EA采用连续修订制来更新其内容,并从1923年起,每年出版《美国百科年鉴》(Americana Annual)一卷,作为全书的补编。












American Yo encyclopedia how?

This book has 800 much pages, thicker than the brick, it is the greater part head of be worthy of the name. Do not fear nevertheless, I am to the fixed position of this book: Do not need to look at ordinary times, but once encounter a problem, can find the solution from which -- yes, you can come to this book use when reference book, I introduce below why I recommend every the home is necessary this book. Recommend reason one: Authoritative forward position

American pedology can be the world's banner paediatrics society, the about infant, children growth that they give out growth level, foster strategy and the proposal such as the method, it is the level with current international and guideline. And " Yo of American paediatrics society 100 divisions " the collective wisdom achievement that is a society, it is the Yo with a scientific very strong sex composing. The latest edition of this book also is by paediatrics expert preface of Zhang Sailai grandma is recommended, gave it farther " add hold " . What be worth to be carried most is, this book from last centuries 90 time begin to publish, had replaced the 6th edition up to now (2016) , that is to say, the scientific point of view in this book, Yo the method is etc with when all enters, we need not worry about the thing outdated inside, vulgar, change. Because this book is right our Yo have first-rate direct effect. And 2018 revise and enlarge upgrade edition increased index share, let this book be provided more practical.

Recommend reason 2: Applied time span is wide

The time span that this book involves is very wide, from be pregnant begin, arrive all the time darling 5 years old + , during covering this, foster relevantly, disease, psychology, grow the content of each respect such as development.

Be pregnant level, it introduced antenatal to nurse, childbirth preparation, new student the information such as things, still concern at the same time mix at all sorts of childbirth means postpartum the content that nurse.

Be in next in the part, the month according to the baby age, be born anew begin full moon, 1-3 month, 4-7 month... 1 year old, 2 years old... arrive 5 years old all the time, differ according to darling the characteristic of level, introduce relevant information, for instance: New student the growth of level is vaccinal and development state of affairs, vaccinal detailed list; Development of the language when 1 year old, cerebra, affection is evaluated, mother milk transfers feeder arrives again the guiding of the cup; 3 years old of darling use the toilet training; How do 5 years old of darling choose nurse orgnaization to wait a moment...

This is can from be pregnant level accompanies us, grow to collect books for the treasure of the children before school age till the child.

American life encyclopedia?

Ou Henderson (1862 ~ 1910) , one of the United States' famousest short story homes. Ceng Huo has been gotten " American Qihefu " " the father of American contemporary short story " " the king of world short story " wait for the United States praise. Its work is conceived with novel art mostly, humorous life interest, "Tearful smile " creation style reflects American society especially the life of common people of new York lower level, be known as " the humorous encyclopedia that the United States lives " . Work intermediate frequency is numerous use " in unexpected, reason " ending is called " type of Europe · Henry is terminal " .

Peculiar the story of afford for thought, the clue with moving and exquisite brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy, rich the language of guileless reservation, make a lot of his work, especially " police and anthem " " Mai Qi's gift " " a final leaf " wait for masterpiece, include the world fine short story forest, love for world people place.

American Yo view?

American teachs the child " 4 pay attention to "

One, pay attention to equal consciousness ability

In American family, when adult talks with the child, also be to crouch forever namely, they think although the child is small, but the person that also is independence, just they are a few shorter, should crouch to talk with them so. Look at conversation to be able to let the child realize like be the same as adult, he is equality to facial each other with child face, be helpful for fostering child self-respect, self-confident spirit.

American offers the opportunity that the child is participated in and behaves adequately between daily life, no matter how the result always gives,be approbated and speak favorably of. Grow in so comfortable condition those who rise is optimistic and lively, be brave in to innovate, be full of self-confidence.

2, pay attention to education to start work ability

Kids has had the nature that alter, go up in wall for instance graffito, bite a toy with the mouth, take shears or scarify, in us the country Yours Excellency to be able to object stoutly surely. And saw meeting grinning in American parents, glad to learned some kind of skill at the child, is not deeply regret some thing was damaged by the child, tell the child patiently the skill on a few operations and knowledge next.

The restaurant that goes to the United States has a meal, the client that is taking the child takes the door, the clerk can serve a piece of high chairs immediately, there is a desk board in front, both sides has fender and back to be linked together, the parent when having a meal goes to food nip square board on, start work by him children catch eat. There also is such table in the family, child 7-8 the month is sitting oneself are being caught eat.

3, pay attention to independent ability

Be in the United States, the child sleeps as a child small bed, largish hind alone, never had heard the child and parents sleep together. On the processing of Wu of child day commonplace, parents helps the child do the business that still cannot accomplish on a few ages at that time only, always him child the thing of in one's power is finished as far as possible by him child, what from small education the child bears the blame to oneself is subconscious.

American thinks the child should be free-standing, early provides for oneself with respect to education child life ability. Be in the United States, great majority the adolescent of 18 years old of above, it is to rely on oneself to earn money will read, accordingly, the United States socially a dustman, of a waiter, also may be a member that accepting higher education.

4, pay attention to creativity

American elementary school was opposite on classroom children undertake many knowledge engrafts, however the ocean that try every means brings the child's vision to that boundless knowledge outside campus, they should let the child know, all time of the life and space are the classroom that they learn; They did not let children go the formula with many mechanical memorizing and theorem, tell children elaboratively how to ponder over a problem however, teach children to face new field to seek the means of the answer; They never divide the student into with the exam 369 etc, go all lengths however all effort that go affirming children, go praising all conclusion that oneself ponder over children, go all creation desires mix protection and incentive children attempt.

Yo encyclopedia which is good?

" Yo there is partial book in encyclopedia " series is better than other book because,this is, yo the field of encyclopedia is very extensive, involve a lot of different ages paragraph the child with different level, if want to find a good book, the age of the requirement that needs him basis and child will choose, certain book may suit specific age more paragraph or specific issue if your child is smaller, the proposal reads " Yo big 100 divisions " or " knowledge are taught big 100 divisions " , and if your child is bigger, can choose " adolescence 100 divisions " or " family teach 100 divisions"Etc, these books can give you more guidance and help

How much does American new encyclopedia coil?

American encyclopedia " (Encyclopedia Americana) , the encyclopedia that American Scholastic publishs, it is one of large omnibus encyclopedia with world-renowned English, with " British encyclopedia " (Encyclop? Dia Britannica) , " Kelier encyclopedia " (Collier's Encyclopedia) close say " ABC encyclopedia " (The ABCs) . The 1st edition " big beautiful encyclopedia " published in the United States 1833 at coming 1829, in all 13, with the 7th edition " dictionary of socialization of cloth collect Ke Haosi " for this. Increased the 14th to publish 1846. An important new version appears in 1918 to 1920, in all 30, by chief editor of George Edwin Rines. 1991 Chinese edition " big beautiful encyclopedia " go out by recover press

" American encyclopedia " how many to share?

" American encyclopedia " EA at 1829 came out 1833, first edition 13, it is the first when the United States publishs large omnibus encyclopedia, in English in 100 divisions, the authority of its content is next to " do not list bump encyclopedia " , for famous English the A of 3 big encyclopedia, A in B, C. EA classics edits for many times, compensatory, ever issued with the title of The Americana 1912, 1918 one between 1920, editing Lai Na this (G.E. Rines) chair below, undertook relatively substantially supplementary, augment goes to 30 current, the length after this of EA basically originallies to come down surely.

After, EA is used edit continuously make will update its content, rise from 1923, publish every year " 100 division almanac of American " (Americana Annual) hank, serve as whole book fill make up.

Of the encyclopedia that the United States lives praise?

Europe Henry, home of American well-known short story, manhadu laureate, its work is called " the humorous encyclopedia that the United States lives " .

Is encyclopedia electron edition how old?

Electronic encyclopedia is Frank forest the electronic book that rolls out with the selenium commutator company of new York. 6 × open a range 6 inches, weigh 12 ounce, have one small keyboard. If check " Einstein " , you not only attainable his biography, still can understand relativity theory and the vanward clique opera that performed 1976 in the round " Einstein is in beach " . The another new-style portable device that is design of the person that learn English is returned can become spanish interpret English, can correct pronunciation. The finest new-style and pocket installation is integrated the feature of address book, telex, calculator, jotter and telephone number book.

Who is of encyclopedia of the United States that be called?

Ou Henderson (1862 ~ 1910) , one of the United States' famousest short story homes. Ceng Huo has been gotten " American Qihefu " " the father of American contemporary short story " " the king of world short story " wait for the United States praise. Its work is conceived with novel art mostly, humorous life interest, "Tearful smile " creation style reflects American society especially the life of common people of new York lower level, be known as " the humorous encyclopedia that the United States lives " .

Yo of American paediatrics society are 100 families good?

I become aware it is good to hold out, suit the friend that parents is first to use particularly, our country Yo Doctor Zhang Sailai also has recommended domain expert.

This book is 100 divisions kind, apply to 0-3 year old, have Yo concept, all sorts of diseases, parental psychology is waited a moment, more comprehensive.

But because be the United States the expert experience of each each section office, combine oneself experience to undertake adjustment even.

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