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亳州旅游景点? 亳州古镇旅游景点?英文双语对照


亳州旅游景点? 亳州古镇旅游景点?英文双语对照


1. 亳州市博物馆:展示了亳州市丰富的历史文化遗产和民俗文化。

2. 龙泉山国家森林公园:集山地旅游、自然生态、文化旅游和科普教育于一体。

3. 穆坡景区:以其自然美景和传统文化而闻名。

4. 荀子官渡故居:荀子是中国春秋名儒,他的故居保存完整,具有很高的历史和文化价值。

5. 太白山庄:位于南湖边,是一个美丽的自然风景区和休闲胜地。

6. 百草园:亳州著名的历史文化景点之一,是一座集名胜古迹、人文景观、艺术品鉴于一体的大型文化公园。

7. 亳州市红卫公园:是一座以开放为主题的现代化城市公园。

8. 大悟山风景区:被誉为“北方小黄山”,景色优美,气候宜人。

9. 亳州市体育中心:是一个综合性的体育场馆,设施齐全,是体育爱好者的好去处。

10. 桐柏山国家森林公园:集森林生态、文化旅游、养生康体等多种旅游资源于一体。






亳州有俗语云:「苏州卖得好头油,亳州看得花戏楼」。「花戏楼」的「三绝」同样也值得一提:庙门外立有铁旗杆一对,每根重 6 吨,高 16 余米,直插云霄,是为花戏楼「一绝」。其门是一座仿木结构的三层牌坊式建筑,尽管岁月变迁,门上那些让人叫绝的立体砖雕依然保留了下来,此为「二绝」。进山门,便能看到一座雕工精美的木质戏楼,戏楼的木雕就是「三绝」。

































Tourist attraction of Bo city travel?

1.Museum of Bo state city: Revealed Bo state city's rich historical culture legacy and folk-custom culture.

2.Park of forest of country of dragon spring hill: Travel of market country travel, natural zoology, culture and popular science are taught at an organic whole.

3.Area of solemn slope scene: Famed with its nature beautiful scenery and traditional culture.

4.Xun Zi's official crosses former residence: Xun Zi is Chinese age name Confucianism, his former residence is saved complete, have very tall history and culture value.

5.Too white mountain villa: Be located in south lakefront, it is a beautiful natural beauty spot and recreational resort.

6.100 careless garden: One of historical culture tourist attractions with Bo famous city, it is a collect famous places and historical sites, humanitarian landscape, artwork the large culture park in view of an organic whole.

7.Gong Wei park of Bo state city: It is a modern city park that gives priority to a problem with opening.

8.Realize hill beauty spot greatly: Be known as " northward small Huang Shan " , the scenery is beautiful, climate is delightful.

9.Bo state city sports center: It is an omnibus sports place, establishment is all ready, it is the good place of sports fan.

10.Park of forest of country of tung cypress hill: Travel of collect forest zoology, culture, preserve one's health a variety of brigade idle fund such as health body result from an organic whole.

Tourist attraction of travel of Bo city ancient town?

1. Bo city spends play building.

Bo city spends play building, original name closes temple of the Supreme Being greatly, also call hill short for Shaanxi Province the guild hall, it is the temple ancestral temple of Guan Yu of sacred Shanxi celebrity,

The land that believes a lot of person first time set foot on Bo city can look around " beautiful play building " .

Although the name is called " beautiful play building " , but you can understand this is a special temple closing the Supreme Being. But it " beautiful play building " the name is more well-known, because the play building in the courtyard glows, carver is beautiful round of beautiful Huan.

Bo city has common saying cloud: " Suzhou sells well hair oil, bo city looks so that spend play building " . " beautiful play building " " 3 absolutely " also be worth to carry likewise: Flag post having iron establishs outside temple door one pair, every weigh 6 tons, more than meters 16 tall, insert the sky continuously, it is building of the play that it is a flower " a special skill " . Its door is the construction of type of three-layer memorial archway of timberwork of a copy, although years is transitional, those let a person cry on the door absolutely stereo brick carve still was withheld come down, this is " 2 absolutely " . Take hill door, can see the woodiness play building with an elegant carver, the woodcarving of play building is " 3 absolutely " .

So, " beautiful play building " the comes surely ground that feel no regret is Bo city.

2, 3 houses rank Bo state.

Bo city " 3 houses are resided " it is one of famous tourist attractions of Bo state city. Because be located at office of marshal of guild hall of hill short for Shaanxi Province, sugar industry guild hall, grain lane guild hall, get a name so " 3 houses are resided " .

" 3 houses are resided " it is whole court style classic structure, set workshop of a 4 guest room, painterly labour, one collects books between two cabinet, bags, one court one backyard. As we have learned, " 3 houses are resided " guest room of 4 civilian constellation has distinguishing feature each, respectively with persimmon persimmon flexibly, material of 4 kinds of Chinese traditional medicine names gallnut, catechu and La Cao.

Ramble at the history long " beautiful play building " and " 3 houses are resided " , be worthy of be the scene area that has a lot of history track, the sculpture of play building, woodcarving, coloured drawing or pattern is much give priority to a problem to be worth to look very much with local opera highlights from operas. Sculpture is elegant, the history is long, enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave letting a person.

Is where of tourist attraction of Bo city travel amused?

The beautiful play building of Bo city is the most amused, because it is famous places and historical sites, because the sculpture of the ancients is elegant lifelike, get broad tourist greatly love with praise! Each tourist that has looked cannot help the excellent technology of exclaim the ancients

From the travel tourist attraction with Bo close city?

Clever on 8 lis of rivers, mound west lake of city of in relief Ying, lake of dragon of cloud of hill of Xuzhou cloud dragon and Chinese grave, hall of Mr Lu Yi old, business grave ancient city, garden of He lustre peony, always hill of city awn Dang, the Huaihe River Yang Taihao hill, xu Chang closes fair temple and relics of the Three Kingdoms, static palace of Guo Yang day, meng Cheng 10 thousand tope are close from Bo city tourist attraction.

Do 300 kilometers travel near Bo city tourist attraction?

Clever on 8 lis of rivers, mound relics of the Three Kingdoms of grave of valley of Tibet of emperor of county of hill of photograph of north of west lake of Yang Ying city, the Huaihe River, desolate, Xuzhou Chinese and Yun Longhu, Xuchang, the Huaihe River Yang Fuxi hill, .

What custom does tourist attraction of travel of Bo city Spring Festival have?

Tourist attraction of travel of Bo city Spring Festival has a lot of activities related to traditional custom. Among them the temple fair of mountain villa of the famousest snowflake of nothing is more... than, attracting numerous tourist every year to come round to watch. In addition, of ancient city of water of the temple fair of festival of lanterns that the good fortune of pray of first day of the lunar year that still has dragon hill temple, 5 government office watch, Ying " Zu Jiqi of hold a memorial ceremony for year grand ceremony " wait for an activity.

Besides, bo city still has year of a lot of traditional common, the dumpling that be like a bag, admire festive lantern, set off cracker to wait, can let a tourist experience full-bodied festal atmosphere. Anyhow, come Bo city travels, full-bodied traditional culture breath can be experienced during the Spring Festival.

Bo city one in be still high school of Bo city elegance and talent very good?

It is Bo city of course one in good, high school of middle school of elegance and talent is private middle school, pedagogic existence should study the problem that pose, so pedagogic team is not too stable, can change a teacher, because be private school, so the tuition of major student is very tall, and Bo city one in it is fair managerial school, pedagogic procession is steady, student tuition is very low, impoverished student still has allowance, be being returned from the point of school proportion of students entering a schools of a higher grade additionally is Bo city one in many good, this year division of unity and coherence in writing of Bo state city also is Bo city the first one medium student

What does the closest from Bo city travel tourist attraction have?

The tourist attraction of travel of 5 stars stage that says to leave Bo city the closest first, 120 kilometers control Xiang Na, it is to mound the county on Ying of in relief city area of scene of 8 lis of rivers. This is central tourist attraction with water, enriched a lot of worlds scenic spot small shrink landscape, the natural beauty of lakes and mountains, charactizing a fine spring day, willow is supple, have interest one time very much.

Northeast 80 kilometers left and right sides, it is city of grave of Henan province business always area of scene of awn Dang hill, this with boa of behead of Hanchao Liu state famous scene area, grave of king having bridge and all round several Campagna see hill grave waits landscape a moment hard, be worth to look.

Is tourist attraction of travel of city of Bo city periphery recommended?

Bo city periphery has a few to be worth commendatory travel tourist attraction, include:

Museum of Bo state city: Museum of Bo state city is an omnibus museum, there are rich cultural relic and artwork inside the house, can understand the history of Bo city and culture.

Park of people of Bo state city: Park of people of Bo state city is a beautiful urban park, laky, flower bed, lawn and gymnastical establishment wait, suit to take a walk and lie fallow.

Square of culture of Bo state city: Culture square is culture of a collect, recreation and commerce the omnibus square at an organic whole, performance of musical fountain, stage and cate stall wait, it is Bo city citizen recreational recreational good place.

Library of Bo state city: Library of Bo state city is a modern library, have inside the house resource mixes rich books to read an environment cozily, suit to read and learn.

Bo state city sports center: Bo state city the sports center is an omnibus sports place, conduct all sorts of sports matches and activity, it is the good place that Bo city citizen participates in sports activity.

Static palace of weather of Bo state city: Day static palace is located in north of eddy of Guo Yang county village of street Zheng inn, it is the place that father of originator of Chinese great ideologist, philosopher, Taoism is born.

10 thousand tope of Bo state city: 10 thousand tope the name is land belonging to one production unit but enclosed in that of another tower, promote tower of temple of family name of the tower that change a temple, kind, common says " tower of unconscious city brick " , be located in city of state of Bo of the Anhui province to cheat border of the southeast inside city county, 42.2 meters tall.

Hill of king of boiling water of Bo state city: The village of collect of agrestic hill of floor of shop thing gate of a lane that Shang Wangling is located in the 10 kilometers austral Cao county on the west, the existent north and south that seal earth is 70 meters long, the thing is 50 meters wide, 1.5 meters tall. Above is the travel tourist attraction that periphery of city of a few Bo is worth to recommend, hope you can spend pleasant time here.

Eyebrow of Bo state lines which are good?

Clinic of hairdressing of medical treatment of plastics of Bo city days, division of plastics of burn of hospital of people of Bo state city - dermatological department, hospital of hairdressing of medical treatment of plastics of a depressed place of beautiful Lai of Bo city east, outpatient department of hairdressing of medical treatment of plastics of a depressed place of beautiful Lai of east of Bo state city, the city zone of Qiao of Bo state city is first-rate people hospital, hospital of hairdressing of beautiful medical treatment of Lai of Bo state form, outpatient department of hairdressing of medical treatment of Bo city small Yue, institute of hairdressing of medical treatment of skin of hill of Bo city soup, bo city Kang Meimei holds clinic of medical treatment hairdressing.
