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中山大学远程教育系统 - 教育的新未来英文双语对照


中山大学远程教育系统 - 教育的新未来英文双语对照










Zhongshan university teachs a system remotely

Zhongshan university teachs a system remotelyIt is Zhongshan university the study demand for contented and more crowd, one kind when compose of technology of Internet of have the aid of builds teachs way conveniently neatly. The development as Internet and gain ground, long-range education became a when new era teachs main branch, it accepts the restriction of time, place no longer, offerred more opportunities for broad learner.

Zhongshan university teachs a system remotely to adopt platform of the education on the line, the education of high quality resource delivers more learner. Learner can pass a network to receive study platform in any any time, places, follow seasoned teacher undertakes study. This kind of quick study way satisfied study requirement of the individual already, the time that avoided a tradition to teach way again and place are restricted.

Zhongshan university taught a system remotely to offer the curricular alternative of rich diversity, covered many course field. Learner can choose likely course according to his interest and demand, achieve the goal that promotes oneself knowledge and skill. In the meantime, the system still offerred professional teaching material and study resource to be used for learner, help them undertake study better.

Zhongshan university taught a system remotely to offer the opportunity of study not only, still pay attention to the practice ability education of learner. The system set rich practice task and experimental project, make learner OK in learning a process undertake carrying out operate and practicing, increase oneself practical capacity.

In addition, zhongshan university teachs a system remotely to still pay attention to teachers and students to interact. Learner can pass the platform on the line and teacher and other learner to undertake discuss and communicating, obtain more study support and help. The means of this kind of interactive study promoted the communication between learner not only, also rose to study the effect.

Zhongshan university regards China as famous college, devote oneself to to provide the educational resource of high quality. Teach a system remotely roll out, offerred more agile, convenient study way for broad learner not only, also be Zhongshan university the transmission of natural resources of high grade education offerred new approach. Zhongshan university teachs systematic development remotely to will drive educational innovation and progress further.

Thank you to read the article, teach a system remotely through Zhongshan university, you teach those who acquire high quality resource, promote oneself knowledge and skill.

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