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四、舌尖上的美食台词 简单的食材?















彩虹果,金鱼仔,香蕉黄瓜,叉烧叶,加拉鳄,恶魔大蛇,行灰熊,爱之沙丁鱼,桃芋,石伏鱼韭除味生姜,举匙拉面,菜,臭氧草,生姜猪,包骨玉米,草莓米饭,首领板栗,钻石蟹 十黄蛋,蒜鸡,胡麻栗,世纪浓汤 斗狼 神秘美菇 法定长毛象 地狱虫 黑暗魔蝠







彩虹果,金鱼仔,香蕉黄瓜,叉烧叶,加拉鳄,恶魔大蛇, 河豚鲸鳍酒,小松做的河豚鲸刺身,【第29话的第2页有很多美食】,酒神龙,钢琴大虾,多汁豆腐牛肉,法定长毛象,酱油蝗虫,屁屁虫,岩石大鼓,BB爆米花,无骨秋刀鱼,除味生姜,举匙拉面,旋转烧烤,空气矿泉水,极乐米,入味海苔虫,十黄蛋,蒜鸡,胡麻栗,世纪浓汤【节乃】,世纪浓汤【野生】,世纪浓汤【小松】,独行灰熊,爱之沙丁鱼,桃芋,石伏鱼韭菜,臭氧草,生姜猪,包骨玉米,草莓米饭,首领板栗,钻石蟹,梅尔克的星尘,甘甜可乐,杏仁卷心菜,拟态蓑衣虫,天然米,黑砂糖。

























One, how to use the expressions that feeds material simply to do cate?

Abstain cate, the deep-fried twisted dough sticks that oneself do and soya-bean milk still have double skin grandma.

2, feed capable person simple delicious cate?

Egg of fleshy foam evaporate, potato silk, chili fries the flesh, dish of name of since of Beijing roast duck is fastfood, with Gong Yan of colour and lustre, the flesh is qualitative delicate, flavour is full-bodied, fat and not the characteristic of be bored with, be known as " the world is delicate " roast duck is the type of Beijing famous dish that has world reputation. Be in China early of period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties " the collection that feed precious " in already wrote down duck having broil, at that time it is palace food. Roast duck is used makings for duck of Beijing of duck of high grade carnivorous, fruit tree charcoal fire is baked make, colour and lustre is ruddy, the flesh is qualitative fat and not be bored with, outside fragile in tender. Cent of Beijing roast duck is two old school, and the delegate that Beijing's most well-known roast duck store also is two cliques namely.

3, the sentence that feeds cate of material make it simply?

My at hand is seeing the name is " state banquet and domestic banquet " book, have in the book a large number of about feeding the sentence of cate of material make it simply, my estreat a paragraph small, share with everybody.

" is in state banquet when, maternal regular meeting asks the aunt with knife high-class meritorious service to do a flexibly dish comes. Flexibly dish is to spend the New Year surely some together Lenten, the desk on the dish before also can regarding as when dinner customer. Flexibly dish takes its form idea, give priority to with soya bean bud, additional a variety of a fried bean curd, beans doing, pickles, red Luo Bo and the tender ginger that had bloated cut filament, issue boiler to mix again fry, " is given priority to with cold drinks and snacks when edible.

Flexibly the feeds cate of material make it simply successful example that dish is a model, soya bean bud, bean products, Luo Bo is most of the foundation feed capable person simply, and Shanghai river short for Zhejiang Province is taken it is work of so simple the make it that feed capable person however famous " flexibly dish " , ascend dinner of Spring Festival home is great, for generations inheritance. China cate is broad and profound, to this cate I give out 6 words try to sum up: Simpler, more uncommon.

4, does the cate actor's lines on the tip of the tongue feed capable person simply?

Feed capable person simply, often need the simplest cooking method only.

5, case of simple the article that feed capable person?

1, all ready sort, flavour of neat a survivor of a murder attempt, its delicacy has kind. It is good to feed capable person, chaffy dish tastes gift is nicer.

   2, chaffy dish feeds capable person, use up amid.

   3, high-quality goods chaffy dish feeds material supermarket, new delicious ingredient is healthy.

   4, feed material to savour, fresh among them.

   5, new chaffy dish feeds capable person, delicate family dines together.

   6, good feed capable person, chaffy dish is little not.

   7, classical chaffy dish, the tip of the tongue is delicate.

   8, gather together the beautiful that feed capable person is tasted, the aftertaste stays by boiler sweet.

   9, chaffy dish feeds capable person, healthy above all.

6, does the captive world of cate feed material encyclopedia?

Rainbow fruit, goldfish young, banana cucumber, fork burns a leaf, add pull alligator, devil big snake, wine of balloonfish whale fim, the balloonfish whale that small pine does pricks a body, bacchanal dragon, piano prawn, beef of juicily bean curd, legal mammoth, soy locust, fart fart bug, rock tom-tom, BB popcorn, without bone autumn saury, divide flavour ginger, lift spoon to play a side, rotate barbecue, air mineral water, ecstasy rice, bug of tasty sea liver mosses, 10 yellow eggs, garlic chicken, til chestnut, century hoosh, century hoosh [feral] , century hoosh [small pine] , go alone grey bear, the pilchard of love, peach taro, shi Fuyu leek, ozone grass, ginger pig, wrap bone corn, strawberry rice, chieftain Chinese chestnut, diamond crab, astral dirt of Mei Erke, gan Tian coke, almond cabbage, bug of simulant straw rain cape, natural rice, muscovado.

7, is the captive of cate the strongest feed capable person?

Rainbow fruit, goldfish young, banana cucumber, fork burns a leaf, add pull alligator, devil big snake, travel ash is ursine, the pilchard of love, peach taro, leek of fish of stone bend over divides flavour ginger, lift spoon to play a side, dish, ozone grass, ginger pig, wrap bone corn, strawberry rice, chieftain Chinese chestnut, diamond crab 10 yellow eggs, garlic chicken, til chestnut, century hoosh fights a wolf bat of demon of darkness of bug of hell of mammoth of fixed length of law of mysterious beauty stay of proceedings

8, is Shanghai cate lucky do 3 treasure feed capable person?

Shanghai fastfood cate has 3 treasure: Crab carapace is yellow, flooey river snail, chicken gives birth to decoct steamed bread. Specific and fastfood 3 treasure are as follows:

Crab carapace fizzles out name with its yellow, it and crab case are similar. Crab carapace fizzles out is made by cake and yeast. It is made above all compressed circular cake, the sesame seed on besmear, go up in oven wall next roast.

Flooey river snail is by the make it of longan river snail of Anhui collect brook, it big fat, the flesh is thick. Put its two days with clear water above all, make its are spat silty. Put into boiler next, boil for a long time with fennel and Chinese cassia tree. Finally, put the river snail that thoroughly cook into senile sweet lees, make with lees.

Chicken gives birth to decoct steamed bread in order to ferment flour is a skin, mix with end of the pigeon breast diced meat that thoroughly cook, pork pig sandwich, refrigerant pigskin and sesame-seed oil are stuffing. The package is nice knead the steamed bread needle that has held to should dip in on chopped green onion and sesame seed. Surface layer should be brushed on common oil, the boil in putting oily bowl is boiled.

9, what is there to feed capable person in the captive of cate?

Rainbow fruit, goldfish young, banana cucumber, fork burns a leaf, add pull alligator, devil big snake, wine of balloonfish whale fim, the balloonfish whale that small pine does pricks a body, [the 2nd page of the 29th word has a lot of cate] , bacchanal dragon, piano prawn, beef of juicily bean curd, legal mammoth, soy locust, fart fart bug, rock tom-tom, BB popcorn, without bone autumn saury, divide flavour ginger, lift spoon to play a side, rotate barbecue, air mineral water, ecstasy rice, bug of tasty sea liver mosses, 10 yellow eggs, garlic chicken, til chestnut, century hoosh [the section is] , century hoosh [feral] , century hoosh [small pine] , go alone grey bear, the pilchard of love, peach taro, shi Fuyu leek, ozone grass, ginger pig, wrap bone corn, strawberry rice, chieftain Chinese chestnut, diamond crab, astral dirt of Mei Erke, gan Tian coke, almond cabbage, bug of simulant straw rain cape, natural rice, muscovado.

10, do chaffy dish feed capable person?

Chaffy dish feeds material to choose what can choose by him be fond of. Common chaffy dish feeds material to be as follows:

[birds flesh kind] :

Claw of blood of wing of flesh of chicken, duck, goose, chicken, chicken, duck blood, bowel, gizzard, liver, chicken and duck palm.

[livestock meat kind] :

Head of bowel of tendons of beef of heart of the kidney of flocks and herds of clyster of hotpot, beef, pork, ham, luncheon meat, bacon, banger, pig, pig, liver, liver, Niu Bian, pig, pig is spent and pig spinal cord.

[aquatic product kind] :

Shrimp of crab of shrimp of crucian carp fish, grass carp, carp, eel, loach, river crab, river, sea, sea, water sends holothurian, water to send cuttlefish, water to send squid, water to send maw, shark's lip, fim, Xian Bei, hairtail and water to send kelp to wait.

[greengrocery] :

Lotus root of Chinese cabbage, spinach, pea seedling, asparagus lettuce, cabbage, potato, lotus, wild rice stem, winter bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots in spring, Bai Luobo, carrot, cucumber, wax gourd, towel gourd, bright pea, kidney bean, cauliflower, day lily, dawdle, Xianggu mushroom, smooth stay of proceedings, acupuncture needle.

[category of dried food fruit] :

Taro of dry day lily, dried slices of tender bamboo shoots, dried bamboo shoots, vermicelli made from bean starch, red jujube, demon, agaric, tremella, Xianggu mushroom, a kind of dried mushroom and Zhu Sun.

[game kind (raise artificially) ] :

Flesh of meat of grouse, mallard, quail, dog, dog whip, snake, frog, snail, bullfrog and chelonian flesh.

Additional, still have the raw material that passes treatment, the bolus that be like a fish, flesh bolus, fried dough twist, deep-fried twisted dough sticks, oily San child, soft flesh and gluten.

The edible skill of chaffy dish:

1, put some of vegetable more. Chaffy dish condiments has the food such as the flesh, fish and pluck not only, still must put more vegetable.

2, right amount put some of bean curd. Bean curd is a kind of bean products that contains gesso, fire of disappear of heat having Qing Dynasty, except irritated, stop thirsty action.

3, add some of Bai Lian. Bai Lian is joined appropriately inside chaffy dish, union of element of meat or fish conduces to balanced nutrition, health. Affiliation Bai Lian had better not be smoked abandon lotus seed heart, because lotus seed heart has the effect of fire of clear heart have diarrhoea.

4, can put bit of ginger. Ginger can flavor, fight cold, the drop can be put inside chaffy dish not the ginger of flay, because Jiangpixin is cool, have medicinal powder fire removes hot effect.

5, flavoring wants delicate. Flavoring is like pepper sauce to wait, big to stimulation of intestines and stomach, the more delicate spice such as use soy, sesame oil can avoid the stimulation to intestines and stomach, decrease " steam " .

6, some of fruit eats more after eat. Fruit sex is cool, have favorable disappear fire effect, on 9 fruits should eat to be able to prevent only after eat " suffer from excessive internal heat " .

7, also can distribute a few healthy drink, spend like low alcohol " mulberry wine " with fruit juice chroma tall " mulberry juice " , " orange juice " , " grape juice " wait, must all wool and a yard wide.

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